Rubino, C. V., Katz, B. G., Langlois, K., Wang, H. H., Carrion, J. A., Walker, S. G., Collier, J. L., Iacono, V. J. and Myneni, S. R., (2021). Evaluation of different materials used for sealing of implant abutment access channel and the peri‐implant sulcus microbiota: A 6‐month, randomized controlled trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research.

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Rubino, C. V., Katz, B. G., Langlois, K., Wang, H. H., Carrion, J. A., Walker, S. G., Collier, J. L., Iacono, V. J. and Myneni, S. R., (2021). Evaluation of different materials used for sealing of implant abutment access channel and the peri‐implant sulcus microbiota: A 6‐month, randomized controlled trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research.


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June 15, 2021