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Making Scientific Research Count at Stony Brook University!

Publications and Grants

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Bassem Allam

Bassem Allam

Endowed Professor of Marinetics

Marine invertebrate physiology and health, Shellfish Genomics, Aquaculture


$154,048.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018
$326,963.00 1-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2019 USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture: Validation of Markers and Marker-Assisted Selection of Hard Clam for Resistance to QPX Disease (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PI
$289,198.00 1-Aug-2019 through 30-Jun-2020 Rutgers University: From Sequence to Consequence: Genomic Selection to Expand and Improve Selective Breeding for the Eastern Oyster (PI Bassem Allam, Co-PI


Brianik, C. J., Bopp, J., Piechocki, C., Liang, N., O’Reilly, S., Cerrato, R. M., & Allam, B. (2021). Infection prevalence, intensity, and tissue damage caused by the parasitic flatworm, Bdelloura candida, in the American horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus).

Kim, S. H., Nam, K. W., Allam, B., Choi, K. S., Park, K. H., & Park, K. I. (2021). Quantification of the Inflammatory Responses to Pro-and Anti-Inflammatory Agents in Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum. Fish & Shellfish Immunology.

Geraci-Yee, S., Brianik, C. J., Rubin, E., Collier, J. L., & Allam, B. (2021). Erection of a New Genus and Species for the Pathogen of Hard Clams ‘Quahog Parasite Unknown’(QPX): Mucochytrium quahogii gen. nov., sp. nov. Protist, 125793.

Espinosa, E. P., & Allam, B. (2021). High spatial resolution mapping of the mucosal proteome of the gills of Crassostrea virginica: implication in particle processing. Journal of Experimental Biology.

Allam, S., Allam, B., & Pales Espinosa, E. (2020). Regulation of mucosal lectins in the oyster Crassostrea virginica in response to food availability and environmental factors. Journal of Molluscan Studies.

Allam, S., Allam, B., & Pales Espinosa, E. (2020). Regulation of mucosal lectins in the oyster Crassostrea virginica in response to food availability and environmental factors. Journal of Molluscan Studies.

Jones, J., Allam, B., & Espinosa, E. P. (2020). Particle Selection in Suspension-Feeding Bivalves: Does One Model Fit All?. The Biological Bulletin, 238(1), 41-53.

Schwaner, C., Barbosa, M., Connors, P., Park, T. J., de Silva, D., Griffith, A., Gobler, C.J., Espinosa, E.P., & Allam, B. (2020). Experimental acidification increases susceptibility of Mercenaria mercenaria to infection by Vibrio species. Marine Environmental Research, 104872.

Rosani, U., Shapiro, M., Venier, P., & Allam, B. (2019). A Needle in A Haystack: Tracing Bivalve-Associated Viruses in High-Throughput Transcriptomic Data. Viruses, 11(3), 205.

Robledo, J. A. F., Yadavalli, R., Allam, B., Pales-Espinosa, E., Gerdol, M., Greco, S., … & Tracy, A. N. (2018). From the raw bar to the bench: Bivalves as models for human health. Developmental & Comparative Immunology.

Lau, Y. T., Santos, B., Barbosa, M., Espinosa, E. P., & Allam, B. (2018). Regulation of apoptosis-related genes during interactions between oyster hemocytes and the alveolate parasite Perkinsus marinus. Fish & shellfish immunology.

Bassim, S., & Allam, B. (2018). SNP hot-spots in the clam parasite QPX. BMC genomics, 19(1), 486.

Hornstein, J., Espinosa, E. P., Cerrato, R. M., Lwiza, K. M., & Allam, B. (2018). The influence of temperature stress on the physiology of the Atlantic surfclam, Spisula solidissima. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology.

Lau, Y. T., Gambino, L., Santos, B., Espinosa, E. P., & Allam, B. (2018). Regulation of oyster (Crassostrea virginica) hemocyte motility by the intracellular parasite Perkinsus marinus: A possible mechanism for host infection. Fish & shellfish immunology, 78, 18-25.

Hartman, R., Espinosa, E. P., & Allam, B. (2018). Identification of clam plasma proteins that bind its pathogen Quahog Parasite Unknown. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 77, 214-221.

Lau, Y. T., Gambino, L., Santos, B., Espinosa, E. P., & Allam, B. (2018). Transepithelial migration of mucosal hemocytes in Crassostrea virginica and potential role in Perkinsus marinus pathogenesis. Journal of invertebrate pathology, 153, 122-129.

Espinosa, E. P., & Allam, B. (2018). Reverse genetics demonstrate the role of mucosal C-type lectins in food particle selection in the oyster Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb-174094.

Robert Aller

Robert Aller

Distinguished Professor

Marine biogeochemistry, marine animal-sediment relations.

Katherine Aubrecht

Katherine Aubrecht

Division Head, Sustainability Studies / Associate Professor / Faculty Director, Coastal Environmental Studies

Phone: 631-632-5360
Fax: 631-632-5375

chemical education, sustainable and green chemistry

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Steven Beaupré

Steven Beaupré

Associate Professor

Marine Biogeochemistry, Chemical kinetics of natural organic matter, radiocarbon analyses




Lu, X., & Beaupré, S. (2021). Evaluation of the moderate DI13C isotope enrichment method for measuring photochemical mineralization of marine dissolved organic carbon. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.

Walker, B. D., Beaupré, S. R., Griffin, S., Walker, J., Druffel, E., & Xu, X. (2020). A sealed‐tube method for offline δ13C analysis of CO2 via a Gas Bench II continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.

Beaupré, S. R., Walker, B. D., & Druffel, E. R. (2020). The two-component model coincidence: Evaluating the validity of marine dissolved organic radiocarbon as a stable-conservative tracer at Station M. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 104737.

Mahmoudi, N., Enke, T. N., Beaupré, S. R., Teske, A. P., Cordero, O. X., & Pearson, A. (2019). Illuminating microbial species‐specific effects on organic matter remineralization in marine sediments. Environmental microbiology.

Beaupré, S. R., Kieber, D. J., Keene, W. C., Long, M. S., Maben, J. R., Lu, X., … & Chang, R. Y. W. (2019). Oceanic efflux of ancient marine dissolved organic carbon in primary marine aerosol. Science Advances.

Frossard, A. A., Long, M. S., Keene, W. C., Duplessis, P., Kinsey, J. D., Maben, J. R., Beaupré, S.R., … & Lu, X. (2019). Marine Aerosol Production via Detrainment of Bubble Plumes Generated in Natural Seawater with a Forced‐Air Venturi. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Frossard, A. A., Gérard, V., Duplessis, P., Kinsey, J. D., Lu, X., Zhu, Y., … & Beaupré, S. R. (2019). Properties of Seawater Surfactants Associated with Primary Marine Aerosol Particles Produced by Bursting Bubbles at a Model Air–Sea Interface. Environmental science & technology.

Lu, X., and S. R. Beaupré (2019), Optimized volume determinations and uncertainties for accurate and precise manometry, Radiocarbon, doi:10.1017/RDC.2019.43.

Walker, B. D., S. R. Beaupré, S. Griffin, and E. R. M. Druffel (2019). UV photochemical oxidation and extraction of marine dissolved organic carbon at UC Irvine: status, surprises, and methodological recommendations. Radiocarbon, 1-15, doi: 10.1017/rdc.2019.9

Beaupré, S.R. (2019) Radiocarbon-based insights into the biogeochemical cycles of marine dissolved and particulate organic carbon. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, eds Cochran J.K., Bokuniewicz H., & Yager P. (Academic Press), 3rd Ed. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.09522-1

Malcolm Bowman

Malcolm Bowman

Distinguished Service Professor

Coastal ocean and estuarine dynamics




A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Robert Cerrato

Robert Cerrato


Benthic ecology, population and community dynamics.




Bopp, J. J., Sclafani, M., Frisk, M. G., McKown, K., Ziegler‐Fede, C., Smith, D. R., & Cerrato, R. M. (2021). Telemetry reveals migratory drivers and disparate space use across seasons and age‐groups in American horseshoe crabs. Ecosphere, 12(10), e03811.

Dolan, T. E., Frisk, M. G., Cerrato, R. M., & McElroy, A. E. (2021). Environmental factors modify post-settlement survival and growth of winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus in the absence of predation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 676, 57-75.

Molina, A. I., Cerrato, R. M., & Nye, J. A. (2021). Population level differences in overwintering survivorship of blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus): A caution on extrapolating climate sensitivities along latitudinal gradients. Plos one, 16(9), e0257569.

Brianik, C. J., Bopp, J., Piechocki, C., Liang, N., O’Reilly, S., Cerrato, R. M., & Allam, B. (2021). Infection prevalence, intensity, and tissue damage caused by the parasitic flatworm, Bdelloura candida, in the American horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus).

Dolan, T. E., McElroy, A. E., Cerrato, R., Hice‐Dunton, L. A., Fede, C., & Frisk, M. G. (2021). Winter Flounder Navigate the Postsettlement Gauntlet with a Bet‐Hedging Strategy. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 13(5), 435-449.

Roose, H., Paterson, G., Frisk, M. G., Cerrato, R. M., Nitschke, P., & Olin, J. A. (2021). Regional variation in mercury bioaccumulation among NW Atlantic Golden (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) and Blueline (Caulolatilus microps) Tilefish. Environmental Pollution, 117177.

Olin, J. A., Shipley, O. N., Cerrato, R. M., Nitschke, P., Magen, C., & Frisk, M. G. Separation of realized ecological niche axes among sympatric tilefishes provides insight into potential drivers of co‐occurrence in the NW Atlantic. Ecology and Evolution.

Younes, A. F., Cerrato, R. M., & Nye, J. A. (2020). Overwintering survivorship and growth of young-of-the-year black sea bass Centropristis striata. PloS one, 15(8), e0236705.

Siskey, M. R., Frisk, M. G., Cerrato, R. M., & Limburg, K. E. (2020). Redefining spatial population structure of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus): implications for stock assessment and management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, (ja).

Flanagan, A. M., Flood, R. D., Maher, N. P., & Cerrato, R. M. (2019). Quantitatively characterizing benthic community-habitat relationships in soft-sediment, nearshore environments to yield useful results for management. Journal of environmental management, 249, 109361.

Ingram, E. C., Cerrato, R. M., Dunton, K. J., & Frisk, M. G. (2019). Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon in the New York Wind Energy Area: implications of future development in an offshore wind energy site. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-13.

Bopp, J. J., Sclafani, M., Smith, D. R., McKown, K., Sysak, R., & Cerrato, R. M. (2019). Geographic-Specific Capture–Recapture Models Reveal Contrasting Migration and Survival Rates of Adult Horseshoe Crabs (Limulus polyphemus). Estuaries and Coasts, 1-16.

Olin, J. A., Cerrato, R. M., Nye, J. A., Sagarese, S. R., Sclafani, M., Zacharias, J. P., & Frisk, M. G. (2019). Evidence for Ecosystem Changes Within a Temperate Lagoon Following a Hurricane-Induced Barrier Island Breach. Estuaries and Coasts, 1-15.

Bond, M. E., Valentin-Albanese, J., Babcock, E. A., Heithaus, M. R., Grubbs, R. D., Cerrato, R., Peterson B. J., Pikitch E. K., & Chapman, D. D. (2019). Top predators induce habitat shifts in prey within marine protected areas. Oecologia, 1-11.

McCartin, K., Jordaan, A., Sclafani, M., Cerrato, R., & Frisk, M. G. (2019). A New Paradigm in Alewife Migration: Oscillations between Spawning Grounds and Estuarine Habitats. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.

Donaton, J., Durham, K., Cerrato, R., Schwerzmann, J., & Thorne, L. H. (2019). Long-term changes in loggerhead sea turtle diet indicate shifts in the benthic community associated with warming temperatures. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Shipley, O. N., Olin, J. A., Power, M., Cerrato, R. M., & Frisk, M. G. (2018). Questioning assumptions of trophic behavior in a broadly ranging marine predator guild. Ecography.

Wang, C., Cerrato, R. M., & Fisher, N. S. (2018). Temporal changes in 137Cs concentrations in fish, sediments, and seawater off Fukushima Japan. Environmental Science & Technology.

Phillips, J. M., Bricelj, V. M., Mitch, M., Cerrato, R. M., MacQuarrie, S., & Connell, L. B. (2018). Biogeography of resistance to paralytic shellfish toxins in softshell clam, Mya arenaria (L.), populations along the Atlantic coast of North America. Aquatic Toxicology.

Hornstein, J., Espinosa, E. P., Cerrato, R. M., Lwiza, K. M., & Allam, B. (2018). The influence of temperature stress on the physiology of the Atlantic surfclam, Spisula solidissima. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology.

Flanagan, A. M., Flood, R. D., Frisk, M. G., Garza, C. D., Lopez, G. R., Maher, N. P. & Cerrato, R. M. (2018). The relationship between observational scale and explained variance in benthic communities. PLoS ONE, 13(1), e0189313.

Edmund Chang

Edmund Chang


Atmospheric dynamics and diagnoses, climate dynamics, synoptic meteorology


$365,613.00 11-Mar-2016 through 10-Mar-2020 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Extratropical Cyclone Activity as a Climate Indicator for National Climate Assessment (PI Edmund Chang, Co-PI )
$394,329.00 1-Jul-2016 through 30-Jun-2020 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Understanding the Sources of Subseasonal Predictability of Extratropical Cyclone Activity and Improving Their Representation in Forecast Systems (PI Edmund Chang, Co-PI )
$199,843.00 1-Sep-2019 through 31-Aug-2021 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Understanding and Quantifying Uncertainties Related to Counteracting Influence of Projected Reduction in Temperature Gradient and Increase in Atmospheric Moisture on Winter Storms and Flooding (PI Edmund Chang, Co-PI )


Zheng, C., Chang, E. K. M., Kim, H., Zhang, M., & Wang, W. (2020). Subseasonal Prediction of Wintertime Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Cyclone Activity by SubX and S2S Models. Weather and Forecasting.

Man-Wai Yau, A., & Kar-Man Chang, E. (2020). Finding Storm Track Activity Metrics that are Highly Correlated with Weather Impacts. Part 1: Frameworks for Evaluation and Accumulated Track Activity. Journal of Climate, 1-49.

Ma, C. G., Chang, E. K., Wong, S., Zhang, R., Zhang, M., & Del Genio, A. (2020). Impacts of storm track variations on winter time extreme precipitation and moisture budgets over the Ohio Valley and Northwestern US. Journal of Climate, (2020).

Zheng, C., & Kar-Man Chang, E. (2020). The Role of Extratropical Background Flow in Modulating the MJO Extratropical Response. Journal of Climate, 33(11), 4513-4536.

Zheng, C., & Chang, E. (2020). The Role of Extratropical Background Flow on Modulating the MJO Extratropical Response. Journal of Climate, (2020).

Zheng, C., Chang, E. K. M., Kim, H., Zhang, M., & Wang, W. (2019). Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction of Wintertime Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Cyclone Activity by S2S and NMME Models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Zheng, M., Chang, E. K., & Colle, B. A. (2019). Evaluating US East Coast Winter Storms in a Multimodel Ensemble Using EOF and Clustering Approaches. Monthly Weather Review, 147(6), 1967-1987.

Zheng, C., & Chang, E. K. M. (2019). The Role of MJO Propagation, Lifetime, and Intensity on Modulating the Temporal Evolution of the MJO Extratropical Response. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(10), 5352-5378.

Zheng, M., Chang, E. K., & Colle, B. A. (2019). Evaluating US East Coast Winter Storms in a Multi-Model Ensemble Using EOF and Clustering Approaches. Monthly Weather Review, (2019).

Zheng, C., Kar-Man Chang, E., Kim, H. M., Zhang, M., & Wang, W. (2018). Impacts of the Madden–Julian Oscillation on Storm-Track Activity, Surface Air Temperature, and Precipitation over North America. Journal of Climate, 31(15), 6113-6134.

Chang, E. K. M. (2018). CMIP5 Projected Change in Northern Hemisphere Winter Cyclones with Associated Extreme Winds. Journal of Climate, (2018).

Wang, J., Kim, H. M., Chang, E. K., & Son, S. W. Modulation of the MJO and North Pacific Storm Track Relationship by the QBO. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Wirth, V., Riemer, M., Chang, E. K., & Martius, O. (2018). Rossby Wave Packets on the Midlatitude Waveguide—A Review. Monthly Weather Review, (2018).

Wang, J., Kim, H.-M. & Chang, E. K. M. (2018). Interannual Modulation of Northern Hemisphere Winter Storm Tracks by the QBO. Geophysical Research Letters, 45.

J. Kirk Cochran

J. Kirk Cochran

Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Marine geo-chemistry, use of radionuclides as geochemical tracers; diagenesis of marine sediments.


$197,748.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018

$85,000.00 1-May-2016 through 31-Dec-2018 Suffolk County Department of Economic Development: Coastal Resiliency via Integrated Wetland Management Sample Collection and Analysis (PI Kirk Cochran, Co-PI )
$539,701.00 15-Sep-2017 through 31-Aug-2020 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Lead-210 and Polonium-210 as Tracers for Scavenging and Export: GEOTRACES Pacific Meridonial Section (PI Kirk Cochran, Co-PI )


Naujokaitytė, J., Garb, M.P., Thibault, N., Brophy, S.K., Landman, N.H., Witts, J.D., Cochran, J.K., Larina, E., Phillips, G. and Myers, C.E., 2021. MILANKOVITCH CYCLICITY in the latest cretaceous of the GULF coastal plain, USA. Sedimentary Geology, p.105954.

Roca-Martí, M., Puigcorbé, V., Castrillejo, M., Casacuberta, N., Garcia-Orellana, J., Cochran, J. K., & Masqué, P. (2021). Quantifying 210Po/210Pb disequilibrium in seawater: a comparison of two precipitation methods with differing results. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 684484.

Zhu, Q., Cochran, J. K., Heilbrun, C., Yin, H., Feng, H., Tamborski, J. J., … & Cong, W. (2021). Small-Scale Geochemical Heterogeneities and Seasonal Variation of Iron and Sulfide in Salt Marshes Revealed by Two-Dimensional Sensors. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 287.

Gao, Y., Henkes, G. A., Cochran, J. K., & Landman, N. H. (2021). Temperatures of Late Cretaceous (Campanian) methane-derived authigenic carbonates from the Western Interior Seaway, South Dakota, USA, using clumped isotopes. GSA Bulletin.

Tamborski, J., Brown, C., Bokuniewicz, H., Cochran, J. K., & Rasbury, E. T. (2020). Investigating Boron Isotopes for Identifying Nitrogen Sources Supplied by Submarine Groundwater Discharge to Coastal Waters. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8, 126.

Tamborski, J., Cochran, J. K., Bokuniewicz, H., Heilbrun, C., Garcia-Orellana, J., Rodellas, V., & Wilson, R. (2020). Radium mass balance sensitivity analysis for submarine groundwater discharge estimation in semi-enclosed basins: The case study of Long Island Sound. Frontiers in Environmental Science.

Horowitz, E. J., Cochran, J. K., Bacon, M. P., & Hirschberg, D. J. (2020). 210Po and 210Pb distributions during a phytoplankton bloom in the North Atlantic: Implications for POC export. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 103339.

Rowe, A. J., Landman, N. H., Cochran, J. K., Witts, J. D., & Garb, M. P. (2020). LATE CRETACEOUS METHANE SEEPS AS HABITATS FOR NEWLY HATCHED AMMONITES. Palaios, 35(3), 151-163.

Herbert, L. C., Riedinger, N., Michaud, A. B., Laufer, K., Røy, H., Jørgensen, B. B., Heilbrun, C., Aller, R.C., Cochran, J.K., & Wehrmann, L. M. (2019). Glacial controls on redox-sensitive trace element cycling in Arctic fjord sediments (Spitsbergen, Svalbard). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

Aller, R. C., & Cochran, J. K. (2019). The critical role of bioturbation for particle dynamics, priming potential, and organic C remineralization in marine sediments: local and basin scales. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7, 157.

Cochran, J. K., Bokuniewicz, H. J., & Yager, P. L. (2019). Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences. Academic Press.

Cochran, J. K., Bokuniewicz, H. J., & Yager, P. L. (2019). Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences. Academic Press.

Tamborski, J., van Beek, P., Rodellas, V., Monnin, C., Bergsma, E., Stieglitz, T., Heilbrun, C. , Cochran, J. K., … & Bejannin, S. (2019). Temporal variability of lagoon–sea water exchange and seawater circulation through a Mediterranean barrier beach. Limnology and Oceanography.

Rahman, S., Tamborski, J. J., Charette, M. A., & Cochran, J. K. (2018). Dissolved silica in the subterranean estuary and the impact of submarine groundwater discharge on the global marine silica budget. Marine Chemistry.

Witts, J. D., Landman, N. H., Garb, M. P., Boas, C., Larina, E., Rovelli, R., … & Cochran, J. K. (2018). A fossiliferous spherule-rich bed at the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary in Mississippi, USA: Implications for the K–Pg mass extinction event in the Mississippi Embayment and Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain. Cretaceous Research.

Feng, H., Qian, Y., Cochran, J. K., Zhu, Q., Heilbrun, C., Li, L., … & Nazareski, E. (2018). Seasonal differences in trace element concentrations and distribution in Spartina alterniflora root tissue. Chemosphere, 204, 359-370.

Landman, N. H., Cochran, J. K., Slovacek, M., Larson, N. L., Garb, M. P., Brezina, J., & Witts, J. D. (2018). Isotope sclerochronology of ammonites (Baculites Compressus) from methane seep and non-seep sites in the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, USA: Implications for ammonite habitat and mode of life. American Journal of Science, 318(6), 603-639.

Landman, N. H., Jicha, B. R., Cochran, J. K., Garb, M. P., Brophy, S. K., Larson, N. L., & Brezina, J. (2018). 40Ar/39Ar date of a bentonite associated with a methane seep deposit in the upper Campanian Baculites compressus Zone, Pierre Shale, South Dakota. Cretaceous Research.

