Dean Minghua Zhang provided opening remarks after the processional and Michael Zeitlin, BS’79, MS’80, Founder and CEO, Aqumin, LLC gave the Convocation Address.
- B.S. in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences – Presented by Dr. Brian A. Colle
- Charles Bergin, Joseph Clark, Matthew Dibuduo, Jake Keiser, Taylor Mandelbaum, Amanda Mondello, Aaron Rodriguez, Raymond Sukhdeo, Cory Weiss, Breanna Zavadoff, Fan Zhang
- B.A. in Environmental Studies – Presented by Dr. Kamazima M.M. Lwiza
- Louise Badoche, Erik Baudler, Jessica Castro, Kai Chen, Angelo Costa, Valentina Covelli, Bridgette Dean, Samantha Elgot, Jeremy Feldschuh, Cara Fernandes, Chelsea Helm, Kerry Kelvas, Zachary Kruskal, Tara McPhillips, Kylie Oradesky, Melanie Perl, Jenna Pitta, Rebecca Reigle, Brandon Santos, Anthony Serino, Rachel Silver, Kristin Welch, Hannah Winslow, Victoria Wood, Fan Zhang
- B.S. in Marine Sciences – Presented by Dr. Mary I. Scranton
- Richard Brunjes IV, Marissa Debonis, Valentine Gladstein, Katelynn Lankowicz, Weiwu Li, Emily Markowitz, Dallyce Stinton, William Wied
- B.S. in Marine Vertebrate Biology – Presented by Dr. Mary I. Scranton
- Taylor Apter, Alexander Arotin, Taylor Bouraad, John Carswell, Lisa Chong, Helen Dufel, Julie Fithian, Nikki Goodman, Albany Eckert Jacobson, Megan Kennard, Savannah Labua, Jacob Leefer Labriola, Kristina Legland, Craig Schenone, Vijay Suthar, Jocelyn Tallmon, Michael Thompson, Emma Tomaszewski, Regina Valentino
- B.S. in Coastal Environmental Studies – Presented by Dr. Katherine Aubrecht
- Emily Nocito
- B.A. in Ecosystems and Human Impact – Presented by Dr. James Hoffmann
- Kenton Archer, Rachel Lambert, Elizabeth Montello
- B.A. in Environmental Design, Policy and Planning – Presented by Dr. H. James Quigley
- Nusrat Alam, Raymond Bibla, Joseph Cogliandro Jr Jr., Seneca Cornelius, Helen Gifford, Awsaf Hussain, Pamela Loaiza, Carolina Molina, Kevin Roberts, Jenna Tocco, Harrison Wenchell, Dug Jin Yang
- B.A. in Environmental Humanities – Presented by Dr. Heidi Hutner
- Karen Aquino, Shunna Ide, Jessica Kaplan, Grayson Manzi, Brian Sutton
- B.A. in Sustainability Studies – Presented by Dr. Arlene Cassidy
- John Condy, Nicholas Fusco, Stephanie Kaczynski, Jee Hyun Kim, Stephanie Madsen, Patrick McKeown, Vani Nayyar, Sean Paul, Armend Perasevic, Jonathan Sozomenu, Larissa Tomiko, Brandon Waaland, Brigid White
- Presented by Dr. Frank Roethel
- Atmospheric Sciences – Charles Bergin
- Environmental Studies – Kristin Welch
- Marine Sciences – Julia Donaton
- Marine Vertebrate Biology – Regina Valentino
- Ecosystems & Human Impact – Elizabeth Montello
- Environmental Humanities – Shunna Ide
- Sustainability Studies – Nicholas Fusco
Honors Recognized
- Undergraduate Honors presented by Dr. Minghua Zhang, Dean
- Joseph Clark, Modulation of Variability and Projected Change in Winter Precipitation by Extratropical Cyclone Activity over Mid-latitude Regions. Dr. Edmund K.M. Chang, Advisor
- Wen Cong, Development of a composite fluorescence sensor for simultaneously measuring 2-D oxygen and pH distributions in marine sediments. Dr. Qingzhi Zhu, Advisor
- Weiwu Li, Using deuterated water and Raman microspectrometry to identify active individual microbial cells within plankton populations. Dr. Gordon T. Taylor, Advisor
Timothy Magnussen Memorial Scholarship
- Joshua Feldman
- Kylie Merrow
Petra M. Udelhofen Memorial Scholarship Award Presented by Dr. Brian A. Colle
- Nicole Casamassina
Nuria Protopopescu Memorial Award for Excellence in Teaching Presented by Dr. Robert C. Aller
- Rebecca Kulp
Pikitch Family Endowed Student Research Award Presented by Dr. Anne E. McElroy
- Cecilia O’Leary
Best Thesis/Dissertation Awards – Presented by Dr. Anne E. McElroy
- Best Dissertation: Natasha Gownaris
- Best Thesis: Adham Younes
Master of Arts in Marine Conservation and Policy Certificates
Presented by Dr. Glenn Lopez
