Monnin, C., Quéméneur, M., Price, R., Jeanpert, J., Maurizot, P., Boulart, C., … & Pelletier, B. (2021). The chemistry of hyperalkaline springs in serpentinizing environments: 1. the composition of free gases in New Caledonia compared to other springs worldwide. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, e2021JG006243.

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Monnin, C., Quéméneur, M., Price, R., Jeanpert, J., Maurizot, P., Boulart, C., … & Pelletier, B. (2021). The chemistry of hyperalkaline springs in serpentinizing environments: 1. the composition of free gases in New Caledonia compared to other springs worldwideJournal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, e2021JG006243.


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August 25, 2021