Nicole Casamassina is an Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences student minoring in Coastal Environmental Studies and Geospatial Science. As a result of her work in GSS 313/314 with Maria Brown, she presented a conference poster at the Northeastern Storms conference on...
In conjunction with the SoMAS recruitment weekend, admitted graduate students and the SoMAS community were cordially invited to “travel around the world” at our annual International Potluck Dinner on Friday, March 27th at 6:00 p.m. in Endeavour Hall 120 The SoMAS...
The Institute for Terrestrial and Planetary Atmospheres (ITPA) invites a distinguished scholar each year to present a seminar to honor the contributions of Distinguished Professor Emeritus Robert D. Cess to the development of atmospheric sciences at Stony Brook...
On January 13-14, 2016, a special symposium was held at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans to honor SoMAS professor Marvin Geller as part of the 2016 Annual Conference of the American Meteorological Society . The Marvin Geller Symposium featured 24...
From the Stony Brook Newsroom – “Sea Spray Aerosols May Affect Ice Cloud Formation and Global Climate” The finding by Stony Brook researchers and international colleagues published in Nature Scientists believe that the thin film on the ocean’s...
The third “Sharknado” film premiers tonight on the SyFy channel, and early reviews suggest a similar level of insanity as has been present in the past two films. While the film suspends belief in as many scenes as possible, there is some accuracy in the...
By PATRICIA KITCHEN, Newsday A new prediction model tailored to forecast the number of tropical cyclones that could hit New York State in a given season has been developed by three Stony Brook University professors. For the coming...
In conjunction with the SoMAS recruitment weekend, admitted graduate students and the SoMAS community were cordially invited to “travel around the world” at our annual International Potluck Dinner on Friday, March 27th at 6:00 p.m. in Endeavour Hall 120...
The Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government will be hosting the SUNY Conference on “Facing the Storm: Severe Weather Challenges Confronting New York State in the 21st Century” on Thursday, April 23 at 9:30 am This...
From the Stony Brook Newsroom Findings published in Nature Communications A team of scientists including Minghua Zhang, Dean and Director of Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS), have found that the size of tropical cyclones is...
Photo above: The Multi-Angle Snowflake Camera (foreground) and vertically pointing radar (dish in background) will help researchers at SBU gather better data on snowstorms for better forecast models. PHOTO CREDIT: BRIAN COLLE From SBU camera captures snowflakes on...
Findings published in Nature Geoscience also indicate a way to make more accurate predictions about future climate trends Stony Brook, NY, February 9, 2015 – An international team of scientists, including Minghua Zhang, Dean and Director of Stony Brook...
Keith Roberts led a discussion titled, “Coming to a sky near you: A chance of rain” The weather discussion led of December 5th began with a visualization of the 10-m wind field around the Northern hemisphere to demonstrate a tool that can visualize and...
From —By Glenn Jochum; photo by John Griffin Everyone talks about the weather, but Michael Colbert ’15 has more than a casual interest in that topic — he studies it at Stony Brook University. To...