- Mary Arnold, Bryan Berg, Alexandra Fine, Jessica Gilrain, Carly Haeussler, Lauren Henry, Katelyn Herman, Europa McGovern, Charlton Simmons, Margaret Vogt Sr., Qichen Wang, Brian Yurasits
Master of Science and Doctoral Certificates in Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Presented by Dr. Anne E. McElroy
- Master of Science in Marine & Atmospheric Sciences
- Hannah Clark, Response of Early Life Stage Bivalves to Diurnal Changes in Carbon Dioxide and Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations. Dr. Christopher J. Gobler, Advisor
- Emily Hildebrandt, Macrobenthic Species Abundance and Diversity Associated with Dense Assemblages of the Tube-building Polychaete Clymenella Torquata. Dr. Glenn R. Lopez, Advisor
- Jennifer Kim, Title Unavailable. Dr. Christopher J. Gobler, Advisor
- Nathan Korfe, Title Unavailable, Dr. Brian A. Colle, Advisor
- Brandyn Lucca, How artificial reefs affect pelagic and demersal finfish offshore of Long Island. Dr. Joseph D. Warren, Advisor
- Lucas Merlo, The interactive effects of temperature, pH, and food supply on the growth and survival of the forage fish, Menidia beryllina, and Cyprinodyn veriegatus. Dr. Christopher J. Gobler, Advisor
- Maija Niemisto, Temporal and spatial distribution and abundance of fish, crab, and zooplankton in the Hudson River Estuary from 1999-2015 using trawl and acoustic sampling. Dr. Joseph D. Warren, Advisor
- Doctor of Philosophy in Marine & Atmospheric Sciences
- Andrew Fields, An Investigation of the Species in the Shark Fin Trade in the Sheung Wan Market, Hong Kong. Dr. Demian Chapman, Advisor
- Alison Flanagan, Quantitative Benthic Community Models: The Relationship Between Explained Variance and Scale. Dr. Robert M. Cerrato, Advisor
- Jungmin Lee, Development of Simplified Land Model (SLM) and its Application to Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation Over Land. Dr. Marat Khairoutdinov, Advisor
- Shaily Rahman, Cosmogenic Silicon – 32 reveals extensive authigenic clay formation in deltaic systems and constrains the marine silica budget. Drs. Robert C. Aller & J. Kirk Cochran, Co-Advisors
- Kailai Wang, Molecular characterization of clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) immune response against Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX): Effects of host and environmental factors. Dr. Bassem Allam, Advisor
- Zhenhai Zhang, The Extratropical Cyclones over Eastern North America and Western Atlantic in CMIP5 Models and High-Resolution WRF Downscaling. Dr. Brian A. Colle, Advisor
- Minghua Zheng, Growth of error and uncertainty in medium range ensemble forecasts of U.S. East Coast winter storms. Dr. Edmund K.M. Chang, Advisor
Photos of the event taken by Kurt Bretsch and are available on Google Photos. The slideshow of student photos is also available on Google Photos.
Aneesa Ali, Taylor Apter, Taylor Bouraad, John Carswell, Sharmila Dass, Joshua Garcia, Alexandra Rivera, Dallyce Stinton, Vijay Suthar
Minor in Marine Sciences
Bridgette Dean, Jose Deniz, Scott Grimmell, Ella Holme, Kerry Kelvas, Nicolette Margiotta, Justina Mark, Tara McPhillips, Melanie Perl, Jenna Pitta, Rachel Silver, Hannah Winslow
Minor in Coastal Environmental Studies
Katelynn Lankowicz, Jacob Leefer Labriola, Breanna Zavadoff
Minor in Ecosystems and Human Impact
Molly Falcone, Lauren Herrera, Alan Higuera, Christine Jette, Jee Hyun Kim, Emily Nocito, Shamin Sahebzada, Kristin Welch, Daniel Wysocki
Minor in Environmental Design, Policy and Planning
Jeremy Feldschuh, Jackie Li, Michael Penso
Minor in Sustainability Studies
Jordan Giha, Alan Higuera, Nicole LiBretto, Kristin Lohr, Roberto Maida, Xing Mei, Betty Monsanto, Amanda Rooney, Nathaly Sierra-Vargas, Joseph Sparling, Jenna Tocco, Estefania Torres, Colleen Walker, Kristin Welch, Fan Zhang
Minor in Geospatial Science
Raymond Bibla, Jamie Burgher, Devin Darmanie, Andrew Dumais, Joshua Garcia, Dallyce Stinton, Jocelyn Tallmon, Breanna Zavadoff