Chávez, R. O., Meseguer-Ruiz, O., Olea, M., Calderón-Seguel, M., Yager, K., Meneses, R. I., … & Prieto, M. (2023). Andean peatlands at risk? Spatiotemporal patterns of extreme NDVI anomalies, water extraction and drought severity in a large-scale mining area of Atacama, northern Chile. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 116, 103138.

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Chávez, R. O., Meseguer-Ruiz, O., Olea, M., Calderón-Seguel, M., Yager, K., Meneses, R. I., … & Prieto, M. (2023). Andean peatlands at risk? Spatiotemporal patterns of extreme NDVI anomalies, water extraction and drought severity in a large-scale mining area of Atacama, northern ChileInternational Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation116, 103138.


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January 11, 2023