Semester by the Sea Students Clean Up Warner Island Beach

Semester by the Sea Students Clean Up Warner Island Beach

From Semester by the Sea Students Clean Up Warner Island Beach by Tamara Gregorian on Stony Brook University News on May 6, 2021 On the last weekend in April, Stony Brook University students took part in the Southampton Warner Island Cleanup. Students from the School...
Gobler Lab Joins the Battle Against Algal Blooms

Gobler Lab Joins the Battle Against Algal Blooms

Photo above: Blue-green algal blooms, like this one at Roth Pond in 2015, have greatly affected Lake Agawam in Southampton over the past decade. From Gobler Lab Joins the Battle Against Algal Blooms on Stony Brook University News, April 26, 2021. Lake Agawam in...
Stony Brook University Receives $5M to Support Offshore Wind Research

Stony Brook University Receives $5M to Support Offshore Wind Research

Photo above: Stony Brook’s Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center From: Stony Brook University Receives $5M to Support Offshore Wind Research on Stony Brook University News, April 26, 2021. Joint venture partners Ørsted and Eversource — developers of New...
Exchange Program Combines Love of Major with Love of Language

Exchange Program Combines Love of Major with Love of Language

From Exchange Program Combines Love of Major with Love of Language by Glenn Jochum on Stony Brook University News, April 29, 2021. Biology major Laura Roesch ’21, from Glen Cove, New York, has been selected to represent Stony Brook University in the Congress-Bundestag...

Latest News and Press from SoMAS

Here’s the latest round up of news featuring SoMAS faculty, staff, and students! Newsday: Bat signals: Research, community projects aim to protect the creatures on LI  Bats “get a bad rap all the time, but we want to promote all the great things they...
Two SoMAS Faculty Rise to the Rank of SUNY Distinguished Professor

Two SoMAS Faculty Rise to the Rank of SUNY Distinguished Professor

From Five SBU Faculty Rise to the Rank of SUNY Distinguished Professor on Stony Brook University News, April 20, 2021. Stony Brook University faculty members Anissa Abi-Dargham, J. Kirk Cochran, Maurizio Del Poeta, Yi-Xian Qin and Paul Shepson have been elevated to...
SoMAS, Southampton Communities Remember Ryan Durie

SoMAS, Southampton Communities Remember Ryan Durie

From SoMAS, Southampton Communities Remember Ryan Durie on Stony Brook University News on April 21, 2021. Ryan Durie had a profound effect on those who knew him, and the impact he made on others’ lives is reflected in the response from his friends, family and the...
Stronger Together With Your Support!

Stronger Together With Your Support!

Welcome!Welcome to SoMAS! If you are a marine science, atmospheric science, or sustainability studies student, you have made a wise choice in choosing a field that is about understanding and protecting Earth resources. The world needs you, literally! Read More from the Dean

Maria Brown Goes to Bat for Bats

Maria Brown Goes to Bat for Bats

Photo above: Maria Brown and daughter Lexi prepare at dawn to return to the location in Peru’s Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo Reserve where bats were captured the night before. The bats were released back into the wild. Photo credit Melissa Ingala From Maria Brown Goes to Bat for...
Latest Press and Research News

Latest Press and Research News

Here’s the latest news from SoMAS Faculty and Staff Dr. Kamazima Lwiza, and co-PIs Dr. Edmund Chang, Dr. Brian Colle, Dr. Hyemi Kim, and Dr. Weisen Shen, have received a new award from NSF in support of the project “GP-IN: Discovering Pathways into the...
“Larry Swanson Waste on Wednesdays” Webinars Start April 7

“Larry Swanson Waste on Wednesdays” Webinars Start April 7

In conjunction with Stony Brook University’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS), the Evan R. Liblit Memorial Scholarship Fund Committee is hosting “Larry Swanson Waste on Wednesdays,” — a four-part free seminar series examining the management of solid...
Stony Brook University Announces Giving Day 2021: April 21!

Stony Brook University Announces Giving Day 2021: April 21!

From Stony Brook University Announces Giving Day 2021: April 21! on Stony Brook University News on March 29, 2021. On April 21, Stony Brook University will host its third annual “Giving Day,” a 24-hour fundraising drive to generate support for students, faculty and...
SoMAS Doctoral Student Working to Restore Shellfish Population

SoMAS Doctoral Student Working to Restore Shellfish Population

Stephen Tomasetti at the Marine Sciences Center at Stony Brook Southampton. Photo above by John Griffin From Doctoral Student Working to Restore Shellfish Population by Glenn Jochum on Stony Brook University News, March 23, 2021. Shellfish couldn’t have a better...
SBU’s Pavlos Kollias Part of BNL Team Studying ‘Secondary’ Ice

SBU’s Pavlos Kollias Part of BNL Team Studying ‘Secondary’ Ice

Photo above: Stony Brook’s Pavlos Kollias (far right) with fellow Brookhaven Lab atmospheric scientists Andrew Vogelmann, Edward Luke and Fan Yang From SBU’s Pavlos Kollias Part of BNL Team Studying ‘Secondary’ Ice on Stony Brook University News, March 24, 2021 Where...
Celeste Stout (MA, 2017)

Celeste Stout (MA, 2017)

Celeste Stout is currently a Fisheries Management Specialist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the Office of Protected Resources in Silver Spring, Maryland. In this role Celeste works on the Endangered Species Act (ESA) section...