Coastal Ocean Action Strategies Institute

COAST has been called upon to assist in resolving coastal problems at home on Long Island, throughout the U.S. and in many parts of the world. For example, on Long Island, we are involved with beach monitoring at East Hampton and Shinnecock Inlet; dredging studies in Stony Brook Harbor; assessment of breach potential along Fire Island. We have also been asked to facilitate the search for solutions to environmental threats or degradation in, for example, Jamaica Bay and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary; along the Danube delta and the Mediterranean Coast.
COAST also provides a real-world, action learning laboratory for graduate students at MSRC. Each year students who are interested in coastal management and policy take part in gathering and analyzing data, in transforming data into information, and in synthesizing information-all targeted at identifying and evaluating management alternatives to attack the problems that COAST is helping to solve.
Studies on Long Island’s Coast
- Tailoring Local Responses to Rising Sea Level: A Suggestion for Long Island, NY
- The Letting of Georgica Pond, 2008
- International Rip Current Symposium February 2010
- Experiments in the Sonification of the Seismic Signature of Ocean Surf
- Occurrence of Ridge-and-Runnel Beach Morphology at East Hampton, NY
- Sonification Experiments with the Seismic Signature of Ocean Surf
COASTal Notes
Our understanding of the coast has been distilled from the experience of many detailed observations at specific sites. In addition to scholarly articles and technical reports, a series of COASTal Notes describes various and sundry observations of the behavior of Long Island’s shore.
$2.1 Million Awarded for Sea Grant Research on NY’s Coastal Environment
From $2.1 Million Awarded for Sea Grant Research on NY’s Coastal Environment on Stony Brook University News, October 16, 2020. New York Sea Grant (NYSG) has awarded more than $2.1 million to support six coastal science research projects —three of which are being led...
SoMAS Makes a Splash with Best College for Marine Biology Ranking
From Stony Brook Makes a Splash with Best College for Marine Biology Ranking on Stony Brook News by Amelia Camurati on November 20, 2018 College Magazine has ranked Stony Brook University fourth on its list of “The 10 Best Colleges for Marine Biology,” the only...
Workshop on the Erosion of Long Island’s North Shore
The COAST Institute at the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University hosted a Workshop on Resilience and Sustainability of Long Island’s North Shore on Friday October 12, 2018 in Endeavour Hall Room 120. 8:30 Registration/...
Rip Currents Pose Greater Risk To Swimmers Than To Shoreline
Long term monitoring by Stony Brook University researchers finds rip currents are frequent but short-lived at East Hampton Village Beach STONY BROOK, N.Y., October 14, 2009 - Rip currents—powerful, channeled currents of water flowing away from the shore—represent a...
SoMAS Professor Named to Rank of Distinguished Service Professor
This spring, SoMAS Professor Dr. Henry Bokuniewicz was one of ten SUNY professors appointed to the rank of Distinguished Service Professor. The honor recognizes substantial distinguished service not only within SUNY, but also at the community, state, national, and...
MSRC Newsletter Vol. 11 Special Edition, Winter 1990
THE INSTITUTES OF MSRC Helping Decision Makers Make Informed Decisions Many of the Marine Sciences Research Center's activities focus on the Coastal Ocean, but its programs extend from the deep sea to terrestrial environments. Within all of these diverse programs,...
Marine Center Charts Course
From "Marine Center Charts Course - Facility Growing at Stony Brook" by Tom Morris on Newsday, Monday December 4, 1989. When the brown tide ravaged the East End's scallop crop in 1985 and 1986, the Marine Sciences Research Center at Stony Brook took the lead in...