SoMAS faculty are highly successful in securing external grant support and in publishing the results of their research in the peer-reviewed literature that is a key communications vehicle among scientists. The following list the publications and research grants of individual SoMAS faculty over calendar year 2016-2017.
![Bassem Allam](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/02/Allam-24svwj9-e1453174515601.jpg)
Bassem Allam
Endowed Professor of Marinetics
Marine invertebrate physiology and health, Shellfish Genomics, Aquaculture
$433,892.00 15-May-2012 through 30-Apr-2016 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Elucidating the Factors Mediating Particle-Selection Processes in Suspension-Feeding Molluscs: A Functional and Comparative Approach (PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa, Co-PI Bassem Allam)
$199,998.00 1-Feb-2013 through 31-Jan-2017 University of Maryland: Genetic Marker Assisted Selection of Northeastern Hard Clams for QPX Resistance (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa)
$154,048.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018
$326,963.00 1-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2017 USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture: Validation of Markers and Marker-Assisted Selection of Hard Clam for Resistance to QPX Disease (PI Dr. Bassem Allam. Dr. Emmanuelle M Pales Espinosa , Co-PI)
$512,041.00 1-May-2017 through 30-Apr-2018 National Science Foundation: Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Food Choice in Bivalves (PI Emmanuelle Pales Espinosa, Co-PI Bassem Allam)
$200,000. 01-Jul-2016 through 30-Jun-2018 NOAA Northeastern Ocean Acidification Consortium: Probing molecular determinants of bivalve resilience to ocean acidification. (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa)
$60,000 01-Jan-2017 through 31-Dec-2021 European Commission/H2020. The Genus Haslea, new marine resources for blue technology and aquaculture (GHaNa) Participant (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa)
![Josephine Aller](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2016/02/Josie-2015-head-1ne0zyg.jpg)
Josephine Aller
Marine benthic ecology, invertebrate zoology,marine microbiology, biogeochemistry
$661,683.00 1-Sep-2012 through 31-Aug-2016 National Science Foundation: Cloud Forming Potential of Marine Biogenic Aerosols and Their Physiochemical Properties (PI Josephine Aller, Co-PI Daniel Knopf)
$995,904.00 1-Jul-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 National Science Foundation: The Effects of Animal-Sediment Interactions on Biogeochemical Processes at the Sediment-Water Interface (PI Robert Aller , Co-PI Josephine Aller, Qing-Zhi Zhu)
$10,000.00 5-Mar-2017 through 31-May-2018 National Science Foundation: International Conference Support: Biological Modification of the Seabed and Sediment-Water Interactions (PI Robert Aller , Co-PI Nils Volkenborn, Qing-Zhi Zhu, Josephine Aller)
![Robert Aller](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2021/02/RAller_2020_head.jpg)
Robert Aller
Distinguished Professor
Marine biogeochemistry, marine animal-sediment relations.
$995,904.00 1-Jul-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 National Science Foundation: The Effects of Animal-Sediment Interactions on Biogeochemical Processes at the Sediment-Water Interface (PI Robert Aller , Co-PI Josephine Aller, Qing-Zhi Zhu )
$10,000.00 5-Mar-2017 through 31-May-2018 National Science Foundation: International Conference Support: Biological Modification of the Seabed and Sediment-Water Interactions (PI Robert Aller , Co-PI Nils Volkenborn, Qing-Zhi Zhu, Josephine Aller)
$136,968.00 1-Jul-2016 through 30-Jun-2018 National Science Foundation: Ultra-Sensitive and Specific Graphene Immunosensors for In-Situ Mercury Measurement in Marine Ecosytsems (PI Qing-Zhi Zhu, Co-PIs Robert Aller, Xu Du)
![Katherine Aubrecht](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2016/04/kate_headshot-1tbdyk0.jpg)
Katherine Aubrecht
Division Head, Sustainability Studies / Associate Professor / Faculty Director, Coastal Environmental Studies
Phone: 631-632-5360
Fax: 631-632-5375
chemical education, sustainable and green chemistry
Aubrecht, K. B.; Hoffmann, J. P. Guided Inquiry Learning and Project Based Labs in Environmental Chemistry. Biennial Conference on Chemistry Education, Greeley, CO, August 2, 2016, P501, oral presentation. Aubrecht, K. B. Comprehending and Communicating Chemistry Relevant to Issues of Sustainability. Biennial Conference on Chemistry Education, Greeley, CO, August 3, 2016, P937, oral presentation. Aubrecht, K. B. An Overview of Biosourced and Biodegradable Polymeric Materials: Current Commercial Uses and Challenges for More Widespread Adoption. 44th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Riverdale, NY, June 10, 2016. MARM #, 86, oral presentation. Aubrecht, K. B. Connecting Chemistry to Issues of Sustainability: Preparing Students for Transdisciplinary Challenges. 251st ACS National Meeting, 2016, Chemical Education, #1760, oral presentation. Aubrecht, K. B.; Padwa, L. Sustainable Chemistry: A Series of Laboratory Field Trips for High School Students. 251st ACS National Meeting, 2016, Chemical Education, #239, oral presentation. Conference Presentations
![Stephen Baines](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/baines_large-1nqd2xm-e1453173513772.jpg)
Stephen Baines
Associate Professor
Aquatic ecosystem ecology, ecological stoichiometry
$158,818.00 1-Sep-2011 through 1-Oct-2016 Hudson River Foundation: Quantifying the Role of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) as the Missing Source of Energy to Zebra Mussel Populations in the Hudson River (PI Stephen Baines)
![Hannes Baumann](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2016/02/hbpic-1l5u8kv.jpg)
Hannes Baumann
Adjunct Professor
![Steven Beaupré](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/02/sbeaupre-23e1vht-e1453171323823.jpg)
Steven Beaupré
Associate Professor
Marine Biogeochemistry, Chemical kinetics of natural organic matter, radiocarbon analyses
$185,535.00 1-Sep-2015 31-Aug-2017 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Recycling of Refractory Dissolved Organic Carbon in Seawater
![David Black](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/BlackDavid2-2k2wq5l.jpg)
David Black
Associate Professor
Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, deep-sea sediments, marine micropaleontology
$1,621,052.00 1-Apr-2011 through 31-Mar-2016 National Science Foundation: Do Interactions Between Vertically and Horizontally Transported Particles Measurably Affect Particle Composition and Flux to the Sediments? A Mechanistic Approach (PI David Black, Co-PIs Kirk Cochran, Cindy Lee and Robert Armstrong)
![Henry Bokuniewicz](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/BokuniewiczHenry-15xgqds-e1453171378984.jpg)
Henry Bokuniewicz
Distinguished Service Professor
Near shore transport processes, coastal groundwater hydrology, coastal sedimentation, marine geophysics
$290,546.00 1-Mar-2013 through 31-Mar-2016 NYS Energy Research and Development Authority: Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation, & Protection (EMEP) Program: Climate Change Adaptation Research
$6,078.14 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$197,748.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018
$254,968.00 16-Jul-2013 through 31-Jul-2016 National Park Service: Continuation of Physical Monitoring of the Old Inlet Breach, Fire Island National Seashore (PI Charles Flagg, Co-PIs Roger Flood, Henry Bokuniewicz)
$88,021.00 19-Nov-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 Town of Brookhaven: Permeable Reactive Barrier at the Forge River Shoreline (PI Larry Swanson, Co-PI Henry Bokuniewicz)
$299,982 2-Feb-2015 through 31-May-2016 New York State Department of State: Sandy Needs and Resources Offshore New York (PI Henry Bokuniewicz, Co-PIs Robert Wilson, Roger Flood)
$14,985.00 15-Jan-2015 through 30-Jun-2017 Cornell University: Seiche-Induced Erosion in Lake Erie (PI Ali Farhadzadeh , Co-PI Henry Bokuniewicz)
$865,696.00 Apr-2017 through Mar-2019 New York Department of Environmental Conservation: Near-field impacts of ocean (STP) outfalls (PI Henry Bokuniewicz, Co-PIs Bruce Brownawell, Robert Cerrato, Charles Flagg, Roger Flood, Larry Swanson, Darcy Lonsdale)
![Malcolm Bowman](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/BowmanMalcolm-wj92qd-e1453172054676.jpg)
Malcolm Bowman
Distinguished Service Professor
Coastal ocean and estuarine dynamics
![Bruce Brownawell](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Brownawell-pogjjl-e1453172195796.jpg)
Bruce Brownawell
Associate Professor
Biogeochemistry of organic pollutants in seawater and groundwater.
$30,360.00 7-Feb-2013 through 31-Jan-2016 National Science Foundation: Rapid Grant: Collaborative Investigations of the Impact of Superstorm Sandy on the South Shore of Long Island (PI Roger Flood, Co-PI Bruce Brownawell)
$865,696.00 Apr-2017 through Mar-2019 New York Department of Environmental Conservation: Near-field impacts of ocean (STP) outfalls (PI Henry Bokuniewicz, Co-PIs Bruce Brownawell, Robert Cerrato, Charles Flagg, Roger Flood, Larry Swanson, Darcy Lonsdale)
![Robert Cerrato](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Cerrato-1m5tiax-e1453172120609.jpg)
Robert Cerrato
Benthic ecology, population and community dynamics.
$668,624.00 1-Apr-2014 31-Mar-2018 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Assessing blue crab abundance and life history characteristics and predicting future population trends on Long Island (PI Robert Cerrato, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Michael Frisk)
$327,633.00 17-Jun-2013 through 31-Jul-2016 National Park Service: Assessing the Response of the Great South Bay Estuarine Fauna to Hurricane Sandy: Focus on Nekton Utilization of Seagrass Habitats (PI Bradley Peterson, Co-PI Robert Cerrato)
$865,696.00 Apr-2017 through Mar-2019 New York Department of Environmental Conservation: Near-field impacts of ocean (STP) outfalls (PI Henry Bokuniewicz, Co-PIs Bruce Brownawell, Robert Cerrato, Charles Flagg, Roger Flood, Larry Swanson, Darcy Lonsdale)
$210,000.00 1-Jul-2013 31-Mar-2017 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Effects of a Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Structure within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Robert Cerrato)
$149,995.00 15-Sep-2014 14-Sep-2016 National Park Service Effects of Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Assemblages and Ecosystem Structure Within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (Post-Hurricane Sandy Study) (PI Janet Nye, Co-PIs Michael Frisk, Robert Cerrato, Charles Flagg)
$399,768.00 25-Apr-2016 through 30-Apr-2018 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management: Monitoring Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon and Commercial Finfish Habitat Use Offshore New York Dated 1/28/16 and Revised 4/06/16 (PI Michael Frisk , Co-PI Robert Cerrato, Demian Chapman )
$224,350.00 1-Jan-2017 through 31-Oct-2017 Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council: Fisheries- Independent Pilot Survey for Golden and Blueline Tilefish Throughout thet Range from Georges Bank to Cape Hatteras (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PI Robert Cerrato, Jill Olin)
$307,224 2017 through 2020 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: Atlantic Ocean Surf Clam Population Survey (PI Robert Cerrato).
$1,760,703 2017 through 2020 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: Nearshore Ocean Trawl Survey (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PI Robert Cerrato)
$250,067 2016 through 2019 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: Horseshoe Crab Acoustic Telemetry (PI Robert Cerrato, Co-PI Matthew Sclafani (Cornell)).
$166,000 2017 through 2018 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: Horseshoe Crab Spawning Survey (PI Robert Cerrato, Co-PI Matthew Sclafani (Cornell)).
