Biennial Report 2014-2015
Awards and Honors
Each year, SoMAS confers a number of awards on undergraduate and graduate students in recognition of exceptional academic performance, extramural activities, and service to the SoMAS community. Additionally, SoMAS faculty members regularly receive national and international recognition from professional and other societies for their scholarship and/or teaching excellence. Below is a list of awards to SoMAS students and faculty during the report period. Specific information on the student awards can be found on the SoMAS web site.
Faculty Honors
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
2015 Inagural Fellows Cindy Lee & Gordon Taylor
American Meteorological Society Fellow
2015 Minghua Zhang, SoMAS
American Fisheries Society (AFS) Oscar E. Sette Award
Outstanding Marine Fishery Biologist
2016 – David Conover
Stony Brook Alumni Association Dean’s Choice Award
2014 – Hyung-Bo Kim, Atmospheric Science; Anne Liberti & Dylan Smith, Environmental Studies; Tyler Abruzzo, Marine Science; Anne Hollembeak, Marine Vertebrate Biology
2015 – Michael Colbert, Atmospheric Science; Tesia Moore, Environmental Studies; Mykaela Copeland, Marine Science; George Czeck, Marine Vertebrate Biology
2014 Charles Burgin & Michael Colbert
2015 Kylie Merrow & Charles Bergin
Best Thesis Awards
- Alex Malvezzi, MS
- Peter Alpert, PhD
- Lindsay Roupe, MS
- Jonathan Slade, PhD
Nathan L. Halpern Award
2014 Hanlu Huang
2015 Justin Lashley
Professor Xiangding Wu Memorial Award
2013-2014 Xin Zhou
2014-2015 Cheng Zheng
August Guerrera Award
2014 Christine Gurdon
2015 Joseph Tamborski

Bassem Allam
Endowed Professor of Marinetics
Marine invertebrate physiology and health, Shellfish Genomics, Aquaculture
$83,981.00 1-Feb-2010 through 30-Apr-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2010 – 2015
$468,433.00 1-Feb-2011 through 31-Jan-2015 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Host-Pathogen Interactions at Pallial Interfaces in Marine Bivalves: Cellular and Molecular Pathways for Host Colonization and Invasion (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa)
$433,892.00 15-May-2012 through 30-Apr-2016 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Elucidating the Factors Mediating Particle-Selection Processes in Suspension-Feeding Molluscs: A Functional and Comparative Approach (PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa, Co-PI Bassem Allam)
$165,645.91 1-Feb-2010 through 30-Apr-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2010 – 2015
$199,998.00 1-Feb-2013 through 31-Jan-2017 University of Maryland: Genetic Marker Assisted Selection of Northeastern Hard Clams for QPX Resistance (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa)
$154,048.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018

Josephine Aller
Marine benthic ecology, invertebrate zoology,marine microbiology, biogeochemistry
$661,683.00 1-Sep-2012 through 31-Aug-2016 National Science Foundation: Cloud Forming Potential of Marine Biogenic Aerosols and Their Physiochemical Properties (PI Josephine Aller, Co-PI Daniel Knopf)
$6,000.00 10-Jun-2013 through 31-Dec-2014 Alfred and Jane Ross Foundation: Alfred and Jane Ross Foundation to Encourage International Travel, Research, and Understanding
$995,904.00 1-Jul-2013 through 30-Jun-2016 National Science Foundation: The Effects of Animal-Sediment Interactions on Biogeochemical Processes at the Sediment-Water Interface (PI Robert Aller, Co-PIs Josephine Aller, Qingzhi Zhu)

Robert Aller
Distinguished Professor
Marine biogeochemistry, marine animal-sediment relations.
$63,990.00 1-Feb-2010 through 30-Apr-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2010 – 2015
$471,594.00 1-May-2011 through 30-Apr-2015 National Science Foundation: Early Diagenetic Aluminosilicate Formation and Burial of Biogenic Silica in Tropical Deltas
$995,904.00 1-Jul-2013 through 30-Jun-2016 National Science Foundation: The Effects of Animal-Sediment Interactions on Biogeochemical Processes at the Sediment-Water Interface (PI Robert Aller, Co-PIs Josephine Aller, Qingzhi Zhu)

Stephen Baines
Associate Professor
Aquatic ecosystem ecology, ecological stoichiometry
$473,904.00 1-Feb-2010 through 31-Mar-2014 National Science Foundation: Effects of Fe:C Ratios on Marine Copepod Productivity and Physiology
$259,697.00 1-Jan-2012 through 31-Dec-2015 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Understanding the Role of Picocyanobacteria in the Marine Silicate Cycle (PI Stephen Baines, Co-PIs Jackie Collier, B. Twining, J. Krause, M. Brzezinski)

Hannes Baumann
Adjunct Professor
$649,856.00 1-Sep-2011 through 28-Feb-2015 National Science Foundation: Will Rising PCO2 Levels is the Ocean Affect Growth and Survival of Marine Fish Early Life Stages? (PI Hannes Baumann, Co-PI Christopher Gobler)

Steven Beaupré
Associate Professor
Marine Biogeochemistry, Chemical kinetics of natural organic matter, radiocarbon analyses
$185,535.00 1-Sep-2015 31-Aug-2017 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Recycling of Refractory Dissolved Organic Carbon in Seawater

David Black
Associate Professor
Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, deep-sea sediments, marine micropaleontology
$78,467.00 1-Oct-2010 through 31-Oct-2014 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: P2C2–Hydrological Variability During the Last Millennium from High Resolution Proxies
$1,621,052.00 1-Apr-2011 through 31-Mar-2016 National Science Foundation: Do Interactions Between Vertically and Horizontally Transported Particles Measurably Affect Particle Composition and Flux to the Sediments? A Mechanistic Approach (PI David Black, Co-PIs Kirk Cochran, Cindy Lee and Robert Armstrong)

Henry Bokuniewicz
Distinguished Service Professor
Near shore transport processes, coastal groundwater hydrology, coastal sedimentation, marine geophysics
$290,546.00 1-Mar-2013 through 31-Mar-2016 NYS Energy Research and Development Authority: Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation, & Protection (EMEP) Program: Climate Change Adaptation Research
$6,078.14 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$197,748.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018
$52,378.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$84,874.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$254,968.00 16-Jul-2013 through 31-Jul-2016 National Park Service: Continuation of Physical Monitoring of the Old Inlet Breach, Fire Island National Seashore (PI Charles Flagg, Co-PIs Roger Flood, Henry Bokuniewicz)
$88,021.00 19-Nov-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 Town of Brookhaven: Permeable Reactive Barrier at the Forge River Shoreline (PI Larry Swanson, Co-PI Henry Bokuniewicz)
$299,982 2-Feb-2015 through 31-May-2016 New York State Department of State: Sandy Needs and Resources Offshore New York (PI Henry Bokuniewicz, Co-PIs Robert Wilson, Roger Flood)