Brian Colle

Brian Colle

Professor / Director, ITPA

Extreme weather, coastal meteorology, weather forecasting, regional climate change


$112,239.00 19-Aug-2013 through 15-Aug-2018 USDA Forest Service: Employing Ensemble Data Assimilation, Parameter Estimation, and Field Data to Improve Fire Weather Predictions in Mesoscale Models

$420,671.00 1-Jul-2017 through 30-Jun-2020 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Better Use of Ensembles in the Forecast Process: Scenario-Based Tools for Predictability Studies and Hazardous Weather Communication (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI )
$478,362.00 1-Sep-2013 through 31-Jul-2019 University of Delaware: Hazards SEES Type 2: Dynamic Integration of Natural, Human, and Infrastructure Systems for Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI )
$350,466.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2019 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Observations and Modeling of Mesoscale Precipitation Banding in Cool-season Storms (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI )
$235,223.00 1-Feb-2016 through 31-Jan-2020 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Using OLYMPEX Field Data, Satellite Simulators, and Unique Surface Instrumentation to Improve Cloud Microphysical Parameterizations (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI )
$409,289.00 15-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2020 National Science Foundation: GP-IMPACT: Increasing Geosciences Enrollment through Research Experiences, Mentoring, and Curriculum Interactions with Community Colleges and High Schools (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI )
$117,096.00 1-Oct-2017 through 30-Sep-2020 Consolidated Edison Company of New York Incorporated: Enhanced Tools for Ensemble Weather Prediction (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI )
$80,416.00 11-Jun-2018 through 6-Dec-2019 Research Foundation of CUNY: Town + Gown: Task Order for Citywide Stormwater Resiliency Study (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI )
$52,648.00 1-Aug-2018 through 28-May-2020 Creare Incorporated: Manuel and Automated Marine Weather Observations Using Smartphones (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI )
$366,769.00 1-Sep-2018 through 31-Aug-2020 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Using Process-Oriented Diagnostics with Feature-based Verification Software to Improve Models (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI )
$1,309,320.00 1-Jan-2019 through 31-Dec-2020 NASA Ames Research Center: IMPACTS: Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI )
$405,812.00 1-Aug-2019 through 31-Jul-2020 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Extensive Field Observations and Modeling to Understand Multi-Band Precipitation Processes Within Winter Storms (PI Brian Colle, Co-PI )


McMurdie, L. A., Heymsfield, G. M., Yorks, J. E., Braun, S. A., Skofronick-Jackson, G., Rauber, R. M., Yuter, S., Colle, B., McFarquhar, G. M., Poellot, M., Novak, D. R., Lang, T. J., Kroodsma, R., McLinden, M., Oue, M., Kollias, P., Kumjian, M. R., Greybush, S. J., Heymsfield, A. J., Finlon, J. A., McDonald, V. L., & Nicholls, S. (2022). Chasing Snowstorms: The Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) Campaign, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Zhao, X., Lin, Y., Luo, Y., Qian, Q., Liu, X., Liu, X., & Colle, B. A. (2021). A Double‐Moment SBU‐YLIN Cloud Microphysics Scheme and its Impact on a Squall Line Simulation. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, e2021MS002545.

Miller, M. A., Yuter, S. E., Hoban, N. P., Tomkins, L. M., & Colle, B. A. (2021). Detecting Wave Features in Doppler Radial Velocity Radar Observations. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 1-22.

Colle, B. A., Auld, R., Johnson, K., O’Connell, C., Taylor, T. G., & Rice, J. (2021). Improving Communication of Uncertainty and Risk of High-Impact Weather Through Innovative Forecaster Workshops. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1-18.

Leonardo, N. M., & Colle, B. A. (2020). An Investigation of Large Cross-Track Errors in North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones in the GEFS and ECMWF Ensembles. Monthly Weather Review.

Kollias, P., Oue, M., Luke, E. P., Sneddon, A., Puigdomenech, B., Lang, M., Colle, B.A. & Knopf, D. A. (2020). The Stony Brook Univ.-Brookhaven National Laboratory Radar Observatory: Facilities, Instrumentation and Applications. In 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. AMS.

Naeger, A. R., Colle, B. A., Zhou, N., & Molthan, A. (2020). Evaluating Warm and Cold Rain Processes in Cloud Microphysical Schemes Using OLYMPEX Field Measurements. Monthly Weather Review, (2020).

Catto, J.L., Ackerley, D., Booth, J.F., Colle, B.A. et al. The Future of Midlatitude Cyclones. Curr Clim Change Rep (2019).

Catto, J.L., Ackerley, D., Booth, J.F. , Colle, B.A. et al. The Future of Midlatitude Cyclones. Curr Clim Change Rep (2019).

Leonardo, N. M., & Colle, B. A. (2019). An Investigation of Large Along-Track Errors in Extratropical Transitioning North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones in the ECMWF Ensemble. Monthly Weather Review, (2019).

Ge, K., & Colle, B. A. (2019). Multi‐Decadal Historical Trends in Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Evolution Characteristics for Two North Atlantic Sub‐basins. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Connelly, R., & Colle, B. A. (2019). Validation of Snow Multi-Bands in the Comma Head of an Extratropical Cyclone Using a 40-Member Ensemble. Weather and Forecasting, (2019).

Zheng, M., Chang, E. K., & Colle, B. A. (2019). Evaluating US East Coast Winter Storms in a Multimodel Ensemble Using EOF and Clustering Approaches. Monthly Weather Review, 147(6), 1967-1987.

Lin, N., Marsooli, R., & Colle, B. A. (2019). Storm surge return levels induced by mid-to-late-twenty-first-century extratropical cyclones in the Northeastern United States. Climatic Change, 1-16.

Zheng, M., Chang, E. K., & Colle, B. A. (2019). Evaluating US East Coast Winter Storms in a Multi-Model Ensemble Using EOF and Clustering Approaches. Monthly Weather Review, (2019).

Orton, P. , Lin, N. , Gornitz, V. , Colle, B. , Booth, J. , Feng, K. , Buchanan, M. , Oppenheimer, M. and Patrick, L. (2019), New York City Panel on Climate Change 2019 Report Chapter 4: Coastal Flooding. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1439: 95-114. doi:10.1111/nyas.14011

González, J. E., Ortiz, L. , Smith, B. K., Devineni, N. , Colle, B. , Booth, J. F., Ravindranath, A. , Rivera, L. , Horton, R. , Towey, K. , Kushnir, Y. , Manley, D. , Bader, D. and Rosenzweig, C. (2019), New York City Panel on Climate Change 2019 Report Chapter 2: New Methods for Assessing Extreme Temperatures, Heavy Downpours, and Drought. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1439: 30-70. doi:10.1111/nyas.14007

Yang, K., Davidson, R. A., Blanton, B., Colle, B., Dresback, K., Kolar, R., … & Wachtendorf, T. (2019). Hurricane evacuations in the face of uncertainty: Use of integrated models to support robust, adaptive, and repeated decision-making. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 101093.

Yang, K., Davidson, R. A., Vergara, H., Kolar, R. L., Dresback, K. M., Colle, B. A., … & Nozick, L. K. (2019). Incorporating inland flooding into hurricane evacuation decision support modeling. Natural Hazards, 1-22.

Schultz, D. M., Bosart, L. F., Colle, B. A., Davies, H. C., Dearden, C., Keyser, D., … & Winters, A. C. (2018). Extratropical Cyclones: A Century Of Research On Meteorology’s Centerpiece. Meteorological Monographs.

Ganetis, S. A., Colle, B. A., Yuter, S. E., & Hoban, N. P. (2018). Environmental Conditions Associated with Observed Snowband Structures within Northeast US Winter Storms. Monthly Weather Review, 146(11), 3675-3690.

Zhang, Z., & Colle, B. A. (2018). Impact of Dynamical Downscaling Two CMIP5 Models on the Historical and Future Changes in Winter Extratropical Cyclones Along the East Coast of North America. Journal of Climate, (2018).

Erickson, M. J., Colle, B. A., & Charney, J. J. (2018). Evaluation and Postprocessing of Ensemble Fire Weather Predictions over the Northeast United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57(5), 1135-1153.

Blanton, B., Dresback, K., Colle, B., Kolar, R., Vergara, H., Hong, Y., … & Wachtendorf, T. (2018). An Integrated Scenario Ensemble-Based Framework for Hurricane Evacuation Modeling: Part 2-Hazard Modeling. Risk analysis: an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis.

Davidson, R. A., Nozick, L. K., Wachtendorf, T., Blanton, B., Colle, B., Kolar, R. L., … & Leonardo, N. (2018). An Integrated Scenario Ensemble‐Based Framework for Hurricane Evacuation Modeling: Part 1—Decision Support System. Risk analysis.

Erickson, M. J., Colle, B. A., & Charney, J. J. (2018). Evaluation and Post-Processing of Ensemble Fire Weather Predictions over the Northeast United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, (2018).

Korfe, N. G., & Colle, B. A. (2018). Evaluation of Cool-Season Extratropical Cyclones in a Multimodel Ensemble for Eastern North America and the Western Atlantic Ocean. Weather and Forecasting, 33(1), 109-127.

Jackie Collier

Jackie Collier

Associate Professor

Phytoplankton physiological ecology; Biocomplexity and microbial diversity; Planktonic ecosystem processes in marine, estuarine, and freshwater systems


$335,343.00 12-Oct-2018 through 14-Oct-2020 Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation: Tools and Methods for the Consistent, Efficient Genetic Manipulation of Auranthiochytrium (PI Jackie Collier, Co-PI )


Bai, M., Xie, N., He, Y., Li, J., Collier, J. L., Hunt, D. E., … & Wang, G. (2021). Vertical community patterns of Labyrinthulomycetes protists reveal their potential importance in the oceanic biological pump. Environmental microbiology.

Ishaq, S. L., Parada, F. J., Wolf, P. G., Bonilla, C. Y., Carney, M. A., Benezra, A., … Collier, J.L., … & Morar, N. (2021). Introducing the Microbes and Social Equity Working Group: Considering the Microbial Components of Social, Environmental, and Health Justice. Msystems, 6(4), e00471-21.

Rubino, C. V., Katz, B. G., Langlois, K., Wang, H. H., Carrion, J. A., Walker, S. G., Collier, J. L., Iacono, V. J. and Myneni, S. R., (2021). Evaluation of different materials used for sealing of implant abutment access channel and the peri‐implant sulcus microbiota: A 6‐month, randomized controlled trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research.

Rubino, C. V., Katz, B. G., Langlois, K., Wang, H. H., Carrion, J. A., Walker, S. G., … & Myneni, S. R. (2021). Evaluation of Different Materials Used for Sealing of Implant Abutment Access Channel and the Peri‐implant Sulcus Microbiota: A 6 Month, Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research.

Kang, Y., Harke, M. J., Berry, D. L., Collier, J. L., Wilhelm, S. W., Dyhrman, S. T., & Gobler, C. J. (2021). Transcriptomic Responses of Four Pelagophytes to Nutrient (N, P) and Light Stress. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 223.

Geraci-Yee, S., Brianik, C. J., Rubin, E., Collier, J. L., & Allam, B. (2021). Erection of a New Genus and Species for the Pathogen of Hard Clams ‘Quahog Parasite Unknown’(QPX): Mucochytrium quahogii gen. nov., sp. nov. Protist, 125793.

Faktorová, D., Nisbet, R. E. R., Robledo, J. A. F., Casacuberta, E., Sudek, L., Allen, A. E., … & Beardslee, P. (2020). Genetic tool development in marine protists: Emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology. Nature methods, 1-14.

Langlois, K., Gobler, C. J., Walker, H. W., & Collier, J. L. (2020). Microbial communities in partially and fully treated effluent of three nitrogen-removing biofilters. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 6(2), 04020010.

Collier, J. L., & Rest, J. S. (2019). Swimming, gliding, and rolling toward the mainstream: cell biology of marine protists. Molecular biology of the cell, 30(11), 1245-1248.

Rius, M., Rest, J., & Collier, J. (2019). Why does a heterotrophic marine protist produce carotenoids? Genetic approaches to investigate the ecophysiology of the thraustochytrid Aurantiochytrium limacinum. Access Microbiology, 1(1A).

Gobler, C. J., Young, C. S., Goleski, J., Stevens, A., Thickman, J., Wallace, R. B., … & Hattenrath-Lehmann, T. K. (2019). Accidental ecosystem restoration? Assessing the estuary-wide impacts of a new ocean inlet created by Hurricane Sandy. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Ohnemus, D. C., Krause, J. W., Brzezinski, M. A., Collier, J. L., Baines, S. B., & Twining, B. S. (2018). The chemical form of silicon in marine Synechococcus. Marine Chemistry.

Waller R.F., Cleves P.A., Rubio-Brotons M., Woods A., Bender S.J., Edgcomb V., Gann, E.R., Jones, A.C., Teytelman, L., von Dassow, P., Wilhelm, S.W., and Collier, J.L. (2018) Strength in numbers: Collaborative science for new experimental model systems. PLoS Biol 16(7): e2006333.

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Ali Farhadzadeh

Ali Farhadzadeh

Assistant Professor

Nearshore hydrodynamics, sediment transport, wave-current-sediment-structure interaction, resilient coastal protection systems, coastal flooding


$265,696.00 1-Aug-2017 through 31-Oct-2020 NYS Energy Research and Development Authority: Coastal Resiliency and Morphodynamic Responses to Storm Surge and Seiche in Eastern Lake Erie (PI Ali Farhadzadeh, Co-PI )

Nicholas Fisher

Nicholas Fisher

Distinguished Professor / Director, CIDER

Marine phytoplankton physiology and ecology, biogeo-chemistry of metals, marine pollution


$361,802.00 1-Sep-2016 through 31-Dec-2019 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research:Transformations and Mercury Isotopic Fractionation of Methylmercury by Marine Phytoplankton (PI Nicholas Fisher, Co-PI )
$72,391.45 1-Apr-2018 through 31-Mar-2019 Dartmouth College: Sources and Protracted Effects of Early Life Exposure to Arsenic and Mercury (PI Nicholas Fisher, Co-PI )


Tyrell, A. S., Jiang, H., & Fisher, N. S. (2021). Effects of seawater viscosity and temperature on the movement of the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 86, 21-28.

Ye, X., Rountos, K. J., Lee, C. S., & Fisher, N. S. Effects of methylmercury on the early life stages of an estuarine forage fish using two different dietary sources. Marine Environmental Research, 105240.

Shipley, O. N., Lee, C. S., Fisher, N. S., Sternlicht, J. K., Kattan, S., Staaterman, E. R., … & Gallagher, A. J. Metal concentrations in coastal sharks from The Bahamas with a focus on the Caribbean Reef shark. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-11.

Evers, D. C., Sauer, A. K., Burns, D. A., Fisher, N. S., Bertok, D. C., Adams, E. M., … & Driscoll, C. T. (2020). A synthesis of patterns of environmental mercury inputs, exposure and effects in New York State. Ecotoxicology, 1-25.

Tyrell, A. S., Fisher, N. S., & Fields, D. M. (2020). Separating Thermal and Viscous Effects of Temperature on Copepod Respiration and Energy Budget. The Biological Bulletin, 239(1), 000-000.

Ye, X., & Fisher, N. S. (2020). Minor effects of dietary methylmercury on growth and reproduction of the sheepshead minnow Cyprinodon variegatus and toxicity to their offspring. Environmental Pollution, 115226.

Tyrell, A. S., Jiang, H., & Fisher, N. S. (2020). Copepod feeding strategy determines response to seawater viscosity: videography study of two calanoid copepod species. Journal of Experimental Biology.

Cresswell, T., Metian, M., Fisher, N. S., Charmasson, S., Hansman, R. L., Bam, W., … & Swarzenski, P. W. (2020). Exploring New Frontiers in Marine Radioisotope Tracing–Adapting to New Opportunities and Challenges. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Tyrell, A. S., & Fisher, N. S. (2019). Separating viscous and thermal effects of temperature on copepod feeding. Journal of Plankton Research, 41(6), 865-878.

Grieb, T. M., Fisher, N. S., Karimi, R., & Levin, L. (2019). An assessment of temporal trends in mercury concentrations in fish. Ecotoxicology, 1-11.

Lee, C. S., & Fisher, N. S. (2019). Microbial generation of elemental mercury from dissolved methylmercury in seawater. Limnology and Oceanography, 64(2), 679-693.

Thomas, D. M., & Fisher, N. S. (2019). Evaluation of body size and temperature on 137Cs uptake in marine animals. Journal of environmental radioactivity, 202, 25-31.

Shipley, O. N., Lee, C. S., Fisher, N. S., Burruss, G., Frisk, M. G., Brooks, E. J., … & Madigan, D. J. (2019). Trophodynamics and mercury bioaccumulation in reef and open-ocean fishes from The Bahamas with a focus on two teleost predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 608, 221-232.

Kopec, A. D., Kidd, K. A., Fisher, N. S., Bowen, M., Francis, C., Payne, K., & Bodaly, R. A. (2019). Spatial and temporal trends of mercury in the aquatic food web of the lower Penobscot River, Maine, USA, affected by a chlor-alkali plant. Science of The Total Environment, 649, 770-791.

Wang, C., Cerrato, R. M., & Fisher, N. S. (2018). Temporal changes in 137Cs concentrations in fish, sediments, and seawater off Fukushima Japan. Environmental Science & Technology.

Rudd, J. W., Bodaly, R. A., Fisher, N. S., Kelly, C. A., Kopec, D., & Whipple, C. (2018). Fifty years after its discharge, methylation of legacy mercury trapped in the Penobscot Estuary sustains high mercury in biota. Science of The Total Environment, 642, 1340-1352.

Thomas, D. M., Lee, C. S., & Fisher, N. S. (2018). Bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of 137 Cs in marine and freshwater plankton. Chemosphere.

Madigan, D. J., Snodgrass, O. E., & Fisher, N. S. (2018). From migrants to mossbacks: tracer-and tag-inferred habitat shifts in the California yellowtail Seriola dorsalis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 597, 221-230.

Madigan, D. J., Snodgrass, O. E., & Fisher, N. S. (2018). From migrants to mossbacks: tracer-and tag-inferred habitat shifts in the California yellowtail Seriola dorsalis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 597, 221-230.

Madigan, D.J., Li, M., Yin, R., Baumann, H., Snodgrass, O.E., Dewar, H., Krabbenhoft, D.P., Baumann, Z., Fisher, N.S., Balcom, P.H. and Sunderland, E.M., (2018). Mercury stable isotopes reveal influence of foraging depth on mercury concentrations and growth in Pacific bluefin tuna. Environmental science & technology.

Madigan, D. J., Baumann, Z., Carlisle, A. B., Snodgrass, O., Dewar, H., & Fisher, N. S. (2018). Isotopic insights into migration patterns of Pacific bluefin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, (999), 1-11.

Charles Flagg

Charles Flagg

Research Professor

Continental Shelf Dynamics, Bio-Physical Interactions in Shelf Systems, Climate Change Effects on Coastal Systems, Shipboard ADCPs on Volunteer Observing Ships


$915,431.00 15-Sep-2015 through 31-Aug-2020 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: The Oleander Project: High-resolution Observation of the Dynamic Ocean Between New Jersey and Bermuda (PI Charles Flagg, Co-PI )
$138,495.00 15-May-2017 through 30-Apr-2020 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: The Norrona Project: An International Collaboration for Sustained Studies of the Meridional Overturning Circulation Between Denmark, The Faroes and Iceland (PI Charles Flagg, Co-PI )
$9,635.00 13-Aug-2018 through 30-Apr-2020 National Park Service: Continuation of Post Hurricane Sandy Physical Monitoring of the Old Inlet Breach Fire Island National Seashore (PI Charles Flagg, Co-PI )

Michael French

Michael French

Associate Professor

supercell and tornado dynamics; Doppler weather radar applications; mesoscale meteorology


$444,234.00 1-Sep-2015 through 31-Aug-2019 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Nowcasting Severe Storm Evolution and Tracking Storm Life Cycles in the Northeast United States Using GOES-R (PI Michael French, Co-PI )
$359,465.00 1-Apr-2018 through 31-Mar-2021 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: A Polarimetric Radar Climatology of Supercell Thunderstorms in the United States (PI Michael French, Co-PI )


French, M. M., & Kingfield, D. M. (2021). Tornado Formation and Intensity Prediction Using Polarimetric Radar Estimates of Updraft Area. Weather and Forecasting, 36(6), 2211-2231.

Kingfield, D. M., & French, M. M. (2021). The influence of WSR-88D intra-volume scanning strategies on thunderstorm observations and warnings in the dual-polarization radar era: 2011-2020. Weather and Forecasting.

Tuftedal, K. S., French, M. M., Kingfield, D. M., & Snyder, J. C. (2021). Observed Bulk Hook Echo Drop Size Distribution Evolution in Supercell Tornadogenesis and Tornadogenesis Failure. Monthly Weather Review.

McKeown, K. E., French, M. M., Tuftedal, K. S., Kingfield, D. M., Bluestein, H. B., Reif, D. W., & Wienhoff, Z. B. (2020). Rapid-Scan and Polarimetric Radar Observations of the Dissipation of a Violent Tornado on 9 May 2016 Near Sulphur, Oklahoma. Monthly Weather Review, 1-51.


Wunsch, M. S. and M. M. French (2020) Delayed tornadogenesis within New York State severe storms. J. Operational Meteor., 8 (6), 79-92, doi:

Loeffler, S. D., Kumjian, M. R., Jurewicz, M., & French, M. M. Differentiating between tornadic and nontornadic supercells using polarimetric radar signatures of hydrometeor size sorting. Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL088242.

French, M. M., & Kingfield, D. M. (2018). Dissipation Characteristics of Tornadic Vortex Signatures Associated with Long-Duration Tornadoes. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, (2018).

Liou, Y. C., Bluestein, H. B., French, M. M., & Wienhoff, Z. B. (2018). Single-Doppler velocity retrieval of the wind field in a tornadic supercell using mobile, phased-array, Doppler radar data. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, (2018).

Michael Frisk

Michael Frisk


Fish ecology, population modeling and life history theory


$668,624.00 1-Apr-2014 31-Mar-2018 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Assessing blue crab abundance and life history characteristics and predicting future population trends on Long Island (PI Robert Cerrato, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Michael Frisk)

$399,768.00 25-Apr-2016 through 30-Apr-2019 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management: Monitoring Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon and Commercial Finfish Habitat Use Offshore New York Dated 1/28/16 and Revised 4/06/16 (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PI )
$16,000.00 1-Jul-2018 through 30-Jun-2019 Hudson River Foundation: Gradute Support for Evan Corey Ingram: Movement Ecology of Juvenile and Sub-Adult Atlantic Sturgeon in the Husdon River and New York Bight (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PI )
$45,980.00 1-Sep-2018 through 29-Feb-2020 Florida International University: Fellowship for Diego Cardenosa: DNA Toolkit for CITES Listing of Sharks (PI Michael Frisk, Co-PI )


Bopp, J. J., Sclafani, M., Frisk, M. G., McKown, K., Ziegler‐Fede, C., Smith, D. R., & Cerrato, R. M. (2021). Telemetry reveals migratory drivers and disparate space use across seasons and age‐groups in American horseshoe crabs. Ecosphere, 12(10), e03811.

Siskey, M. R., & Frisk, M. G. (2021). The Relative Influence of Age Structure, Predation, and Temperature on Stock–Recruitment Dynamics: A Case Study of Southern New England/Mid‐Atlantic Winter Flounder. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 13(5), 594-610.

Dolan, T. E., Frisk, M. G., Cerrato, R. M., & McElroy, A. E. (2021). Environmental factors modify post-settlement survival and growth of winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus in the absence of predation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 676, 57-75.

Dolan, T. E., McElroy, A. E., Cerrato, R., Hice‐Dunton, L. A., Fede, C., & Frisk, M. G. (2021). Winter Flounder Navigate the Postsettlement Gauntlet with a Bet‐Hedging Strategy. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 13(5), 435-449.