$399,993 2016 through 2018 NOAA: Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program: Restoring Long Island’s winter flounder inshore fisheries – Approaches to avoid extirpation (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PI Robert Cerrato, Anne McElroy and Demian Chapman).
![Edmund Chang](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/chang-193g9jx-e1453175503918.jpg)
Edmund Chang
Atmospheric dynamics and diagnoses, climate dynamics, synoptic meteorology
$23,184.00 1-Sep-2015 31-Mar-2016 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Support for Geller Symposium (PI Sultan Hameed, Co-PI Edmund Chang)
$573,068.00 15-Mar-2013 through 28-Feb-2017 National Science Foundation: New Perspectives on Storm Track Dynamics, Variability, and Change
$0.00 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$69,947.00 1-Aug-2015 31-Jul-2016 US Department of Energy Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction of Extratropical Storm Track Activity Over the U.S. Using NMME Data
$337,722.00 1-Oct-2013 through 30-Sep-2017 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: An Evaluation and Application of Multi-Model Ensembles in Operations for High Impact Weather Over the Eastern U.S. (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI Edmund Chang)
$415,219.00 1-May-2015 30-Apr-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Validation of Significant Weather Features and Processes in Operational Models Using a Cyclone Relative Approach (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI Edmund Chang)
$365,613.00 11-Mar-2016 through 10-Mar-2018 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Extratropical Cyclone Activity as a Climate Indicator for National Climate Assessment (PI Edmund Chang, Co-PI Minghua Zhang)
$394,330.00 1-Jul-2016 through 30-Jun-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Understanding the Sources of Subseasonal Predictability of Extratropical Cyclone Activity and Improving Their Representation in Forecast Systems (PI Edmund Chang, Co-PI Hyemi Kim, Minghua Zhang)
$409,289.00 15-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2019 National Science Foundation: GP-IMPACT: Increasing Geosciences Enrollment through Research Experiences, Mentoring, and Curriculum Interactions with Community Colleges and High Schools (PI Brian Colle , Co-PI Edmund Chang, Gilbert Hanson, Hyemi Kim, Kamazima Lwiza, Paul Siegel)
![J. Kirk Cochran](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Cochran-p1g3be-e1453175673184.jpg)
J. Kirk Cochran
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Marine geo-chemistry, use of radionuclides as geochemical tracers; diagenesis of marine sediments.
$275,987.00 26-Aug-2014 25-Aug-2016 National Park Service Health and Resiliency of Salt Marshes in Jamaica Bay; Post-Hurricane Sandy Study (PI Kirk Cochran, Co-PI Qingzhi Zhu)
$1,621,052.00 1-Apr-2011 through 31-Mar-2016 National Science Foundation: Do Interactions Between Vertically and Horizontally Transported Particles Measurably Affect Particle Composition and Flux to the Sediments? A Mechanistic Approach (PI David Black, Co-PIs Kirk Cochran, Cindy Lee and Robert Armstrong)
$197,748.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018
$65,000.00 1-May-2016 through 20-Apr-2018 Suffolk County Department of Economic Development: Coastal Resiliency via Integrated Wetland Management Sample Collection and Analysis (PI J Kirk Cochran , Co-PI Qingzhi Zhu)
![Brian Colle](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/colle-2aj1ub8-e1453175625406.png)
Brian Colle
Professor / Director, ITPA
Extreme weather, coastal meteorology, weather forecasting, regional climate change
$675,219.00 30-Sep-2011 through 30-Jun-2016 US Department of Energy: Improving Atmospheric Models for Offshore Wind Resource Mapping and Prediction Using Lidar, Aircraft, and In-Ocean Observations
$282,894.00 1-Mar-2013 through 28-Feb-2017 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Using Field and Satellite Measurements to Improve Snow and Riming Processes in Cloud Resolving Models
$112,239.00 19-Aug-2013 through 15-Aug-2018 USDA Forest Service: Employing Ensemble Data Assimilation, Parameter Estimation, and Field Data to Improve Fire Weather Predictions in Mesoscale Models
$337,722.00 1-Oct-2013 through 30-Sep-2017 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: An Evaluation and Application of Multi-Model Ensembles in Operations for High Impact Weather Over the Eastern U.S. (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI Edmund Chang)
$478,362.00 1-Sep-2013 through 31-Aug-2018 University of Delaware: Hazards SEES Type 2: Dynamic Integration of Natural, Human, and Infrastructure Systems for Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering
$3,306.71 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$350,466.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2019 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Observations and Modeling of Mesoscale Precipitation Banding in Cool-season Storms
$114,219.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2017 Consolidated Edison Company of New York Incorporated: Evaluation of Long Range Ensemble Weather Modeling
$415,219.00 1-May-2015 30-Apr-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Validation of Significant Weather Features and Processes in Operational Models Using a Cyclone Relative Approach (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI Edmund Chang)
$148,054.00 1-Sep-2015 31-Aug-2016 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Nowcasting Severe Storm Evolution and Tracking Storm Life Cycles in the Northeast United States Using GOES-R (PI Michael French, Co-PI Brian Colle)
$1,593,092 1-Jun-2009 through 30-Sept-2016 National Science Foundation. GeoPREP Track 2: Expanding the Geoscience Pathway
$42,000 1 August-2015 through 31-July-2016 USACE-Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Fellowship.
$235,223.00 1-Feb-2016 through 31-Jan-2018 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Using OLYMPEX Field Data, Satellite Simulators, and Unique Surface Instrumentation to Improve Cloud Microphysical Parameterizations
$409,289.00 15-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2019 National Science Foundation: GP-IMPACT: Increasing Geosciences Enrollment through Research Experiences, Mentoring, and Curriculum Interactions with Community Colleges and High Schools (PI Brian Colle , Co-PI Edmund Chang, Gilbert Hanson, Hyemi Kim, Kamazima Lwiza, Paul Siegel)
$80,677 1-Oct-2017 through 30-Sep-2019 Consolidated Edison Company of New York Incorporated: Enhanced Tools for Ensemble Weather Prediction.
![Jackie Collier](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Collier-p500gq.jpg)
Jackie Collier
Associate Professor
Phytoplankton physiological ecology; Biocomplexity and microbial diversity; Planktonic ecosystem processes in marine, estuarine, and freshwater systems
$144,176.00 17-Sep-2015 through 1-Apr-2017 Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation: Developing Molecular Genetic Tools for Labyrinthulomycetes (PI Jackie Collier , Co-PI Joshua Rest)
$180,207.00 25-Aug-2017 through 24-Aug-2018 Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation: Expanding the Genetic Tool Kit for Aurantiochytrium (PI Jackie Collier , Co-PI Joshua Rest)
$594,118.00 9-Jul-2013 through 1-Mar-2017 National Park Service: Assessing the Response of the Great South Bay Plankton Community to Hurricane Sandy (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI Jackie Collier, Darcy Lonsdale)
$259,608 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2016. New York Sea Grant: QPX distribution and persistence in the environment (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PIs Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa, Jackie Collier, Debra Barnes)
![Nolwenn Dheilly](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2016/04/NolwennDheilly-head-1c5jkgd.png)
Nolwenn Dheilly
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Evolution of Host-Parasite Interactions
$24,893.00 1-Feb-2016 through 31-Jan-2018 Eppley Foundation for Research Incorporated: Microbiome-Parasite Interactions: The Tapeworm-Stickleback Fish Parasite-Host System
$7,832 2017 through 2018 AWARD from the EPPLEY Foundation For Research: Microbiome-Parasite Interactions: The tapeworm-Stickleback Fish Parasite-Host System
$36,660 2016 through 2017 Minghua Zhang Early Career Faculty Innovation Fund: A model system to study the role of parasite microbiome role in infection
$37,000 2017 through 2018 Minghua Zhang Early Career Faculty Innovation Fund: Real-time investigation of fish host adaptation to infection by a helminth parasite
$1,000 2017 Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution: CHILDCARE Award
Science et vie Junior #320 pp 30-31: “Nightmare in Alaska” reviews the research of Dr. Dheilly NM Science et vie Junior #320 pp 32-33:“spellbound by a wasp” reviews the research of Dr. Dheilly NM Ana Maria Rodriguez, (2017) The Secret of the Scuba Diving Spider… and More! (Animal Secrets Revealed!) ISBN: 978-0766086296Children's Literature Features
Hahn M, Dheilly NM, NYC Parasitology 2. A potential role for microbes in the infectious process of the cestode parasite Schistocephalus solidus. New-York, USA Talk Dheilly NM, Hahn M NYC Parasitology 2. Evolution of hosts, parasites and their microbiomes. New-York, USA Talk Hahn M, Dheilly NM, European Society of Evolutionary Biology. A potential role for microbes in the infectious process of the cestode parasite Schistocephalus solidus. Groningen, The Netherlands Oral presentation Dheilly NM, Hahn M. European Society of Evolutionary Biology. Evolution of hosts, parasites and their microbiomes. Groningen, The Netherlands Oral presentation Dheilly NM, Hahn M. SMBE. Evolution of hosts, parasites and their microbiomes. . Austin, USA Poster presentation Dheilly NM. BioGenomics2017. Parasite Microbiomes: The missing link in parasite ecology and associated pathologies. Washington DC, USA Poster presentationConference Presentations
Dheilly NM Invited by the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, Maine, USA to give a seminar: Looking beyond the red queen: the role of microbes in host-parasite interaction Invited seminar Dheilly NM Invited by the Research Department to give a seminar, Department of Ecology and Evolution, Stony Brook University, New York, USA : Looking beyond the red queen: microorganisms as drivers of host-parasite interaction. Invited seminar Dheilly NM Invited by the Research Department to give a seminar, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Connecticut, Connecticut, USA: Looking beyond the red queen: microorganisms as drivers of host-parasite interactions. Invited seminarInvited Seminars
![Anthony Dvarskas](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/02/dvarskas-1pqgxcr-e1453170155845.jpg)
Anthony Dvarskas
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Environmental economics, ecosystem services and resilience of coastal ecosystems, economics of restoration, natural capital accounting
Dvarskas A. (2017) Economic valuation of nitrogen bioextraction. Presented to Long Island Sound Technical Advisory Committee. Dvarskas A. (2017) Ecosystem services and economics of the Hudson Canyon. Presented at Wildlife Conservation Society Professional Development Workshop for NYC Teachers at New York Aquarium, Brooklyn, NY. Rose J., Dixon M., Bohorquez J., Bowgen R., Bricker S., Wikfors G., and Dvarskas A. (2017) Hyperlocal ecosystem services: nutrient removal and increased water clarity provided by shellfish to a municipality. Presented at Coastal Estuarine Research Foundation Conference, Providence, RI. Smith E. and Dvarskas A. (2016) Economic benefits from addressing nitrogen pollution: the role of water quality improvements in improving real estate values. Presented at Latitude 41 Nitrogen Reduction symposium, Stony Brook, NY. Dvarskas A. and Nepf M. (2016) Water clarity and housing values in Suffolk County. Presented at Center for Natural Resources and Economic Policy Conference, New Orleans, LA.Conference Presentations
![Ali Farhadzadeh](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/afarhadzadeh-22z9qi3-e1453175745631.jpg)
Ali Farhadzadeh
Assistant Professor
Nearshore hydrodynamics, sediment transport, wave-current-sediment-structure interaction, resilient coastal protection systems, coastal flooding
$14,985.00 15-Jan-2015 through 30-Jun-2017 Cornell University: Seiche-Induced Erosion in Lake Erie (PI Ali Farhadzadeh , Co-PI Henry Bokuniewicz)
![Donovan Finn](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Donovan-2209w8j-2icuqcj.jpg)
Donovan Finn
Assistant Professor
community-based planning, disaster recovery, resilience policy, urban design and placemaking
$110,611.00 20-Jun-2013 through 31-Jul-2017 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Interdependency in Decision Making, A Holistic Approach to Understanding Community Recovery from Catastrophes
Edited Publications
Finn, D. (2016) “Introduction to the second special issue on DIY urbanism.” Journal of Urbanism, 9:2, 99-100.
