Flood, R. D., Violante, R. A., Gorgas, T., Schwarz, E., Grützner, J., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., … & St-Onge, G. (2017). IODP workshop: developing scientific drilling proposals for the Argentina Passive Volcanic Continental Margin (APVCM)–basin evolution, deep biosphere, hydrates, sediment dynamics and ocean evolution. Scientific Drilling, 22, 49.

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Flood, R. D., Violante, R. A., Gorgas, T., Schwarz, E., Grützner, J., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., … & St-Onge, G. (2017). IODP workshop: developing scientific drilling proposals for the Argentina Passive Volcanic Continental Margin (APVCM)–basin evolution, deep biosphere, hydrates, sediment dynamics and ocean evolutionScientific Drilling22, 49.


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January 7, 2017