Malcolm Bowman
Distinguished Service Professor
Coastal ocean and estuarine dynamics
$118,179.65 1-Feb-2010 through 30-Apr-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2010 – 2015

Bruce Brownawell
Associate Professor
Biogeochemistry of organic pollutants in seawater and groundwater.
$562,108.00 1-Oct-2012 through 31-Dec-2016 Mississippi State University: Characterizing the Composition and Biogeochemical Behavior of Dispersants and Their Transformation Products in Gulf Mexico Coastal Ecosystems (PI Bruce Brownawell, Co-PI Anne McElroy)
$24,986.00 1-Jan-2012 through 27-Oct-2015 Town of Brookhaven: Mapping Sediment Distribution in the Forge River
$30,360.00 7-Feb-2013 through 31-Jan-2016 National Science Foundation: Rapid Grant: Collaborative Investigations of the Impact of Superstorm Sandy on the South Shore of Long Island

Robert Cerrato
Benthic ecology, population and community dynamics.
$150,000.00 1-Jun-2013 31-Mar-2015 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Integrating Fish Trawl, Water Quality, and Benthic Mapping in the Peconic Estuary (PI Robert Cerrato, Co-PIs Roger Flood, Michael Frisk)
$668,624.00 1-Apr-2014 31-Mar-2018 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Assessing blue crab abundance and life history characteristics and predicting future population trends on Long Island (PI Robert Cerrato, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Michael Frisk)
$130,982.86 1-Feb-2010 through 30-Apr-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2010 – 2015
$237,454.41 1-Feb-2010 through 30-Apr-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2010 – 2015
$327,633.00 17-Jun-2013 through 31-Jul-2016 National Park Service: Assessing the Response of the Great South Bay Estuarine Fauna to Hurricane Sandy: Focus on Nekton Utilization of Seagrass Habitats (PI Bradley Peterson, Co-PI Robert Cerrato)
$224,819.00 21-Dec-2012 through 30-Sep-2014 Columbia University: Acoustic Mapping and Habitat Characterization in a Pilot Area of Long Island Sound (PI Roger Flood, Co-PI Robert Cerrato)
$150,000.00 31-Jul-2013 through 31-Mar-2015 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: Acoustic Mapping and Habitat Characterization in Haverstraw Bay (PI Roger Flood, Co-PI Robert Cerrato)
$49,971.00 1-Jul-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Effects of a Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Structure within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Robert Cerrato)
$210,000.00 1-Jul-2013 31-Mar-2017 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Effects of a Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Structure within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Robert Cerrato)
$149,995.00 15-Sep-2014 14-Sep-2016 National Park Service Effects of Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Assemblages and Ecosystem Structure Within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (Post-Hurricane Sandy Study) (PI Janet Nye, Co-PIs Michael Frisk, Robert Cerrato, Charles Flagg)
$49,959.00 4-Dec-2013 through 15-Dec-2014 US Fish and Wildlife Service: Ecosystem Assessment of the Fish and Invertebrate Communities of Mill Neck Creek at Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge (PI Janet Nye, Co-PIs Michael Frisk, Robert Cerrato)

Edmund Chang
Atmospheric dynamics and diagnoses, climate dynamics, synoptic meteorology
$23,184.00 1-Sep-2015 31-Mar-2016 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Support for Geller Symposium (PI Sultan Hameed, Co-PI Edmund Chang)
$573,068.00 15-Mar-2013 through 28-Feb-2017 National Science Foundation: New Perspectives on Storm Track Dynamics, Variability, and Change
$0.00 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$100,000.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$69,947.00 1-Aug-2015 31-Jul-2016 US Department of Energy Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction of Extratropical Storm Track Activity Over the U.S. Using NMME Data
$545,046.00 1-Aug-2011 through 31-Jul-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Prediction, Validation, and Calibration of Coastal Storms and Associated High Impact Weather in Ensemble Regional Climate Simulations Over the Norheast U.S. (PI Brian Colle, Co-PIs Sultan Hameed, Minghua Zhang, Ping Liu, Edmund Chang)
$337,722.00 1-Oct-2013 through 30-Sep-2016 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: An Evaluation and Application of Multi-Model Ensembles in Operations for High Impact Weather Over the Eastern U.S. (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI Edmund Chang)
$415,219.00 1-May-2015 31-Mar-2017 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Validation of Significant Weather Features and Processes in Operational Models Using a Cyclone Relative Approach (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI Edmund Chang)
$306,895.00 1-May-2010 through 30-Apr-2014 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Predictability of High Impact Weather During the Cool Season Over the Eastern U.S: From Model Assessment to the Role of the Forecaster

Demian Chapman
Associate Professor
Molecular ecology, conservation, elasmobranch (sharks, batoids) biology, acoustic and satellite telemetry, marine reserve design, evolution of vertebrate mating systems and mate choice, wildlife forensics
$207,034.00 5-May-2011 through 4-May-2014 Earthwatch: Conservation of Threatened Sharks on the Belize Barrier Reef
$124,000.00 1-Mar-2013 through 1-May-2014 Moore Charitable Foundation: Satellite Tagging Endangered Sharks and Delineating Shark Nursery Areas Inside The Bahamas Shark Sanctuary
$15,000.00 1-May-2013 through 30-Apr-2014 Save Our Seas Foundation: Tracking Critically Endangered Oceanic Whitetip Sharks for Effective Transboundary Conservation
$21,100.00 7-Jul-2013 through 6-Jul-2014 Roe Foundation: Shark Fin Trade Research and Capacity Building
$111,500.00 1-Jan-2014 through 31-Dec-2014 Moore Bahamas Foundation: Bahamas Shark Tagging Expedition
$186,243.75 3-Feb-2014 through 1-May-2016 Pew Charitable Trusts: Putting Bite into International Shark Trade Restrictions: Establishing a Genetic Survey of the Retail Dried Shark Fin Market
$150,000.00 1-Mar-2014 through 28-Feb-2017 Pew Charitable Trusts: Putting Bite Into International Shark Trade Restrictions: Establishing a Genetic Survey of the Retail Dried Shark Fin Market
$147,390.00 14-Apr-2014 through 13-Apr-2017 Earthwatch: Conservation of Threatened Sharks on the Belize Barrier Reef
$28,000.00 1-Jan-2014 31-Dec-2014 Robins Island Foundation Videographer for Fiji and Bahamas Shark Project
$126,000.00 5-Jan-2015 4-Jan-2016 Moore Bahamas Foundation Bahamas Shark Tagging Expedition
$524,225.56 13-Oct-2015 1-Jun-2018 Florida International University THE GLOBAL FIN-PRINT: A Worldwide Underwater Video Survey of Shark and Ray Density, Diversity, and Ecological Impact