Conference Presentations
Green, T. and Finn, D. “State-sponsored integrated regional planning in the United States: Where did it come from and where is it going?” The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 2017, 57th Annual Conference, Denver, CO. October 15, 2017.
Chandrasekhar, D., Finn, D. and Xiao, Y. “A Longitudinal Analysis of Household Recovery After 2012’s Hurricane Sandy” The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 2017, 57th Annual Conference, Denver, CO. October 14, 2017
Xiao, Y., Wu, K., Chandrasekhar, D. and Finn, D. “Understanding Social Vulnerability and Social Capital for Disaster Resilience.” 11th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference, Harbin, China, June 16 – 18, 2017.
Xiao, Y., Chandrasekhar, D., Finn, D. and Rothfeder, R. “What Drives Household Recovery After Catastrophic Disasters? Lessons From New York City After The 2012 Hurricane Sandy.” The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 56th Annual Conference, Portland, OR. November 4, 2016.
Finn, D., Chandrasekhar, D. and Xiao, Y. “Planning After Sandy: How Do We Rebuild For A More Resilient Region?” The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 56th Annual Conference, Portland, OR. November 4, 2016. Finn, D., Chandrasekhar, D. and Xiao, Y. “Recovery planning from the neighborhood to the region: The case of Superstorm Sandy.” International Sociological Association’s International Research Committee on Disasters Annual Meeting. Broomfield, CO, July 14, 2016.
Invited Talks
Finn, D. “New York City’s Public Plaza Program: Transforming streets for people,” Placemaking Week, Amsterdam, NL. October 13, 2017.
Finn, D. “We built this city: The contradictory implications of DIY public space activism,” The Humanities Institute at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY. October 19, 2016.
Finn, D. (Panelist) Enhancing Resilience through Research, Collaboration, and Advocacy panel, 41st Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, Broomfield, CO. July 11, 2016.
Media Interviews
Elisabeth Gawthrop (September 3, 2016) A Wall Against the Next Sandy: Where Should It Go? The Brooklyn Ink.
David Olson (July 5, 2016). Glen Cove begins search for ferry service operator to NYC. Newsday
David Olson (Feb 21, 2016) Glen Cove to NYC ferry service expected this summer at terminal. Newsday.
![Nicholas Fisher](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Fisher-1357czf-e1453171595851.jpg)
Nicholas Fisher
Distinguished Professor / Director, CIDER
Marine phytoplankton physiology and ecology, biogeo-chemistry of metals, marine pollution
$1,157,227.28 1-Apr-2010 through 31-Dec-2017 Stony Brook Foundation: Gelfond Fund for Research
$451,888.00 15-Mar-2013 through 28-Feb-2017 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Methylmercury Interactions with Marine Plankton
$88,000.00 1-Nov-2014 31-Jul-2016 Syracuse University: Monitoring to Evaluate Temporal Trends and Spatial Patterns in Mercury Concentrations in Marine Fish of New York State
$62,351.00 1-Apr-2015 31-Mar-2016 Dartmouth College: Sources and Protracted Effects of Early Life Exposure to Arsenic and Mercury
$361,802.00 1-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2019 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research:Transformations and Mercury Isotopic Fractionation of Methylmercury by Marine Phytoplankton
$51,060.00 1-Jan-2017 through 31-Dec-2017 Stony Brook Foundation: Pilot Analysis of Nutritional Modifiers of Methylmercury Uptake – Research Collaboration with Harvard
$56,116.00 1-Apr-2017 through 31-Mar-2018 Dartmouth College: Sources and Protracted Effects of Early Life Exposure to Arsenic and Mercury
![Charles Flagg](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Flagg-ybh58h-e1453175795349.jpg)
Charles Flagg
Research Professor
Continental Shelf Dynamics, Bio-Physical Interactions in Shelf Systems, Climate Change Effects on Coastal Systems, Shipboard ADCPs on Volunteer Observing Ships
$515,354.00 8-Jun-2011 through 31-Jul-2017 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: The Norrona Project: An International Collaboration for Sustained Studies of the Meridional Overturning Circulation Between Denmark, the Faroes and Iceland
$254,968.00 16-Jul-2013 through 1-Mar-2017 National Park Service: Continuation of Physical Monitoring of the Old Inlet Breach, Fire Island National Seashore (PI Charles Flagg , Co-PI Roger Flood, Henry Bokuniewicz)
$113,081.00 1-Sep-2014 31-Aug-2015 University of Rhode Island Sustained Observations Between New York to Bermuda
$915,431.00 15-Sep-2015 through 31-Aug-2018 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: The Oleander Project: High-resolution Observation of the Dynamic Ocean Between New Jersey and Bermuda
$138,495.00 15-May-2017 through 30-Apr-2019 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: The Norrona Project: An International Collaboration for Sustained Studies of the Meridional Overturning Circulation Between Denmark, The Faroes and Iceland
$149,995.00 15-Sep-2014 14-Sep-2016 National Park Service Effects of Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Assemblages and Ecosystem Structure Within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (Post-Hurricane Sandy Study)
$865,696.00 Apr-2017 through Mar-2019 New York Department of Environmental Conservation: Near-field impacts of ocean (STP) outfalls (PI Henry Bokuniewicz, Co-PIs Bruce Brownawell, Robert Cerrato, Charles Flagg, Roger Flood, Larry Swanson, Darcy Lonsdale)
![Roger Flood](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Flood-2d1ehgm-e1453175841609.jpg)
Roger Flood
Research Professor
Marine geology, sediment dynamics, continental margin sedimentation
$78,665.00 17-Nov-2011 through 31-Jan-2016 Consortium for Ocean Leadership: Participation of Roger Flood in IODP Leg 339
$30,360.00 7-Feb-2013 through 31-Jan-2016 National Science Foundation: Rapid Grant: Collaborative Investigations of the Impact of Superstorm Sandy on the South Shore of Long Island (PI Roger Flood, Co-PI Bruce Brownawell)
$254,968.00 16-Jul-2013 through 31-Jul-2016 National Park Service: Continuation of Physical Monitoring of the Old Inlet Breach, Fire Island National Seashore (PI Charles Flagg, Co-PIs Roger Flood, Henry Bokuniewicz)
$299,982 2-Feb-2015 through 31-May-2016 New York State Department of State: Sandy Needs and Resources Offshore New York (PI Henry Bokuniewicz, Co-PIs Robert Wilson, Roger Flood)
$865,696.00 Apr-2017 through Mar-2019 New York Department of Environmental Conservation: Near-field impacts of ocean (STP) outfalls (PI Henry Bokuniewicz, Co-PIs Bruce Brownawell, Robert Cerrato, Charles Flagg, Roger Flood, Larry Swanson, Darcy Lonsdale)
![Michael French](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/mfrench-1ijwe0h-e1453170283101.jpg)
Michael French
Associate Professor
supercell and tornado dynamics; Doppler weather radar applications; mesoscale meteorology
$444,234.00 1-Sep-2015 through 31-Aug-2017 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Nowcasting Severe Storm Evolution and Tracking Storm Life Cycles in the Northeast United States Using GOES-R (PI Michael French, Co-PI Brian Colle)
$29,580.00 2017 through 2018 Minghua Zhang Early Career Faculty Innovation Fund: Mobile, Doppler Lidar and Phased Array Radar Observations of Cool and Warm Season Mesoscale Phenomena on Long Island
![Michael Frisk](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Frisk-wz3srs-e1453175928474.jpg)
Michael Frisk
Fish ecology, population modeling and life history theory
$180,000.00 1-Dec-2014 31-Dec-2016 Tetra Tech Incorporated Winter Flounder Study for the Mattituck Inlet Project,NY
$210,000.00 1-Jul-2013 31-Mar-2017 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Effects of a Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Structure within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Robert Cerrato)
$149,995.00 15-Sep-2014 14-Sep-2016 National Park Service Effects of Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Assemblages and Ecosystem Structure Within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (Post-Hurricane Sandy Study) (PI Janet Nye, Co-PIs Michael Frisk, Robert Cerrato, Charles Flagg)
$668,624.00 1-Apr-2014 31-Mar-2018 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Assessing blue crab abundance and life history characteristics and predicting future population trends on Long Island (PI Robert Cerrato, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Michael Frisk)
$399,768.00 25-Apr-2016 through 30-Apr-2018 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management: Monitoring Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon and Commercial Finfish Habitat Use Offshore New York Dated 1/28/16 and Revised 4/06/16 (PI Michael Frisk , Co-PI Robert Cerrato, Demian Chapman )
$224,350.00 1-Jan-2017 through 31-Oct-2017 Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council: Fisheries- Independent Pilot Survey for Golden and Blueline Tilefish Throughout thet Range from Georges Bank to Cape Hatteras (PI Michael Frisk , Co-PI Robert Cerrato, Jill Olin)
$399,993.00 11-Jan-2016 through 28-Feb-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Restoring Long Island’s Winter Flounder Inshore Fisheries-Approaches to Avoid Extirpation
$75,645.00 1-Apr-2016 through 15-Dec-2017 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission: Changes in Availability of Mid-Atlantic Fish Stocks to Fisheries-Independent Surveys (PI Janet Nye, Co-PI Michael Frisk)
$1,760,703 2017 through 2020 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: Nearshore Ocean Trawl Survey (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PI Robert Cerrato)
$399,993 2016 through 2018 NOAA: Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program: Restoring Long Island’s winter flounder inshore fisheries – Approaches to avoid extirpation (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PI Robert Cerrato, Anne McElroy and Demian Chapman).
