Gobler, C. J., Burkholder, J. M., Davis, T. W., Harke, M. J., Johengen, T., Stow, C. A., & Van de Waal, D. B. (2016). The dual role of nitrogen supply in controlling the growth and toxicity of cyanobacterial blooms. Harmful Algae, 54, 87-97.

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Gobler, C. J., Burkholder, J. M., Davis, T. W., Harke, M. J., Johengen, T., Stow, C. A., & Van de Waal, D. B. (2016). The dual role of nitrogen supply in controlling the growth and toxicity of cyanobacterial blooms. Harmful Algae, 54, 87-97.


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July 7, 2016