Xie, J., Zhang, M., Zeng, Q., Xie, Z., Liu, H., Chai, Z., … & Zhang, H. (2021). Implementation of an Orographic Drag Scheme Considering Orographic Anisotropy in All Flow Directions in the Earth System Model CAS‐ESM 2.0. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(12), e2021MS002585.

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Xie, J., Zhang, M., Zeng, Q., Xie, Z., Liu, H., Chai, Z., … & Zhang, H. (2021). Implementation of an Orographic Drag Scheme Considering Orographic Anisotropy in All Flow Directions in the Earth System Model CAS‐ESM 2.0. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(12), e2021MS002585.

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November 11, 2021