
The page features research highlights at SoMAS.



Cultivating Kelp Will Help Cut Down Nitrogen in Local Waters

From Cultivating Kelp Will Help Cut Down Nitrogen in Local Waters on Stony Brook University News, June 4, 2021 Using kelp to help reduce nitrogen in Long Island waters was the subject of a May 27 press conference at the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences...

News and Press from SoMAS

Here's the latest news and press from the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University! Dr. Marat Khairoutdinov has received a new award from Brookhaven Science Associates, in the amount $64,851, for the performance period 6/1/21 - 9/15/21, in...

SoMAS Researchers Studying Mercury Levels Under Ice

From SBU Researchers Studying Mercury Levels Under Ice on Stony Brook University News, May 10, 2021 Scientists at Stony Brook University, the University of Vermont and Dartmouth College have been studying mercury uptake into the food chain during the winter, and how...

News Roundup from SoMAS

Did you catch SoMAS in the News? Here's a few headlines featuring our students, faculty, and staff! Congratulations to Dr. Sara Hamideh, on her NSF CAREER Award, entitled "CAREER: Affordable Versus Vacation Housing Resilience: Mechanisms that Shape Housing...

Cernadas-Martín Is a Champion for Marine and Human Diversity

Photo above: Sara Cernadas-Martín with the research vessel Seawolf behind her. Photo by John Griffin From Cernadas-Martín Is a Champion for Marine and Human Diversity by Glenn Jochum on Stony Brook University News, May 7, 2021 Sara Cernadas-Martín is a self-described...

Undergraduate Research Celebrated at Annual URECA Event

Students from the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences participated in URECA, the Stony Brook University annual event that showcases undergraduate research and is open to all SBU undergraduates conducting faculty-mentored research and creative projects.  ...

Gobler Lab Joins the Battle Against Algal Blooms

Photo above: Blue-green algal blooms, like this one at Roth Pond in 2015, have greatly affected Lake Agawam in Southampton over the past decade. From Gobler Lab Joins the Battle Against Algal Blooms on Stony Brook University News, April 26, 2021. Lake Agawam in...

Latest Press and Research News

Here's the latest news from SoMAS Faculty and Staff Dr. Kamazima Lwiza, and co-PIs Dr. Edmund Chang, Dr. Brian Colle, Dr. Hyemi Kim, and Dr. Weisen Shen, have received a new award from NSF in support of the project "GP-IN: Discovering Pathways into the Geosciences...