![Marvin Geller](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/geller-10rqsi9.jpg)
Marvin Geller
Professor Emeritus
$702,745.00 1-Jun-2011 through 31-Jan-2016 National Science Foundation: High-Resolution Radiosonde Data, Gravity Waves, Turbulence, and the Extratropical Tropopause (PI Marvin Geller, Co-PI Ping Liu)
![Christopher Gobler](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/gobler-20hcfly-olczls-e1453172981655.jpg)
Christopher Gobler
Endowed Chair
Coastal ecosystem ecology, climate change, harmful algal blooms, phytoplankton, ocean acidification, effects of multiple stressors on coastal marine resources, aquatic biogeochemistry
$1,840,000.00 1-Jan-2010 through 31-Dec-2017 Renaissance Charitable Foundation Incorporated: Southampton Coastal and Estuarine Research Program (SCERP)
$463,232.00 1-Sep-2011 through 31-Aug-2016 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: MERHAB: Monitoring, Forecasting, and Enhanced Response to PSP and DSP Events in New York Coastal Waters
$533,000.00 1-Sep-2012 through 31-Aug-2016 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Using Ecological Models to Predict Population Effects of Increasing Ocean Acidification on Northeast US Resource Bivalves
$184,134.00 4-Apr-2013 through 3-Apr-2017 East Hampton Town Trustees: Assessing Harmful Algae and Pathogens in East Hampton Town Trustee Waters
$594,118.00 9-Jul-2013 through 1-Mar-2017 National Park Service: Assessing the Response of the Great South Bay Plankton Community to Hurricane Sandy (PI Christopher Gobler , Co-PI Jackie Collier, Darcy Lonsdale)
$16,390.05 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$203,308.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018
$98,193.00 17-Jun-2014 through 31-Mar-2016 National Park Service: Assessing the Response of Juvenile and Adult Hard Clams to the New Breach in Great South Bay: Post-Hurricane Sandy Study
$246,521.00 22-Aug-2014 through 1-Mar-2017 National Park Service: Acidification, Hypoxia, and Algal Blooms: Barriers to Current and Future Ecosystem Restoration and Climate Change Resilience in Jamaica Bay (Post Hurricane Sandy Study)
$49,998.00 16-Sep-2014 15-Sep-2016 National Park Service Assessing the Response of Indicator Bacteria in Great South Bay to Hurricane Sandy
$57,583.00 15-Aug-2014 31-Oct-2016 Virginia Institute of Marine Science Collaborative Research: Identification of Nitrogen Sources for Toxic Alexandrium Blooms Using a Novel Species-Specific Tracer, d15N-Saxitoxin
$96,192.00 22-Apr-2015 through 31-Dec-2016 Town of Southampton: Towards the Migration of Excessive Nitrogen Loads to Coastal Waters in the Town of Southampton: Goal Setting and Public Education
$361,411.00 1-Sep-2015 through 31-Aug-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: ECOHAB: Resolving the Effects of Resource Availability, Predation and Competition on Brown Tide Dynamics Using Metatranscriptomics
$648,600.00 1-Sep-2015 through 31-Aug-2017 Bloomberg Philanthropies: Clean Water Technology Initiative (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI Roy Price, Harold Walker)
$1,000,000.00 1-Sep-2016 through 30-Aug-2017 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: NYS Center for Clean Water Technology (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI Harold Walker)
$53,860.00 1-Apr-2015 through 31-Dec-2017 Suffolk County Health Services: Environmental Quality/Monitoring Toxic Cyanobacteria and Assessment of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning and Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning Services
$240,000 01-May-2013 through 30-Apr-2016. Rauch Foundation: Assessing the impacts of land-derived nitrogen loads on coastal resources
$3,000,000 01-May-2012 through 30-Apr-2017. Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program
$198,000 01-Jul-2014 through 30-Jun-2016. Dolan Family Foundations: Long Island Marine Monitoring Network
$339,270 01-Mar-2015 through 28-Feb-2017. Friends of Georgica Pond: Environmental and Human Health Risks at Georgica Pond; Working Toward a Sustainable Plan for Remediation
$23,027.00 6-Nov-2015 through 31-Aug-2016 Mastics-Moriches-Shirley Community Library: Water Test Proposal for a Man-Made Lake at Shirley (PI Qing-Zhi Zhu, Co-PI Christopher Gobler)
$237,915 01-Sep-2015 through 31-Aug-2017. NYSDEC: Development of a coupled biological-physical model to predict and mitigate PSP-causing blooms of Alexandrium fundyense in Long Island Sound
$30,000 01-Jun-2015 through 31-May-2017. NYSDEC: Monitoring NYS lakes and ponds for toxic blue green algae
$505,658.00 1-May-2016 through 30-Apr-2020 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: Shinnecock Bay Restoration Project (PI Bradley Peterson, Co-PI Christopher Gobler)
Invited Seminars, National
Invited webinar: “The complex relationship between nutrients and harmful algal blooms”, US EPA Region 9, April 4, 2017.
Invited seminar: “Coastal Ocean Acidification: A threat to marine life”, November 22st 2016, Brooklyn College, Host: Dr. Brianne Smith
Invited seminar: “Understanding harmful algal blooms in a changing world: From genes to ocean basins”, November 8th 2016, University of Southern California, Host: Dr. David Caron
Invited seminar: Saint Joseph’s College Earth Day seminar, “State of the Bays 2016: Challenges, victories, and solutions”, April 20, 2016, Host: Dr. Konstantine Rountos
Invited seminar: “Understanding harmful algal blooms in a changing world: From genes to ocean basins”, March 21st 2016, Rutgers University, Host: Dr. Kay Bidle
Invited seminar: “Current and future coastal ocean acidification: Implications for marine fisheries”, February 12, 2016, NOAA Headquarters, Silver Spring, MD, Host: Dr. Elizabeth Turner
Invited seminar: “HABs and nitrogen on Long Island: Science, communication, & policy”, February 12, 2016, NOAA Headquarters, Silver Spring, MD, Host: Dr. Quay Dortch
January 12, 2017: “How much is too much? Developing models to determine nitrogen reductions needed to mitigate harmful algal blooms”, presentation to the Long Island Nitrogen Action Plan January 17, 2017: “The threat of ocean acidification to coastal ecosystems”, Host: Mid-Atlantic Coastal Ocean Acidification Network, sponsored by NOAA January 25, 2017: “Motivation and methods for improving nitrogen removal from on-site wastewater systems’, Host: Shavonne Smith, Shinnecock Indian Nation February 6, 2017: “New York State’s Center for Clean Water Technology: Addressing water contamination on Long Island”, presentation to the Rauch Foundation March 13, 2017: LICCRA Environmental Advocates meeting, “State of the Bays 2017: Hope at the Brink”, Host: Kyle Rabin March 23, 2017, “State of the Bays 2017: Hope at the Brink”, Presentation to the Global Resource Action Committee for the Environment. Host: Helaine Lehrner April 5, 2017, “Nutrients and HABs: Beyond the classic eutrophication perspective” presentation to USEPA Region 9. April 7, 2017, LICCRA Annual Public meeting, “State of the Bays 2017: Hope at the Brink”, Host: Dr. Larry Swanson April 10, 2017: East Hampton Town Hall, “East Hampton Town Trustees 2016 water quality study, final report”, Host: Francis Bock, Trustees President April 22, 2017: Earth Day Speech for the Quogue Wildlife Refuge April 23, 2017: “A serenity prayer for the ocean”, Universalist Unitarian Church, Bridgehampton. Host: Kent Martin April 23, 2017: “Let’s Talk About Water”, East Hampton, NY. Host: Linda Lilienfeld April 24, 2017: “New York State’s Center for Clean Water Technology: Addressing water contamination on Long Island”, presentation to Newsday May 22, 2017: “Pollution of Long Island’s surface and drinking waters”, Middle School Kids Go to College, Hosted by the Pine Barrens Society at Stony Brook University. Host: Richard Amper May 25, 2017, ““State of the Bays 2017: Hope at the Brink”, The Fifth Water We Going to Do Conference, Hauppauge, NY Host: Richard Amper June 22, 2017: “The threat of toxic cyanobacteria to Long Island’s freshwater bodies”, Long Island Invasive Species Management Area First Annual Conference June 27, 2017: “Nitrogen Pollution in the Western Bay”, Operation Splash, Citizen’s Campaign for the Environment. Host: Adrienne Esposito July 16, 2017: “Water quality impairment in Wainscott Pond: Threats and opportunities”, Wainscott Citizen’s Action Committee, Host: Simon Kinsella August 14, 2017: Water quality impairment in Wainscott Pond: Threats and opportunities”, East Hampton Town Hall, East Hampton Town Trustees, Host: Francis Bock, Trustees President August 22, 2017: “Addressing wastewater loads in Southampton Village: Effects on and benefits to Lake Agawam. Host: Mayor Michael Irving August 27, 2017: “Ecosystem management of Georgica Pond: Addressing wastewater threats”, Host: Friends of Georgica Pond September 5, 2017: “Addressing wastewater loads in Westhampton Beach Village: Effects on and benefits to coastal waters. Host: Mayor Maria Moore September 12, 2017: Summer of Discontent press conference: Host: Long Island Clean Water Partnership September 25, 2017: Suffolk County’s Harmful Algal Bloom Action Plan, presentation to Suffolk County Legislature October 2, 2017: “Stony Brook University: Protecting Long Island’s surface and ground water”, presentation to the Stony Brook University Board of Directors October 24, 2017: “Harmful Algal Blooms: A Threat to New York Waters”, Citizen’s Campaign for the Environment’s New York State Drinking water meeting, Albany, NY. Host: Adrienne Esposito November 3, 2017: “How safe is Long Island’s drinking water, and what Stony Brook University is doing to help” Science Advocacy for Long Island inaugural meeting. Host: Sarah Deonarine December 7, ,2017: “Harmful algal blooms: A growing threat to NY’s drinking and surface water”, New York Water Environmental Association webinar. Host: Maureen Kozol January 7, 2016: “Wastewater pollution from downtown Southampton Village – impacts on Lake Agawam and coastal waters”, Southampton Village Hall, Host: Mayor Mark Eppley January 14, 2016: “Nitrogen pollution in Long Island’s coastal waters – crisis and opportunity” Water Matters television show, inaugural episode, Host: Marshall Brown January 25, 2016: “Nitrogen pollution in Long Island’s coastal waters – crisis and opportunity” Hampton Bays Civic Association, Host: Dr. Scott Carlin February 2, 2016: Northport Yacht Club Water Quality Symposium, “Water quality in Northport – Huntington Harbor: Identification of impairments”, Host: Frank Petrone February 28, 2016: “Climate change and shellfish in NY waters”, New York Sea Grant Symposium for NYS shellfish growers and hatcheries, Host: William Wise March 15, 2016: “The role of estuarine flushing in controlling water quality in Shinnecock Bay and elsewhere on Long Island” Southampton Town Hall, Host: Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman March 24, 2016: LICCRA Environmental Advocates meeting, “State of the Bays 2016: Challenges, victories, and solutions”, Host: Kyle Rabin April 2, 2016, LICCRA Annual Public meeting, “State of the Bays 2016: Challenges, victories, and solutions”, Host: Dr. Minghua Zhang April 4, 2016: “Excessive nitrogen delivery to Long Island coastal waters – crisis and opportunity”, Westhampton Beach Garden Club April 15, 2016, “New York State PSP and DSP update”, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Marine Division Host: Debra Barnes, NYSDEC April 18, 2016, East Hampton Town Hall, “East Hampton Town Trustees 2015 water quality study, final report”, Host: Francis Bock, Trustees President April 20, 2016, Saint Joseph’s College Earth Day seminar, “State of the Bays 2016: Challenges, victories, and solutions”, Host: Dr. Konstantine Rontous April 22, 2016, Citizen’s Campaign for the Environment Earth Day Symposium, “State of the Bays 2016: Challenges, victories, and solutions”, Host: Adrienne Esposito May 3, 2016: Prospect Hill Foundation Latitude 41 meeting: “Development and refinement of nitrogen reduction targets and water quality endpoints”, Stony Brook, NY, Host: Prospect Hill Foundation May 7, 2016: East Hampton Village Library: “The Pond Scourge: How land use patterns are transforming regional water bodies”, Host: Sara Davidson May 17, 2016: “Factors promoting HABs on Long Island”, Suffolk County Harmful Algal Bloom Action Plan Workshop, sponsored by New York Sea Grant. Host: William Wise June 9, 2016, “Victory: Improving water quality benefits marine ecosystems”, The Fourth Water We Going to Do Conference, Hauppauge, NY Host: Richard Amper June 9, 2016, “HABs across Long Island”, Auxiliary Coast Guard, Farmingdale, NY, Host: Peg Hart. June 8, 2016: “Predicting and mitigating PSP-causing blooms of Alexandrium fundyense in Long Island Sound”, Long Island Sound Study Technical Advisory Council; Host: William Wise June 16, 2016: “Nitrogen removing Biofilters”, NYS Center for Clean Water Technology Symposium. Host: Jennifer Garvey June 18, 2016: “Water Quality On The East End, What You Can Do To Help Improve It…”, The East Hampton Garden Club, Host: Nancy Kelly October 1, 2016: “Water Quality Impairment on Long Island: Challenges and Solutions”, NYS Marine Educators Association meeting, Host: NYSMEA President October 22, 2016: “Status and trends in nitrogen-based eutrophication in NY marine coastal waters”, NYS Marine Science Consortium, host: Larry Swanson December 14, 2016: “How much is too much? Developing models to determine nitrogen reductions needed to improve water quality in Southampton Town waters”, Town of Southampton Board Meeting, host: Jay SchneidermanInvited Seminars, Local
![Sultan Hameed](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/hameed-12bi9os-e1453175980321.jpg)
Sultan Hameed
Climate change: analysis, impacts, and predictability
$23,184.00 1-Sep-2015 31-Mar-2016 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Support for Geller Symposium (PI Sultan Hameed, Co-PI Edmund Chang)
$193,227.00 1-Jul-2014 through 31-Aug-2018 University of Michigan: FATE Proposal: Incorporating an Environmental Index into the Southern New England Mid-Atlantic Yellowtail Flounder Stock Assessment with Potential Predictability (PI Janet Nye, Co-PI Sultan Hameed)
$341,654.00 15-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2019 National Science Foundation: Interannual Variability of the Gulf Stream Position: The Role of Atmospheric Forcing (PI Christopher Wolfe, Co-PI Sultan Hameed)
$75,040.00 1-May-2015 through 31-Oct-2016 Suffolk County Department of Economic Development: Effects from the Cooling Water Discharge at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station on the Temperatures of Long Island Sound (PI R Lawrence Swanson, Co-PI Sultan Hameed, Robert Wilson)
Conference Presentations
Chi, L., C. L. P. Wolfe, and S. Hameed, Intercomparison of the Gulf Stream in Ocean Reanalyses: 1993−2010 (Dec. 13, 2017), Poster presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, LA, USA, December 11–15, 2017
![Heidi Hutner](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/01/hutner_newhead-tkb9ki.jpg)
Heidi Hutner
Associate Professor
Environmental literature and film; ecofeminism; environmental justice; feminism; race studies; women’s literature; Restoration and eighteenth-century literature and culture.