Dias, B. S., Frisk, M. G., & Jordaan, A. (2021). Contrasting fishing effort reduction and habitat connectivity as management strategies to promote alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) recovery using an ecosystem model. Limnology and Oceanography.

Dunton, K. J., Sparta, K., Frisk, M. G., Martinez, C. M., & Shipley, O. N. (2021). First Observation of Movement Rates and Repeated Migration in a Western Atlantic Torpedo (Tetronarce occidentalis) in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Northeastern Naturalist, 28(2), N7.

Shipley, O. N., Henkes, G. A., Gelsleichter, J., Morgan, C., Schneider, E. V., Talwar, B., & Frisk, M. G. (2021). Shark tooth collagen stable isotopes (δ15N and δ13C) as ecological proxies. Journal of Animal Ecology.

Cernadas-Martín, S., Rountos, K. J., Nye, J. A., Frisk, M. G., & Pikitch, E. K. (2021). Composition and intraspecific variability in Summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) diets in a eutrophic estuary. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Roose, H., Paterson, G., Frisk, M. G., Cerrato, R. M., Nitschke, P., & Olin, J. A. (2021). Regional variation in mercury bioaccumulation among NW Atlantic Golden (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) and Blueline (Caulolatilus microps) Tilefish. Environmental Pollution, 117177.

Shipley, O. N., Newton, A. H., Frisk, M. G., Henkes, G. A., LaBelle, J., Camhi, M., … & Olin, J. A. Telemetry validated nitrogen stable isotope clocks identify ocean‐to‐estuarine habitat shifts in mobile organisms. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

Gallagher, A. J., Shipley, O. N., van Zinnicq Bergmann, M. P., Brownscombe, J. W., Dahlgren, C. P., Frisk, M. G., … & Duarte, C. M. (2021). Spatial Connectivity and Drivers of Shark Habitat Use Within a Large Marine Protected Area in the Caribbean, The Bahamas Shark Sanctuary. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Olin, J. A., Shipley, O. N., Cerrato, R. M., Nitschke, P., Magen, C., & Frisk, M. G. Separation of realized ecological niche axes among sympatric tilefishes provides insight into potential drivers of co‐occurrence in the NW Atlantic. Ecology and Evolution.

Rulifson, R. A., Bangley, C. W., Cudney, J. L., Dell’Apa, A., Dunton, K. J., Frisk, M. G., … & Brundage III, H. M. (2020). Seasonal presence of Atlantic Sturgeon and sharks at Cape Hatteras, a large continental shelf constriction to coastal migration. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 12(5), 308-321.

Siskey, M. R., Frisk, M. G., Cerrato, R. M., & Limburg, K. E. (2020). Redefining spatial population structure of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus): implications for stock assessment and management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, (ja).

Frisk, M. G., Ingram, M. C., & Dunton, K. (2019). Monitoring Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon and Commercial Finfish Habitat Use in the New York Lease Area. Stony Brook (NY): US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. OCS Study BOEM, 74, 88.

Friedman, K., Braccini, M., Bjerregaard‐Walsh, M., Bonfil, R., Bradshaw, C. J., Brouwer, S., … & Frisk, M. G. Informing CITES Parties: Strengthening science‐based decision‐making when listing marine species. Fish and Fisheries.

Ingram, E. C., Cerrato, R. M., Dunton, K. J., & Frisk, M. G. (2019). Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon in the New York Wind Energy Area: implications of future development in an offshore wind energy site. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-13.

Olin, J. A., Cerrato, R. M., Nye, J. A., Sagarese, S. R., Sclafani, M., Zacharias, J. P., & Frisk, M. G. (2019). Evidence for Ecosystem Changes Within a Temperate Lagoon Following a Hurricane-Induced Barrier Island Breach. Estuaries and Coasts, 1-15.

Dias, B. S., Frisk, M. G., & Jordaan, A. (2019). Opening the tap: Increased riverine connectivity strengthens marine food web pathways. PloS one, 14(5), e0217008.

Frisk, M. G., Shipley, O. N., Martinez, C. M., McKown, K. A., Zacharias, J. P., & Dunton, K. J. (2019). First Observations of Long‐Distance Migration in a Large Skate Species, the Winter Skate: Implications for Population Connectivity, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Management. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 11(2), 202-212.

McCartin, K., Jordaan, A., Sclafani, M., Cerrato, R., & Frisk, M. G. (2019). A New Paradigm in Alewife Migration: Oscillations between Spawning Grounds and Estuarine Habitats. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.

Ziegler, C. M., & Frisk, M. G. (2019). Flatfish utilize sediment blanket to facilitate thermoregulation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 609, 179-186.

Shipley, O. N., Lee, C. S., Fisher, N. S., Burruss, G., Frisk, M. G., Brooks, E. J., … & Madigan, D. J. (2019). Trophodynamics and mercury bioaccumulation in reef and open-ocean fishes from The Bahamas with a focus on two teleost predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 608, 221-232.

Shipley, O. N., Olin, J. A., Power, M., Cerrato, R. M., & Frisk, M. G. (2018). Questioning assumptions of trophic behavior in a broadly ranging marine predator guild. Ecography.

Siskey, M. R., Shipley, O. N., & Frisk, M. G. Skating on thin ice: Identifying the need for species‐specific data and defined migration ecology of Rajidae spp. Fish and Fisheries.

Ziegler, C. M., Zacharias, J. P., & Frisk, M. G. (2018). Migration diversity, spawning behavior and habitat utilization of Winter Flounder. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, (ja).

Frisk, M. G., Dolan, T. E., McElroy, A. E., Zacharias, J. P., Xu, H., & Hice, L. A. (2018). Assessing the drivers of the collapse of Winter Flounder: Implications for management and recovery. Journal of Sea Research, 141, 1-13.

Shipley, O. N., Murchie, K. J., Frisk, M. G., O’Shea, O. R., Winchester, M. M., Brooks, E. J., … & Power, M. Trophic niche dynamics of three nearshore benthic predators in The Bahamas. Hydrobiologia, 1-12.

Flanagan, A. M., Flood, R. D., Frisk, M. G., Garza, C. D., Lopez, G. R., Maher, N. P. & Cerrato, R. M. (2018). The relationship between observational scale and explained variance in benthic communities. PLoS ONE, 13(1), e0189313.

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Christopher Gobler

Christopher Gobler

Endowed Chair

Coastal ecosystem ecology, climate change, harmful algal blooms, phytoplankton, ocean acidification, effects of multiple stressors on coastal marine resources, aquatic biogeochemistry


$203,308.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018

$6,704,682.96 1-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2020 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: NYS Center for Clean Water Technology (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI )
$1,500,000.00 1-Apr-2017 through 30-Jun-2020 NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation: Programming to Address Emerging Contaminants in Drinking Water (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI )
$2,560,000.00 1-Jan-2010 through 31-Dec-2020 Renaissance Charitable Foundation Incorporated: Southampton Coastal and Estuarine Research Program (SCERP) (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI )
$394,512.00 4-Apr-2013 through 30-Apr-2020 East Hampton Town Trustees: Assessing Harmful Algae and Pathogens in East Hampton Town Trustee Waters (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI )
$361,411.00 1-Sep-2015 through 31-Aug-2020 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: ECOHAB: Resolving the Effects of Resource Availability, Predation and Competition on Brown Tide Dynamics Using Metatranscriptomics (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI )
$21,375.00 1-Apr-2017 through 1-Feb-2018 State of Maryland Department of Natural Resources: Coastal Bays Brown Tide Assessment Project (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI )
$193,980.00 1-Sep-2017 through 31-Aug-2020 Virginia Institute of Marine Science: ECOHAB 2017: Cross-regional Comparison of Dinophysis Bloom Dynamics, Drivers and Toxicity (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI )
$32,000.00 1-Feb-2018 through 31-Jan-2020 Trustees of Boston University: Rhode Island Sea Grant 2018 – 2022 (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI )
$99,928.00 1-Oct-2018 through 30-Sep-2019 New York Farm Viability Institute Incorporated: Diversifying New York’s Marine Aquaculture Industry: Integrating Sugar Kelp Into Oyster Farms (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI )
$3,000,000.00 1-Aug-2019 through 31-Jul-2020 NYS Department of Health: Programming to Address Emerging Contaminants Drinking Water (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI )
$914,237.00 1-Sep-2019 through 31-Aug-2020 Virginia Institute of Marine Science: ECOHAB19: Multidisciplinary Approach to a Cross-Regional Problem: Dinophysis and DSP Toxicity (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI )
$905,300.00 1-Sep-2019 through 31-Aug-2021 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Microcystins in Marine Bivalves: Optimizing of Monitoring for and Minimizing Risk from an Emerging Human Health Threat (PI Christopher Gobler, Co-PI )


Curtin, T. P., Volkenborn, N., Dwyer, I., Aller, R. C., Zhu, Q., & Gobler, C. J. (2021). Buffering muds with bivalve shell significantly increases the settlement, growth, survival, and burrowing of the early life stages of the Northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, and other calcifying invertebrates. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 107686.

Wallace, R. B., Peterson, B. J., & Gobler, C. J. (2021). Ecosystem Metabolism Modulates the Dynamics of Hypoxia and Acidification Across Temperate Coastal Habitat Types. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Tang, Y., Lee, C. S., Walker, H., Gobler, C., Apul, O., Venkatesan, A. K., & Mao, X. (2021). Effect of residual H2O2 on the removal of advanced oxidation byproducts by two types of granular activated carbon. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 106838.

Ladds, M., Jankowiak, J., & Gobler, C. J. (2021). Novel high throughput sequencing-fluorometric approach demonstrates Microcystis blooms across western Lake Erie are promoted by grazing resistance and nutrient enhanced growth. Harmful Algae, 110, 102126.

Gann, E. R., Truchon, A. R., Papoulis, S. E., Dyhrman, S. T., Gobler, C. J., & Wilhelm, S. W. (2021). Aureococcus anophagefferens (Pelagophyceae) genomes improve evaluation of nutrient acquisition strategies involved in brown tide dynamics1. Journal of Phycology.

Liu, Y., Hu, Z., Deng, Y., Shang, L., Gobler, C. J., & Tang, Y. Z. (2020). Dependence of genome size and copy number of rRNA gene on cell volume in dinoflagellates. Harmful Algae, 109, 102108.

Huang, I. S., Pietrasiak, N., Gobler, C. J., Johansen, J. R., Burkholder, J. M., D’Antonio, S., & Zimba, P. V. (2020). Diversity of bioactive compound content across 71 genera of marine, freshwater, and terrestrial cyanobacteria. Harmful Algae, 109, 102116.

Wallace, R. B., & Gobler, C. J. (2021). The role of algal blooms and community respiration in controlling the temporal and spatial dynamics of hypoxia and acidification in eutrophic estuaries. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 172, 112908.

Tomasetti, S. J., Kraemer, J. R., and Gobler, C. J. (2021). Brief Episodes of Nocturnal Hypoxia and Acidification Reduce Survival of Economically Important Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) Larvae. Front. Mar. Sci. 8, 1190. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.720175

Lotfikatouli, S., Hadi, P., Yang, M., Walker, H. W., Hsiao, B. S., Gobler, C., … & Mao, X. (2021). Enhanced anti-fouling performance in Membrane Bioreactors using a novel cellulose nanofiber-coated membrane. Separation and Purification Technology, 119145.

Shahraki, Z. M., Wang, M., Walker, H. W., Russo, F., Gobler, C., Heufelder, G., & Mao, X. (2021). A mechanistic understanding of the nitrification sand layer performance in a nitrogen removing biofilter (NRB) treating onsite wastewater. Ecological Engineering, 168, 106271.

Gann, E. R., Kang, Y., Dyhrman, S. T., Gobler, C. J., & Wilhelm, S. W. (2021). Metatranscriptome library preparation influences analyses of viral community activity during a brown tide bloom. Frontiers in microbiology, 12.

Sylvers, P. H., & Gobler, C. J. (2021). Mitigation of harmful algal blooms caused by Alexandrium catenella and reduction in saxitoxin accumulation in bivalves using cultivable seaweeds. Harmful Algae, 105, 102056.

Young, C. S., Doall, M. H., & Gobler, C. J. (2021). Dual benefit of ocean acidification for the laminarialean kelp Saccharina latissima: enhanced growth and reduced herbivory. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 664, 87-102.

Hattenrath-Lehmann, T. K., Nanjappa, D., Zhang, H., Yu, L., Goleski, J. A., Lin, S., & Gobler, C. J. (2021). Transcriptomic and isotopic data reveal central role of ammonium in facilitating the growth of the mixotrophic dinoflagellate, Dinophysis acuminata. Harmful Algae, 104, 102031.

Kang, Y., Harke, M. J., Berry, D. L., Collier, J. L., Wilhelm, S. W., Dyhrman, S. T., & Gobler, C. J. (2021). Transcriptomic Responses of Four Pelagophytes to Nutrient (N, P) and Light Stress. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 223.

Anderson, D. M., Fensin, E., Gobler, C. J., Hoeglund, A. E., Hubbard, K. A., Kulis, D. M., … & Trainer, V. L. (2021). Marine harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the United States: History, current status and future trends. Harmful Algae, 101975.

Pascucci, D., Gobler, C. J., & Rountos, K. J. (2021). Harmful dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides impairs the feeding behavior of larval sheepshead minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus). Journal of Fish Biology.

Gobler, C. J., Waugh, S., Asato, C., Clyde, P. M., Nyer, S. C., Graffam, M., … & Walker, H. W. (2021). Removing 80%–90% of nitrogen and organic contaminants with three distinct passive, lignocellulose-based on-site septic systems receiving municipal and residential wastewater. Ecological Engineering, 161, 106157.

Young, C. S., & Gobler, C. J. (2021). Coastal ocean acidification and nitrogen loading facilitate invasions of the non-indigenous red macroalga, Dasysiphonia japonica. Biological Invasions, 1-25.

Lee, C. S., Asato, C., Wang, M., Mao, X., Gobler, C. J., & Venkatesan, A. K. (2021). Removal of 1, 4-dioxane during on-site wastewater treatment using nitrogen removing biofilters. Science of The Total Environment, 144806.

Gurr, S. J., Dwyer, I. P., Goleski, J., Lima, F. P., Seabra, R., Gobler, C. J., & Volkenborn, N. (2021). Acclimatization in the bay scallop Argopecten irradians along a eutrophication gradient: insights from heartbeat rate measurements during a simulated hypoxic event. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 1-27.

Gobler, C. J., & Tang, Y. Z. Laboratory Culture-Based Characterization of the Resting Stage Cells of the Brown-Tide-Causing Pelagophyte, Aureococcus anophagefferens. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8(12), 1027. doi:

Ma, Z., Hu, Z., Deng, Y., Shang, L., Gobler, C. J., & Tang, Y. Z. (2020). Laboratory Culture-Based Characterization of the Resting Stage Cells of the Brown-Tide-Causing Pelagophyte, Aureococcus anophagefferens. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8(12), 1027.

Young, C. S., & Gobler, C. J. (2020). Hypoxia and Acidification, Individually and in Combination, Disrupt Herbivory and Reduce Survivorship of the Gastropod, Lacuna vincta. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 785.

Lusty, M. W., & Gobler, C. J. (2020). The Efficacy of Hydrogen Peroxide in Mitigating Cyanobacterial Blooms and Altering Microbial Communities across Four Lakes in NY, USA. Toxins, 12(7), 428.

Jankowiak, J. G., & Gobler, C. J. (2020). The Composition and Function of Microbiomes Within Microcystis Colonies Are Significantly Different Than Native Bacterial Assemblages in Two North American Lakes. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11.

Lin, S., Hu, Z., Deng, Y., Shang, L., Gobler, C. J., & Tang, Y. Z. (2020). An assessment on the intrapopulational and intraindividual genetic diversity in LSU rDNA in the harmful algal blooms-forming dinoflagellate Margalefidinium (= Cochlodinium) fulvescens based on clonal cultures and bloom samples from Jiaozhou Bay, China. Harmful Algae, 96, 101821.

Waugh, S., Mao, X., Heufelder, G., Walker, H., & Gobler, C. J. (2020). Nitrogen transformations and microbial characterization of soils from passive nitrogen removing biofilters. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 6(2), 04020009.

Langlois, K., Gobler, C. J., Walker, H. W., & Collier, J. L. (2020). Microbial communities in partially and fully treated effluent of three nitrogen-removing biofilters. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 6(2), 04020010.

Lee, C. S., Venkatesan, A. K., Walker, H. W., & Gobler, C. J. (2020). Impact of groundwater quality and associated byproduct formation during UV/hydrogen peroxide treatment of 1, 4-dioxane. Water Research, 115534.

Grear, J. S., Leary, C. O., Nye, J. A., Tettelbach, S. T., & Gobler, C. J. (2020). Effects of coastal acidification on North Atlantic bivalves: interpreting laboratory responses in the context of in situ populations. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 633, 89-104.

Morrell, B. K., & Gobler, C. J. (2020). Negative Effects of Diurnal Changes in Acidification and Hypoxia on Early-Life Stage Estuarine Fishes. Diversity, 12(1), 25.

Schwaner, C., Barbosa, M., Connors, P., Park, T. J., de Silva, D., Griffith, A., Gobler, C.J., Espinosa, E.P., & Allam, B. (2020). Experimental acidification increases susceptibility of Mercenaria mercenaria to infection by Vibrio species. Marine Environmental Research, 104872.

Gobler, C. J. (2019). Climate Change and Harmful Algal Blooms: Insights and perspective. Harmful Algae, 101731.

Hattenrath-Lehmann, T. K., Jankowiak, J., Koch, F., & Gobler, C. J. (2019). Prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbiomes associated with blooms of the ichthyotoxic dinoflagellate Cochlodinium (Margalefidinium) polykrikoides in New York, USA, estuaries. PloS one, 14(11).

Shahraki, Z. M., Mao, X., Waugh, S., Lotfikatouli, S., Walker, H. W., Gobler, C., & Wanlass, J. (2019). Potential release of legacy nitrogen from soil surrounding onsite wastewater leaching pools. Water Research, 115241.

Young, C. S., Lowell, A., Peterson, B., & Gobler, C. J. (2019). Ocean acidification and food limitation combine to suppress herbivory by the gastropod Lacuna vincta. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 627, 83-94.

Tang, Y. Z., Ma, Z., Hu, Z., Deng, Y., Yang, A., Lin, S., … & Gobler, C. J. 3,000 km and 1,500‐year presence of Aureococcus anophagefferens reveals indigenous origin of brown tides in China. Molecular Ecology.

Griffith, A. W., Doherty, O. M., & Gobler, C. J. (2019). Ocean warming along temperate western boundaries of the Northern Hemisphere promotes an expansion of Cochlodinium polykrikoides blooms. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286(1904), 20190340.

Griffith, A. W., & Gobler, C. J. (2019). Harmful algal blooms: a climate change co-stressor in marine and freshwater ecosystems. Harmful Algae.

Rountos, K. J., Kim, J. J., Hattenrath-Lehmann, T. K., & Gobler, C. J. (2019). Effects of the harmful algae, Alexandrium catenella and Dinophysis acuminata, on the survival, growth, and swimming activity of early life stages of forage fish. Marine environmental research, 148, 46-56.

Raven, J. A., Gobler, C. J., & Hansen, P. J. (2019). Dynamic CO2 and pH levels in coastal, estuarine, and inland waters: Theoretical and observed effects on harmful algal blooms. Harmful Algae.

Griffith, A. W., Harke, M. J., DePasquale, E., Berry, D. L., & Gobler, C. J. (2019). The harmful algae, Cochlodinium polykrikoides and Aureococcus anophagefferens, elicit stronger transcriptomic and mortality response in larval bivalves (Argopecten irradians) than climate change stressors. Ecology and evolution.

Gobler, C. J., Young, C. S., Goleski, J., Stevens, A., Thickman, J., Wallace, R. B., … & Hattenrath-Lehmann, T. K. (2019). Accidental ecosystem restoration? Assessing the estuary-wide impacts of a new ocean inlet created by Hurricane Sandy. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Jankowiak, J., Hattenrath‐Lehmann, T., Kramer, B. J., Ladds, M., & Gobler, C. J. (2019). Deciphering the effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, and temperature on cyanobacterial bloom intensification, diversity, and toxicity in western Lake Erie. Limnology and Oceanography.

Wurch, L., Alexander, H., Frischkorn, K. R., Haley, S., Gobler, C., & Dyhrman, S. (2019). Transcriptional shifts highlight the role of nutrients in harmful brown tide dynamics. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, 136.

Griffith, A. W., Shumway, S. E., & Gobler, C. J. (2019). Differential Mortality of North Atlantic Bivalve Molluscs During Harmful Algal Blooms Caused by the Dinoflagellate, Cochlodinium (aka Margalefidinium) polykrikoides. Estuaries and Coasts, 42(1), 190-203.

Chia, M. A., Kramer, B. J., Jankowiak, J. G., Bittencourt-Oliveira, M. D. C., & Gobler, C. J. (2019). The Individual and Combined Effects of the Cyanotoxins, Anatoxin-a and Microcystin-LR, on the Growth, Toxin Production, and Nitrogen Fixation of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Algae. Toxins, 11(1), 43.

Tomasetti S.J., Morrell B.K., Merlo L.R., Gobler C.J. (2018). Individual and combined effects of low dissolved oxygen and low pH on survival of early stage larval blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus. PLoS ONE 13(12): e0208629.

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Sultan Hameed

Sultan Hameed


Climate change: analysis, impacts, and predictability




Hameed, S., Wolfe, C. L., & Chi, L. (2021). Icelandic Low and Azores High Migrations Impact Florida Current Transport in Winter. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51(10), 3135-3147.

Chi, L., Wolfe, C. L., & Hameed, S. (2021). Has the Gulf Stream Slowed or Shifted in the Altimetry Era?. Geophysical Research Letters, e2021GL093113.

Osman, M., Zaitchik, B., Badr, H., & Hameed, S. North Atlantic Centers of Action and Seasonal to Subseasonal Temperature Variability in Europe and Eastern North America. International Journal of Climatology.

Hameed, S., & Riaz, S. M. (2020). Impact of the Icelandic Low on British Climate in Winter. International Journal of Climatology.

Chi, L., Hameed, S., & Wolfe, C. L. (2019). Comments on “Reconstruction of the Gulf Stream from 1940 to the Present and Correlation with the North Atlantic Oscillation”. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49(10), 2731-2734.

Chi, L., Wolfe, C. L., & Hameed, S. (2019). The Distinction Between the Gulf Stream and its North Wall. Geophysical Research Letters.

Wolfe, C. L., Hameed, S., & Chi, L. (2019). On the Drivers of Decadal Variability of the Gulf Stream North Wall. Journal of Climate, (2018).

Iqbal, M. J., Rehman, S. U., Hameed, S., & Qureshi, M. A. (2019). Changes in Hadley circulation: the Azores high and winter precipitation over tropical northeast Africa. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-8.

