Landman, N. H., J. C. Grier, J. W. Grier, J. K. Cochran, and S. M. Klofak (2015) 3-D orientation and distribution of ammonites in a concretion from the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale of Montana. Swiss J Palaeontol. DOI 10.1007/s13358-015-0084-z.

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Landman, N. H., J. C. Grier, J. W. Grier, J. K. Cochran, and S. M. Klofak (2015) 3-D orientation and distribution of ammonites in a concretion from the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale of Montana. Swiss J Palaeontol. DOI 10.1007/s13358-015-0084-z.


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February 20, 2015