Hutner, H. “The Weapons in Our Lives.” Proximity Magazine. October 5, 2017. Hutner, H. “The First Medical Drones in Madagascar.” New York Times, Dot Earth Blog, November, 2016. Hutner, H. “Voting for the Planet.” Editor’s Pick–Medium, November 3, 2016. Hutner, H. “Activist Casey Camp-Horinek on Mothering and the Standing Rock Protest.” Mom’s Clean Air Force, October 11, 2016. Hutner, H. “Revolutions Have Started This Way.” Manifest-Station, October 9, 2016. Hutner, H. “A Conservationist’s Call For Humans to Curb Harm to Our Animal Kin.” New York Times, Dot Earth Blog. July 2016. Hutner, H. “A Death In the Woods.” Tikkun Daily. May 2016. Hutner, H. “Nuclear Fallout Family: Tales from Miami.” Journal of Florida Studies. May 2016.Edited Publications
Hutner, H. “Activism, Community, and Love.” Wesleyan University. April, 2016.Invited Talks
The Green Divas (January 28, 2016) Inspired Green Divas: Dr. Heidi Hutner on Eco-Feminism The Green Divas (March 16, 2016) Inspired Green Divas: Dr. Heidi Hutner on Eco-Grief. Connect the Dots (May 11, 2016) Election Season Uproar Volume I.Media Interviews
![Marat Khairoutdinov](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/khairoutdinov-s0wstn-e1453174306944.jpg)
Marat Khairoutdinov
Climate modeling, high-resolution cloud modeling, cloud microphysics, super-parameterization, massively parallel super-computing, cloud parameterization
$445,242.62 1-Jul-2011 through 30-Jun-2016 Colorado State University: Center for Multi-Scale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes (MMAP)
$295,752.00 15-Aug-2014 through 14-Aug-2017 US Department of Energy: Expanding the Computational Frontier of Multi-Scale Atmospheric Simulation to Advance Understanding of Low Cloud / Climate Feedbacks
$283,791.00 15-Dec-2014 through 30-Nov-2017 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Self-Aggregation of Moist Convection, Radiative-Convective Instability, and the Regulation of Tropical Climate
![Hyemi Kim](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/04/image-1cxos7u-e1453170448568.jpg)
Hyemi Kim
Associate Professor
low frequency climate variability, tropical meteorology, ocean-atmosphere interaction, prediction and predictability, tropical cyclone activity, extreme events
$23,179.00 1-Mar-2015 through 29-Feb-2016 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology Optimization of the Global Seasonal Prediction System by Improving Land Surface Processes
$69,515.00 1-Aug-2015 through 31-Jul-2017 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Prediction of Atmospheric Rivers in NMME
$0.00 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$138,183 1-Feb 2014 through 31-Jan-2017: Mid-Atlantic Sea Grant, Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change on the Distribution, Population Connectivity, and Fisheries for Summer Flounder in the Mid-Atlantic
$394,330.00 1-Jul-2016 through 30-Jun-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Understanding the Sources of Subseasonal Predictability of Extratropical Cyclone Activity and Improving Their Representation in Forecast Systems (PI Edmund Chang, Co-PI Hyemi Kim, Minghua Zhang)
$22,108.89 1-Jan-2017 through 31-Dec-2017 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology: Investigation of Coupled Initialization for Seasonal-to-Subseasonal Predictability in North American and East Asia
$749,232.00 1-Jun-2017 through 31-May-2021 National Science Foundation: CAREER: Understanding the Source of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) Predictability and its Impact on the Mid-latitudes
$509,572 1-Sep-2017 through 31-Aug 2020 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Probabilistic seasonal prediction of the distribution of fish and marine mammals in the Northeast US (PI: Lesley Thorne, Co-PI: Hyemi Kim, Janet Nye)
$409,289.00 15-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2019 National Science Foundation: GP-IMPACT: Increasing Geosciences Enrollment through Research Experiences, Mentoring, and Curriculum Interactions with Community Colleges and High Schools (PI Brian Colle , Co-PI Edmund Chang, Gilbert Hanson, Hyemi Kim, Kamazima Lwiza, Paul Siegel)
Kim, H. M and F. Vitart (2017) MJO prediction: Current status and future challenges, Chapter in “The Multi-Scale Global Monsoon System”, World Scientific Publishing Company. Sixth International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-VI). Kim, H. M and Y. Zhou (2016) Prediction of Atmospheric Rivers associated with modes of S2S variability, US CLIVAR Variation, Vol.14 (Fall), pages 24-30Conference Presentations
![Daniel Knopf](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/knopf-1fjhjjk-e1453172542467.jpg)
Daniel Knopf
Atmospheric Chemistry, Microphysics and Chemistry of Atmospheric Aerosols, Heterogeneous Atmospheric Chemistry and Kinetics
$331,170.00 17-Aug-2012 through 31-Aug-2016 US Department of Energy: Relating the Chemical and Physical Properties of Aerosols to the Water Uptake and Ice Nucleation Potential of Particles Collected During the Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study (CARES)
$321,512.00 1-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2018 National Science Foundation The Effect of Particle Phase State on Multiphase Hydroxyl Radical OH Oxidation Kinetics and Products of Biomass Burning Aerosol
$661,683.00 1-Sep-2012 through 31-Aug-2016 National Science Foundation: Cloud Forming Potential of Marine Biogenic Aerosols and Their Physiochemical Properties (PI Josephine Aller, Co-PI Daniel Knopf)
$490,163.00 15-Aug-2013 through 31-Jul-2016 National Science Foundation: MRI: Acquisition of Spectrum-Spanning (UV-NIR) Raman-Atomic Force Microspectrometric System for Submicron 3-D Chemical Mapping of Cellular, Natural and Synthetic Materials (PI Gordon Taylor, Co-PI Daniel Knopf)
$547,831.00 17-May-2016 through 14-Aug-2018 US Department of Energy: Experimental Investigation of the Governing Parameters of Atmospheric Ice Nucleation Using Field-Collected and Laboratory Generated Aerosol
$70,066.00 24-Mar-2017 through 23-Mar-2018 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Multi-scale Observational Analysis and Modeling to Improve GCM Simulation of Global Shallow Cloud Processes and Feedbacks
![Pavlos Kollias](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2020/11/Kollias_Pavlos_1.jpg)
Pavlos Kollias
Cloud Microphysics and Dynamics, Environmental Remote Sensing, Radar Meteorology and Technology
$504,925.00 15-Feb-2015 through 14-Feb-2018 University of Washington: Microphysical-Macrophysical Interactions in Low Cloud Systems Over the Eastern North Atlantic
$136,394.00 1-Aug-2016 through 31-Jul-2017 Regents of the University of California: Bayesian Cloud Property Retrievals from ARM Active and Passive Measurements
![Cindy Lee](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Lee-2hqzq5s-e1453172488718.jpg)
Cindy Lee
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
$1,621,052.00 1-Apr-2011 through 31-Mar-2016 National Science Foundation: Do Interactions Between Vertically and Horizontally Transported Particles Measurably Affect Particle Composition and Flux to the Sediments? A Mechanistic Approach (PI David Black, Co-PIs Kirk Cochran, Cindy Lee and Robert Armstrong)
![Jeffrey Levinton](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/jeffferry-1gzges5-e1453173429835.jpg)
Jeffrey Levinton
Distinguished Professor
Conservation biology, developmental evolution
![Ping Liu](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/liu-12unnj0-e1453172922413.jpg)
Ping Liu
Research Associate Professor
Climate change, dynamics and modeling;
$153,275.00 1-May-2015 through 30-Apr-2017 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Calibration and Evaluation of GEFS Ensemble Forecasts at Weeks 2-4
$150,893.00 1-May-2016 through 30-Apr-2018 University of Miami: Calibration and Evaluation of GEFS Ensemble Forecasts at Weeks 3-4
$702,745.00 1-Jun-2011 through 31-Jan-2016 National Science Foundation: High-Resolution Radiosonde Data, Gravity Waves, Turbulence, and the Extratropical Tropopause (PI Marvin Geller, Co-PI Ping Liu)
![Darcy Lonsdale](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Lonsdale-xyb9jr-e1453173999678.jpg)
Darcy Lonsdale
Ecology and physiology of marine zooplankton; food web dynamics of estuarine plankton and the impacts of harmful algal blooms.