Hameed, S., Wolfe, C. L., & Chi, L. (2018). Impact of the Atlantic Meridional Mode on Gulf Stream North Wall Position. Journal of Climate, (2018).

Chi, L., Wolfe, C. L., & Hameed, S. (2018). Intercomparison of the Gulf Stream in ocean reanalyses: 1993− 2010. Ocean Modelling, 125, 1-21.

Sara Hamideh

Sara Hamideh

Assistant Professor

Endeavour Hall 167a



disaster recovery and community resilience


$100,000.00 1-Oct-2019 through 30-Sep-2021 National Science Foundation: CoPe EAGER: Collaborative Research: Evaluating Coastal Community Resilience Bonds to Facilitate Community Recovery (PI Sara Hamideh, Co-PI )


Helgeson, J., Hamideh, S., and Sutley, E.J. (Eds.). (2021). Community Resilience-Focused Technical Investigation of the 2016 Lumberton, NC Flood: Community Impact and Recovery Following Successive Flood Events. NIST Special Publication 1230-3.

Talbot, J., Poleacovschi, C. & Hamideh, S. (2021). Socioeconomic Vulnerabilities and Housing Reconstruction in Puerto Rico After Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Nat Hazards.

Nofal, O. M., van de Lindt, J. W., Yan, G., Hamideh, S. A. R. A., & Dietrich, J. C. (2021). Multi-hazard hurricane vulnerability model to enable resilence-informed decision. Proc., Int. Structural Engineering and Construction (ISEC-11).

Hamideh, S., Peacock, W. G., & Van Zandt, S. (2021). Housing Type Matters for Pace of Recovery: Evidence from Hurricane Ike. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102149.

Schulze, S. S., Fischer, E. C., Hamideh, S., & Mahmoud, H. (2020). Wildfire impacts on schools and hospitals following the 2018 California Camp Fire. Natural Hazards, 1-25.

Sutley, E. J., & Hamideh, S. (2020). Postdisaster Housing Stages: A Markov Chain Approach to Model Sequences and Duration Based on Social Vulnerability. Risk Analysis.

Hamideh, S. (2020). Opportunities and Challenges of Public Participation in Post-Disaster Recovery Planning: Lessons from Galveston, TX. Natural Hazards Review, 21(4), 05020009.

Talbot, J., Poleacovschi, C., Hamideh, S., & Santos-Rivera, C. (2020). Informality in Postdisaster Reconstruction: The Role of Social Capital in Reconstruction Management in Post–Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico. Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(6), 04020074.

van de Lindt, J. W., Peacock, W. G., Mitrani-Reiser, J., Rosenheim, N., Deniz, D., Dillard, M., Harrison, K., … & Hamideh, S. (2020). Community Resilience-Focused Technical Investigation of the 2016 Lumberton, North Carolina, Flood: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Natural Hazards Review, 21(3), 04020029.

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Sung-Gheel (Gil) Jang

Sung-Gheel (Gil) Jang

Assistant Professor / Faculty Director, Geospatial Center

Geospatial Sciences and geographic information systems




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Roxanne Karimi

Roxanne Karimi

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Dana Hall 167     Ecological stoichiometry of metals, aquatic environmental health, and physiological ecology.

Marat Khairoutdinov

Marat Khairoutdinov


Climate modeling, high-resolution cloud modeling, cloud microphysics, super-parameterization, massively parallel super-computing, cloud parameterization


$295,250.20 15-Aug-2014 through 14-Aug-2018 US Department of Energy: Expanding the Computational Frontier of Multi-Scale Atmospheric Simulation to Advance Understanding of Low Cloud / Climate Feedbacks (PI Marat Khairoutdinov, Co-PI )
$334,645.00 15-Dec-2014 through 31-May-2020 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Self-Aggregation of Moist Convection, Radiative-Convective Instability, and the Regulation of Tropical Climate (PI Marat Khairoutdinov, Co-PI )
$32,763.00 1-Feb-2019 through 31-May-2020 University of Washington: Collaborative Research: Using SOCRATES Datasets to Improve Simulations of Clouds, Aerosols and Their Climate Impacts (PI Marat Khairoutdinov, Co-PI )
$365,309.00 1-Jun-2019 through 31-May-2022 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Physics of and Climate Regulation by Convective Aggregation (PI Marat Khairoutdinov, Co-PI )
$23,212.00 1-Aug-2019 through 31-Jul-2020 Brookhaven Science Associates LLC: Integrating High Resolution Models and Observations for Urban Science Applications (PI Marat Khairoutdinov, Co-PI )

Hyemi Kim

Hyemi Kim

Associate Professor

low frequency climate variability, tropical meteorology, ocean-atmosphere interaction, prediction and predictability, tropical cyclone activity, extreme events


$749,232.00 1-Jun-2017 through 31-May-2020 National Science Foundation: CAREER: Understanding the Source of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) Predictability and its Impact on the Mid-latitudes (PI Hyemi Kim, Co-PI )
$45,704.00 1-Jan-2019 through 31-Dec-2019 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology: Impact of the Coupled Initialization on Subseasonal Forecast (PI Hyemi Kim, Co-PI )


Kim, H., Vitart, F., & Waliser, D. E. (2021). MJO Prediction: Current Status and Future Challenges. In The Multiscale Global Monsoon System (pp. 289-299).

Martin, Z., Son, S. W., Butler, A., Hendon, H., Kim, H., Sobel, A., … & Zhang, C. (2021). The influence of the quasi-biennial oscillation on the Madden–Julian oscillation. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1-13.

Meehl, G. A., Richter, J. H., Teng, H., Capotondi, A., Cobb, K., Doblas-Reyes, F., … Kim, H. & Xie, S. P. (2021). Initialized Earth System prediction from subseasonal to decadal timescales. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2(5), 340-357.

Park, C., Son, S. W., & Kim, H. (2021). Distinct features of atmospheric rivers in the early versus late East Asian summer monsoon and their impacts on monsoon rainfall. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(7), e2020JD033537.

Richter, J. H., Pegion, K., Sun, L., Kim, H., Caron, J. M., Glanville, A., … & Collins, D. (2020). Subseasonal prediction with and without a well-represented stratosphere in CESM1. Weather and Forecasting, 35(6), 2589-2602.

Zheng, C., Chang, E. K. M., Kim, H., Zhang, M., & Wang, W. (2020). Subseasonal Prediction of Wintertime Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Cyclone Activity by SubX and S2S Models. Weather and Forecasting.

Kim, H., Caron, J. M., Richter, J. H., & Simpson, I. R. (2020). The lack of QBO‐MJO connection in CMIP6 models. Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL087295.

Ahn, M. S., Kim, D., Kang, D., Lee, J., Sperber, K. R., Gleckler, P. J., … & Kim, H. (2020). MJO Propagation across the Maritime Continent: Are CMIP6 Models Better than CMIP5 Models?. Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL087250.

Kim, H., Richter, J. H., & Martin, Z. (2019). Insignificant QBO‐MJO Prediction Skill Relationship in the SubX and S2S Subseasonal Reforecasts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(23), 12655-12666.

Zhou, Y., & Kim, H. (2019). Impact of Distinct Origin Locations on the Life Cycles of Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers over the US West Coast. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Zheng, C., Chang, E. K. M., Kim, H., Zhang, M., & Wang, W. (2019). Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction of Wintertime Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Cyclone Activity by S2S and NMME Models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Kim, H., Janiga, M. A., & Pegion, K. (2019). MJO Propagation Processes and Mean Biases in the SubX and S2S Reforecasts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Seo, E., Lee, M. I., Jeong, J. H., Koster, R. D., Schubert, S. D., Kim, H. M., … & Scaife, A. A. (2019). Impact of soil moisture initialization on boreal summer subseasonal forecasts: mid-latitude surface air temperature and heat wave events. Climate Dynamics, 52(3-4), 1695-1709.

Kim, H., F. Vitart, and D.E. Waliser, 2018: Prediction of the Madden–Julian Oscillation: A Review. J. Climate, 31, 9425–9443,

Zhou, Y., Kim, H., & Guan, B. (2018). Life Cycle of Atmospheric Rivers: Identification and Climatological Characteristics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Zheng, C., Kar-Man Chang, E., Kim, H. M., Zhang, M., & Wang, W. (2018). Impacts of the Madden–Julian Oscillation on Storm-Track Activity, Surface Air Temperature, and Precipitation over North America. Journal of Climate, 31(15), 6113-6134.

Wang, J., Kim, H. M., Chang, E. K., & Son, S. W. Modulation of the MJO and North Pacific Storm Track Relationship by the QBO. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Wang, J., Kim, H.-M. & Chang, E. K. M. (2018). Interannual Modulation of Northern Hemisphere Winter Storm Tracks by the QBO. Geophysical Research Letters, 45.

Daniel Knopf

Daniel Knopf


Atmospheric Chemistry, Microphysics and Chemistry of Atmospheric Aerosols, Heterogeneous Atmospheric Chemistry and Kinetics


$321,512.00 1-Jul-2015 through 31-Dec-2019 National Science Foundation: The Effect of Particle Phase State on Multiphase Hydroxyl Radical OH Oxidation Kinetics and Products of Biomass Burning Aerosol (PI Daniel Knopf, Co-PI )
$547,831.00 17-May-2016 through 14-Aug-2020 US Department of Energy: Experimental Investigation of the Governing Parameters of Atmospheric Ice Nucleation Using Field-Collected and Laboratory Generated Aerosol (PI Daniel Knopf, Co-PI )
$70,066.00 24-Mar-2017 through 23-Mar-2020 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Multi-scale Observational Analysis and Modeling to Improve GCM Simulation of Global Shallow Cloud Processes and Feedbacks (PI Daniel Knopf, Co-PI )
$357,055.00 1-Aug-2019 through 14-Aug-2020 US Department of Energy: Small Field Campaign: Aerosol-Ice Formation Closure Pilot Study (PI Daniel Knopf, Co-PI )


Tomlin, J. M., Jankowski, K. A., Veghte, D. P., China, S., Wang, P., Fraund, M., Weis, J., Zheng, G., Wang, Y., Rivera-Adorno, F., Raveh-Rubin, S., Knopf, D. A., Wang, J., Gilles, M. K., Moffet, R. C., and Laskin, A. (2021). Impact of dry intrusion events on the composition and mixing state of particles during the winter Aerosol and Cloud Experiment in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(24), 18123-18146,, 2021.

Knopf, D. A., & Ammann, M. (2021). Adsorption and desorption equilibria from statistical thermodynamics and rates from transition state theory. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(20), 15725-15753.

Knopf, D. A., Barry, K. R., Brubaker, T. A., Jahl, L. G., Jankowski, K. A., Li, J., Lu, Y., Monroe, L. W., Moore, K. A., Rivera-Adorno, F. A., Sauceda, K. A., Shi, Y., Tomlin, J. M., Vepuri, H. S. K., Wang, P., Lata, N. N., Levin, E. J. T., Creamean, J. M., Hill, T. C. J., China, S., Alpert, P. A., Moffet, R. C., Hiranuma, N., Sullivan, R. C., Fridlind, A. M., West, M., Riemer, N., Laskin, A., DeMott, P. J., & Liu, X. (2021). Aerosol–Ice Formation Closure: A Southern Great Plains Field Campaign, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102(10), E1952-E1971. Retrieved Nov 1, 2021, from

Hiranuma, N., & Knopf, D. A. (2021). Examining the Ice Nucleating Particles from Southern Great Plains Part II (ExINP-SGP) Field Campaign Report (No. DOE/SC-ARM-21-021). Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Data Center.

Wang, Y., Zheng, G., Jensen, M. P., Knopf, D. A., Laskin, A., Matthews, A. A., … & Wang, J. (2021). Vertical profiles of trace gas and aerosol properties over the eastern North Atlantic: variations with season and synoptic condition. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(14), 11079-11098.

Wang, J., Wood, R., Jensen, M.P., Chiu, J.C., Liu, Y., Lamer, K., Desai, N., Giangrande, S.E., Knopf, D.A., Kollias, P. and Laskin, A., (2021). Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1-51.

Knopf, D. A., Barry, K. R., Brubaker, T. A., Jahl, L. G., Jankowski, K. L., Li, J., … & Liu, X. (2021). Aerosol–Ice Formation Closure: A Southern Great Plains Field Campaign. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1-50.

Li, J., & Knopf, D. A. (2021). Representation of Multiphase OH Oxidation of Amorphous Organic Aerosol for Tropospheric Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology.

Wang, Y., Zheng, G., Jensen, M., Knopf, D., Laskin, A., Matthews, A., … & Wang, J. (2021). Vertical profiles of trace gas and aerosol properties over the Eastern North Atlantic: Variations with season and synoptic condition. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 1-39.

Patade, S., Phillips, V.T., Amato, P., Bingemer, H.G., Burrows, S.M., DeMott, P.J., Goncalves, F.L., Knopf, D.A., Morris, C.E., Alwmark, C. and Artaxo, P., 2021. Empirical formulation for multiple groups of primary biological ice nucleating particles from field observations over Amazonia. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences.

Knopf, D. (2020). Multiphase chemical kinetics and cloud formation by organic aerosol. Bulletin of the American Physical Society.

Ansmann, A., Ohneiser, K., Mamouri, R. E., Knopf, D. A., Veselovskii, I., Baars, H., … & Barja, B. (2020). Tropospheric and stratospheric wildfire smoke profiling with lidar: Mass, surface area, CCN and INP retrieval. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 1-45.

Silber, I., Fridlind, A. M., Verlinde, J., Ackerman, A. S., Cesana, G. V., & Knopf, D. A. (2020). The Prevalence of Precipitation from Polar Supercooled Clouds. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 1-32.

Knopf, D. A., DeMott, P., Creamean, J., Hill, T., Riemer, N., Hiranuma, N., … & West, M. (2020). Aerosol-Ice Formation Closure Pilot Study (AEROICSTUDY) Field Campaign Report (No. DOE/SC-ARM-20-017). Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States).

Zaytsev, A., Breitenlechner, M., Novelli, A., Fuchs, H., Knopf, D. A., Kroll, J. H., & Keutsch, F. N. (2020). Application of chemical derivatization techniques combined with chemical ionization mass spectrometry to detect stabilized Criegee intermediates and peroxy radicals in the gas phase. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 1-20.

Li, J, Forrester, S.M., and Knopf, D.A. (2020). Heterogeneous oxidation of amorphous organic aerosol surrogates by O3, NO3, and OH at typical tropospheric temperatures, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 6055–6080,

Kollias, P., Oue, M., Luke, E. P., Sneddon, A., Puigdomenech, B., Lang, M., Colle, B.A. & Knopf, D. A. (2020). The Stony Brook Univ.-Brookhaven National Laboratory Radar Observatory: Facilities, Instrumentation and Applications. In 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. AMS.

Knopf, D.A., Alpert, P.A., Zipori, A. et al. Stochastic nucleation processes and substrate abundance explain time-dependent freezing in supercooled droplets. npj Clim Atmos Sci 3, 2 (2020) doi:10.1038/s41612-020-0106-4

Laskin, A., Moffet, R. C., Fraund, M., Wang, J., Gilles, M. K., Knopf, D., & China, S. (2019). Chemical Imaging of Atmospheric Organic Particles in the Southern Great Plains Field Campaign Report (No. DOE/SC-ARM-19-018). DOE Office of Science Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program (United States).

Moffet, R. C., Wang, J., Laskin, A., Gilles, M. K., & Knopf, D. (2019). Chemical Imaging of Atmospheric Organic Particles in the Eastern North Atlantic Field Campaign Report (No. DOE/SC-ARM-19-013). DOE Office of Science Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program (United States).

Zipori, A., Reicher, N., Erel, Y., Rosenfeld, D., Sandler, A., Knopf, D. A., & Rudich, Y. (2018). The role of secondary ice processes in mid‐latitude continental clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Zipori, A., Reicher, N., Erel, Y., Rosenfeld, D., Sandler, A., Knopf, D. A., & Rudich, Y. (2018). The Role of Secondary Ice Processes in Midlatitude Continental Clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Isaacman-VanWertz, G., Massoli, P., O’Brien, R., Lim, C., Franklin, J.P., Moss, J.A., Hunter, J.F., Nowak, J.B., Canagaratna, M.R., Misztal, P.K., Su, L., Knopf, D.A., and Arata, C.,  (2018). Chemical evolution of atmospheric organic carbon over multiple generations of oxidation. Nature Chemistry, p.1.

Knopf, D. A., Alpert, P. A., Wang, B., The Role of Organic Aerosol in Atmospheric Ice Nucleation: A Review. ACS Earth Space Chem., Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00120.

Pavlos Kollias

Pavlos Kollias


Cloud Microphysics and Dynamics, Environmental Remote Sensing, Radar Meteorology and Technology


$824,241.00 15-Feb-2015 through 14-Feb-2020 University of Washington: Microphysical-Macrophysical Interactions in Low Cloud Systems Over the Eastern North Atlantic (PI Pavlos Kollias, Co-PI )
$226,394.00 1-Aug-2016 through 31-Jul-2019 Regents of the University of California: Bayesian Cloud Property Retrievals from ARM Active and Passive Measurements (PI Pavlos Kollias, Co-PI )
$69,528.00 24-Apr-2018 through 30-Sep-2019 Brookhaven Science Associates LLC: Cloud and Precipitation Studies Using ARM Radar Observations (PI Pavlos Kollias, Co-PI )
$22,000.00 11-Jun-2018 through 30-Sep-2018 Brookhaven Science Associates LLC: Integrating High Resolution Models and ARM Radar Observations (PI Pavlos Kollias, Co-PI )
$330,359.00 1-Apr-2019 through 31-Mar-2022 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Studies of the Microphysical Processes in Ice and Mixed-Phase Clouds and Precipitation Using Multiparameter Radar Observations Combined with Cloud Modeling (PI Pavlos Kollias, Co-PI )
$78,998.00 19-Apr-2019 through 18-Apr-2020 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Aerosols and Cloud-Convection Precipitation (A-CCP) Study (PI Pavlos Kollias, Co-PI )


Drueke, S., Kirshbaum, D. J., & Kollias, P. (2021). Environmental sensitivities of shallow-cumulus dilution–Part 2: Vertical wind profile. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 1-33.

Kalogeras, P., Battaglia, A., & Kollias, P. (2021). Supercooled Liquid Water Detection Capabilities from Ka-Band Doppler Profiling Radars: Moment-Based Algorithm Formulation and Assessment. Remote Sensing, 13(15), 2891.

Wang, J., Wood, R., Jensen, M.P., Chiu, J.C., Liu, Y., Lamer, K., Desai, N., Giangrande, S.E., Knopf, D.A., Kollias, P. and Laskin, A., (2021). Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1-51.

Oue, M., Kollias, P., Matrosov, S. Y., Battaglia, A., & Ryzhkov, A. V. (2021). Analysis of the microphysical properties of snowfall using scanning polarimetric and vertically pointing multi-frequency Doppler radars. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14(7), 4893-4913.

Luke, E. P., Yang, F., Kollias, P., Vogelmann, A. M., & Maahn, M. (2021). New insights into ice multiplication using remote-sensing observations of slightly supercooled mixed-phase clouds in the Arctic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(13).

Zhu, Z., Kollias, P., Yang, F., & Luke, E. (2021). On the estimation of in‐cloud vertical air motion using radar Doppler spectra. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(1), e2020GL090682.

Jacob, M., Kollias, P., Ament, F., Schemann, V., & Crewell, S. (2020). Multilayer cloud conditions in trade wind shallow cumulus–confronting two ICON model derivatives with airborne observations. Geoscientific Model Development, 13(11), 5757-5777.

Drueke, S., Kirshbaum, D. J., & Kollias, P. (2020). Environmental sensitivities of shallow-cumulus dilution–Part 1: Selected thermodynamic conditions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(21), 13217-13239.

Kumjian, M. R., Tobin, D. M., Oue, M., & Kollias, P. (2020). Microphysical Insights into Ice Pellet Formation Revealed by Fully Polarimetric Ka-Band Doppler Radar. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59(10), 1557-1580.

Battaglia, A., Kollias, P., Dhillon, R., Lamer, K., Khairoutdinov, M., & Watters, D. (2020). Mind the gap–Part 2: Improving quantitative estimates of cloud and rain water path in oceanic warm rain using spaceborne radars. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13(9), 4865-4883.

Mech, M., Maahn, M., Kneifel, S., Ori, D., Orlandi, E., Kollias, P., … & Crewell, S. (2020). PAMTRA 1.0: the Passive and Active Microwave radiative TRAnsfer tool for simulating radiometer and radar measurements of the cloudy atmosphere. Geoscientific Model Development, 13(9), 4229-4251.

Battaglia, A., Kollias, P., Dhillon, R., Roy, R., Tanelli, S., Lamer, K., … & Heymsfield, G. (2020). Spaceborne Cloud and Precipitation Radars: Status, Challenges, and Ways Forward. Reviews of Geophysics (Washington, DC: 1985), 58(3).

Kollias, P., Luke, E., Oue, M., & Lamer, K. (2020). Agile adaptive radar sampling of fast‐evolving atmospheric phenomena guided by satellite imagery and surface cameras. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(14), e2020GL088440.

Kumjian, M. R., Bowley, K. A., Markowski, P. M., Lombardo, K., Lebo, Z. J., & Kollias, P. (2020). Snowflake Selfies: A Low-Cost, High-Impact Approach toward Student Engagement in Scientific Research (with Their Smartphones), Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(6), E917-E935.

Oue, M., Tatarevic, A., Kollias, P., Wang, D., Yu, K., & Vogelmann, A. (2020). The Cloud-resolving model Radar SIMulator (CR-SIM) Version 3.3: description and applications of a virtual observatory. Geoscientific Model Development (Print), 13(BNL-213732-2020-JAAM).

Battaglia, A., Tanelli, S., Tridon, F., Kneifel, S., Leinonen, J., & Kollias, P. (2020). Triple-Frequency Radar Retrievals. In Satellite Precipitation Measurement (pp. 211-229). Springer, Cham.

Kollias, P., Oue, M., Luke, E. P., Sneddon, A., Puigdomenech, B., Lang, M., Colle, B.A. & Knopf, D. A. (2020). The Stony Brook Univ.-Brookhaven National Laboratory Radar Observatory: Facilities, Instrumentation and Applications. In 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. AMS.

Lamer, K., Kollias, P., & Battaglia, A. (2020). Mind-the-gap part I: Accurately locating warm marine boundary layer clouds and precipitation using spaceborne radars (No. BNL-213813-2020-JAAM). Brookhaven National Lab.(BNL), Upton, NY (United States).

Zhu, Z., Lamer, K., Kollias, P., & Clothiaux, E. E. The Vertical Structure of Liquid Water Content in Shallow Clouds as Retrieved from Dual‐wavelength Radar Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Endo, S., Zhang, D., Vogelmann, A. M., Kollias, P., Lamer, K., Oue, M., … & Romps, D. M. (2019). Reconciling differences between large‐eddy simulations and Doppler‐lidar observations of continental shallow cumulus cloud‐base vertical velocity. Geophysical Research Letters.