J. Kirk Cochran
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Marine geo-chemistry, use of radionuclides as geochemical tracers; diagenesis of marine sediments.
$91,505.00 1-Feb-2010 through 30-Apr-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2010 – 2015
$16,000.00 24-Sep-2013 through 23-Sep-2014 US Navy Research Laboratory: Gamma Spectrometric Analysis of Sediment Samples from the Chatham Rise Expedition
$275,987.00 26-Aug-2014 25-Aug-2016 National Park Service Health and Resiliency of Salt Marshes in Jamaica Bay; Post-Hurricane Sandy Study (PI Kirk Cochran, Co-PI Qingzhi Zhu)
$6,004.00 1-Aug-2015 28-Sep-2015 Hofstra University Radionuclide Analyses of Salt Marsh Cores
$1,621,052.00 1-Apr-2011 through 31-Mar-2016 National Science Foundation: Do Interactions Between Vertically and Horizontally Transported Particles Measurably Affect Particle Composition and Flux to the Sediments? A Mechanistic Approach (PI David Black, Co-PIs Kirk Cochran, Cindy Lee and Robert Armstrong)
$471,594.00 1-May-2011 through 30-Apr-2015 National Science Foundation: Early Diagenetic Aluminosilicate Formation and Burial of Biogenic Silica in Tropical Deltas
$197,748.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018

Brian Colle
Professor / Director, ITPA
Extreme weather, coastal meteorology, weather forecasting, regional climate change
$136,154.00 1-May-2008 through 31-May-2014 NYS Energy Research and Development Authority: Improving Air Quality Forecasting and Management in NYS through Ensemble & High-Resolution Modeling with Diagnostic Analysis
$306,895.00 1-May-2010 through 30-Apr-2014 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Predictability of High Impact Weather During the Cool Season Over the Eastern U.S: From Model Assessment to the Role of the Forecaster
$100,564.21 1-Feb-2010 through 30-Apr-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2010 – 2015
$545,046.00 1-Aug-2011 through 31-Jul-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Prediction, Validation, and Calibration of Coastal Storms and Associated High Impact Weather in Ensemble Regional Climate Simulations Over the Northeast U.S. (PI Brian Colle, Co-PIs Sultan Hameed, Minghua Zhang, Ping Liu, Edmund Chang)
$675,219.00 30-Sep-2011 through 30-Jun-2016 US Department of Energy: Improving Atmospheric Models for Offshore Wind Resource Mapping and Prediction Using Lidar, Aircraft, and In-Ocean Observations
$282,894.00 1-Mar-2013 through 28-Feb-2017 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Using Field and Satellite Measurements to Improve Snow and Riming Processes in Cloud Resolving Models
$112,239.00 19-Aug-2013 through 15-Aug-2018 USDA Forest Service: Employing Ensemble Data Assimilation, Parameter Estimation, and Field Data to Improve Fire Weather Predictions in Mesoscale Models
$337,722.00 1-Oct-2013 through 30-Sep-2016 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: An Evaluation and Application of Multi-Model Ensembles in Operations for High Impact Weather Over the Eastern U.S. (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI Edmund Chang)
$478,362.00 1-Sep-2013 through 31-Aug-2017 University of Delaware: Hazards SEES Type 2: Dynamic Integration of Natural, Human, and Infrastructure Systems for Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering
$3,306.71 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$350,466.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2017 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Observations and Modeling of Mesoscale Precipitation Banding in Cool-season Storms
$114,219.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2017 Consolidated Edison Company of New York Incorporated: Evaluation of Long Range Ensemble Weather Modeling
$75,000.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$71,693.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$54,000.00 1-Jun-2014 through 31-May-2015 Deepwater Wind Limited Liability Corporation: Coastal and Offshore Wind Resource Measurement and Characterization
$415,219.00 1-May-2015 31-Mar-2017 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Validation of Significant Weather Features and Processes in Operational Models Using a Cyclone Relative Approach (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI Edmund Chang)
$148,054.00 1-Sep-2015 31-Aug-2016 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Nowcasting Severe Storm Evolution and Tracking Storm Life Cycles in the Northeast United States Using GOES-R (PI Michael French, Co-PI Brian Colle)
$1,593,092 1-Jun-2009 through 30-Sept-2016 National Science Foundation. GeoPREP Track 2: Expanding the Geoscience Pathway
$42,000 1 August-2015 through 31-July-2016 USACE-Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Fellowship.

Jackie Collier
Associate Professor
Phytoplankton physiological ecology; Biocomplexity and microbial diversity; Planktonic ecosystem processes in marine, estuarine, and freshwater systems
$46,981.51 1-Feb-2010 through 30-Apr-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2010 – 2015
$144,176.00 17-Sep-2015 16-Sep-2016 Developing Molecular Genetic Tools for Labyrinthulomycetes Developing Molecular Genetic Tools for Labyrinthulomycetes
$594,118.00 9-Jul-2013 through 30-Sep-2016 National Park Service: Assessing the Response of the Great South Bay Plankton Community to Hurricane Sandy (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PIs Darcy Lonsdale, Jackie Collier)
$259,697.00 1-Jan-2012 through 31-Dec-2015 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Understanding the Role of Picocyanobacteria in the Marine Silicate Cycle (PI Stephen Baines, Co-PIs Jackie Collier, B. Twining, J. Krause, M. Brzezinski)
$259,608 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2016. New York Sea Grant: QPX distribution and persistence in the environment (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PIs Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa, Jackie Collier, Debra Barnes)

David Conover
Adjunct Professor

Nolwenn Dheilly
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Evolution of Host-Parasite Interactions

Anthony Dvarskas
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Environmental economics, ecosystem services and resilience of coastal ecosystems, economics of restoration, natural capital accounting
$31,150.00 15-Feb-2015 30-Nov-2015 Nature Conservancy Long Island Chapter Assessment of Water Quality Impacts on Housing Values in Nassau and Suffolk Counties

Ali Farhadzadeh
Assistant Professor
Nearshore hydrodynamics, sediment transport, wave-current-sediment-structure interaction, resilient coastal protection systems, coastal flooding
$14,985.00 15-Jan-2015 30-Jun-2016 Seiche-Induced Erosion in Lake Erie Seiche-Induced Erosion in Lake Erie

