China Marine Protected Areas Online Map

Welcome to our online map, which showcases the most comprehensive database on area-based marine conservation in China to date. The study was conducted by a multidisciplinary team of researchers, including Stony Brook’s Ellen PikitchJohn Bohorquez, Timothy Frankstone, Maria Grima, and Karine Kleinhaus. The dataset has 326 sites — including MPAs and other effective area-based conservation measures — that conserve 12.98% of China’s seas and address 142 conservation objectives. The findings, published in Science Advances, may serve as a roadmap to improve the ecological representativeness of China’s long-standing area-based conservation network.

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Press Release and  Citation

Study Reveals First-Time Data on Protection of China’s Marine Habitats

Bohorquez, J.J., Xue, G., Frankstone, T., Grima, M.M., Kleinhaus, K., Zhao, Y., Pikitch, E.K. (2021). China’s little-known efforts to protect its marine ecosystems safeguards some habitats but omits othersScience Advances.