$594,118.00 9-Jul-2013 through 1-Mar-2017 National Park Service: Assessing the Response of the Great South Bay Plankton Community to Hurricane Sandy (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI Jackie Collier, Darcy Lonsdale)
$865,696.00 Apr-2017 through Mar-2019 New York Department of Environmental Conservation: Near-field impacts of ocean (STP) outfalls (PI Henry Bokuniewicz, Co-PIs Bruce Brownawell, Robert Cerrato, Charles Flagg, Roger Flood, Larry Swanson, Darcy Lonsdale)
![Kamazima Lwiza](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2020/08/lwiza_head.jpg)
Kamazima Lwiza
Associate Professor
Structure and dynamics of shelf-seas and remote sensing oceanography
$435,402.00 1-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2019 National Environment Research Council (NERC) HyCRISTAL: Integrating Hydro-Climate Science into Policy Decisions for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure and Livelihoods in East Africa
$15,000 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$1,593,092 1-Jun-2009 through 30-Sept-2016 National Science Foundation. GeoPREP Track 2: Expanding the Geoscience Pathway
$409,289.00 15-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2019 National Science Foundation: GP-IMPACT: Increasing Geosciences Enrollment through Research Experiences, Mentoring, and Curriculum Interactions with Community Colleges and High Schools (PI Brian Colle , Co-PI Edmund Chang, Gilbert Hanson, Hyemi Kim, Kamazima Lwiza, Paul Siegel)
![Heather Lynch](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Heather-Lynch-Internet-1n88wyw-e1453173384542.jpg)
Heather Lynch
Assistant Professor
Development and application of statistics
$782,718.00 1-Jun-2013 through 31-May-2018 National Science Foundation: CAREER: The Use of Quantitative Geography to Predict Population Tipping Points for Colonial Seabirds
$522,059.00 1-Jan-2014 through 31-Mar-2018 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Bayesian Data-Model Synthesis for Biological Conservation and Management in Antarctica
$108,019.00 1-Aug-2014 through 31-Jul-2018 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Phytoplankton Pheneology in the Antartic: Drivers, Patterns, and Implications for the Adelie Penguin
$27,326.00 1-Sep-2015 through 31-Aug-2018 National Science Foundation: EarthCube RCN: Collaborative Research: Research Coordination Network for High-Performance Distributed Computing in the Polar Sciences
$30,000.00 1-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2017 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Fellowship funds for Casey Youngflesh:Environmental forcing of Antarctic food web dynamics – a multi-tiered approach employing multispectral imagery, field spectroscopy, and stable isotope analysis
$2,993,930.00 15-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2021 National Science Foundation: NRT-DESE: Interdisciplinary Graduate Training to Understand and Inform Decision Processes Using Advanced Spatial Data Analysis and Visualization (PI Robert Harrison, Co-PIs Heather Lynch, Minghua Zhang, Arie Kaufman, Liliania Davalos-Alvarez)
![Daniel Madigan](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/dmadigan-1gscesa.jpg)
Daniel Madigan
Adjunct Professor
trophic ecology and migration patterns of pelagic predators such as tunas, sharks, and other highly migratory species
![John Mak](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/mak-1wtx4m6-e1453170668755.jpg)
John Mak
Trace gas isotopic composition for the reconstruction of atmospheric chemistry in the paleo atmosphere; trace gas emissions from the biosphere; development of instrumentation platforms for research aircraft.
$399,964.00 1-Apr-2013 through 31-Mar-2016 Environmental Protection Agency: Emission Fate and Contribution of Biogenic VOCs
$209,886.00 15-Mar-2015 28-Feb-2019 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Using Stable Isotopes to Constrain the Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Budget Over the Last 20,000 Years
$75,102.00 1-Jan-2015 through 31-Dec-2017 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Reconstruction of Carbon Monoxide in the Pre-Industrial Arctic Atmosphere from Ice Cores at Summit, Greenland
![Anne McElroy](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/02/160406_McElroy-Anne_008R-24t3hed-e1464311684941.jpg)
Anne McElroy
Aquatic Toxicology
$74,373.00 14-Jul-2014 14-Jul-2016 Rowan University Environmental Impacts of RAP
$562,108.00 1-Oct-2012 through 31-Dec-2016 Mississippi State University: Characterizing the Composition and Biogeochemical Behavior of Dispersants and Their Transformation Products in Gulf Mexico Coastal Ecosystems (PI Bruce Brownawell, Co-PI Anne McElroy)
$399,993 2016 through 2018 NOAA: Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program: Restoring Long Island’s winter flounder inshore fisheries – Approaches to avoid extirpation (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PI Robert Cerrato, Anne McElroy and Demian Chapman).
![Janet Nye](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/jnye-1lskrwa-e1453172432527.jpg)
Janet Nye
Adjunct Associate Professor
Fish ecology, climate variability, global environmental change, ecosystem-based management, ocean acidification, climate change
$298,749.00 1-Sep-2013 through 31-Aug-2018 National Science Foundation: Coastal SEES (Track 2), Collaborative Research: Resilience and Adaptation of a Coastal Ecological-Economic System in Response to Increasing Temperature
$80,183.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018
$149,995.00 15-Sep-2014 14-Sep-2016 National Park Service Effects of Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Assemblages and Ecosystem Structure Within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (Post-Hurricane Sandy Study) (PI Janet Nye, Co-PIs Michael Frisk, Robert Cerrato, Charles Flagg)
$115,834.00 1-Jul-2014 30-Jun-2016 University of Michigan FATE Proposal: Incorporating an Environmental Index into the Southern New England Mid-Atlantic Yellowtail Flounder Stock Assessment with Potential Predictability (PI Janet Nye, Co-PI Sultan Hameed)
$118,219.00 1-Dec-2015 30-Nov-2018 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Understanding the Effects of Acidification and Hypoxia Within and Across Generations in a Coastal Marine Fish
$210,000.00 1-Jul-2013 31-Mar-2017 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Effects of a Storm-Induced Barrier Breach on Community Structure within a Temperate Lagoonal Estuary (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Robert Cerrato)
$668,624.00 1-Apr-2014 31-Mar-2018 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Assessing blue crab abundance and life history characteristics and predicting future population trends on Long Island (PI Robert Cerrato, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Michael Frisk)
$193,227.00 1-Jul-2014 through 31-Aug-2018 University of Michigan: FATE Proposal: Incorporating an Environmental Index into the Southern New England Mid-Atlantic Yellowtail Flounder Stock Assessment with Potential Predictability (PI Janet Nye, Co-PI Sultan Hameed)
$75,645.00 1-Apr-2016 through 15-Dec-2017 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission: Changes in Availability of Mid-Atlantic Fish Stocks to Fisheries-Independent Surveys (PI Janet Nye , Co-PI Michael Frisk)
$509,572 1-Sep-2017 through 31-Aug 2020 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Probabilistic seasonal prediction of the distribution of fish and marine mammals in the Northeast US (PI: Lesley Thorne, Co-PI: Hyemi Kim, Janet Nye)
![Dianna Padilla](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Dianna-Padilla-head-shot3-resizedOmni-11h29kp-e1453173476343.jpg)
Dianna Padilla
Aquatic ecology, applied ecology, conservation biology
$134,008 1-Aug-2012 through 31-Jul-2016 National Science Foundation A Workshop to Address the Grand Challenge: How Organisms Walk the Tightrope Between Stability and Change.
$125,000 1-Jan-2015 through 31-Dec-2017 Suffolk County Scientists and Student Stewards Assessing Potential Nitrogen Loading Mitigation in the Connetquot River
$6,923.00 1-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2018 Multiple Sponsors: NSF Fellowship Stipend for Maria Rosa Independent Research Effort
![Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2016/02/emma2-20afasm-19gniwc.jpg)
Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa
Adjunct Associate Professor / Project Associate
Shellfish physiology, Particle selection mechanisms in suspension-feeding bivalves, Algology
$433,892.00 15-May-2012 through 30-Apr-2016 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Elucidating the Factors Mediating Particle-Selection Processes in Suspension-Feeding Molluscs: A Functional and Comparative Approach (PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa, Co-PI Bassem Allam)
$199,998.00 1-Feb-2013 through 31-Jan-2017 University of Maryland: Genetic Marker Assisted Selection of Northeastern Hard Clams for QPX Resistance (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa)
$259,608 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2016. New York Sea Grant: QPX distribution and persistence in the environment (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa)
$326,963.00 1-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2017 USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture: Validation of Markers and Marker-Assisted Selection of Hard Clam for Resistance to QPX Disease (PI Dr. Bassem Allam. Dr. Emmanuelle Pales Espinosa , Co-PI)
$512,041.00 1-May-2017 through 30-Apr-2018 National Science Foundation: Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Food Choice in Bivalves (PI Emmanuelle Pales Espinosa, Co-PI Bassem Allam)
$200,000. 01-Jul-2016 through 30-Jun-2018 NOAA Northeastern Ocean Acidification Consortium: Probing molecular determinants of bivalve resilience to ocean acidification. (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa)
$60,000 01-Jan-2017 through 31-Dec-2021 European Commission/H2020. The Genus Haslea, new marine resources for blue technology and aquaculture (GHaNa) Participant (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PI Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa)
![Bradley Peterson](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Peterson-1ug2318.jpg)
Bradley Peterson
Associate Professor
Community ecology of seagrass dominated ecosystems
$440,606.00 22-Jul-2011 through 1-Mar-2017 National Park Service: Monitoring Estuarine Condition at Fire Island National Seashore, Sagamore Hill National Historic Site and Gateway National Recreation Area
$327,633.00 17-Jun-2013 through 1-Mar-2017 National Park Service: Assessing the Response of the Great South Bay Estuarine Fauna to Hurricane Sandy: Focus on Nekton Utilization of Seagrass Habitats (PI Bradley Peterson, Co-PI Robert Cerrato)
$7,863.00 29-Mar-2016 through 30-Jun-2017 National Park Service: Monitoring Estuarine Condition and Seagrass in NPS Northeast Coastal Barrier Network Parks
$241,396.00 1-May-2016 through 30-Apr-2019 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: Great South Bay Shellfish Bed Project
$505,658.00 1-May-2016 through 30-Apr-2020 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: Shinnecock Bay Restoration Project (PI Bradley Peterson, Co-PI Christopher Gobler)
$82,000.00 1-May-2016 through 30-Apr-2018 Suffolk County Health Services: Environmental Quality/Peconic Estuary Eelgrass Assessment Services
![Ellen Pikitch](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Ellen-14j83q6-v9m844-e1453093514114.jpg)
Ellen Pikitch
Endowed Professor of Ocean Conservation Science / Executive Director, IOCS / Faculty Director, MCP Program
Ocean conservation, fisheries management, ecosystem-based approaches, endangered fishes, sharks, sturgeon
$380,000.00 15-Mar-2017 through 14-Mar-2018 Pew Charitable Trusts: Evaluating Marine Protected Areas in China
![Sharon Pochron](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/sharonsxegall1-1sssuxo-1pvfsod.jpg)
Sharon Pochron
Lecturer / Faculty Director, Ecosystems and Human Impact
ecotoxicology and soil ecology
![Roy Price](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/02/rprice-12uz4kl-e1453170752513.jpg)
Roy Price
Research Assistant Professor
Hydrothermal vents, water-rock reactions, toxic metal & metalloid cycling in coastal environments, arsenic bioaccumulation, vent-biota relationships, and alkaline shallow-sea vents
$648,600.00 1-Sep-2015 through 31-Aug-2017 Bloomberg Philanthropies: Clean Water Technology Initiative (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI Roy Price, Harold Walker)
$51,906.00 1-Dec-2016 through 28-Feb-2018 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York: U.S. Science Support Program Office Associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (USSSP-IODP)
![Kevin Reed](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2019/11/ReedKevin2_head.jpg)
Kevin Reed
Associate Professor
Climate Modeling; Climate Change Attribution, Tropical Cyclones; Climate Extremes; Atmospheric Dynamics, Science Policy
$344,352.00 1-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2017 University of California at Davis: An Integrated Evaluation of the Simulated Hydroclimate System of the Continental US
$300,000.00 1-Jan-2017 through 31-Dec-2017 US Department of Energy: In Situ Machine Learning for Intelligent Data Capture on Exascale Platforms
$330,829.00 15-Aug-2017 through 31-Jul-2020 National Science Foundation Climate and Large-Scale Dynamics: Collaborative Research: Understanding the Origins of Hazardous Convective Weather Environments through Reduced-complexity Climate Modeling Experiments (Co-PI Kevin Reed).
Conference Presentations
Reed, K. A., J. Huff, M. F. Wehner and J. Bacmeister, The use of high-resolution climate models to investigate regional projections of tropical cyclone activity (Aug. 28, 2017), Oral presentation at 2017 Joint IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Assembly in Cape Town, South Africa, August 27- September 1, 2017.