Nicholas Fisher
Distinguished Professor / Director, CIDER
Marine phytoplankton physiology and ecology, biogeo-chemistry of metals, marine pollution
$182,604.28 1-Apr-2010 through 31-Dec-2016 Stony Brook Foundation: Gelfond Fund for Research
$194,739.75 1-Feb-2010 through 30-Apr-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2010 – 2015
$564,268.00 1-Jul-2012 through 31-Dec-2015 Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation: Analyzing and Interpreting Radioactivity in Pacific Bluefin Tuna
$98,961.00 1-Apr-2010 through 31-Dec-2016 Stony Brook Foundation: Gelfond Fund for Research
$451,888.00 15-Mar-2013 through 28-Feb-2017 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Methylmercury Interactions with Marine Plankton
$62,351.00 1-Apr-2014 31-Mar-2015 Dartmouth College Sources and Protracted Effects of Early Life Exposure to Arsenic and Mercury
$119,111.29 1-Apr-2014 31-Jul-2015 European Commission FORWARD: Flux of Radiocesium Within and Across Residents of the Deep
$88,000.00 1-Nov-2014 31-Jul-2016 Syracuse University Monitoring to Evaluate Temporal Trends and Spatial Patterns in Mercury Concentrations in Marine Fish of New York State
$62,351.00 1-Apr-2015 31-Mar-2016 Dartmouth College Sources and Protracted Effects of Early Life Exposure to Arsenic and Mercury

Charles Flagg
Research Professor
Continental Shelf Dynamics, Bio-Physical Interactions in Shelf Systems, Climate Change Effects on Coastal Systems, Shipboard ADCPs on Volunteer Observing Ships
$388,439.00 1-Sep-2008 through 31-Aug-2014 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: The Oleander Project: Sustained Observations Between New York and Bermuda
$455,402.00 8-Jun-2011 through 31-Jul-2016 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: The Norrona Project: An International Collaboration for Sustained Studies of the Meridional Overturning Circulation Between Denmark, the Faroes and Iceland
$18,616.65 1-Feb-2010 through 30-Apr-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2010 – 2015
$254,968.00 16-Jul-2013 through 31-Jul-2016 National Park Service: Continuation of Physical Monitoring of the Old Inlet Breach, Fire Island National Seashore (PI Charles Flagg, Co-PIs Roger Flood, Henry Bokuniewicz)
$113,081.00 1-Sep-2014 31-Aug-2015 University of Rhode Island Sustained Observations Between New York to Bermuda
$120,866.00 15-Sep-2015 31-Aug-2016 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: The Oleander Project: High-resolution Observation of the Dynamic Ocean Between New Jersey and Bermuda
$149,995.00 15-Sep-2014 14-Sep-2016 National Park Service Effects of Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Assemblages and Ecosystem Structure Within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (Post-Hurricane Sandy Study)

Roger Flood
Research Professor
Marine geology, sediment dynamics, continental margin sedimentation
$78,665.00 17-Nov-2011 through 31-Jan-2016 Consortium for Ocean Leadership: Participation of Roger Flood in IODP Leg 339
$24,986.00 1-Jan-2012 through 27-Oct-2015 Town of Brookhaven: Mapping Sediment Distribution in the Forge River (PI Roger Flood, Co-PI Bruce Brownawell)
$30,360.00 7-Feb-2013 through 31-Jan-2016 National Science Foundation: Rapid Grant: Collaborative Investigations of the Impact of Superstorm Sandy on the South Shore of Long Island (PI Roger Flood, Co-PI Bruce Brownawell)
$224,819.00 21-Dec-2012 through 30-Sep-2014 Columbia University: Acoustic Mapping and Habitat Characterization in a Pilot Area of Long Island Sound (PI Roger Flood, Co-PI Robert Cerrato)
$150,000.00 31-Jul-2013 through 31-Mar-2015 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: Acoustic Mapping and Habitat Characterization in Haverstraw Bay (PI Roger Flood, Co-PI Robert Cerrato)
$3,201.74 23-Jul-2015 9-Aug-2016 Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique Travel Support for ECORD Scientists to attend an IODP Argentine Margin Workshop
$150,000.00 1-Jun-2013 31-Mar-2015 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Integrating Fish Trawl, Water Quality, and Benthic Mapping in the Peconic Estuary (PI Roger Flood, Co-PI Robert Cerrato)
$254,968.00 16-Jul-2013 through 31-Jul-2016 National Park Service: Continuation of Physical Monitoring of the Old Inlet Breach, Fire Island National Seashore (PI Charles Flagg, Co-PIs Roger Flood, Henry Bokuniewicz)
$299,982 2-Feb-2015 through 31-May-2016 New York State Department of State: Sandy Needs and Resources Offshore New York (PI Henry Bokuniewicz, Co-PIs Robert Wilson, Roger Flood)

Michael French
Associate Professor
supercell and tornado dynamics; Doppler weather radar applications; mesoscale meteorology
$148,054.00 1-Sep-2015 31-Aug-2016 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Nowcasting Severe Storm Evolution and Tracking Storm Life Cycles in the Northeast United States Using GOES-R (PI Michael French, Co-PI Brian Colle)

Michael Frisk
Fish ecology, population modeling and life history theory
$76,984.00 1-Feb-2012 through 30-Sep-2014 Cornell Cooperative Extension: A Test of Acoustic Telemetry and Radio Frequency Identification Tagging Methods to Evaluate the Success of Fish Passage Restorations for Alewife, American Eel and Brook Trout in the Carman’s River
$27,729.00 1-Nov-2012 through 31-Oct-2015 University of Massachusetts Amherst: Evaluating the Historic Role of Forage Fish in Lost Fisheries Production: Implications for Future Sustainability
$49,971.00 1-Jul-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Effects of a Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Structure within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Robert Cerrato)
$180,000.00 1-Dec-2014 31-Dec-2016 Tetra Tech Incorporated Winter Flounder Study for the Mattituck Inlet Project,NY
$210,000.00 1-Jul-2013 31-Mar-2017 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Effects of a Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Structure within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Robert Cerrato)
$149,995.00 15-Sep-2014 14-Sep-2016 National Park Service Effects of Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Assemblages and Ecosystem Structure Within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (Post-Hurricane Sandy Study) (PI Janet Nye, Co-PIs Michael Frisk, Robert Cerrato, Charles Flagg)
$49,959.00 4-Dec-2013 through 15-Dec-2014 US Fish and Wildlife Service: Ecosystem Assessment of the Fish and Invertebrate Communities of Mill Neck Creek at Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge (PI Janet Nye, Co-PIs Michael Frisk, Robert Cerrato)
$150,000.00 1-Jun-2013 31-Mar-2015 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Integrating Fish Trawl, Water Quality, and Benthic Mapping in the Peconic Estuary (PI Robert Cerrato, Co-PIs Roger Flood, Michael Frisk)
$668,624.00 1-Apr-2014 31-Mar-2018 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Assessing blue crab abundance and life history characteristics and predicting future population trends on Long Island (PI Robert Cerrato, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Michael Frisk)

Marvin Geller
Professor Emeritus
$615,556.00 1-Apr-2008 through 30-Sep-2014 NASA Washington: Gravity Wave Parameterization in GISS Climate Models
$702,745.00 1-Jun-2011 through 31-Jan-2016 National Science Foundation: High-Resolution Radiosonde Data, Gravity Waves, Turbulence, and the Extratropical Tropopause (PI Marvin Geller, Co-PI Ping Liu)

