Rulifson, R. A., Bangley, C. W., Cudney, J. L., Dell’Apa, A., Dunton, K. J., Frisk, M. G., … & Brundage III, H. M. (2020). Seasonal presence of Atlantic Sturgeon and sharks at Cape Hatteras, a large continental shelf constriction to coastal migration. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 12(5), 308-321.

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Rulifson, R. A., Bangley, C. W., Cudney, J. L., Dell’Apa, A., Dunton, K. J., Frisk, M. G., … & Brundage III, H. M. (2020). Seasonal presence of Atlantic Sturgeon and sharks at Cape Hatteras, a large continental shelf constriction to coastal migrationMarine and Coastal Fisheries12(5), 308-321.


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September 14, 2020