Reed, K. A., High-resolution climate modeling: A tool to study extreme weather on decadal timescales (Aug. 9, 2017), Oral presentation at the 2017 US CLIVAR Summit, Baltimore, MD, USA, August 8-10, 2017.
Reed, K. A., M. F. Wehner, J. Bacmeister and J. Huff, Multi-decadal simulations of tropical cyclone activity using high-resolution CAM5 (Jun. 21, 2017), Oral presentation at 8th Northeast Tropical Meteorology, Albany, NY, USA, June 20-23, 2017
Reed, K. A., J. Huff, M. F. Wehner and J. Bacmeister, The use of high-resolution climate models to study the impacts of landfalling hurricanes in the Eastern U.S. (Jun. 21, 2017), Oral presentation at 6thInternational Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change, Crete, Greece, June 4-9, 2017.
Reed, K. A., J. Bacmeister, M. F. Wehner, S. C. Bates, J. Huff and N. A. Rosenbloom, Exploring regional projections of tropical cyclone activity through the application of high-resolution climate modeling (Apr. 25, 2017), Invited oral presentation at the EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, April 23-28, 2017.
Reed, K. A., J. Bacmeister, S. C. Bates, N. A. Rosenbloom and J. Huff, An atmosphere with no dust: Implications for hurricane activity (Feb. 28, 2017), Oral oresentation at the 2017 Atmosphere Model Working Group Meeting, Boulder, CO, USA, February 27-March 1, 2017
Reed, K. A., J. Bacmeister, S. C. Bates, N. A. Rosenbloom and J. Huff, The role of airborne dust in the simulation of global tropical cyclone activity (Jan. 25, 2017), Poster presentation at the 97th AMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, January 22-26, 2017.
Reed, K. A., C. Jablonowski, C. M. Zarzycki, P. A. Ullrich, J. Kent, P. Lauritzen and R. Nair, The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP-2016): Results of the Tropical Cyclone Test Case(Dec. 14, 2016), Poster presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 12-16, 2016.
Reed, K. A., B. Medeiros, D. R. Chavas and A. R. Herrington, Global radiative-convective equilibrium frameworks in CAM (Nov. 3, 2016), Oral presentation at the WCRP Model Hierarchies Workshop, Princeton, NJ, USA, November 2-4, 2016.
Reed, K. A., J. Bacmeister and M. F. Wehner, High-resolution multi-decadal simulations of tropical cyclone activity using CAM5 (Sept. 20, 2016), Poster presentation at the CLIVAR Open Science Conference, Qingdao, China, September 18-25, 2016.
Reed, K. A., J. Bacmeister and M. F. Wehner, Tropical cyclone activity under future warming scenarios using high-resolution CAM5 (Apr. 21, 2016), Oral presentation at the 32nd AMS Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Juan, PR, April 18-22, 2016.
Reed, K. A., B. Medeiros and A. R. Herrington, Continued efforts in reduced complexity modeling with CAM (Feb. 9, 2016), Oral Presentation at the 2016 Atmosphere Model Working Group Meeting, Boulder, CO, USA, February 8-10, 2016.
Reed, K. A., B. Medeiros and D. R. Chavas, The use of reduced complexity frameworks for model development (Jan. 14, 2016), Oral presentation at the 96th AMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, January 10-14, 2016.
Media Interviews
![Tara Rider](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/02/rider-1ytypcq.jpg)
Tara Rider
Maritime and Environmental History, Sustainability
Conference Presentations
Talks and Presentations
Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. West Babylon Public Library, October 30, 2017
Rider, T. Journey of Hope: The Irish in New York. Irish Family History Forum, October 21, 2017
Rider, T. Thar She Blows: Whaling in New York. Greater Patchogue Historical Society / Patchogue-Medford Library, October 19, 2017.
Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. Westhampton Beach Historical Society, October 15, 2017
Rider, T. The Swashbuckling History of Female Pirates. Huntington Library, June 12, 2017
Rider, T. American Heroes. Sachem Public Library, May 7, 2017
Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. Three Village Historical Society Annual Pot Luck Supper, April 24, 2017
Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. King Manor, March 19, 2017
Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. Deer Park Library, October 16, 2016
Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. Huntington Library, October 5, 2016
Rider, T. Journey of Hope: The Irish in New York. Connetquot Public Library, September 21, 2016
Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. Riverhead Free Library, August 21, 2016
Rider, T. Journey of Hope: The Irish in New York. Friends of the Garden City Public Library, April 14, 2016
![Mary Scranton](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/02/scranton-head2-2m1pcb1.jpg)
Mary Scranton
Professor Emeritus
Marine geochemistry, biological-chemical interactions in seawater
$946,351.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jul-2018 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: The Cariaco Basin Oceanographic Time Series Program (PI Mary Scranton, Co-PI Gordon Taylor)
![Larry Swanson](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/Swanson-2gw8gy6-e1453173760664.jpg)
Larry Swanson
Associate Dean, SoMAS / Director, WRMI
Coastal Oceanography, marine pollution, marine policy, recycling and reuse of waste materials, waste management
$3,829.26 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$88,021.00 19-Nov-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 Town of Brookhaven: Permeable Reactive Barrier at the Forge River Shoreline (PI Larry Swanson, Co-PI Henry Bokuniewicz)
$35,000.00 1-Nov-2009 through 31-Oct-2017 Gardener Foundation: Mote Marine Laboratory Intership Program
$75,040.00 1-May-2015 through 31-Oct-2016 Suffolk County Department of Economic Development: Effects from the Cooling Water Discharge at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station on the Temperatures of Long Island Sound (PI Larry Swanson, Co-PI Sultan Hameed, Robert Wilson)
$865,696.00 Apr-2017 through Mar-2019 New York Department of Environmental Conservation: Near-field impacts of ocean (STP) outfalls (PI Henry Bokuniewicz, Co-PIs Bruce Brownawell, Robert Cerrato, Charles Flagg, Roger Flood, Larry Swanson, Darcy Lonsdale)
![David Taylor](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/05/david-head-1acqbj4.jpg)
David Taylor
Assistant Professor / Faculty Director, EHM
environmental humanities, history of naturalist studies, American Literature, nature writing
Essays: Criticism
Creative Non-Fiction Essays
Invited Speaker. English Department. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, October 19, 2017.
“Song for an Unnamed River.” Shaver’s Creek Long-term Reflections Project Presentation, ASLE Conference, Wayne State University, June 24, 2017.
“Guanaroca: Retelling an Origin Myth of Biodiversity in a Time of Climate Change.” Biodiversity and its Histories Workshop Part II. Columbia University and the New York Botanical Garden, April 24-25, 2017.
![Gordon Taylor](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2020/05/dadheadshot.jpg)
Gordon Taylor
Marine microbiology, interests in microbial ecology, trophodynamics, anoxia, hypoxia, single-cell analysis, Raman microspectrometry and atomic force microscopy
$946,351.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jul-2018 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: The Cariaco Basin Oceanographic Time Series Program (PI Mary Scranton, Co-PI Gordon Taylor)
$335,203.00 1-Aug-2013 through 31-Jul-2017 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Genetic and Metabolic Signatures of Marine Microorganisms in Oxygen Depleted and Varying Geochemical Seascapes (MetaOmics in the Cariaco Basin)
$490,163.00 15-Aug-2013 through 31-Jul-2016 National Science Foundation: MRI: Acquisition of Spectrum-Spanning (UV-NIR) Raman-Atomic Force Microspectrometric System for Submicron 3-D Chemical Mapping of Cellular, Natural and Synthetic Materials (PI Gordon Taylor, Co-PI Daniel Knopf)
$802,568.00 1-Dec-2015 through 14-Dec-2017 Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation: Development of Microbiological Oceanographic and Biogeochemical Applications for Raman Microspectrometry and Atomic Force Microscopy (PI G. T. Taylor, Co-PIs J. Martínez Martínez, V. P. Edgcomb)
Invited Seminars
Taylor, G. T. (2017). Exploring the Microcosmos with Raman Microspectrometry and Atomic Force Microscopy, The Garcia Research Scholar Program, Stony Brook University, S.B., NY (06/26/17)
Taylor, G. T. (2017). Confessions from the Cariaco Basin: Climate Change, Ocean Deoxygenation, and Other Tales, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW) in Warnemünde, Germany (03/17/17)
Taylor, G. T. (2016).‘Lessons from a Natural Laboratory for Ocean Deoxygenation: The Cariaco Basin, SCOR WG144 International Symposium on Microbial Responses to Ocean Deoxygenation, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India (12/5/16)
Taylor, G. T. (2016). A Witness to Climate Change: The Cariaco Basin, introduced Venezuelan produced documentary film at the Annual Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Workshop, W.H.O.I., Woods Hole, MA (07/26/16)
Taylor, G. T. (2016). Exploring the Microcosmos with Raman Microspectrometry and Atomic Force Microscopy, The Garcia Research Scholar Program, Stony Brook University, S.B., NY (07/12/16)
Taylor, G. T. (2016). Exploring the Microcosmos with Raman Microspectrometry and Atomic Force Microscopy, Advanced Energy Center Lunch & Learn Seminars, Stony Brook University, S.B., NY (04/19/16)
Taylor, G. T. (2016). Exploring the Microcosmos with Raman Microspectrometry and Atomic Force Microscopy, Biology & Environmental Sciences Depts. Joint Colloquium, Mount Allison College, Sackville, New Brunswick, CN (03/30/16)
Taylor, G. T. (2016). Exploring the Microcosmos with Raman Microspectrometry and Atomic Force Microscopy, Oceanography & Biology Depts. Joint Colloquium, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CN (03/29/16)
Taylor, G. T. (2016). The Dynamic Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry of the Anoxic Cariaco Basin’s Redoxcline, Oceanography & Biology Depts. Joint Colloquium, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CN (03/29/16)
Conference Presentations
Taylor, GT, EA Suter, S Chow, D Stinton, Y Astor, MI Scranton (2016). Linking prokaryotic assemblages and biogeochemistry to long-term declines in chemoautotrophy in the Cariaco Basin, Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Annual Workshop, Woods Hole, MA, 25-28 July 2016
Edgcomb, V, M Pachiadaki, C Taylor, KA Kormas, J M Bernhard, GT Taylor (2016).