Christopher Gobler
Endowed Chair
Coastal ecosystem ecology, climate change, harmful algal blooms, phytoplankton, ocean acidification, effects of multiple stressors on coastal marine resources, aquatic biogeochemistry
$1,600,000.00 1-Jan-2010 through 31-Dec-2016 Renaissance Charitable Foundation Incorporated: Southampton Coastal and Estuarine Research Program (SCERP)
$460,516.00 1-Sep-2010 through 31-Aug-2014 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: ECOHAB: Establishing the Sources of Phosphorus Promoting Toxic Cyanobacteria Blooms in the US Great Lakes Using Gene Expression Assays (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI James Ammerman)
$142,817.49 1-Oct-2009 through 30-Mar-2014 Environmental Protection Agency: Research and Assessment to Fulfill the Long Island Sound Study’s Goals and Targets
$463,232.00 1-Sep-2011 through 31-Aug-2016 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: MERHAB: Monitoring, Forecasting, and Enhanced Response to PSP and DSP Events in New York Coastal Waters
$533,000.00 1-Sep-2012 through 31-Aug-2016 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Using Ecological Models to Predict Population Effects of Increasing Ocean Acidification on Northeast US Resource Bivalves
$144,256.00 4-Apr-2013 through 3-Apr-2016 East Hampton Town Trustees: Assessing Harmful Algae and Pathogens in East Hampton Town Trustee Waters
$15,000.00 1-Apr-2013 through 31-Mar-2014 Long Island Community Foundation: Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program
$594,118.00 9-Jul-2013 through 30-Sep-2016 National Park Service: Assessing the Response of the Great South Bay Plankton Community to Hurricane Sandy (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PIs Darcy Lonsdale, Jackie Collier)
$2,158.83 1-Nov-2013 through 30-Jun-2014 Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst: Collaborative Research: Identification of Nitrogen Sources for Toxic Alexandrium Blooms Using a Novel Species -Specific Tracer, 815N-Saxitoxin
$16,390.05 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$203,308.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018
$50,000.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$100,000.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$33,610.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$8,623.00 1-Apr-2014 through 31-Dec-2014 State of Maryland Department of Natural Resources: Coastal Bays Brown Tide Assessment Project
$98,193.00 17-Jun-2014 through 31-Mar-2016 National Park Service: Assessing the Response of Juvenile and Adult Hard Clams to the New Breach in Great South Bay: Post-Hurricane Sandy Study
$246,521.00 22-Aug-2014 21-Aug-2016 National Park Service Acidification, Hypoxia, and Algal Blooms: Barriers to Current and Future Ecosystem Restoration and Climate Change Resilience in Jamaica Bay (Post Hurricane Sandy Study)
$49,998.00 16-Sep-2014 15-Sep-2016 National Park Service Assessing the Response of Indicator Bacteria in Great South Bay to Hurricane Sandy
$57,583.00 15-Aug-2014 31-Oct-2016 Virginia Institute of Marine Science Collaborative Research: Identification of Nitrogen Sources for Toxic Alexandrium Blooms Using a Novel Species-Specific Tracer, d15N-Saxitoxin
$96,192.00 22-Apr-2015 21-Apr-2016 Town of Southampton Towards the Migration of Excessive Nitrogen Loads to Coastal Waters in the Town of Southampton: Goal Setting and Public Education
$104,180.00 1-Sep-2015 31-Aug-2016 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ECOHAB: Resolving the Effects of Resource Availability, Predation and Competition on Brown Tide Dynamics Using Metatranscriptomics
$648,600.00 1-Sep-2015 31-Aug-2016 Clean Water Technology Initiative Clean Water Technology Initiative
$25,000.00 1-Apr-2015 31-Mar-2016 Suffolk County Health Services Monitoring Toxic Cyanobacteria and Assessment of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning and Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning Services
$649,856.00 1-Sep-2011 through 28-Feb-2015 National Science Foundation: Will Rising PCO2 Levels is the Ocean Affect Growth and Survival of Marine Fish Early Life Stages? (PI Hannes Baumann, Co-PI Christopher Gobler)
$240,000 01-May-2013 through 30-Apr-2016. Rauch Foundation: Assessing the impacts of land-derived nitrogen loads on coastal
$3,000,000 01-May-2012 through 30-Apr-2017. Landeau Foundation: Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program
$198,000 01-Jul-2014 through 30-Jun-2016. Dolan Family Foundations: Long Island Marine Monitoring Network
$339,270 01-Mar-2015 through 28-Feb-2017. Friends of Georgica Pond: Environmental and Human Health Risks at Georgica Pond; Working Toward a Sustainable Plan for Remediation
$237,915 01-Sep-2015 through 31-Aug-2017. NYSDEC: Development of a coupled biological-physical model to predict and mitigate PSP-causing blooms of Alexandrium fundyense in Long Island Sound
$30,000 01-Jun-2015 through 31-May-2017. NYSDEC: Monitoring NYS lakes and ponds for toxic blue green algae

Sultan Hameed
Climate change: analysis, impacts, and predictability
$23,184.00 1-Sep-2015 31-Mar-2016 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Support for Geller Symposium (PI Sultan Hameed, Co-PI Edmund Chang)
$545,046.00 1-Aug-2011 through 31-Jul-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Prediction, Validation, and Calibration of Coastal Storms and Associated High Impact Weather in Ensemble Regional Climate Simulations Over the Northeast U.S. (PI Brian Colle, Co-PIs Sultan Hameed, Minghua Zhang, Ping Liu, Edmund Chang)
$115,834.00 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2016 University of Michigan FATE Proposal: Incorporating an Environmental Index into the Southern New England Mid-Atlantic Yellowtail Flounder Stock Assessment with Potential Predictability (PI Janet Nye, Co-PI Sultan Hameed)
$75,040.00 1-May-2015 31-Dec-2015 Suffolk County Department of Economic Development Effects from the Cooling Water Discharge at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station on the Temperatures of Long Island Sound (PI Larry Swanson, Co-PI Sultan Hameed, Robert Wilson)

