Picca, J.C., D.M. Schultz, B. A. Colle, S. Ganetis, D.R. Novak, and M. Sienkiewicz, 2014: The value of dual-polarization radar in diagnosing the complex microphysical evolution of an intense snowband. Bull. Meteor. Soc., 95, 1825-1834.

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Picca, J.C., D.M. Schultz, B. A. Colle, S. Ganetis, D.R. Novak, and M. Sienkiewicz, 2014: The value of dual-polarization radar in diagnosing the complex microphysical evolution of an intense snowband. Bull. Meteor. Soc., 95, 1825-1834.


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February 16, 2014