Mech, M., Kliesch, L. L., Anhäuser, A., Rose, T., Kollias, P., & Crewell, S. (2019). Microwave Radar/radiometer for Arctic Clouds (MiRAC): first insights from the ACLOUD campaign. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12(9), 5019-5037.

Kollias, P., Puigdomènech Treserras, B., & Protat, A. (2019). Calibration of the 2007–2017 record of Atmospheric Radiation Measurements cloud radar observations using CloudSat. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12(9), 4949-4964.

Lamer, K., Puigdomènech Treserras, B., Zhu, Z., Isom, B., Bharadwaj, N., & Kollias, P. (2019). Characterization of shallow oceanic precipitation using profiling and scanning radar observations at the Eastern North Atlantic ARM observatory. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12(9), 4931-4947.

Zhang, D., Vogelmann, A., Kollias, P., Luke, E., Yang, F., Lubin, D., & Wang, Z. (2019). Comparison of Antarctic and Arctic Single‐layer Stratiform Mixed‐phase Cloud Properties Using Ground‐based Remote Sensing Measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Oh, S. B., Kollias, P., Lee, J. S., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. H., & Jeong, J. H. Rain‐Rate Estimation Algorithm using Signal Attenuation of Ka‐band Cloud Radar. Meteorological Applications.

Drueke, S., Kirshbaum, D. J., & Kollias, P. Evaluation of Shallow‐Cumulus Entrainment Rate Retrievals Using Large‐Eddy Simulation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Battaglia, A., & Kollias, P. (2019). Evaluation of differential absorption radars in the 183 GHz band for profiling water vapour in ice clouds. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12(6), 3335-3349.

Yang, F., McGraw, R., Luke, E. P., Zhang, D., Kollias, P., & Vogelmann, A. M. (2019). A new approach to estimate supersaturation fluctuations in stratocumulus cloud using ground-based remote sensing measurements (No. BNL-212252-2019-JAAM). Brookhaven National Lab.(BNL), Upton, NY (United States).

Acquistapace, C., Löhnert, U., Maahn, M., & Kollias, P. (2019). A new criterion to improve operational drizzle detection with ground-based remote sensing. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, (2019).

Oue, M., Kollias, P., Shapiro, A., Tatarevic, A., & Matsui, T. (2019). Investigation of observational error sources in multi-Doppler-radar three-dimensional variational vertical air motion retrievals. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12(3), 1999-2018.

Ghate, V. P., Kollias, P., Crewell, S., Fridlind, A. M., Heus, T., Löehnert, U., … & Wendisch, M. (2018). The Second ARM Training and Science Application Event: Training the Next Generation of Atmospheric Scientists. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, (2018).

Zheng, G., Wang, Y., Aiken, A. C., Gallo, F., Jensen, M. P., Kollias, P., … & Wood, R. (2018). Marine boundary layer aerosol in the eastern North Atlantic: seasonal variations and key controlling processes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(23), 17615-17635.

Borque, P., Luke, E. P., Kollias, P., & Yang, F. (2018). Relationship Between Turbulence and Drizzle in Continental and Marine Low Stratiform Clouds. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 75(12), 4139-4148.

Kollias, P., Battaglia, A., Tatarevic, A., Lamer, K., Tridon, F., & Pfitzenmaier, L. (2018, October). The EarthCARE cloud profiling radar (CPR) doppler measurements in deep convection: challenges, post-processing, and science applications. In Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Clouds, and Precipitation VII (Vol. 10776, p. 107760R). International Society for Optics and Photonics.

Lamer, K., Fridlind, A. M., Ackerman, A. S., Kollias, P., Clothiaux, E. E., & Kelley, M. (2018). 2-SIM: a GCM-oriented ground-observation forward-simulator framework for objective evaluation of cloud and precipitation phase. Geoscientific Model Development, 11(10), 4195-4214.

Illingworth, A. J., Battaglia, A., Bradford, J., Forsythe, M., Joe, P., Kollias, P., … & Midthassel, R. (2018). WIVERN: A new satellite concept to provide global in-cloud winds, precipitation and cloud properties. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, (2018).

Küchler, N., Kneifel, S., Kollias, P., & Löhnert, U. Revisiting liquid water content retrievals in warm stratified clouds: The modified Frisch. Geophysical Research Letters.

Chen, Y.S., Verlinde, J., Clothiaux, E.E., Ackerman, A.S., Fridlind, A.M., Chamecki, M., Kollias, P., Kirkpatrick, M.P., Chen, B.C., Yu, G. and Avramov, A., (2018). On the forward modeling of radar Doppler spectrum width from LES: Implications for model evaluation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Yang, F., Kollias, P., Shaw, R. A., & Vogelmann, A. M. (2018). Cloud droplet size distribution broadening during diffusional growth: ripening amplified by deactivation and reactivation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(10), 7313-7328.

Yang, F., Luke, E. P., Kollias, P., Kostinski, A. B., & Vogelmann, A. M. (2018). Scaling of drizzle virga depth with cloud thickness for marine stratocumulus clouds. Geophysical Research Letters.

Grosvenor, D. P., Sourdeval, O., Zuidema, P., Ackerman, A., Alexandrov, M. D., Bennartz, R., Kollias, P., et al. (2018). Remote sensing of droplet number concentration in warm clouds: A review of the current state of knowledge and perspectives. Reviews of Geophysics, 56, 409–453.

Zhang, D., Wang, Z., Kollias, P., Vogelmann, A. M., Yang, K., & Luo, T. (2018). Ice particle production in mid-level stratiform mixed-phase clouds observed with collocated A-Train measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(6), 4317-4327.

Oue, M., Kollias, P., Ryzhkov, A., & Luke, E. P. (2018). Toward Exploring the Synergy Between Cloud Radar Polarimetry and Doppler Spectral Analysis in Deep Cold Precipitating Systems in the Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Zhang, Y., Xie, S., Klein, S. A., Marchand, R., Kollias, P., Clothiaux, E. E., … & Tang, S. (2018). The ARM Cloud Radar Simulator for Global Climate Models: A New Tool for Bridging Field Data and Climate Models. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, (2017).

Zhou, X., Ackerman, A. S., Fridlind, A. M., & Kollias, P. (2018). Simulation of mesoscale cellular convection in marine stratocumulus. Part I: Drizzling conditions. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, (2017).

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Darcy Lonsdale

Darcy Lonsdale


Ecology and physiology of marine zooplankton; food web dynamics of estuarine plankton and the impacts of harmful algal blooms.



Heather Lynch

Heather Lynch

Assistant Professor

Development and application of statistics




Le, H., Samaras, D., & Lynch, H. J. (2021). A convolutional neural network architecture designed for the automated survey of seabird colonies. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Gonçalves, B. C., & Lynch, H. J. (2021). Fine-Scale Sea Ice Segmentation for High-Resolution Satellite Imagery with Weakly-Supervised CNNs. Remote Sensing, 13(18), 3562.

Borowicz, A., Lynch, H. J., Estro, T., Foley, C., Gonçalves, B., Herman, K. B., … & Thorne, L. (2021). Social sensors for wildlife: Ecological opportunities in the era of camera ubiquity. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 385.

Liu, Y., Shah, V., Borowicz, A., Wethington, M., Strycker, N., Forrest, S., Lynch, H. & Singh, H. Towards Efficient Machine Learning Methods for Penguin Counting in Unmanned Aerial System Imagery. In 2020 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Symposium (AUV)(50043) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.

Strycker, N., Borowicz, A., Wethington, M., Forrest, S., Shah, V., Liu, Y., … & Lynch, H. J. (2020). Fifty-year change in penguin abundance on Elephant Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica: results of the 2019–20 census. Polar Biology, 1-12.

Strycker, N., Wethington, M., Borowicz, A., Forrest, S., Witharana, C., Hart, T., & Lynch, H. J. (2020). A global population assessment of the Chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica). Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-11.

Borowicz, A., Forrest, S., Wethington, M., Strycker, N., & Lynch, H. J. (2020). Presence of King penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) on Elephant Island provides further evidence of range expansion. Polar Biology, 1-4.

Youngflesh, C., Jones, F. M., Lynch, H. J., Arthur, J., Ročkaiová, Z., Torsey, H. R., & Hart, T. (2020). Large‐scale assessment of intra‐and inter‐annual breeding success using a remote camera network. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Iles, D. T., Lynch, H., Ji, R., Barbraud, C., Delord, K., & Jenouvrier, S. (2020). Sea ice predicts long‐term trends in Adélie penguin population growth, but not annual fluctuations: Results from a range‐wide multiscale analysis. Global Change Biology.

Foley, C. M., Fagan, W. F., & Lynch, H. J. (2020). Correcting for within-season demographic turnover to estimate the island-wide population of King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) on South Georgia. Polar Biology, 1-12.

Schrimpf, M. B., Che-Castaldo, C., & Lynch, H. J. (2020). Regional breeding bird assessment of the Antarctic Peninsula. Polar Biology, 43(2), 111-122.

Foley, C. M., & Lynch, H. J. (2019). A method to estimate pre‐exploitation population size. Conservation Biology.

McDowall, P., & Lynch, H. J. (2019). When the “selfish herd” becomes the “frozen herd”: spatial dynamics and population persistence in a colonial seabird. Ecology.

Lynch, M. A., Youngflesh, C., Agha, N. H., Ottinger, M. A., & Lynch, H. J. (2019). Tourism and stress hormone measures in Gentoo Penguins on the Antarctic Peninsula. Polar Biology, 1-8.

Humphries, G. R. W., Che-Castaldo, C., Bull, P. J., Lipstein, G., Ravia, A., Carrión, B., … & Lynch, H. J. (2018). Predicting the future is hard and other lessons from a population time series data science competition. Ecological Informatics, 48, 1-11.

Foley, C. M., Hart, T., & Lynch, H. J. (2018). King Penguin populations increase on South Georgia but explanations remain elusive. Polar Biology, 41(6), 1111-1122.

Schwaller, M. R., Lynch, H. J., Tarroux, A., & Prehn, B. (2018). A continent-wide search for Antarctic petrel breeding sites with satellite remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment, 210, 444-451.

Youngflesh, C., Jenouvrier, S., Hinke, J. T., DuBois, L., St Leger, J., Trivelpiece, W. Z., … & Lynch, H. J. (2017). Rethinking ‘normal’: The role of stochasticity in the phenology of a synchronously breeding seabird. Journal of Animal Ecology.

Schrimpf, M., Naveen, R., & Lynch, H. J. (2018). Population status of the Antarctic shag Phalacrocorax (atriceps) bransfieldensis. Antarctic Science, 1-9.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

John Mak

John Mak


Trace gas isotopic composition for the reconstruction of atmospheric chemistry in the paleo atmosphere; trace gas emissions from the biosphere; development of instrumentation platforms for research aircraft.


$249,797.00 15-Mar-2015 through 28-Feb-2019 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Using Stable Isotopes to Constrain the Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Budget Over the Last 20,000 Years (PI John Mak, Co-PI )
$46,048.00 1-May-2018 through 30-Jun-2019 NYS Energy Research and Development Authority: Identifying and Quantifying Select Volatile Organic Compounds during LISTOS 2018 using a HR-PTR-TOFMS (PI John Mak, Co-PI )
$47,075.00 15-May-2018 through 30-May-2020 Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management Inc: Quantification of Anthropogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in the Long Island Sound Region (PI John Mak, Co-PI )
$296,503.00 1-May-2019 through 30-Apr-2021 National Science Foundation: EAGER: The Presence of a Clumped Isotope Signal in Atmospheric Carbon-Dioxide (CO) (PI John Mak, Co-PI )
$51,632.00 1-Jul-2019 through 1-Aug-2021 Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management Inc: Evaluate Wintertime Temporal Trends in VOC Speciation and Concentrations During Different Meteorological Conditions at a Fixed Site (PI John Mak, Co-PI )

Anne McElroy

Anne McElroy


Aquatic Toxicology


$185,636.00 1-Jun-2017 through 31-May-2020 Hudson River Foundation: Chemical and Biological Characterization of Sewage Treatment Derived Pharmaceuticals to the Hudson River (PI Anne McElroy, Co-PI )
$39,386.00 1-Jul-2019 through 31-Dec-2019 Suffolk County Department of Economic Development: Literature Review and Synthesis of Pesticides in Use By Suffolk County for Vector Control 2019 (PI Anne McElroy, Co-PI )


Angeles, L. F., Mullen, R. A., Huang, I. J., Wilson, C., Khunjar, W., Sirotkin, H. I., McElroy, A. E. & Aga, D. S. (2020). Assessing pharmaceutical removal and reduction in toxicity provided by advanced wastewater treatment systems. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology.

Huang, I. J., Sirotkin, H. I., & McElroy, A. E. (2019). Varying the exposure period and duration of neuroactive pharmaceuticals and their metabolites modulates effects on the visual motor response in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae. Neurotoxicology and teratology.

Frisk, M. G., Dolan, T. E., McElroy, A. E., Zacharias, J. P., Xu, H., & Hice, L. A. (2018). Assessing the drivers of the collapse of Winter Flounder: Implications for management and recovery. Journal of Sea Research, 141, 1-13.

Tonjes, D. J., McElroy, A. E., Barnes-Pohjonen, R. K., Ninivaggi, D. V., Dawydiak, W., Greene, G. T., & Brownawell, B. J. (2018). Fate of methoprene in temperate salt marsh ditches following aerial applications. The Science of the total environment, 642, 394.

Dasgupta, S., Choyke, S., Ferguson, P. L., & McElroy, A. E. (2018). Antioxidant responses and oxidative stress in sheepshead minnow larvae exposed to Corexit 9500® or its component surfactant, DOSS. Aquatic Toxicology, 194, 10-17.

Dasgupta, S., Choyke, S., Ferguson, P. L., & McElroy, A. E. (2018). Antioxidant responses and oxidative stress in sheepshead minnow larvae exposed to Corexit 9500® or its component surfactant, DOSS. Aquatic Toxicology, 194, 10-17.

Saraf, S. R., Frenkel, A., Harke, M. J., Jankowiak, J. G., Gobler, C. J., & McElroy, A. E. (2017). Effects of Microcystis on development of early life stage Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes): Comparative toxicity of natural blooms, cultured Microcystis and microcystin-LR. Aquatic Toxicology.

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Janet Nye

Janet Nye

Adjunct Associate Professor

Fish ecology, climate variability, global environmental change, ecosystem-based management, ocean acidification, climate change


$80,183.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018
$118,219.00 1-Dec-2015 30-Nov-2018 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Understanding the Effects of Acidification and Hypoxia Within and Across Generations in a Coastal Marine Fish
$668,624.00 1-Apr-2014 31-Mar-2018 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Assessing blue crab abundance and life history characteristics and predicting future population trends on Long Island (PI Robert Cerrato, Co-PIs Janet Nye, Michael Frisk)

$24,898.00 1-Aug-2017 through 31-Jul-2020 National Science Foundation: Developing A Strategic Plan for a Global Change Research and Education at Flax Pond Marine Lab (PI Janet Nye, Co-PI )
$298,749.00 1-Sep-2013 through 31-Aug-2018 National Science Foundation: Coastal SEES (Track 2), Collaborative Research: Resilience and Adaptation of a Coastal Ecological-Economic System in Response to Increasing Temperature (PI Janet Nye, Co-PI )
$132,194.00 1-Dec-2015 through 30-Nov-2019 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Understanding the Effects of Acidification and Hypoxia Within and Across Generations in a Coastal Marine Fish (PI Janet Nye, Co-PI )
$75,645.00 1-Apr-2016 through 15-Jun-2018 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission: Changes in Availability of Mid-Atlantic Fish Stocks to Fisheries-Independent Surveys (PI Janet Nye, Co-PI )
$66,932.00 1-Sep-2017 through 31-Aug-2020 Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst: Development and Evaluation of a Seasonal-to-Interannual Statistical Forecasting System for Oceanographic Conditions and Living Marine Resources on the Northeast U.S. Shelf (PI Janet Nye, Co-PI )
$310,561.00 1-Apr-2019 through 31-Mar-2022 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Understanding the Impact of Warming on the Structure and Function of Marine Communities (PI Janet Nye, Co-PI )
$20,000.00 1-May-2019 through 15-Jul-2020 University of Tasmania: Visiting Fellowships (PI Janet Nye, Co-PI )
$297,168.00 1-Sep-2019 through 31-Aug-2020 Rutgers University: Optimizing Ocean Acidification Observations for Model Parameterization in the Coupled Slope Water System of the U.S Northeast Large Marine Ecosystem (PI Janet Nye, Co-PI )


Molina, A. I., Cerrato, R. M., & Nye, J. A. (2021). Population level differences in overwintering survivorship of blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus): A caution on extrapolating climate sensitivities along latitudinal gradients. Plos one, 16(9), e0257569.

Thorne, L. H., & Nye, J. A. (2021). Trait-mediated shifts and climate velocity decouple an endothermic marine predator and its ectothermic prey. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-14.

Cernadas-Martín, S., Rountos, K. J., Nye, J. A., Frisk, M. G., & Pikitch, E. K. (2021). Composition and intraspecific variability in Summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) diets in a eutrophic estuary. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Heim, K. C., Thorne, L. H., Warren, J. D., Link, J. S., & Nye, J. A. (2021). Marine ecosystem indicators are sensitive to ecosystem boundaries and spatial scale. Ecological Indicators, 125, 107522.

Schwemmer, T. G., Baumann, H., Murray, C. S., Molina, A. I., & Nye, J. A. (2020). Acidification and hypoxia interactively affect metabolism in embryos, but not larvae, of the coastal forage fish Menidia menidia. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223(22).

Younes, A. F., Cerrato, R. M., & Nye, J. A. (2020). Overwintering survivorship and growth of young-of-the-year black sea bass Centropristis striata. PloS one, 15(8), e0236705.

Grear, J. S., Leary, C. O., Nye, J. A., Tettelbach, S. T., & Gobler, C. J. (2020). Effects of coastal acidification on North Atlantic bivalves: interpreting laboratory responses in the context of in situ populations. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 633, 89-104.

O’Leary, C. A., Stawitz, C. C., & Nye, J. A. (2019). Detecting somatic growth trends for Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) using a state-space approach. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, (ja).

O’Leary, C. A., Thorson, J. T., Miller, T. J., & Nye, J. A. (2019). Comparison of multiple approaches to calculate time-varying biological reference points in climate-linked population-dynamics models. ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Capotondi, A., Jacox, M., Bowler, C., Kavanaugh, M., Lehodey, P., Barrie, D., Nye, J., … & Eveillard, D. (2019). Observational Needs Supporting Marine Ecosystems Modeling and Forecasting: Insights from US Coastal Applications. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 623.

Goldsmith, K. A., Lau, S., Poach, M. E., Sakowicz, G. P., Trice, T. M., Ono, C. R., Nye, J.A. … & Saba, G. K. (2019). Scientific considerations for acidification monitoring in the US Mid-Atlantic Region. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Olin, J. A., Cerrato, R. M., Nye, J. A., Sagarese, S. R., Sclafani, M., Zacharias, J. P., & Frisk, M. G. (2019). Evidence for Ecosystem Changes Within a Temperate Lagoon Following a Hurricane-Induced Barrier Island Breach. Estuaries and Coasts, 1-15.

Goldsmith, K. A., Lau, S., Poach, M. E., Sakowicz, G. P., Trice, T. M., Ono, C. R., Nye, J.A. … & Saba, G. K. (2019). Scientific considerations for acidification monitoring in the US Mid-Atlantic Region. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

O’Leary, C. A., Miller, T. J., Thorson, J. T., & Nye, J. A. (2018). Understanding historical Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) abundance patterns through the incorporation of oceanography-dependent vital rates in Bayesian hierarchical models. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, (ja).

Alexander, M. A., Scott, J. D., Friedland, K. D., Mills, K. E., Nye, J. A., Pershing, A. J., & Thomas, A. C. (2018). Projected sea surface temperatures over the 21st century: Changes in the mean, variability and extremes for large marine ecosystem regions of Northern Oceans. Elem Sci Anth, 6(1), 9. DOI:

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Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa

Emmanuelle Pales-Espinosa

Adjunct Associate Professor / Project Associate

Shellfish physiology, Particle selection mechanisms in suspension-feeding bivalves, Algology


$512,041.00 1-May-2017 through 30-Apr-2021 National Science Foundation: Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Food Choice in Bivalves (PI Emmanuelle Pales Espinosa, Co-PI )


Espinosa, E. P., & Allam, B. (2021). High spatial resolution mapping of the mucosal proteome of the gills of Crassostrea virginica: implication in particle processing. Journal of Experimental Biology.

Allam, S., Allam, B., & Pales Espinosa, E. (2020). Regulation of mucosal lectins in the oyster Crassostrea virginica in response to food availability and environmental factors. Journal of Molluscan Studies.

Allam, S., Allam, B., & Pales Espinosa, E. (2020). Regulation of mucosal lectins in the oyster Crassostrea virginica in response to food availability and environmental factors. Journal of Molluscan Studies.

Farhat, S., Tanguy, A., Espinosa, E. P., Guo, X., Boutet, I., Smolowitz, R., … & Allam, B. (2020). Identification of variants associated with hard clam, Mercenaria, resistance to Quahog Parasite Unknown disease. Genomics.

Jones, J., Allam, B., & Espinosa, E. P. (2020). Particle Selection in Suspension-Feeding Bivalves: Does One Model Fit All?. The Biological Bulletin, 238(1), 41-53.

Schwaner, C., Barbosa, M., Connors, P., Park, T. J., de Silva, D., Griffith, A., Gobler, C.J., Espinosa, E.P., & Allam, B. (2020). Experimental acidification increases susceptibility of Mercenaria mercenaria to infection by Vibrio species. Marine Environmental Research, 104872.

Robledo, J. A. F., Yadavalli, R., Allam, B., Pales-Espinosa, E., Gerdol, M., Greco, S., … & Tracy, A. N. (2018). From the raw bar to the bench: Bivalves as models for human health. Developmental & Comparative Immunology.

Lau, Y. T., Santos, B., Barbosa, M., Espinosa, E. P., & Allam, B. (2018). Regulation of apoptosis-related genes during interactions between oyster hemocytes and the alveolate parasite Perkinsus marinus. Fish & shellfish immunology.

Hornstein, J., Espinosa, E. P., Cerrato, R. M., Lwiza, K. M., & Allam, B. (2018). The influence of temperature stress on the physiology of the Atlantic surfclam, Spisula solidissima. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology.

Lau, Y. T., Gambino, L., Santos, B., Espinosa, E. P., & Allam, B. (2018). Regulation of oyster (Crassostrea virginica) hemocyte motility by the intracellular parasite Perkinsus marinus: A possible mechanism for host infection. Fish & shellfish immunology, 78, 18-25.

Hartman, R., Espinosa, E. P., & Allam, B. (2018). Identification of clam plasma proteins that bind its pathogen Quahog Parasite Unknown. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 77, 214-221.