Marat Khairoutdinov
Climate modeling, high-resolution cloud modeling, cloud microphysics, super-parameterization, massively parallel super-computing, cloud parameterization
$125,615.00 15-Sep-2010 through 31-Aug-2014 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Convective Organization and Climate
$445,242.62 1-Jul-2011 through 30-Jun-2016 Colorado State University: Center for Multi-Scale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes (MMAP)
$329,872.00 15-Jun-2011 through 31-May-2015 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Simulations of Anthropogenic Climate Change Using a Multi-Scale Modeling Framework
$149,990.00 15-Aug-2012 through 14-Aug-2015 Colorado State University: Collaborative Project: High-Resolution Global Modeling of the Effects of Subgrid-Scale Clouds and Turbulences on Precipitating Cloud Systems
$194,366.00 15-Aug-2014 14-Aug-2016 US Department of Energy Expanding the Computational Frontier of Multi-Scale Atmospheric Simulation to Advance Understanding of Low Cloud / Climate Feedbacks
$283,791.00 15-Dec-2014 30-Nov-2017 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Self-Aggregation of Moist Convection, Radiative-Convective Instability, and the Regulation of Tropical Climate
$782,030.00 5-May-2009 through 4-May-2014 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Using Satellite Measurements to Improve Modeling of Low Clouds and Their Climate Feedbacks in General Circulation Models (GCMS) (PI Minghua Zhang, Co-PI Marat Khairoutdinov)
$902,956.40 15-Sep-2009 through 14-Sep-2014 US Department of Energy: Continuous Evaluation of Fast Processes in Climate Models Using Arm Measurements (PI Minghua Zhang, Co-PI Marat Khairoutdinov)

Hyemi Kim
Associate Professor
low frequency climate variability, tropical meteorology, ocean-atmosphere interaction, prediction and predictability, tropical cyclone activity, extreme events
$23,551.67 1-May-2013 through 28-Feb-2014 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology: Optimization of the Global Seasonal Prediction System by Improving Land Surface Processes
$24,646.39 1-Mar-2014 through 28-Feb-2015 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology: Optimization of the Global Seasonal Prediction System by Improving Land Surface Processes
$23,179.00 1-Mar-2015 through 29-Feb-2016 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology Optimization of the Global Seasonal Prediction System by Improving Land Surface Processes
$69,515.00 1-Aug-2015 31-Jul-2016 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Prediction of Atmospheric Rivers in NMME
$0.00 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$138,183 1-Feb 2014 through 31-Jan-2017: Mid-Atlantic Sea Grant, Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change on the Distribution, Population Connectivity, and Fisheries for Summer Flounder in the Mid-Atlantic

Daniel Knopf
Atmospheric Chemistry, Microphysics and Chemistry of Atmospheric Aerosols, Heterogeneous Atmospheric Chemistry and Kinetics
$682,106.00 10-Feb-2009 through 30-Sep-2015 National Science Foundation: CAREER: Chemical Aging of Biomass Burning Aerosol by Heterogeneous and Photosensitized Heterogeneous Reactions with Atmospheric Trace Gases
$331,170.00 17-Aug-2012 through 31-Aug-2016 US Department of Energy: Relating the Chemical and Physical Properties of Aerosols to the Water Uptake and Ice Nucleation Potential of Particles Collected During the Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study (CARES)
$321,512.00 1-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2018 National Science Foundation The Effect of Particle Phase State on Multiphase Hydroxyl Radical OH Oxidation Kinetics and Products of Biomass Burning Aerosol
$661,683.00 1-Sep-2012 through 31-Aug-2016 National Science Foundation: Cloud Forming Potential of Marine Biogenic Aerosols and Their Physiochemical Properties (PI Josephine Aller, Co-PI Daniel Knopf)
$490,163.00 15-Aug-2013 through 31-Jul-2016 National Science Foundation: MRI: Acquisition of Spectrum-Spanning (UV-NIR) Raman-Atomic Force Microspectrometric System for Submicron 3-D Chemical Mapping of Cellular, Natural and Synthetic Materials (PI Gordon Taylor, Co-PI Daniel Knopf)

Pavlos Kollias
Cloud Microphysics and Dynamics, Environmental Remote Sensing, Radar Meteorology and Technology
$154,250.00 15-Feb-2015 14-Feb-2016 University of Washington Microphysical-Macrophysical Interactions in Low Cloud Systems Over the Eastern North Atlantic

Cindy Lee
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
$34,009.00 1-Feb-2011 through 31-Jan-2014 Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Impacts of Changing Climate and Land Use on Carbon Cycling and Budgets of the Coastal Ocean Margin: Observations, Analysis, and Modeling
$1,621,052.00 1-Apr-2011 through 31-Mar-2016 National Science Foundation: Do Interactions Between Vertically and Horizontally Transported Particles Measurably Affect Particle Composition and Flux to the Sediments? A Mechanistic Approach (PI David Black, Co-PIs Kirk Cochran, Cindy Lee and Robert Armstrong)

Jeffrey Levinton
Distinguished Professor
Conservation biology, developmental evolution

Ping Liu
Research Associate Professor
Climate change, dynamics and modeling;
$153,275.00 1-May-2015 30-Apr-2016 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Calibration and Evaluation of GEFS Ensemble Forecasts at Weeks 2-4
$702,745.00 1-Jun-2011 through 31-Jan-2016 National Science Foundation: High-Resolution Radiosonde Data, Gravity Waves, Turbulence, and the Extratropical Tropopause (PI Marvin Geller, Co-PI Ping Liu)
$545,046.00 1-Aug-2011 through 31-Jul-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Prediction, Validation, and Calibration of Coastal Storms and Associated High Impact Weather in Ensemble Regional Climate Simulations Over the Norheast U.S. (PI Brian Colle, Co-PIs Sultan Hameed, Minghua Zhang, Ping Liu, Edmund Chang)

Darcy Lonsdale
Ecology and physiology of marine zooplankton; food web dynamics of estuarine plankton and the impacts of harmful algal blooms.
$139,759.87 1-Oct-2009 through 30-Mar-2014 Environmental Protection Agency: Research and Assessment to Fulfill the Long Island Sound Study’s Goals and Targets
$594,118.00 9-Jul-2013 through 30-Sep-2016 National Park Service: Assessing the Response of the Great South Bay Plankton Community to Hurricane Sandy (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PIs Darcy Lonsdale, Jackie Collier)

Glenn Lopez
Professor Emeritus
Marine benthic ecology, animal-sediment interactions

Kamazima Lwiza
Associate Professor
Structure and dynamics of shelf-seas and remote sensing oceanography
$435,402.00 1-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2019 National Environment Research Council (NERC) HyCRISTAL: Integrating Hydro-Climate Science into Policy Decisions for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure and Livelihoods in East Africa
$15,000 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$1,593,092 1-Jun-2009 through 30-Sept-2016 National Science Foundation. GeoPREP Track 2: Expanding the Geoscience Pathway

Heather Lynch
Assistant Professor
Development and application of statistics

Daniel Madigan
Adjunct Professor
trophic ecology and migration patterns of pelagic predators such as tunas, sharks, and other highly migratory species

