People Awards and Honors Staff Faculty Endowed Professorships Adjunct Faculty Experts Postdocs Students Alumni Dean’s Council Community Contact Us Awards and Honors Faculty & Staff Honors and Awards Faculty & Staff Annual Service Awards Each year, Stony...
MSRC FACULTY VISIT PAKISTAN FOR TEACHING AND RESEARCH Professor Eric Partch and MSRC Director J. R. Schubel spent two weeks in Pakistan participating in a National Science Foundation-funded Training Program in Oceanography. The program was hosted by the National...
GRUMMAN DONATES CURRENT METERS TO MSRC The Grumman Corporation of Bethpage, Long Island has generously donated two advanced-design current meters to the MSRC. The device, which was developed by Grumman, combines an Anderaa-type current meter, a depth sensor, salinity...
MSRC STUDENT AWARDED SEA GRANT CONGRESSIONAL INTERNSHIP An MSRC student Katherine Minsch, has been selected as one of ten 1984. Sea Grant Congressional Interns, the first from New York State in the six years the internship program has been operating. Ms. Minsch was...
OKUBO WINS OCEANOGRAPHIC MEDAL This spring Professor Akira Okubo was awarded the prestigious medal of the Oceanographic Society of Japan. In making the award, Dr. Toshio Nanniti President of the Society, said that Professor Okubo was being honored for his...
MSRC ASSOCIATES DINNER HELD MSRC Associates, MSRC personnel, and University officials gathered at the Center for the fourth annual Associates Dinner on 4 December 198l. The event coincided with a visit to the Center by a delegation of Chinese researchers, and was...
STEINBERG-SQUIRES AWARD WINNER The Steinberg-Squires Award, which honors the best graduate thesis produced in an academic year, was presented to V. Monica Bricelj for her M.S. thesis titled, “Fecundity and related aspects of hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria)...
FIRST STEINBERG-SQUIRES AWARD WINNER The first annual Steinberg-Squires Award, created last summer to honor the best graduate thesis produced in an academic year, was presented to David J. Hirschberg for his M.S. thesis entitled “Recent geochemical history of...
JESSIE SMITH NOYES WINNERS Helene R. Laufer, David J. Sarokin and Thomas C. Wilson, Jr. were selected as Jessie Smith Noyes Fellows for l979-80. The Noyes Fellowship program was established in 1975 with a grant from the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation to MSRC and the...