Lau, Y. T., Gambino, L., Santos, B., Espinosa, E. P., & Allam, B. (2018). Transepithelial migration of mucosal hemocytes in Crassostrea virginica and potential role in Perkinsus marinus pathogenesis. Journal of invertebrate pathology, 153, 122-129.

Espinosa, E. P., & Allam, B. (2018). Reverse genetics demonstrate the role of mucosal C-type lectins in food particle selection in the oyster Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb-174094.

Bradley Peterson

Bradley Peterson

Associate Professor

Community ecology of seagrass dominated ecosystems


$50,786.00 29-Mar-2016 through 28-Sep-2018 National Park Service: Monitoring Estuarine Condition and Seagrass in NPS Northeast Coastal Barrier Network Parks (PI Bradley Peterson, Co-PI )
$241,396.00 1-May-2016 through 30-Apr-2020 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: Great South Bay Shellfish Bed Project (PI Bradley Peterson, Co-PI )
$505,658.00 1-May-2016 through 30-Apr-2020 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: Shinnecock Bay Restoration Project (PI Bradley Peterson, Co-PI )
$82,000.00 1-May-2016 through 31-Oct-2018 Suffolk County Health Services: Environmental Quality/Peconic Estuary Eelgrass Assessment Services (PI Bradley Peterson, Co-PI )
$66,387.00 8-Dec-2017 through 31-May-2019 Nature Conservancy Long Island Chapter: NY Ecosystem Restoration-Eelgrass LI (PI Bradley Peterson, Co-PI )
$136,669.00 28-Jun-2018 through 30-Jun-2021 National Park Service: Monitorin Estuarine Condition at Fire Island National Seashore and Gateway National Recreation Area (PI Bradley Peterson, Co-PI )


Lowell, A., Infantes, E., West, L., Puishys, L., Hill, C.E., Ramesh, K., Peterson, B., Cebrian, J., Dupont, S. & Cox, T. E. (2021). How Does Ocean Acidification Affect the Early Life History of Zostera marina? A Series of Experiments Find Parental Carryover Can Benefit Viability or Germination. Frontiers in Marine Science, 1944.

Wallace, R. B., Peterson, B. J., & Gobler, C. J. (2021). Ecosystem Metabolism Modulates the Dynamics of Hypoxia and Acidification Across Temperate Coastal Habitat Types. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Carroll, J. M., Tettelbach, S. T., Jackson, L. L., Kulp, R. E., McCoy, E., & Peterson, B. J. (2022). Variability in site characteristics linked to bay scallop abundance but not tethered survival: Implications for restoration. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 546, 151663.

Chin, D. W., de Fouw, J., van der Heide, T., Cahill, B. V., Katcher, K., Paul, V. J., … & Peterson, B. J. Facilitation of a tropical seagrass by a chemosymbiotic bivalve increases with environmental stress. Journal of Ecology.

Furman, B. T., Peterson, B. J., & Heck Jr, K. L. (2020). Will the Florida Big Bend Area Become the Next Gulf of Mexico Reef Tract?. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Tettelbach, S. T., Furman, B. T., Hughes, S. W., Carroll, J. M., Peterson, B. J., Havelin, J., … & Patricio, R. M. Attempted use of an uncommon bay scallop color morph for tracking the contribution of restoration efforts to population recovery. Restoration Ecology.

Young, C. S., Lowell, A., Peterson, B., & Gobler, C. J. (2019). Ocean acidification and food limitation combine to suppress herbivory by the gastropod Lacuna vincta. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 627, 83-94.

Shantharam, A. K., Padilla, D. K., Peterson, B. J., Doall, M., Lobue, C., & Webb, A. (2019). Macrofaunal Community Structure Following the Restocking of Northern Quahog (Mercenaria mercenaria) to Great South Bay, Long Island, NY. Journal of Shellfish Research, 38(2), 259-270.

Carroll, J. M., Stubler, A. D., Finelli, C. M., & Peterson, B. J. (2019). The Potential use of Seagrass Herbivory Patterns as an Indicator of Herbivore Community Change after Tropical Marine Protected Area Establishment. Gulf and Caribbean Research, 30(1), SC1-SC6.

Carroll, J. M., Furman, B. T., Jackson, L. J., Hunter, E. A., & Peterson, B. J. Propagule risk in a marine foundation species: seascape effects on Zostera marina seed predation. Journal of Ecology.

Röhr, M. E., Holmer, M., Baum, J. K., Björk, M., Chin, D., Chalifour, L., Peterson, B., … & Duffy, J. E. Blue carbon storage capacity of temperate eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows. Global Biogeochemical Cycles.

Young, C. S., Peterson, B. J., & Gobler, C. J. (2018). The Bloom-Forming Macroalgae, Ulva, Outcompetes the Seagrass, Zostera marina, Under High CO 2 Conditions. Estuaries and Coasts, 1-16.

Ellen Pikitch

Ellen Pikitch

Endowed Professor of Ocean Conservation Science / Executive Director, IOCS / Faculty Director, MCP Program

Ocean conservation, fisheries management, ecosystem-based approaches, endangered fishes, sharks, sturgeon


$380,000.00 15-Mar-2017 through 30-Jun-2020 Pew Charitable Trusts: Evaluating Marine Protected Areas in China (PI Ellen Pikitch, Co-PI )
$4,640.00 4-Jun-2018 through 24-Aug-2018 Nature Conservancy Long Island Chapter: Graduate Internship for Tyler Prichett: Road Stream & Tidal Crossing Improvement Project (PI Ellen Pikitch, Co-PI )

Sharon Pochron

Sharon Pochron

Lecturer / Faculty Director, Ecosystems and Human Impact

ecotoxicology and soil ecology

Roy Price

Roy Price

Research Assistant Professor

Hydrothermal vents, water-rock reactions, toxic metal & metalloid cycling in coastal environments, arsenic bioaccumulation, vent-biota relationships, and alkaline shallow-sea vents


$75,431.00 1-Dec-2016 through 29-Feb-2020 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York: U.S. Science Support Program Office Associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (USSSP-IODP) (PI Roy Price, Co-PI )
$106,268.00 28-Aug-2018 through 27-Aug-2021 SETI Institute: In Situ Vent Analysis Divebot for Exobiology Research (InVADER) (PI Roy Price, Co-PI )
$489,221.00 1-Feb-2020 through 31-Jan-2021 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Habitability of Saponite-rich Hydrothermal Systems of Early Mars (PI Roy Price, Co-PI )


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Kevin Reed

Kevin Reed

Associate Professor

Climate Modeling; Climate Change Attribution, Tropical Cyclones; Climate Extremes; Atmospheric Dynamics, Science Policy


$344,352.00 1-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2019 University of California at Davis: An Integrated Evaluation of the Simulated Hydroclimate System of the Continental US (PI Kevin Reed, Co-PI )
$300,000.00 1-Jan-2017 through 31-Dec-2020 US Department of Energy: Improving the Representation of Organized Convection and Extreme Precipitation in High-Resolution Climate Models (PI Kevin Reed, Co-PI )
$330,829.00 15-Aug-2017 through 31-Jul-2021 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Understanding the Origins of Hazardous Convective Weather Environments through Reduced-Complexity Climate Modeling Experiments (PI Kevin Reed, Co-PI )
$328,100.00 1-Sep-2018 through 31-Aug-2021 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Climate Feedbacks in Radiative-Convective Equilibrium – The Role of Self-Aggregation of Convection in A Multi-Model Ensemble of Idealized Simulations (PI Kevin Reed, Co-PI )
$297,203.00 1-Sep-2018 through 31-Jan-2020 University of Georgia: Simulating Extreme Precipitation in the United States in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model: Investigating the Importance of Representing Convective Intensity verus Dynamic Structure (PI Kevin Reed, Co-PI )
$448,373.00 1-May-2019 through 30-Apr-2020 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Quantifying the Link Between Organized Convection and Extreme Precipitation (PI Kevin Reed, Co-PI )


Wu, X., Reed, K. A., Callaghan, P., & Bacmeister, J. T. (2022). Exploring Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity in the High‐Resolution Community Atmosphere Model. Earth and Space Science, 9(1), e2021EA001862.

Stansfield, A. M., & Reed, K. A. Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Response to Surface Warming in Aquaplanet Simulations with Uniform Thermal Forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, e2021JD035197.

Reed, K. A., Silvers, L. G., Wing, A. A., Hu, I. K., & Medeiros, B. (2021). Using radiative convective equilibrium to explore clouds and climate in the Community Atmosphere Model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(12), e2021MS002539.

Li, F., Chavas, D. R., Reed, K. A., Rosenbloom, N., & Dawson II, D. T. (2021). The role of elevated terrain and the Gulf of Mexico in the production of severe local storm environments over North America. Journal of Climate, 34(19), 7799-7819.

Wu, X., Reed, K. A., Wolfe, C. L., Marques, G. M., Bachman, S. D., & Bryan, F. O. (2021). The Dependence of Tropical Modes of Variability on Zonal Asymmetry. Geophysical Research Letters, e2021GL093966.

Ullrich, P. A., Zarzycki, C. M., McClenny, E. E., Pinheiro, M. C., Stansfield, A. M., & Reed, K. A. (2021). TempestExtremes v2. 1: a community framework for feature detection, tracking and analysis in large datasets. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 1-37.

Zarzycki, C. M., Ullrich, P. A., & Reed, K. A. (2021). Metrics for evaluating tropical cyclones in climate data. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 60(5), 643-660.

Reed, K., Wehner, M. F., Stansfield, A. M., & Zarzycki, C. M. (2021). Anthropogenic Influence on Hurricane Dorian’s Extreme Rainfall. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102(1), S9-S15.

Wu, X., Reed, K. A., Wolfe, C. L. P., Marques, G. M., Bachman, S. D., & Bryan, F. O. (2021). Coupled Aqua and Ridge planets in the Community Earth System Model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. doi:10.1029/2020MS002418

Sprintall, J., Coles, V. J., Reed, K. A., Butler, A. H., Foltz, G. R., Penny, S. G., & Seo, H. (2020). Best Practice Strategies for Process Studies Designed to Improve Climate Modeling. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(10), E1842-E1850.

Akinsanola, A. A., Kooperman, G. J., Reed, K. A., Pendergrass, A. G., & Hannah, W. M. (2020). Projected changes in seasonal precipitation extremes over the United States in CMIP6 simulations. Environmental Research Letters.

Li, F., Chavas, D. R., Reed, K. A., & Dawson II, D. T. (2020). Climatology of severe local storm environments and synoptic-scale features over North America in ERA5 reanalysis and CAM6 simulation. Journal of Climate, 33(19), 8339-8365.

Akinsanola, A. A., Kooperman, G. J., Pendergrass, A. G., Hannah, W. M., & Reed, K. A. (2020). Seasonal representation of extreme precipitation indices over the United States in CMIP6 present-day simulations. Environmental Research Letters.

Herrington, A. R., & Reed, K. A. (2020). On resolution sensitivity in the Community Atmosphere Model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.

Stansfield, A. M., Reed, K. A., Zarzycki, C. M., Ullrich, P. A., & Chavas, D. R. (2020). Assessing Tropical Cyclones’ Contribution to Precipitation over the Eastern United States and Sensitivity to the Variable-Resolution Domain Extent. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21(7), 1425-1445.

Stansfield, A. M., Reed, K. A., & Zarzycki, C. M. (2020). Changes in Precipitation from North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones under RCP Scenarios in the Variable‐Resolution Community Atmosphere Model. Geophysical Research Letters, e2019GL086930.

Moon, Y., Kim, D., Camargo, S.J., Wing, A.A., Sobel, A.H., Murakami, H., Reed, K.A., Scoccimarro, E., Vecchi, G.A., Wehner, M.F. and Zarzycki, C.M. (2020). Azimuthally averaged wind and thermodynamic structures of tropical cyclones in global climate models and their sensitivity to horizontal resolution. Journal of Climate, 33(4), pp.1575-1595.

K. A. Reed, A. M. Stansfield, M. F. Wehner, C. M. Zarzycki. Forecasted attribution of the human influence on Hurricane Florence. Science Advances, 2020; 6 (1): eaaw9253 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw9253

Varuolo-Clarke, A. M., Reed, K. A., & Medeiros, B. (2019). Characterizing the North American Monsoon in the Community Atmosphere Model: Sensitivity to Resolution and Topography. Journal of Climate, (2019).

Wing, A. A., Camargo, S. J., Sobel, A. H., Kim, D., Moon, Y., Murakami, H., Reed, K. A. … & Zhao, M. (2019). Moist static energy budget analysis of tropical cyclone intensification in high-resolution climate models. Journal of Climate, 32(18), 6071-6095.

Chavas, D. R., & Reed, K. A. (2019). Dynamical aquaplanet experiments with uniform thermal forcing: system dynamics and implications for tropical cyclone genesis and size. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, (2019).

Herrington, A. R., Lauritzen, P. H., Reed, K. A., Goldhaber, S., & Eaton, B. E. Exploring a Lower‐Resolution Physics Grid in CAM‐SE‐CSLAM. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.

Langendijk, G., Aubry-Wake, C., Osman, M., Gulizia, C., Attig-Bahar, F., Behrens, E., van der Linden, E. C., … & Reed, K. A.(2019). Three ways forwards to improve regional information for extreme events: an early career perspective. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7, 6.

Zarzycki, C. M., Jablonowski, C., Kent, J., Lauritzen, P. H., Nair, R., Reed, K. A., … & Heikes, R. (2019). DCMIP2016: the splitting supercell test case. Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 879-892.

Reed, K. A., Bacmeister, J. T., Huff, J. J. A., Wu, X., Bates, S. C., & Rosenbloom, N. A. (2019). Exploring the impact of dust on North Atlantic hurricanes in a high‐resolution climate model. Geophysical Research Letters.

Reed, K. A., Bacmeister, J. T., Huff, J. J. A., Wu, X., Bates, S. C., & Rosenbloom, N. A. (2019). Exploring the impact of dust on North Atlantic hurricanes in a high‐resolution climate model. Geophysical Research Letters.

Herrington, A. R., Lauritzen, P. H., Taylor, M. A., Goldhaber, S., Eaton, B. E., Bacmeister, J. T., … & Ullrich, P. A. (2019). Physics–Dynamics Coupling with Element-Based High-Order Galerkin Methods: Quasi-Equal-Area Physics Grid. Monthly Weather Review, 147(1), 69-84.

Herrington, A. R., Lauritzen, P. H., Taylor, M. A., Goldhaber, S., Eaton, B. E., Bacmeister, J. T., … & Ullrich, P. A. (2018). Physics-dynamics coupling with element-based high-order Galerkin methods: quasi equal-area physics grid. Monthly Weather Review, (2018).

Frassoni, A., Castilho, D., Rixen, M., Ramirez, E., de Mattos, J. G. Z., Kubota, P., … & de Campos Velho, H. F. (2018). Building the Next Generation of Climate Modelers: Scale-Aware Physics Parameterization and the “Grey Zone” Challenge. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99(11), ES185-ES189.

Lauritzen, P. H., Nair, R. D., Herrington, A. R., Callaghan, P., Goldhaber, S., Dennis, J. M., Reed, K.A., … & Ullrich, P. A. (2018). NCAR Release of CAM‐SE in CESM2. 0: A Reformulation of the Spectral Element Dynamical Core in Dry‐Mass Vertical Coordinates With Comprehensive Treatment of Condensates and Energy. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10(7), 1537-1570.

Wing, A. A., Reed, K. A., Satoh, M., Stevens, B., Bony, S., & Ohno, T. (2018). Radiative–convective equilibrium model intercomparison project. Geoscientific Model Development, 11(2), 793.

Wehner, M. F., Reed, K. A., Loring, B., Stone, D., & Krishnan, H. (2018). Changes in tropical cyclones under stabilized 1.5 and 2.0° C global warming scenarios as simulated by the Community Atmospheric Model under the HAPPI protocols. Earth System Dynamics, 9(1), 187.

Herrington, A. R., & Reed, K. A. (2018). An Idealized Test of the Response of the Community Atmosphere Model to Near‐Grid‐Scale Forcing Across Hydrostatic Resolutions. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10(2), 560-575.

Tara Rider

Tara Rider


Maritime and Environmental History, Sustainability




Conference Presentations

Rider, T. Unruly Bodies, Ungovernable Land.  Paper presented at III Insula International Colloquium – Beyond Nature/Artifice at Universidade da Madeira in Funchal, Portugal, November 8-12, 2017.

Talks and Presentations

Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. Hofstra University, October 31, 2017

Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. West Babylon Public Library, October 30, 2017

Rider, T. Journey of Hope: The Irish in New York. Irish Family History Forum, October 21, 2017

Rider, T. Thar She Blows: Whaling in New York. Greater Patchogue Historical Society / Patchogue-Medford Library, October 19, 2017.

Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. Westhampton Beach Historical Society, October 15, 2017

Rider, T. The Swashbuckling History of Female Pirates. Huntington Library, June 12, 2017

Rider, T. American Heroes. Sachem Public Library, May 7, 2017

Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. Three Village Historical Society Annual Pot Luck Supper, April 24, 2017

Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. King Manor, March 19, 2017

Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. Deer Park Library, October 16, 2016

Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. Huntington Library, October 5, 2016

Rider, T. Journey of Hope: The Irish in New York. Connetquot Public Library, September 21, 2016

Rider, T. The Devil in New York: The Witchcraft Trial of Goody Garlick. Riverhead Free Library, August 21, 2016

Rider, T. Journey of Hope: The Irish in New York. Friends of the Garden City Public Library, April 14, 2016

Mary Scranton

Mary Scranton

Professor Emeritus

Marine geochemistry, biological-chemical interactions in seawater


$946,351.00 1-Feb-2014 through 31-Jul-2019 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: The Cariaco Basin Oceanographic Time Series Program (PI Mary Scranton, Co-PI )


Suter, E. A., Pachiadaki, M. G., Montes, E., Edgcomb, V. P., Scranton, M. I., Taylor, C. D., & Taylor, G. T. Diverse nitrogen cycling pathways across a marine oxygen gradient indicate nitrogen loss coupled to chemoautotrophic activity. Environmental Microbiology.

Scranton, M. I., Taylor, G. T., Thunell, R. C., Muller‐Karger, F. E., Astor, Y., Swart, P., et al. (2020). Anomalous δ13C in particulate organic carbon at the chemoautotrophy maximum in the Cariaco Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125, e2019JG005276.

Louca, S., Scranton, M. I., Taylor, G. T., Astor, Y. M., Crowe, S. A., & Doebeli, M. (2019). Circumventing kinetics in biogeochemical modeling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(23), 11329-11338.

Louca, S., Astor, Y. M., Doebeli, M., Taylor, G. T., & Scranton, M. I. (2019). Microbial metabolite fluxes in a model marine anoxic ecosystem. BioRxiv, 625087.

Muller-Karger F, Astor Y, Benitez-Nelson C, Buck K, Fanning K, Lorenzoni L, Montes E, Scranton M, Rueda-Roa D, Taylor G, Thunell R, Tappa E, Varela R. (2019). Scientific legacy of the CARIACO oceanographic time-series program. Annual Review of Marine Sciences 11:413–37.

Taylor, G. T., Suter, E. A., Pachiadaki, M. G., Astor, Y., Edgcomb, V. P., & Scranton, M. I. (2017). Temporal shifts in dominant sulfur-oxidizing chemoautotrophic populations across the Cariaco Basin’s redoxcline. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.

Borges, A. V., Speeckaert, G., Champenois, W., Scranton, M. I., & Gypens, N. (2018). Productivity and temperature as drivers of seasonal and spatial variations of dissolved methane in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Ecosystems, 21(4), 583-599.

Paul Shepson

Paul Shepson

Dean, SoMAS / Distinguished Professor

Endeavour Hall 145
Atmospheric Chemistry and climate change; Aviation; Arctic and coastal halogen chemistry; greenhouse gas source and sink measurements; atmospheric aerosols; climate change communications


$45,000.00 1-Nov-2009 through 31-Oct-2019 Gardener Foundation: Mote Marine Laboratory Internship Program (PI Paul Shepson, Co-PI )
$1,185,941.00 1-Oct-2019 through 30-Sep-2020 National Institute of Standards and Technology: Observations, Analysis, and Modeling Applied to Determination of CO2 and CH4 Emission Rates Along the U.S. East Coast (PI Paul Shepson, Co-PI )

Shepson, P.B., & Domine, F. (Eds.). (2021) Advances in Atmospheric Chemistry-Volume 3: Chemistry in the Cryosphere (Parts 1 and 2). World Scientific.

Shepson, P.B., & Domine, F. (Eds.). (2021) Advances in Atmospheric Chemistry-Volume 3: Chemistry in the Cryosphere (Parts 1 and 2). World Scientific.

Jones, T. S., Franklin, J. E., Chen, J., Dietrich, F., Hajny, K. D., Paetzold, J. C., Wenzel, A., Gately, C., Gottlieb, E., Parker, H., Dubey, M., Hase, F., Shepson, P. B., Mielke, L. H., and Wofsy, S. C.: Assessing urban methane emissions using column-observing portable Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometers and a novel Bayesian inversion framework, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 13131–13147,, 2021.

Gurney, K., & Shepson, P. (2021). Opinion: The power and promise of improved climate data infrastructure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(35).

Floerchinger, C., Shepson, P. B., Hajny, K., Daube, B. C., Stirm, B. H., Sweeney, C., & Wofsy, S. C. (2021). Relative flux measurements of biogenic and natural gas-derived methane for seven US cities. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 9(1).

Morales, A. C., Jayarathne, T., Slade, J. H., Laskin, A., & Shepson, P. B. (2020). The Production and Hydrolysis of Organic Nitrates from OH Radical Oxidation of β-Ocimene. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 1-31.

Tomlin, J. M., Jankowski, K. A., Rivera-Adorno, F. A., Fraund, M., China, S., Stirm, B. H., … Shepson, P.B. & Laskin, A. (2020). Chemical Imaging of Fine Mode Atmospheric Particles Collected from a Research Aircraft over Agricultural Fields. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry.

Swanson, W. F., Graham, K. A., Halfacre, J. W., Holmes, C. D., Shepson, P. B., & Simpson, W. R. (2020). Arctic Reactive Bromine Events Occur in Two Distinct Sets of Environmental Conditions: A Statistical Analysis of 6 Years of Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125(10), e2019JD032139.

Lopez-Coto, I., Ren, X., Salmon, O. E., Karion, A., Shepson, P. B., Dickerson, R. R., … & Whetstone, J. R. (2020). Wintertime CO2, CH4, and CO Emissions Estimation for the Washington, DC–Baltimore Metropolitan Area Using an Inverse Modeling Technique. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(5), 2606-2614.

Ditto, J. C., Joo, T., Slade, J. H., Shepson, P. B., Ng, N. L. S., & Gentner, D. R. (2020). Non-Targeted Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis Reveals Diversity and Variability in Aerosol Functional Groups Across Multiple Sites, Seasons, and Times of Day. Environmental Science & Technology Letters.