John Mak
Trace gas isotopic composition for the reconstruction of atmospheric chemistry in the paleo atmosphere; trace gas emissions from the biosphere; development of instrumentation platforms for research aircraft.
$753,172.00 1-Oct-2011 through 30-Sep-2015 National Science Foundation: The Chemistry and Sources of Carbon Monoxide in Present and Past Atmospheres
$399,964.00 1-Apr-2013 through 31-Mar-2016 Environmental Protection Agency: Emission Fate and Contribution of Biogenic VOCs
$75,102.00 1-Jan-2015 31-Dec-2015 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Reconstruction of Carbon Monoxide in the Pre-Industrial Arctic Atmosphere from Ice Cores at Summit, Greenland
$209,886.00 15-Mar-2015 28-Feb-2019 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Using Stable Isotopes to Constrain the Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Budget Over the Last 20,000 Years

Anne McElroy
Aquatic Toxicology
$74,373.00 14-Jul-2014 14-Jul-2016 Rowan University Environmental Impacts of RAP
$562,108.00 1-Oct-2012 through 31-Dec-2016 Mississippi State University: Characterizing the Composition and Biogeochemical Behavior of Dispersants and Their Transformation Products in Gulf Mexico Coastal Ecosystems (PI Bruce Brownawell, Co-PI Anne McElroy)

Janet Nye
Adjunct Associate Professor
Fish ecology, climate variability, global environmental change, ecosystem-based management, ocean acidification, climate change
$298,749.00 1-Sep-2013 through 31-Aug-2017 National Science Foundation: Coastal SEES (Track 2), Collaborative Research: Resilience and Adaptation of a Coastal Ecological-Economic System in Response to Increasing Temperature
$49,959.00 4-Dec-2013 through 15-Dec-2014 US Fish and Wildlife Service: Ecosystem Assessment of the Fish and Invertebrate Communities of Mill Neck Creek at Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge (PI Janet Nye, Co-PIs Michael Frisk, Robert Cerrato)
$80,183.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018
$149,995.00 15-Sep-2014 14-Sep-2016 National Park Service Effects of Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Assemblages and Ecosystem Structure Within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (Post-Hurricane Sandy Study) (PI Janet Nye, Co-PIs Michael Frisk, Robert Cerrato, Charles Flagg)
$115,834.00 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2016 University of Michigan FATE Proposal: Incorporating an Environmental Index into the Southern New England Mid-Atlantic Yellowtail Flounder Stock Assessment with Potential Predictability (PI Janet Nye, Co-PI Sultan Hameed)
$118,219.00 1-Dec-2015 30-Nov-2018 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Understanding the Effects of Acidification and Hypoxia Within and Across Generations in a Coastal Marine Fish
$210,000.00 1-Jul-2013 31-Mar-2017 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Effects of a Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Structure within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Robert Cerrato)
$49,971.00 1-Jul-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Effects of a Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Structure within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Robert Cerrato)
$668,624.00 1-Apr-2014 31-Mar-2018 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Assessing blue crab abundance and life history characteristics and predicting future population trends on Long Island (PI Robert Cerrato, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Michael Frisk)

Dianna Padilla
Aquatic ecology, applied ecology, conservation biology
$134,008 1-Aug-2012 through 31-Jul-2016 National Science Foundation A Workshop to Address the Grand Challenge: How Organisms Walk the Tightrope Between Stability and Change.
$125,000 1-Jan-2015 through 31-Dec-2017 Suffolk County Scientists and Student Stewards Assessing Potential Nitrogen Loading Mitigation in the Connetquot River

Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa
Adjunct Associate Professor / Project Associate
Shellfish physiology, Particle selection mechanisms in suspension-feeding bivalves, Algology
$433,892.00 15-May-2012 through 30-Apr-2016 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Elucidating the Factors Mediating Particle-Selection Processes in Suspension-Feeding Molluscs: A Functional and Comparative Approach (PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa, Co-PI Bassem Allam)
$199,998.00 1-Feb-2013 through 31-Jan-2017 University of Maryland: Genetic Marker Assisted Selection of Northeastern Hard Clams for QPX Resistance (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa)
$259,608 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2016. New York Sea Grant: QPX distribution and persistence in the environment (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa)
$468,433.00 1-Feb-2011 through 31-Jan-2015 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Host-Pathogen Interactions at Pallial Interfaces in Marine Bivalves: Cellular and Molecular Pathways for Host Colonization and Invasion (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa)

Bradley Peterson
Associate Professor
Community ecology of seagrass dominated ecosystems
$58,789.49 1-Feb-2010 through 30-Apr-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2010 – 2015
$440,606.00 22-Jul-2011 through 31-Oct-2016 National Park Service: Monitoring Estuarine Condition at Fire Island National Seashore, Sagamore Hill National Historic Site and Gateway National Recreation Area
$327,633.00 17-Jun-2013 through 31-Jul-2016 National Park Service: Assessing the Response of the Great South Bay Estuarine Fauna to Hurricane Sandy: Focus on Nekton Utilization of Seagrass Habitats (PI Bradley Peterson, Co-PI Robert Cerrato)

Ellen Pikitch
Endowed Professor of Ocean Conservation Science / Executive Director, IOCS / Faculty Director, MCP Program
Ocean conservation, fisheries management, ecosystem-based approaches, endangered fishes, sharks, sturgeon
$3,000,000.00 1-Jul-2008 through 31-Mar-2015 Pew Charitable Trusts: Stony Brook Institute for Ocean Science Research Support

Roy Price
Research Assistant Professor
Hydrothermal vents, water-rock reactions, toxic metal & metalloid cycling in coastal environments, arsenic bioaccumulation, vent-biota relationships, and alkaline shallow-sea vents

Kevin Reed
Associate Professor
Climate Modeling; Climate Change Attribution, Tropical Cyclones; Climate Extremes; Atmospheric Dynamics, Science Policy

Mary Scranton
Professor Emeritus
Marine geochemistry, biological-chemical interactions in seawater
$1,253,615.00 1-Dec-2008 through 30-Nov-2014 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: The Cariaco Basin Oceanographic Time Series Program (PI Mary Scranton, Co-PI Gordon Taylor)
$824,868.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2017 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: The Cariaco Basin Oceanographic Time Series Program (PI Mary Scranton, Co-PI Gordon Taylor)

Larry Swanson
Associate Dean, SoMAS / Director, WRMI
Coastal Oceanography, marine pollution, marine policy, recycling and reuse of waste materials, waste management
$3,829.26 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$88,021.00 19-Nov-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 Town of Brookhaven: Permeable Reactive Barrier at the Forge River Shoreline (PI Larry Swanson, Co-PI Henry Bokuniewicz)
$74,000.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$72,000.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$0.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$75,153.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$75,040.00 1-May-2015 31-Dec-2015 Suffolk County Department of Economic Development Effects from the Cooling Water Discharge at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station on the Temperatures of Long Island Sound (PI Larry Swanson, Co-PI Sultan Hameed, Robert Wilson)

