Hodgdon, Cameron & Khalsa, Noah & Mazur, Mackenzie & Chen, Yong. (2022). Climate-driven changes in growth and size at maturity of Gulf of Maine lobster stocks: implications for stock assessment models. Fishery Bulletin- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 120. 240-251. 10.7755/FB.120.3-4.5.

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Hodgdon, Cameron & Khalsa, Noah & Mazur, Mackenzie & Chen, Yong. (2022). Climate-driven changes in growth and size at maturity of Gulf of Maine lobster stocks: implications for stock assessment models. Fishery Bulletin- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 120. 240-251. 10.7755/FB.120.3-4.5.


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September 21, 2022