Olson, N., May, N. W., Kirpes, R. M., Watson, A., Hajny, K., Slade, J. H., Shepson, P.A., … & Ault, A. P. (2019). Lake Spray Aerosol Incorporated into Great Lakes Clouds. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry.

Salmon, O. E., Welp, L. R., Baldwin, M. E., Hajny, K. D., Stirm, B. H., & Shepson, P. B. (2019). Vertical profile observations of water vapor deuterium excess in the lower troposphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(17), 11525-11543.

Wang, S., McNamara, S. M., Moore, C. W., Obrist, D., Steffen, A., Shepson, P. B., … & Pratt, K. A. (2019). Direct detection of atmospheric atomic bromine leading to mercury and ozone depletion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(29), 14479-14484.

Hajny, K., Salmon, O. E., Rudek, J., Lyon, D. R., Stuff, A. A., Stirm, B. H., … & Shepson, P. B. (2019). Observations of Methane Emissions from Natural Gas-Fired Power Plants. Environmental Science & Technology.

McNamara, S. M., Raso, A. R., Wang, S., Thanekar, S., Boone, E. J., Kolesar, K. R., … Shepson, P. B. & Pratt, K. A. (2019). Springtime Nitrogen Oxide-Influenced Chlorine Chemistry in the Coastal Arctic. Environmental science & technology.

Slade, J. H., Ault, A. P., Bui, A., Ditto, J., Lei, Z., Bondy, A. L., … & Shepson, P.B. (2019). Bouncier Particles at Night: Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Chemistry and Sulfate Drive Diel Variations in the Aerosol Phase in a Mixed Forest. Environmental science & technology.

Halfacre, J. W., Shepson, P. B., & Pratt, K. A. (2019). pH-dependent production of molecular chlorine, bromine, and iodine from frozen saline surfaces. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(7), 4917-4931.

Ren, X., Hall, D. L., Vinciguerra, T., Benish, S. E., Stratton, P. R., Ahn, D., Shepson, P. B., et al. (2019). Methane emissions from the Marcellus Shale in Southwestern Pennsylvania and northern West Virginia based on airborne measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 1862–1878.

Larry Swanson

Larry Swanson

Associate Dean, SoMAS / Director, WRMI

Coastal Oceanography, marine pollution, marine policy, recycling and reuse of waste materials, waste management


$24,000.00 1-Jun-2017 through 31-May-2018 Village of Laurel Hollow: A Proposal to Investigate Fecal Coliform Contamination and Beach Closures at Laurel Hollow Beach (PI Larry Swanson, Co-PI )


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

David Taylor

David Taylor

Assistant Professor / Faculty Director, EHM

environmental humanities, history of naturalist studies, American Literature, nature writing




Lee KS, Landry Z, Pereira FC, Wagner M, Berry D, Huang WE, Taylor GT, Kneipp J, Popp J, Meng Zhang M, Cheng J-X, Stocker R. Raman microspectroscopy for microbiology. Nature Reviews Methods Primers 1, 80 (2021)

Yakubovskaya, E., Zaliznyak, T., Martínez, J. M., & Taylor, G. T. (2021). Raman Microspectroscopy Goes Viral: Infection Dynamics in the Cosmopolitan Microalga, Emiliania huxleyi. Frontiers in microbiology, 12.

Weber, F., Zaliznyak, T., Edgcomb, V. P., & Taylor, G. T. (2021). Using Stable Isotope Probing and Raman Microspectroscopy to measure growth rates of heterotrophic bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, AEM-01460.

Cohen, A. B., Novkov‐Bloom, A., Wesselborg, C., Yagudaeva, M., Aranguiz, E., & Taylor, G. T. (2021). Applying fluorescence in situ hybridization to aquatic systems with cyanobacteria blooms: Autofluorescence suppression and high‐throughput image analysis. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.

Medina Faull LE, Zaliznyak T, and Taylor GT. (2021) Assessing diversity, abundance, and mass of microplastics (~ 1–300 μm) in aquatic systems Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. doi: 10.1002/lom3.10430

Mara, P., Vik, D., Pachiadaki, M. G., Suter, E. A., Poulos, B., Taylor, G. T., … & Edgcomb, V. P. (2020). Viral elements and their potential influence on microbial processes along the permanently stratified Cariaco Basin redoxcline. The ISME Journal, 1-14.

Suter, E. A., Pachiadaki, M. G., Montes, E., Edgcomb, V. P., Scranton, M. I., Taylor, C. D., & Taylor, G. T. Diverse nitrogen cycling pathways across a marine oxygen gradient indicate nitrogen loss coupled to chemoautotrophic activity. Environmental Microbiology.

Medina Faull, L., Mara, P., Taylor, G. T., & Edgcomb, V. P. (2020). Imprint of Trace Dissolved Oxygen on Prokaryoplankton Community Structure in an Oxygen Minimum Zone. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 360.

Scranton, M. I., Taylor, G. T., Thunell, R. C., Muller‐Karger, F. E., Astor, Y., Swart, P., et al. (2020). Anomalous δ13C in particulate organic carbon at the chemoautotrophy maximum in the Cariaco Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125, e2019JG005276.

Yakubovskaya, E., T. Zaliznyak, J. Martínez Martínez & G. T. Taylor (2019). Tear down the fluorescent curtain: A new fluorescence suppression method for Raman microspectroscopic analyses. Scientific Reports, 9, 15785. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-52321-3

Louca, S., Scranton, M. I., Taylor, G. T., Astor, Y. M., Crowe, S. A., & Doebeli, M. (2019). Circumventing kinetics in biogeochemical modeling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(23), 11329-11338.

Louca, S., Astor, Y. M., Doebeli, M., Taylor, G. T., & Scranton, M. I. (2019). Microbial metabolite fluxes in a model marine anoxic ecosystem. BioRxiv, 625087.

Muller-Karger F, Astor Y, Benitez-Nelson C, Buck K, Fanning K, Lorenzoni L, Montes E, Scranton M, Rueda-Roa D, Taylor G, Thunell R, Tappa E, Varela R. (2019). Scientific legacy of the CARIACO oceanographic time-series program. Annual Review of Marine Sciences 11:413–37.

Taylor, G. T. (2019). Windows into Microbial Seascapes: Advances in Nanoscale Imaging and Application to Marine Sciences. Annual review of marine science, (0).

Taylor, G. T., Suter, E. A., Pachiadaki, M. G., Astor, Y., Edgcomb, V. P., & Scranton, M. I. (2017). Temporal shifts in dominant sulfur-oxidizing chemoautotrophic populations across the Cariaco Basin’s redoxcline. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.

Gordon Taylor

Gordon Taylor


Marine microbiology, interests in microbial ecology, trophodynamics, anoxia, hypoxia, single-cell analysis, Raman microspectrometry and atomic force microscopy


$877,030.00 1-Dec-2015 through 31-Dec-2019 Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation: Development of Microbiological Oceanographic and Biogeochemical Applications for Raman Microspectrometry and Atomic Force Microscopy (PI Gordon Taylor, Co-PI )
$434,017.00 1-Apr-2019 through 31-Mar-2022 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Transforming Carbon in the Deep Sea (PI Gordon Taylor, Co-PI )
$514,960.00 1-Oct-2019 through 30-Sep-2020 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Key Microbial Processes in Oxygen Minimum Zones: From in Situ Community Rate Measurements to Single Cells (PI Gordon Taylor, Co-PI )


Wang L; Han J, Zhu Y, Zhou R, Jaye C, Liu H, Li Z-Q, Taylor G, Fischer D, Appenzelle, J, Wong SS. 2015. Probing the dependence of electron transfer on size and coverage in carbon nanotube-quantum dot heterostructures. J Phys Chem 119: 26327–26338

Rodriguez-Mora, M, M.I. Scranton, G.T. Taylor, and A.Y. Chistoserdov. 2015. The dynamics of the bacterial diversity in the redox transition and anoxic zones of the Cariaco Basin assessed by parallel tag sequencing. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 91(9), fiv088. doi:10.1093/femsec/fiv088.

Han J, McBean C, Wang L, Hoy J, Jaye C, Liu H, Li Z-Q, Sfeir M, Fischer D, Taylor G, Misewich J, Wong SS. 2015. Probing structure-induced optical behavior in a new class of self-activated luminescent 0D/1D CaWO4 metal oxide – CdSe nanocrystal composite heterostructures. Chem Materials 27: 778−792.

McParland, E, Benitez-Nelson CR, Taylor GT, Rollings A, Lorenzoni L. 2015. Cycling of suspended particulate phosphorus across the redoxcline of the Cariaco Basin. Mar. Chem. 176: 64-74.

Taylor GT. 2015. Review of The Biology And Ecology Of Tintinnid Ciliates Models For Marine Plankton by J.R. Dolan, D.J.S. Montagnes, S. Agatha, D. W. Coats and D. K. Stoecker (Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, U.K. 2013, Quarterly Review of Biology, Univ. Chicago Press, pg. 314-315.

Liu, L., Lwiza, K. M., & Taylor, G. T. (2015). Importance of the bacterial dynamics in model simulations of seasonal hypoxia. Continental Shelf Research, 105, 1-17.

Scranton, M.I., G.T. Taylor, R. Thunell, C.R. Benitez-Nelson, F. Muller-Karger, K. Fanning, L. Lorenzoni, E. Montes, R. Varela, and Y. Astor. 2014. Interannual and subdecadal variability in the nutrient geochemistry of the Cariaco Basin. Oceanography 27(1), 148-159,

Lopez, G. R., Carey, R., Carlton, J.T., Cerrato, R., Dam, H., DiGiovanni, R., Elphick, C., Frisk, M., Gobler, C., Hice, L., Howell, P., Jordaan, A., Lin, S., Liu, S., Lonsdale, D., McEnroe, M., McKown, K., McManus, G., Orson, R., Peterson, B., Pickerell, C., Rozsa, R., Shumway, S.E., Siuda, A., Streich, K., Talmage, S., Taylor, G., Thomas, E., Van Patten, M., Vaudrey, J., Wikfors, G., Yarish, C., and Zajac, R. 2014. Biology and Ecology of Long Island Sound. In Tedesco, M.A., Swanson, R.L., Yarish, C., Stacey, P.E., and Garza, C. (eds.), Long Island Sound: Prospects for the Urban Sea. Chapter 6, pp. 285-479. Springer.

Suter EA, Lwiza KMM, Rose JM, Gobler C, Taylor GT (2014). Phytoplankton assemblage changes during decadal decreases in nitrogen loadings to the urbanized Long Island Sound estuary, USA. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 497, 51-67

Lesley Thorne

Lesley Thorne

Assistant Professor

Bio-physical and trophic interactions in marine ecology; application of spatial analysis and landscape ecology techniques to marine conservation


$509,573.00 1-Sep-2017 through 31-Aug-2020 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Probabilistic Seasonal Predictions of the Distribution of Fish and Marine Mammals in the Northeast US (PI Lesley Thorne, Co-PI )
$591,180.00 1-Feb-2018 through 31-Jan-2023 National Science Foundation: CAREER: Using Dynamic Energy Landscapes to Understand Drivers of Movement, Foraging and Life History Patterns in Albatrosses (PI Lesley Thorne, Co-PI )


Lato, K. A., Madigan, D. J., Veit, R. R., & Thorne, L. H. (2021). Closely related gull species show contrasting foraging strategies in an urban environment. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-10.

Thorne, L. H., & Nye, J. A. (2021). Trait-mediated shifts and climate velocity decouple an endothermic marine predator and its ectothermic prey. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-14.

Borowicz, A., Lynch, H. J., Estro, T., Foley, C., Gonçalves, B., Herman, K. B., … & Thorne, L. (2021). Social sensors for wildlife: Ecological opportunities in the era of camera ubiquity. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 385.

Heim, K. C., Thorne, L. H., Warren, J. D., Link, J. S., & Nye, J. A. (2021). Marine ecosystem indicators are sensitive to ecosystem boundaries and spatial scale. Ecological Indicators, 125, 107522.

Stepanuk, J. E., Heywood, E. I., Lopez, J. F., DiGiovanni Jr, R. A., & Thorne, L. H. (2021). Age-specific behavior and habitat use in humpback whales: implications for vessel strike. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 663, 209-222.

Conners, M. G., Michelot, T., Heywood, E. I., Orben, R. A., Phillips, R. A., Vyssotski, A. L., … & Thorne, L. H. (2021). Hidden Markov models identify major movement modes in accelerometer and magnetometer data from four albatross species. Movement ecology, 9(1), 1-16.

Lato, K. A., Thorne, L. H., Fuirst, M., & Brownawell, B. J. (2021). Microplastic abundance in gull nests in relation to urbanization. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 164, 112058.

Thorne, L. H., Fuirst, M., Veit, R., & Baumann, Z. Mercury concentrations provide an indicator of marine foraging in coastal birds. Ecological Indicators, 121, 106922.

Adamczak, S. K., McLellan, W. A., Read, A. J., Wolfe, C. L., & Thorne, L. H. The impact of temperature at depth on estimates of thermal habitat for short‐finned pilot whales. Marine Mammal Science.

Adamczak, S. K., Pabst, D. A., McLellan, W. A., & Thorne, L. H. (2020). Do bigger bodies require bigger radiators? Insights into thermal ecology from closely related marine mammal species and implications for ecogeographic rules. Journal of Biogeography.

Adamczak, S. K., Pabst, A., McLellan, W., & Thorne, L. (2019). Using 3D models to improve estimates of marine mammal size and external morphology. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 334.

Thorne, L. H., Baird, R. W., Webster, D. L., Stepanuk, J. E., & Read, A. J. (2019). Predicting fisheries bycatch: A case study and field test for pilot whales in a pelagic longline fishery. Diversity and Distributions.

Donaton, J., Durham, K., Cerrato, R., Schwerzmann, J., & Thorne, L. H. (2019). Long-term changes in loggerhead sea turtle diet indicate shifts in the benthic community associated with warming temperatures. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Fuirst, M., Veit, R. R., Hahn, M., Dheilly, N., & Thorne, L. H. (2018). Effects of urbanization on the foraging ecology and microbiota of the generalist seabird Larus argentatus. PloS one, 13(12), e0209200.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Andrew Vogelmann

Andrew Vogelmann

Adjunct Professor

Atmospheric radiative transfer, cloud and aerosol climate interactions, climate and the Earth’s energy balance, remote sensing, cloud and climate modeling




Zhang, T., Lin, W., Vogelmann, A. M., Zhang, M., Xie, S., Qin, Y., & Golaz, J. C. (2021). Improving Convection Trigger Functions in Deep Convective Parameterization Schemes Using Machine Learning. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, e2020MS002365.

Luke, E. P., Yang, F., Kollias, P., Vogelmann, A. M., & Maahn, M. (2021). New insights into ice multiplication using remote-sensing observations of slightly supercooled mixed-phase clouds in the Arctic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(13).

Oue, M., Tatarevic, A., Kollias, P., Wang, D., Yu, K., & Vogelmann, A. (2020). The Cloud-resolving model Radar SIMulator (CR-SIM) Version 3.3: description and applications of a virtual observatory. Geoscientific Model Development (Print), 13(BNL-213732-2020-JAAM).

Endo, S., Zhang, D., Vogelmann, A. M., Kollias, P., Lamer, K., Oue, M., … & Romps, D. M. (2019). Reconciling differences between large‐eddy simulations and Doppler‐lidar observations of continental shallow cumulus cloud‐base vertical velocity. Geophysical Research Letters.

Zhang, D., Vogelmann, A., Kollias, P., Luke, E., Yang, F., Lubin, D., & Wang, Z. (2019). Comparison of Antarctic and Arctic Single‐layer Stratiform Mixed‐phase Cloud Properties Using Ground‐based Remote Sensing Measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Yang, F., McGraw, R., Luke, E. P., Zhang, D., Kollias, P., & Vogelmann, A. M. (2019). A new approach to estimate supersaturation fluctuations in stratocumulus cloud using ground-based remote sensing measurements (No. BNL-212252-2019-JAAM). Brookhaven National Lab.(BNL), Upton, NY (United States).

Yang, F., Kollias, P., Shaw, R. A., & Vogelmann, A. M. (2018). Cloud droplet size distribution broadening during diffusional growth: ripening amplified by deactivation and reactivation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(10), 7313-7328.

Yang, F., Luke, E. P., Kollias, P., Kostinski, A. B., & Vogelmann, A. M. (2018). Scaling of drizzle virga depth with cloud thickness for marine stratocumulus clouds. Geophysical Research Letters.

Zhang, D., Wang, Z., Kollias, P., Vogelmann, A. M., Yang, K., & Luo, T. (2018). Ice particle production in mid-level stratiform mixed-phase clouds observed with collocated A-Train measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(6), 4317-4327.

Nils Volkenborn

Nils Volkenborn

Associate Professor

Sediment biogeochemistry, animal-sediment interactions, benthic ecology


$8,236.00 1-Feb-2014 31-Jan-2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration New York Sea Grant’s Omnibus 2014 – 2018



Nyer, S. C., Volkenborn, N., Aller, R. C., Graffam, M., Zhu, Q., & Price, R. E. (2021). Nitrogen transformations in constructed wetlands: A closer look at plant-soil interactions using chemical imaging. Science of The Total Environment, 151560.

Gilbert, F., Kristensen, E., Aller, R. C., Banta, G. T., Archambault, P., Belley, R., … Volkenborn, N. & Stora, G. (2021). Sediment reworking by the burrowing polychaete Hediste diversicolor modulated by environmental and biological factors across the temperate North Atlantic. A tribute to Gaston Desrosiers. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 541, 151588.

M. Kanabar, S. Bauer, Z.M. Ezedum, I.P. Dwyer, W.S.. Moore, G. Rodriguez, A. Mall, A.T. Littleton, M. Yudell, J. Kanabar, W.J. Tucker, E.R. Daniels, M. Iqbal, H. Khan, A. Mirza, J. C. Yu, M. O’Neal, N. Volkenborn, S.T. Pochron. (2021). Roundup negatively impacts the behavior and nerve function of the Madagascar hissing cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-12.

Gurr, S. J., Dwyer, I. P., Goleski, J., Lima, F. P., Seabra, R., Gobler, C. J., & Volkenborn, N. (2021). Acclimatization in the bay scallop Argopecten irradians along a eutrophication gradient: insights from heartbeat rate measurements during a simulated hypoxic event. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 1-27.

Graffam M., Paulsen R., Volkenborn N. (2020) Hydro-biogeochemical processes and nitrogen removal potential of a tidally influenced permeable reactive barrier behind a perforated marine bulkhead. Ecological Engineering 155: 105933

Graffam, M., Polerecky, L., & Volkenborn, N. (2020). Hydrobiogeochemical Function of Soil Based Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Insights from High-Resolution O 2 Imaging. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 6(2), 04020005.

Levinton, J. S., Volkenborn, N., Gurr, S., Correal, K., Villacres, S., Seabra, R., & Lima, F. P. (2020). Temperature-related heart rate in water and air and a comparison to other temperature-related measures of performance in the fiddler crab Leptuca pugilator (Bosc 1802). Journal of Thermal Biology, 88, 102502.

Levinton, J. S., Volkenborn, N., Gurr, S., Correal, K., Villacres, S., Seabra, R., & Lima, F. P. (2019). Temperature-related heart rate in water and air and a comparison to other temperature-related measures of performance in the fiddler crab Leptuca pugilator (Bosc 1802). Journal of Thermal Biology, 102502.

Gurr, S. J., Goleski, J., Lima, F. P., Seabra, R., Gobler, C. J., & Volkenborn, N. (2018). Cardiac responses of the bay scallop Argopecten irradians to diel-cycling hypoxia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 500, 18-29.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Joe Warren

Joe Warren

Associate Professor

Acoustical oceanography, Zooplankton behavior and ecology


$247,787.00 1-Jul-2015 through 31-Dec-2019 North Pacific Research Board: How Many Krill are There in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska? Quantitative Acoustic Assessment of Euphauslid Abundance and Their Role in These Ecosystems (PI Joe Warren, Co-PI )
$516,902.00 19-Sep-2016 through 18-Sep-2020 University of New Hampshire: Atlantic Deepwater Ecosystem Observatory Network: (ADEON)-An Integrated System for Long-Term Monitoring of Ecologic al and Human Factors on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) (PI Joe Warren, Co-PI )
$4,912.00 1-May-2017 through 31-Oct-2017 Seatuck Environmental Association: Seafloor Habitat Characterization Around Montauk Point (PI Joe Warren, Co-PI )
$29,012.00 1-Sep-2017 through 31-Aug-2020 University of Rhode Island: Intergration of Acoustic Echosounding into the Wire Flyer Profiling Vehicle to Investigate Scattering Layer Distribution and Oxygen Coupling (PI Joe Warren, Co-PI )


Rhodes-Reese, M., Clay, D., Cunningham, C., Moriles-Miller, J., Reese, C., Roman, J., Warren, J.D., & Pearson, H. C. (2021). Examining the Role of Marine Mammals and Seabirds in Southeast Alaska’s Marine Ecosystem Dynamics. Frontiers in Marine Science, 1952.

Cusack, C., Sethi, S. A., Rice, A. N., Warren, J. D., Fujita, R., Ingles, J., … & Mesa, S. V. (2021). Marine ecotourism for small pelagics as a source of alternative income generating activities to fisheries in a tropical community. Biological Conservation, 261, 109242.

Blair, H. B., Miksis-Olds, J. L., & Warren, J. D. (2021). Spatial variability of epi-and mesopelagic 38 kHz backscatter from nekton and macrozooplankton across the southeastern US shelf break. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 669, 33-50.

Heim, K. C., Thorne, L. H., Warren, J. D., Link, J. S., & Nye, J. A. (2021). Marine ecosystem indicators are sensitive to ecosystem boundaries and spatial scale. Ecological Indicators, 125, 107522.

Lucca, B. M., Ressler, P. H., Harvey, H. R., & Warren, J. D. (2021). Individual variability in sub-Arctic krill material properties, lipid composition, and other scattering model inputs affect acoustic estimates of their population. ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Owen, K., Saeki, K., Warren, J. D., Bocconcelli, A., Wiley, D. N., Ohira, S. I., … & Zitterbart, D. P. (2021). Natural dimethyl sulfide gradients would lead marine predators to higher prey biomass. Communications Biology, 4(1), 1-8.

Cade, D. E., Seakamela, S. M., Findlay, K. P., Fukunaga, J., Kahane‐Rapport, S. R., Warren, J. D., … & Goldbogen, J. Predator‐scale spatial analysis of intra‐patch prey distribution reveals the energetic drivers of rorqual whale super‐group formation. Functional Ecology.

Cade, D. E., Seakamela, S. M., Findlay, K. P., Fukunaga, J., Kahane‐Rapport, S. R., Warren, J. D., … & Goldbogen, J. Predator‐scale spatial analysis of intra‐patch prey distribution reveals the energetic drivers of rorqual whale super‐group formation. Functional Ecology.