Gordon Taylor
Marine microbiology, interests in microbial ecology, trophodynamics, anoxia, hypoxia, single-cell analysis, Raman microspectrometry and atomic force microscopy
$1,253,615.00 1-Dec-2008 through 30-Nov-2014 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: The Cariaco Basin Oceanographic Time Series Program (PI Mary Scranton, Co-PI Gordon Taylor)
$824,868.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2017 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: The Cariaco Basin Oceanographic Time Series Program (PI Mary Scranton, Co-PI Gordon Taylor)
$335,203.00 1-Aug-2013 through 31-Jul-2016 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Genetic and Metabolic Signatures of Marine Microorganisms in Oxygen Depleted and Varying Geochemical Seascapes (MetaOmics in the Cariaco Basin)
$490,163.00 15-Aug-2013 through 31-Jul-2016 National Science Foundation: MRI: Acquisition of Spectrum-Spanning (UV-NIR) Raman-Atomic Force Microspectrometric System for Submicron 3-D Chemical Mapping of Cellular, Natural and Synthetic Materials (PI Gordon Taylor, Co-PI Daniel Knopf)
$802,568.00 15-Feb-2015 14-Dec-2017 Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation – Development of Microbiological Oceanographic and Biogeochemical Applications for Raman Microspectrometry and Atomic Force Microscopy (PI G. T. Taylor, Co-PIs J. Martínez Martínez, V. P. Edgcomb)

Lesley Thorne
Assistant Professor
Bio-physical and trophic interactions in marine ecology; application of spatial analysis and landscape ecology techniques to marine conservation
$99,775.00 1-Oct-2015 30-Sep-2016 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Development of an Analytical Tool to Allow Fishermen to Reduce Bycatch of Short-Finned Pilot Whales in the Mid-Atlantic Bight

Andrew Vogelmann
Adjunct Professor
Atmospheric radiative transfer, cloud and aerosol climate interactions, climate and the Earth’s energy balance, remote sensing, cloud and climate modeling

Nils Volkenborn
Associate Professor
Sediment biogeochemistry, animal-sediment interactions, benthic ecology
$8,236.00 1-Feb-2014 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018

Dong-Ping Wang
Professor Emeritus

Joe Warren
Associate Professor
Acoustical oceanography, Zooplankton behavior and ecology
$335,383.00 1-Jan-2011 through 30-Nov-2016 Oregon State University: Acoustical Scattering, Propagation, and Attenuation Caused by Two Abundant Pacific Schooling Species: Humbolt Squid and Hake
$39,893.00 1-Jul-2007 through 30-Jun-2016 Amsure Associates Incorporated: Insurance Recovery Account
$193,567.00 1-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2018 North Pacific Research Board How Many Krill are There in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska? Quantitative Acoustic Assessment of Euphauslid Abundance and Their Role in These Ecosystems

Laura Wehrmann
Assistant Professor
Marine Biogeochemistry, Geochemical element cycles, Deep Biosphere

Robert Wilson
Associate Professor Emeritus
Estuarine and coastal ocean dynamics
$18,000.00 15-Aug-2012 through 1-Jun-2014 Camp Dresser Mckee and Smith: Forge River TMDL
$15,750.00 29-Oct-2012 through 31-Oct-2014 HDR HydroQual Incorporated: Hempstead Bay Water Quality
$75,040.00 1-May-2015 31-Dec-2015 Suffolk County Department of Economic Development Effects from the Cooling Water Discharge at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station on the Temperatures of Long Island Sound (PI Larry Swanson, Co-PI Sultan Hameed, Robert Wilson)
$299,982 2-Feb-2015 through 31-May-2016 New York State Department of State: Sandy Needs and Resources Offshore New York (PI Henry Bokuniewicz, Co-PIs Robert Wilson, Roger Flood)

Christopher Wolfe
Associate Professor
Physical oceanography, large-scale circulation: theory and modeling.
$135,032.00 15-Aug-2013 through 31-Mar-2016 University of California at San Diego: Decadal and Multi-Decadal Ocean Memory in the Eddying Regime

Jie Yu
Associate Professor
theoretical fluid dynamics and applied mechanics, with emphases on wave mechanics, hydrodynamic instabilities, coastal hydrodynamics and seabed mechanics

Minghua Zhang
Climate modelling, atmospheric dynamics
$782,030.00 5-May-2009 through 4-May-2014 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Using Satellite Measurements to Improve Modeling of Low Clouds and Their Climate Feedbacks in General Circulation Models (GCMS) (PI Minghua Zhang, Co-PI Marat Khairoutdinov)
$902,956.40 15-Sep-2009 through 14-Sep-2014 US Department of Energy: Continuous Evaluation of Fast Processes in Climate Models Using Arm Measurements (PI Minghua Zhang, Co-PI Marat Khairoutdinov)
$25,000.00 1-Nov-2009 through 31-Oct-2016 Gardener Foundation: Mote Marine Laboratory Intership Program
$551,321.00 15-Sep-2011 through 14-Sep-2015 US Department of Energy: Development of Integrated ASR Model Forcing Data and Their Applications to Improve CAM
$108,185.00 16-Apr-2012 through 30-Sep-2014 Brookhaven Science Associates LLC: Traineeship for Jingyi Chen: Use of Parcel Models to Investigate Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions and Their Parameterizations for Large Scale Models
$763,944.00 1-Sep-2012 through 31-Aug-2016 US Department of Energy: Using ARM Measurements to Understand and Reduce the Double ITCZ Biases in the Community Atmospheric Model
$665,671.00 1-Mar-2013 through 28-Feb-2018 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Rsearch EaSM2: Mechanisms, Predictability, Prediction, and Regional and Societal Impacts of Decadal Climate Variability
$0.00 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$220,395.84 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$1,370,436.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$207,545.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$63,313.00 18-Dec-2013 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$545,046.00 1-Aug-2011 through 31-Jul-2015 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Prediction, Validation, and Calibration of Coastal Storms and Associated High Impact Weather in Ensemble Regional Climate Simulations Over the Northeast U.S. (PI Brian Colle, Co-PIs Sultan Hameed, Minghua Zhang, Ping Liu, Edmund Chang)

Qingzhi Zhu
Associate Professor
Chem-/Bio- Sensors, Marine Biogeochemistry, Trace Elements, Environmental Analytical Chemistry
$275,987.00 26-Aug-2014 25-Aug-2016 National Park Service Health and Resiliency of Salt Marshes in Jamaica Bay; Post-Hurricane Sandy Study (PI Kirk Cochran, Co-PI Qingzhi Zhu)
$995,904.00 1-Jul-2013 through 30-Jun-2016 National Science Foundation: The Effects of Animal-Sediment Interactions on Biogeochemical Processes at the Sediment-Water Interface (PI Robert Aller, Co-PIs Josephine Aller, Qingzhi Zhu)