Old Inlet Breach Flyover 2021-03-09

Old Inlet Breach Flyover 2021-03-09

Dr. Charles Flagg took another flight over the Breach at Old Inlet on Fire Island on March 9, 2021.  The flyover mosaic is available below.  Dr. Flagg noted that there is a lot of sand building in the breach and it would appear that the breach is on the verge of...

Winter Updates from SoMAS Faculty

Check out the latest updates from our faculty! Dr. Kevin Reed is one of the 2021 Discovery Prize Finalists for his project, “Attribution of the human influence on the 2020 and 2021 hurricane seasons.” Kevin Reed is an associate professor in Stony Brook...
SoMAS Women Faculty: Inspiring the Next Generation

SoMAS Women Faculty: Inspiring the Next Generation

From Stony Brook Women Faculty: Inspiring the Next Generation on Stony Brook University News, March 5, 2021 They are world-renowned scientists, groundbreaking researchers and beloved professors. They are also trusted advisors, caring mentors, loving mothers and good...
Chris Gobler’s LI Sound Research Receives Federal Funding

Chris Gobler’s LI Sound Research Receives Federal Funding

Photo above: An eelgrass bed off of Fishers Island, NY. Credit: CCE Suffolk County Marine Program From Chris Gobler’s LI Sound Research Receives Federal Funding by on Stony Brook University News, February 22, 2021 A study of ocean acidification led by Christopher...
Making 2021 A Great Year

Making 2021 A Great Year

Welcome!Welcome to SoMAS! If you are a marine science, atmospheric science, or sustainability studies student, you have made a wise choice in choosing a field that is about understanding and protecting Earth resources. The world needs you, literally! Read More from the Dean

Spring 2021 SoMAS Ocean, Sustainability, Atmosphere Colloquium

For Spring 2021, the Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and Oceans and Atmospheres Colloquiums have merged into the Ocean, Sustainability, Atmosphere Colloquium. These seminars will be hosted on Zoom. View the SoMAS Calendar of Events to add these events to...
Old Inlet Breach Flyover 2021-01-08

Old Inlet Breach Flyover 2021-01-08

Dr. Charles Flagg is in the air early in 2021! He was able to take a flight over the Breach at Old Inlet on Fire Island on January 8, 2021.  The flyover mosaic is available below. Dr. Flagg provided the latest report (PDF): At long last we have another aerial...
Remembering Larry Swanson

Remembering Larry Swanson

The School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences hosted a memorial for Dr. Larry Swanson on Friday November 20, 2020. Family, colleagues, friends and neighbors shared stories of their friend to a crowd of over 200 participants on Zoom and Facebook Live. The stories...
Celebrating Larry Swanson

Celebrating Larry Swanson

Larry Swanson October 11, 1938 – October 17, 2020 Service: Friday November 20, 2020  1:30 – 3:30 pm EST on Zoom ID: 97201781650 Password: 942471 The School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences invites you to attend an online celebration of the life and...
Stephen Schwartz Receives International Aerosol Fellow Award

Stephen Schwartz Receives International Aerosol Fellow Award

From Stephen Schwartz Receives International Aerosol Fellow Award by Joe Gettler in the Brookhaven National Lab Newsroom, November 4, 2020. Stephen Schwartz, a senior scientist emeritus at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory and...