Taylor, GT, E Suter, S Chow, D Stinton, YM Astor, MI Scranton (2016). Linking Prokaryotic Assemblages and Biogeochemistry to Long-Term Declines in Chemoautotrophy in the Cariaco Basin. ASLO/AGU Ocean Sciences Mtg., New Orleans, LA, 21-26 Feb 2016
Lorenzoni, L, FE Muller-Karger, DT Rueda-Roa, R Thunell, MI Scranton, GT Taylor, CR Benitez-Nelson, E Montes, YM Astor, J Rojas (2016). The CARIACO Ocean Time-Series: two decades of oceanographic observations to understand linkages between biogeochemistry, ecology, and long-term environmental variability. ASLO/AGU Ocean Sciences Mtg., New Orleans, LA, 21-26 Feb 2016
Suter, E, M Pachiadaki, VP Edgcomb, MI Scranton and GT Taylor (2016). Redox Conditions and Microbial Particle Association: A Multi-Year Study in the Cariaco Basin. ASLO/AGU Ocean Sciences Mtg., New Orleans, LA, 21-26 Feb 2016
Edgcomb, VP, M Pachiadaki, GT Taylor, E Suter (2016). Chemoautotrophy: Discerning the Key Perpetrators from the Cariaco Redoxcline Lineup of Suspects. ASLO/AGU Ocean Sciences Mtg., New Orleans, LA, 21-26 Feb 2016
Scranton, MI, GT Taylor, R Thunell, E Tappa, CR Benitez-Nelson, FE Muller-Karger, L Lorenzoni, YM Astor (2016). Anomalous d13C in POC at the chemoautotrophy maximum in the Cariaco Basin. ASLO/AGU Ocean Sciences Mtg., New Orleans, LA, 21-26 Feb 2016
![Lesley Thorne](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/thorne-t37u4w-e1453173653196.jpg)
Lesley Thorne
Assistant Professor
Bio-physical and trophic interactions in marine ecology; application of spatial analysis and landscape ecology techniques to marine conservation
$99,775.00 1-Oct-2015 through 30-Sep-2017 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Development of an Analytical Tool to Allow Fishermen to Reduce Bycatch of Short-Finned Pilot Whales in the Mid-Atlantic Bight
$560,000 1-Feb-2018 through 1-Jan-2023 National Science Fondation: CAREER Using Dynamic Energy Landscapes to Understand Drivers of Movement, Foraging and Life History Patterns in Albatrosses
$509,572 1-Sep-2017 through 31-Aug 2020 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Probabilistic seasonal prediction of the distribution of fish and marine mammals in the Northeast US (PI: Lesley Thorne, Co-PI: Hyemi Kim, Janet Nye)
![Andrew Vogelmann](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2016/02/D1930511-Vogelmann-270px-1y01bri.jpg)
Andrew Vogelmann
Adjunct Professor
Atmospheric radiative transfer, cloud and aerosol climate interactions, climate and the Earth’s energy balance, remote sensing, cloud and climate modeling
![Nils Volkenborn](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/nvolkenborn-27cpmr4.jpg)
Nils Volkenborn
Associate Professor
Sediment biogeochemistry, animal-sediment interactions, benthic ecology
$8,236.00 1-Feb-2014 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018
$10,000.00 5-Mar-2017 through 31-May-2018 National Science Foundation: International Conference Support: Biological Modification of the Seabed and Sediment-Water Interactions (PI Robert Aller , Co-PI Nils Volkenborn, Qing-Zhi Zhu, Josephine Aller)
$21,100 Dec-2017 through Nov-2018 SoMAS Dean’s Bridgefund Award: 4-D Infrared imaging of the seafloor
![Harold Walker](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/02/Walker_head-2i217dk.jpg)
Harold Walker
surface chemical processes in natural and engineered systems, with an emphasis on clean water
$648,600.00 1-Sep-2015 through 31-Aug-2017 Bloomberg Philanthropies: Clean Water Technology Initiative (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI Roy Price, Harold Walker)
$1,000,000.00 1-Sep-2016 through 30-Aug-2017 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: NYS Center for Clean Water Technology (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI Harold Walker)
![Dong-Ping Wang](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2016/02/wangdongping-head-1omq7a0.jpg)
Dong-Ping Wang
Professor Emeritus
![Joe Warren](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2016/04/warren_headshot-1b47f74.gif)
Joe Warren
Associate Professor
Acoustical oceanography, Zooplankton behavior and ecology
$335,383.00 1-Jan-2011 through 30-Nov-2016 Oregon State University: Acoustical Scattering, Propagation, and Attenuation Caused by Two Abundant Pacific Schooling Species: Humbolt Squid and Hake
$39,893.00 1-Jul-2007 through 30-Jun-2016 Amsure Associates Incorporated: Insurance Recovery Account
$247,787.00 1-Jul-2015 through 30-Jun-2018 North Pacific Research Board: How Many Krill are There in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska? Quantitative Acoustic Assessment of Euphauslid Abundance and Their Role in These Ecosystems
$257,674.00 19-Sep-2016 through 18-Sep-2018 University of New Hampshire: Atlantic Deepwater Ecosystem Observatory Network: (ADEON)-An Integrated System for Long-Term Monitoring of Ecological and Human Factors on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
$4,912.00 1-May-2017 through 15-Jun-2017 Seatuck Environmental Association: Seafloor Habitat Characterization Around Montauk Point
![Laura Wehrmann](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/lmwehrmann-2bsjvci-e1453172258773.jpg)
Laura Wehrmann
Assistant Professor
Marine Biogeochemistry, Geochemical element cycles, Deep Biosphere
$32,080 1-Dec-2016 through 30-Nov-2017 Minghua Zhang Early Career Faculty Innovation Fund: The benthic cycling and isotope signature of bioessential trace metals in rapidly changing Arctic fjords
![Robert Wilson](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2016/04/Wilson_head-r2apug.jpg)
Robert Wilson
Associate Professor Emeritus
Estuarine and coastal ocean dynamics
$299,982 2-Feb-2015 through 31-May-2016 New York State Department of State: Sandy Needs and Resources Offshore New York (PI Henry Bokuniewicz, Co-PIs Robert Wilson, Roger Flood)
$75,040.00 1-May-2015 through 31-Oct-2016 Suffolk County Department of Economic Development: Effects from the Cooling Water Discharge at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station on the Temperatures of Long Island Sound (PI R Lawrence Swanson, Co-PI Sultan Hameed, Robert Wilson)
![Christopher Wolfe](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/03/wolfe-15oo9b5-e1453171130759.jpg)
Christopher Wolfe
Associate Professor
Physical oceanography, large-scale circulation: theory and modeling.
$135,032.00 15-Aug-2013 through 31-Mar-2018 University of California at San Diego: Decadal and Multi-Decadal Ocean Memory in the Eddying Regime
$263,864.00 1-Mar-2016 through 28-Feb-2019 National Science Foundation: A Study of the Adiabatic Dynamics of Buoyancy-Driven Eastern Boundary Currents in an Ocean with Eddies
$341,654.00 15-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2019 National Science Foundation: Interannual Variability of the Gulf Stream Position: The Role of Atmospheric Forcing (PI Christopher Wolfe, Co-PI Sultan Hameed)
Conference Presentations
Chi, L., C. L. P. Wolfe, and S. Hameed, Intercomparison of the Gulf Stream in Ocean Reanalyses: 1993-2010 (Dec. 13, 2017), Poster presentation at the AGI Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, LA, USA, December 11–15, 2017.
Wolfe, C. L. P., The Physics of Inertial Oscillations: Free Motion on a Parabolic Dish (Jun. 29, 2017), Poster presentation at the 21st Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, Portland, OR, USA, June 26–30, 2017.
Wolfe, C. L. P., P. Cessi, and B. Cornuelle, Intrinsic Variability and the Predictability of a Periodically Forced Ocean (Jun. 26, 2017), Oral presentation at the 21st Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, Portland, OR, USA, June 26–30, 2017.
Bire, S., and C. L. P. Wolfe, Eddy-Mean Flow Interaction in an Idealized Poleward Eastern Boundary Current (Jun. 27, 2017), Poster presentation at the 21st Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, Portland, OR, USA, June 26–30, 2017.
Wolfe, C. L. P., P. Cessi, and B. Cornuelle, An Intrinsic Mode of Interannual Variability in an ECCOv4-like Model (May 16, 2016), Oral presentation at the ECCO Joint Project Meeting, Cambridge, MA, USA, May 16–18, 2016.
Wolfe, C. L. P., P. Cessi, and B. Cornuelle, Intrinsic Interannual Oceanic Variability and its Impact on Decadal Predictability (Feb. 23, 2016), Poster presentation at the AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, February 22–26, 2016.
Invited Talks
Wolfe, C. L. P., and S. Bire, Eddy Dynamics of Poleward Eastern Boundary Currents, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA, USA. July, 2017.
Wolfe, C. L. P., and S. Bire, Eddy Dynamics and Poleward Eastern Boundary Currents, University of Rhode Island, Narraganset, RI, USA. November, 2017.
![Karina Yager](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/02/Yager_headshot-285vv00.jpg)
Karina Yager
Assistant Professor
Climate change impacts; Remote Sensing; Land-cover and Land-Use Change; Alpine Ecosystems; Andes; Mountain Societies, and Sustainability Studies
Edited Publications
Conference Presentations
Invited Talks
Media Interviews
![Minghua Zhang](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2007/08/mzhang-1y4s21m-e1453171923160.png)
Minghua Zhang
Climate modelling, atmospheric dynamics
$763,944.00 1-Sep-2012 through 31-Aug-2016 US Department of Energy: Using ARM Measurements to Understand and Reduce the Double ITCZ Biases in the Community Atmospheric Model
$665,671.00 1-Mar-2013 through 28-Feb-2018 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Rsearch EaSM2: Mechanisms, Predictability, Prediction, and Regional and Societal Impacts of Decadal Climate Variability
$2,700,000.00 18-Dec-2013 through 31-Dec-2015 Housing Trust Fund Corporation: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$250,000.00 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2016 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies
$380,676.00 1-Aug-2016 through 31-Jul-2018 US Department of Energy: Developing High-Resolution Constratined Variational Analysis of Vertical Velocity and Advective Tendencies within the Range of ARM Scanning Radars at the SGP
$374,141.00 1-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2017 US Department of Energy: Representation of Clouds and Convection Across Scales in Acme
$365,613.00 11-Mar-2016 through 10-Mar-2018 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Extratropical Cyclone Activity as a Climate Indicator for National Climate Assessment (PI Edmund Chang, Co-PI Minghua Zhang)
$394,330.00 1-Jul-2016 through 30-Jun-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Understanding the Sources of Subseasonal Predictability of Extratropical Cyclone Activity and Improving Their Representation in Forecast Systems (PI Edmund Chang, Co-PI Hyemi Kim, Minghua Zhang)
$2,993,930.00 15-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2021 National Science Foundation: NRT-DESE: Interdisciplinary Graduate Training to Understand and Inform Decision Processes Using Advanced Spatial Data Analysis and Visualization (PI Robert Harrison, Co-PIs Heather Lynch, Minghua Zhang, Arie Kaufman, Liliania Davalos-Alvarez)
![Qingzhi Zhu](https://you.stonybrook.edu/somas/files/2015/01/qing-2l9rz1h-e1453172014737.jpg)
Qingzhi Zhu
Associate Professor
Chem-/Bio- Sensors, Marine Biogeochemistry, Trace Elements, Environmental Analytical Chemistry
$275,987.00 26-Aug-2014 25-Aug-2016 National Park Service Health and Resiliency of Salt Marshes in Jamaica Bay; Post-Hurricane Sandy Study (PI Kirk Cochran, Co-PI Qingzhi Zhu)
$995,904.00 1-Jul-2013 through 30-Jun-2016 National Science Foundation: The Effects of Animal-Sediment Interactions on Biogeochemical Processes at the Sediment-Water Interface (PI Robert Aller, Co-PIs Josephine Aller, Qingzhi Zhu)
$136,968.00 1-Jul-2016 through 30-Jun-2018 National Science Foundation: Ultra-Sensitive and Specific Graphene Immunosensors for In-Situ Mercury Measurement in Marine Ecosytsems (PI Qing-Zhi Zhu, Co-PIs Robert Aller, Xu Du)
$65,000.00 1-May-2016 through 20-Apr-2018 Suffolk County Department of Economic Development: Coastal Resiliency via Integrated Wetland Management Sample Collection and Analysis (PI J Kirk Cochran , Co-PI Qingzhi Zhu)
$23,027.00 6-Nov-2015 through 31-Aug-2016 Mastics-Moriches-Shirley Community Library: Water Test Proposal for a Man-Made Lake at Shirley (PI Qing-Zhi Zhu, Co-PI Christopher Gobler)
$10,000.00 5-Mar-2017 through 31-May-2018 National Science Foundation: International Conference Support: Biological Modification of the Seabed and Sediment-Water Interactions (PI Robert Aller, Co-PI Nils Volkenborn, Qing-Zhi Zhu, Josephine Aller)