Easson, C. G., Boswell, K. M., Tucker, N., Warren, J. D., & Lopez, J. V. (2020). Combined eDNA and Acoustic Analysis Reflects Diel Vertical Migration of Mixed Consortia in the Gulf of Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Boswell, K. M., D’Elia, M., Johnston, M. W., Mohan, J. A., Warren, J. D., Wells, R. J., & Sutton, T. T. (2020). Oceanographic Structure and Light Levels Drive Patterns of Sound Scattering Layers in a Low-Latitude Oceanic System. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 51.

Urmy, S. S., & Warren, J. D. Evaluating the target‐tracking performance of scanning avian radars by augmenting data with simulated echoes. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

Lucca, B. M., & Warren, J. D. (2019). Fishery-independent observations of Atlantic menhaden abundance in the coastal waters south of New York. Fisheries Research, 218, 229-236.

Milligan, R. J., Bernard, A. M., Boswell, K. M., Bracken-Grissom, H. D., D’Elia, M. A., deRada, S., … & Hu, C. (2018). The Application of Novel Research Technologies by the Deep Pelagic Nekton Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico (DEEPEND) Consortium. Marine Technology Society Journal, 52(6), 81-86.

Wirth, C., & Warren, J. D. (2018). Spatial and temporal variation in toadfish (Opsanus tau) and cusk eel (Ophidion marginatum) mating choruses in eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds in a shallow, temperate estuary. Bioacoustics, 1-18.

Wirth, C., & Warren, J. D. Overlapping use of an artificial reef by humans and an apex predator (Tursiops truncatus) in the New York Bight. Marine Mammal Science.

Segre, P. S., Bocconcelli, A., Hickmott, L. S., Howes, G., Warren, J. D., & Chiang, G. (2018). Offshore hummingbird sightings in Chilean Patagonia. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 130(3), 796-799.

Urmy, S. S., & Warren, J. D. (2018). Foraging hotspots of common and roseate terns: the influence of tidal currents, bathymetry, and prey density. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 590, 227-245.

Lucca, B. M., & Warren, J. D. (2018). Acoustically Measured Distribution and Abundance of Atlantic Menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) in a Shallow Estuary in Long Island, NY. Estuaries and Coasts, 1-12.

Laura Wehrmann

Laura Wehrmann

Assistant Professor

Marine Biogeochemistry, Geochemical element cycles, Deep Biosphere 


$574,845.00 1-Apr-2018 through 31-Mar-2021 National Science Foundation: Iron Cycling in Bioturbated Sediments-Fluxes, Diagenetic Redistribution, and Isotopic Signatures (PI Laura Wehrmann, Co-PI )


Herbert, L. C., Michaud, A. B., Laufer-Meiser, K., Hoppe, C. J., Zhu, Q., Aller, R. C., … & Wehrmann, L. M. (2021). Tight benthic-pelagic coupling drives seasonal and interannual changes in iron‑sulfur cycling in Arctic fjord sediments (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard). Journal of Marine Systems, 103645.

Herbert, L. C., Zhu, Q., Michaud, A. B., Laufer‐Meiser, K., Jones, C. K., Riedinger, N., Stooksbury, Z.S., Aller, R.C., Jørgensen, B.B. & Wehrmann, L. M. (2021). Benthic iron flux influenced by climate‐sensitive interplay between organic carbon availability and sedimentation rate in Arctic fjords. Limnology and Oceanography.

Jørgensen, B.B., Laufer, K., Michaud, A.B. and Wehrmann, L.M. (2021), Biogeochemistry and microbiology of high Arctic marine sediment ecosystems—Case study of Svalbard fjords. Limnol Oceanogr, 66: S273-S292.

Feenstra, E. J., Birgel, D., Heindel, K., Wehrmann, L. M., Jaramillo‐Vogel, D., Grobéty, B., … & Foubert, A. (2020). Constraining the formation of authigenic carbonates in a seepage‐affected cold‐water coral mound by lipid biomarkers. Geobiology.

Michaud, A.B., Laufer, K., Findlay, A., Pellerin, A., Antler, G., Turchyn, A.V., Røy, H., Wehrmann, L.M. and Jørgensen, B.B., (2020). Glacial influence on the iron and sulfur cycles in Arctic fjord sediments (Svalbard). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

Herbert, L. C., Riedinger, N., Michaud, A. B., Laufer, K., Røy, H., Jørgensen, B. B., Heilbrun, C., Aller, R.C., Cochran, J.K., & Wehrmann, L. M. (2019). Glacial controls on redox-sensitive trace element cycling in Arctic fjord sediments (Spitsbergen, Svalbard). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

Buongiorno, J., Herbert, L.C., Wehrmann, L.M., Michaud, A.B., Laufer, K., Røy, H., Jørgensen, B.B., Szynkiewicz, A., Faiia, A., Yeager, K.M., Schindler, K. and Lloyd, K.G., 2019. Complex Microbial Communities Drive Iron and Sulfur Cycling in Arctic Fjord Sediments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 85(14): e00949-19.

Robert Wilson

Robert Wilson

Associate Professor Emeritus

Estuarine and coastal ocean dynamics

Christopher Wolfe

Christopher Wolfe

Associate Professor

Physical oceanography, large-scale circulation: theory and modeling.


$263,864.00 1-Mar-2016 through 29-Feb-2020 National Science Foundation: A Study of the Adiabatic Dynamics of Buoyancy-Driven Eastern Boundary Currents in an Ocean with Eddies (PI Christopher Pitt Wolfe, Co-PI )
$341,654.00 15-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2020 National Science Foundation: Interannual Variability of the Gulf Stream Position: The Role of Atmospheric Forcing (PI Christopher Pitt Wolfe, Co-PI )


Hameed, S., Wolfe, C. L., & Chi, L. (2021). Icelandic Low and Azores High Migrations Impact Florida Current Transport in Winter. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51(10), 3135-3147.

Wu, X., Reed, K. A., Wolfe, C. L., Marques, G. M., Bachman, S. D., & Bryan, F. O. (2021). The Dependence of Tropical Modes of Variability on Zonal Asymmetry. Geophysical Research Letters, e2021GL093966.

Chi, L., Wolfe, C. L., & Hameed, S. (2021). Has the Gulf Stream Slowed or Shifted in the Altimetry Era?. Geophysical Research Letters, e2021GL093113.

Bire, S., & Wolfe, C. L. (2021). The Role of eddies in the zonal and meridional overturning circulations of buoyancy-forced basins. Journal of Physical Oceanography.

Wu, X., Reed, K. A., Wolfe, C. L. P., Marques, G. M., Bachman, S. D., & Bryan, F. O. (2021). Coupled Aqua and Ridge planets in the Community Earth System Model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. doi:10.1029/2020MS002418

Adamczak, S. K., McLellan, W. A., Read, A. J., Wolfe, C. L., & Thorne, L. H. The impact of temperature at depth on estimates of thermal habitat for short‐finned pilot whales. Marine Mammal Science.

Huang, Y., Wolfe, C., Zhang, J., & Zhong, J. (2020). Streaming controlled by meniscus shape. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 895, A1. doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.281

Zhang, W., Wolfe, C. L., & Abernathey, R. (2020). Role of Surface-Layer Coherent Eddies in Potential Vorticity Transport in Quasigeostrophic Turbulence Driven by Eastward Shear. Fluids, 5(1), 2.

Chi, L., Hameed, S., & Wolfe, C. L. (2019). Comments on “Reconstruction of the Gulf Stream from 1940 to the Present and Correlation with the North Atlantic Oscillation”. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49(10), 2731-2734.

Chi, L., Wolfe, C. L., & Hameed, S. (2019). The Distinction Between the Gulf Stream and its North Wall. Geophysical Research Letters.

Pinardi, N., Cessi, P., Borile, F., & Wolfe, C. L. (2019). The Mediterranean Sea Overturning Circulation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49(7), 1699-1721.

Wolfe, C. L., Hameed, S., & Chi, L. (2019). On the Drivers of Decadal Variability of the Gulf Stream North Wall. Journal of Climate, (2018).

Bire, S., & Wolfe, C. L. (2018). The role of eddies in buoyancy-driven eastern boundary currents. Journal of Physical Oceanography, (2018).

Hameed, S., Wolfe, C. L., & Chi, L. (2018). Impact of the Atlantic Meridional Mode on Gulf Stream North Wall Position. Journal of Climate, (2018).

Chi, L., Wolfe, C. L., & Hameed, S. (2018). Intercomparison of the Gulf Stream in ocean reanalyses: 1993− 2010. Ocean Modelling, 125, 1-21.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Karina Yager

Karina Yager

Assistant Professor

Climate change impacts; Remote Sensing; Land-cover and Land-Use Change; Alpine Ecosystems; Andes; Mountain Societies, and Sustainability Studies




Klein, J, Tucker C, Nolin, A, Hopping K, Reid C., Steger A., Grêt‐Regamey S. Lavorel, B. Müller, E. T. Yeh, R. B. Boone, P. Bourgeron, V. Butsic, E. Castellanos, X. Chen, S. K. Dong G, Greenwood, M, Keiler, R. Marchant, R. Seidl, T. Spies, Thorn J., and K. Yager, (2019). Catalyzing transformations to sustainability in the world’s mountains. Earth’s Future, 7, 547– 557.

Klein, J. A., Tucker, C. M., Nolin, A. W., Hopping, K. A., Reid, R. S., Steger, C., … & Boone, R. B. (2019). Catalyzing transformations to sustainability in the world’s mountains. Earth’s Future, 7(5), 547-557.

Cooper, D. J., Sueltenfuss, J., Oyague, E., Yager, K., Slayback, D., Caballero, E. M. C., … & Mark, B. G. Drivers of Peatland Water Table Dynamics in the Central Andes, Bolivia and Peru. Hydrological Processes.

Klein, J. A., C. M. Tucker, C. Steger, A. Nolin, R. Reid, K. A. Hopping, E. T. Yeh, M. S. Pradhan, A. Taber, D. Molden, R. Ghate, D. Choudhury, I. Alcántara-Ayala, S. Lavorel, B. Müller, A. Grêt-Regamey, R. B. Boone, P. Bourgeron, E. Castellanos, X. Chen, S. Dong, M. Keiler, R. Seidl, J. Thorn, K. Yager. 2019. An integrated community and ecosystem-based approach to disaster risk reduction in mountain systems. Environmental Science and Policy. 94:143-152.

Yager, K., Valdivia, C., Slayback, D., Jimenez, E., Meneses, R.I., Palabral, A., Bracho, M., Romero, D., Hubbard, A., Pacheco, P., Calle, A., Alberto, H., Yana, O., Ulloa, D., Zeballos, G., Romero, A. 2019. Socio-ecological dimensions of Andean pastoral landscape change: Bridging traditional ecological knowledge and satellite image analysis in Sajama National Park, Bolivia. Regional Environmental Change.

Minghua Zhang

Minghua Zhang


Climate modelling, atmospheric dynamics


$665,671.00 1-Mar-2013 through 28-Feb-2018 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research EaSM2: Mechanisms, Predictability, Prediction, and Regional and Societal Impacts of Decadal Climate Variability

$250,000.00 1-Oct-2013 through 31-Dec-2019 NYS State Governors Office: NY-RISE: New York Research Institute for Storm Emergencies (PI Minghua Zhang, Co-PI )
$380,676.00 1-Aug-2016 through 31-Jul-2020 US Department of Energy: Developing High-Resolution Constratined Variational Analysis of Vertical Velocity and Advective Tendencies within the Range of ARM Scanning Radars at the SGP (PI Minghua Zhang, Co-PI )
$374,141.00 1-Sep-2016 through 31-Aug-2020 US Department of Energy: Representation of Clouds and Convection Across Scales in Acme (PI Minghua Zhang, Co-PI )


Xie, J., Zhang, M., Zeng, Q., Xie, Z., Liu, H., Chai, Z., … & Zhang, H. (2021). Implementation of an Orographic Drag Scheme Considering Orographic Anisotropy in All Flow Directions in the Earth System Model CAS‐ESM 2.0. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(12), e2021MS002585.

Si, W., Liu, H., Zhang, X., & Zhang, M. (2021). Double ITCZs in Coupled Ocean‐Atmosphere Models: Progress in CMIP6. Geophysical Research Letters, e2021GL094779.

Wang, J., & Zhang, M. (2021). A Constrained Data Assimilation Algorithm Based on GSI Hybrid 3D-EnVar and Its Application. Monthly Weather Review, 149(10), 3365-3378.

Liang, W., & Zhang, M. (2021). Summer and winter precipitation in East Asia scale with global warming at different rates. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), 1-8.

Zhang, T., Lin, W., Vogelmann, A. M., Zhang, M., Xie, S., Qin, Y., & Golaz, J. C. (2021). Improving Convection Trigger Functions in Deep Convective Parameterization Schemes Using Machine Learning. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, e2020MS002365.

Han, T., Zhang, M., Zhu, J., Zhou, B., & Li, S. (2021). Impact of early spring sea ice in Barents Sea on midsummer rainfall distribution at Northeast China. Climate Dynamics, 1-15.

Chai, Z., Zhang, M., Zeng, Q., Xie, J., You, T., & Zhang, H. (2020). nSimulation of the QBO in IAP-AGCM: Analysis of momentum budget: IAP-AGCM 对 QBO 模拟的动量收支分析. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 100021.

Zheng, C., Chang, E. K. M., Kim, H., Zhang, M., & Wang, W. (2020). Subseasonal Prediction of Wintertime Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Cyclone Activity by SubX and S2S Models. Weather and Forecasting.

Zhang, H., Zhang, M., Jin, J., Fei, K., Ji, D., Wu, C., … & Zhu, J. (2020). CAS‐ESM 2: Description and Climate Simulation Performance of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Earth System Model (ESM) Version 2. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, e2020MS002210.

Han, T., Zhang, M., Zhou, B., Hao, X., & Li, S. (2020). Strengthened Relationship between Tropical West Pacific and Midsummer Precipitation over Northeast China after the Mid-1990s. Journal of Climate, 33(16), 6833-6848.

Chen, J., Liu, Y., & Zhang, M. (2020). Effects of Lateral Entrainment‐Mixing with Entrained Aerosols on Cloud Microphysics. Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL087667.

Wang, T., Jiang, J., Zhang, M., Zhang, H., He, J., Hao, H., & Chi, X. (2020). Design and research of CAS‐CIG for Earth System Models. Earth and Space Science, 7(7), e2019EA000965.

Tang, S., Xie, S., Zhang, M., & Endo, S. Improvement of Atmospheric Objective Analysis over Sloping Terrain and Its Impact on Shallow‐Cumulus Clouds in Large‐Eddy Simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, e2020JD032492.

Zhang, M., Giorgi, F., Leung, R., Mellouki, W., Randel, W., Russell, L., … & Zhang, C. (2020). Appreciation of Peer Reviewers for 2019. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125(5), e2020JD032611.

Xie, J., Zhang, M., Xie, Z., Liu, H., Chai, Z., He, J., & Zhang, H. (2020). An orographic‐drag parametrization scheme including orographic anisotropy for all flow directions. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.

Dong, W. H., Lin, Y. L., Zhang, M. H., & Huang, X. M. (2020). Footprint of tropical mesoscale convective system variability on stratospheric water vapor. Geophysical Research Letters, e2019GL086320.

Hu, X., Yuan, W., Yu, R., & Zhang, M. (2020). The evolution process of warm season intense regional rainfall events in Yaan. Climate Dynamics, 1-14.

Zheng, C., Chang, E. K. M., Kim, H., Zhang, M., & Wang, W. (2019). Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction of Wintertime Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Cyclone Activity by S2S and NMME Models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Zheng, X., Golaz, J. C., Xie, S., Tang, Q., Lin, W., Zhang, M., … & Roesler, E. L. (2019). The Summertime Precipitation Bias in E3SM Atmosphere Model Version 1 (EAMv1) over the Central United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Zheng, X., Golaz, J. C., Xie, S., Tang, Q., Lin, W., Zhang, M., … & Roesler, E. L. (2019). The Summertime Precipitation Bias in E3SM Atmosphere Model Version 1 over the Central United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Zhang, T., Lin, W., Lin, Y., Zhang, M., Yu, H., Cao, K., & Xue, W. (2019). Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Genesis from Mesoscale Convective Systems using Machine Learning. Weather and Forecasting, (2019).

Xie, S., Wang, Y. C., Lin, W., Ma, H. Y., Tang, Q., Tang, S., … & Zhang, M. (2019). Improved Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in E3SM with a Revised Convective Triggering Function. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.

Tang, S., Xie, S., Zhang, M., Tang, Q., Zhang, Y., Klein, S. A., … & Sullivan, R. C. (2019). Differences in Eddy‐Correlation and Energy‐Balance Surface Turbulent Heat Flux Measurements and Their Impacts on the Large‐Scale Forcing Fields at the ARM SGP Site. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Tang, S., Xie, S., Zhang, M., Tang, Q., Zhang, Y., Klein, S. A., … & Sullivan, R. C. (2019). Differences in eddy‐correlation and energy‐balance surface turbulent heat flux measurements and their impacts on the large‐scale forcing fields at the ARM SGP site. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Zhu, J., Zhang, M., & Zeng, X. (2018). Linkage between tropical terrestrial carbon cycle and precipitation: The two anomalous years of 1979 and 1996. Atmospheric Science Letters, e876.

Xie, J., Zhang, M., & Liu, H. (2019). Role of Arctic sea ice in the 2014–15 Eurasian warm winter. Geophysical Research Letters.

Zhang, T., Zhang, M., Lin, W., Lin, Y., Xue, W., Yu, H., … & Zheng, W. (2018). Automatic tuning of the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM5) by using short-term hindcasts with an improved downhill simplex optimization method. Geoscientific Model Development, 11(12), 5189-5201.

Zhu, J., Zhang, M., Zhang, Y., Zeng, X., & Xiao, X. (2018). Response of tropical terrestrial gross primary production to the super El Niño event in 2015. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

Zhang, M., Mariotti, A., Lin, Z., Ramasmamy, V., Lamarque, J., Xie, Z., & Zhu, J. (2018). Coordination to Understand and Reduce Global Model Biases by US and Chinese Institutions. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, (2018).

Zheng, C., Kar-Man Chang, E., Kim, H. M., Zhang, M., & Wang, W. (2018). Impacts of the Madden–Julian Oscillation on Storm-Track Activity, Surface Air Temperature, and Precipitation over North America. Journal of Climate, 31(15), 6113-6134.

Zhu, J., Zeng, X., Zhang, M., Dai, Y., Ji, D., Li, F., … & Song, X. (2018). Evaluation of the New Dynamic Global Vegetation Model in CAS-ESM. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 35(6), 659-670.

Yu, H., & Zhang, M. (2018). Explaining the Year‐to‐Year Variability of the Eastern Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone in the Boreal Spring. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123(8), 3847-3856.

Yu, H., & Zhang, M. (2018). Explaining the Year‐to‐Year Variability of the Eastern Pacific Inter‐Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the Boreal Spring. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Smirnov, O., Steinwand, M. C., Xiao, T., & Zhang, M. (2018). Climate Impacts, Political Institutions, and Leader Survival: Effects of Droughts and Flooding Precipitation. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 1-21.

Chen, J., Liu, Y., Zhang, M., & Peng, Y. (2018). Height Dependency of Aerosol‐Cloud Interaction Regimes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123(1), 491-506.

Qingzhi Zhu

Qingzhi Zhu

Associate Professor

Chem-/Bio- Sensors, Marine Biogeochemistry, Trace Elements, Environmental Analytical Chemistry




Curtin, T. P., Volkenborn, N., Dwyer, I., Aller, R. C., Zhu, Q., & Gobler, C. J. (2021). Buffering muds with bivalve shell significantly increases the settlement, growth, survival, and burrowing of the early life stages of the Northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, and other calcifying invertebrates. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 107686.

Nyer, S. C., Volkenborn, N., Aller, R. C., Graffam, M., Zhu, Q., & Price, R. E. (2021). Nitrogen transformations in constructed wetlands: A closer look at plant-soil interactions using chemical imaging. Science of The Total Environment, 151560.

Herbert, L. C., Michaud, A. B., Laufer-Meiser, K., Hoppe, C. J., Zhu, Q., Aller, R. C., … & Wehrmann, L. M. (2021). Tight benthic-pelagic coupling drives seasonal and interannual changes in iron‑sulfur cycling in Arctic fjord sediments (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard). Journal of Marine Systems, 103645.

Herbert, L. C., Zhu, Q., Michaud, A. B., Laufer‐Meiser, K., Jones, C. K., Riedinger, N., Stooksbury, Z.S., Aller, R.C., Jørgensen, B.B. & Wehrmann, L. M. (2021). Benthic iron flux influenced by climate‐sensitive interplay between organic carbon availability and sedimentation rate in Arctic fjords. Limnology and Oceanography.

Yin, H., Aller, R. C., Zhu, Q., & Aller, J. Y. (2021). Biogenic structures and cable bacteria interactions: redox domain residence times and the generation of complex pH distributions. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 669, 51-63.

Zhu, Q., Cochran, J. K., Heilbrun, C., Yin, H., Feng, H., Tamborski, J. J., … & Cong, W. (2021). Small-Scale Geochemical Heterogeneities and Seasonal Variation of Iron and Sulfide in Salt Marshes Revealed by Two-Dimensional Sensors. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 287.

Yin, H., Aller, R. C., Zhu, Q., & Aller, J. Y. (2021). The dynamics of cable bacteria colonization in surface sediments: a 2D view. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-8.

Shi, R., Han, T., Xu, S., Huang, H., Qi, Z., & Zhu, Q. (2021). Bacterial community responses to the redox profile changes of mariculture sediment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 166, 112250.

Qian, Y., Cheng, C., Feng, H., Hong, Z., Zhu, Q., Kolenčík, M., & Chang, X. (2020). Assessment of metal mobility in sediment, commercial fish accumulation and impact on human health risk in a large shallow plateau lake in southwest of China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 194, 110346.

Li, C., Ding, S., Yang, L., Zhu, Q., Chen, M., Tsang, D. C., … & Zhang, C. (2019). Planar optode: A two-dimensional imaging technique for studying spatial-temporal dynamics of solutes in sediment and soil. Earth-Science Reviews, 102916.

Shi, R., Xu, S., Qi, Z., Zhu, Q., Huang, H., & Weber, F. (2019). Influence of suspended mariculture on vertical distribution profiles of bacteria in sediment from Daya Bay, Southern China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 146, 816-826.

Aller, R. C., Aller, J. Y., Zhu, Q., Heilbrun, C., Klingensmith, I., & Kaushik, A. (2019). Worm tubes as conduits for the electrogenic microbial grid in marine sediments. Science Advances, 5(7), eaaw3651.

Feng, H., Qian, Y., Cochran, J. K., Zhu, Q., Heilbrun, C., Li, L., … & Nazareski, E. (2018). Seasonal differences in trace element concentrations and distribution in Spartina alterniflora root tissue. Chemosphere, 204, 359-370.