Berg, L. K., J. D. Fast, J. C. Barnard, S. P. Burton, B. Cairns, D. Chand, J. M. Comstock, S. Dunagan, R. A. Ferrare, C. J. Flynn, J. W. Hair., C. A. Hostetler., J. Hubbe., R. Johnson, E. I. Kassianov, C. D. Kluzek, P. Kollias, K. Lamer, F. Mei, M. A. Miller, J. Michalsky, I. Ortega, R R. Rogers., P. B. Russell, J. Redemann, A. J. Sedlacek III, M. Segal-Rosenheimer, B. Schmid, J. E. Shilling, Y. Shinozuka, S. R. Springston, J. Tomlinson, M. Tyrrell, J. M. Wilson, R. Volkamer, A. Zelenyuk, and C. M. Berkowitz, (2013), The Two-Column Aerosol Project: Phase I Overview and Impact of Elevated Aerosol Layers on Aerosol Optical Depth, Accepted to the Journal of Geophysical Research

Berg, L. K., J. D. Fast, J. C. Barnard, S. P. Burton, B. Cairns, D. Chand, J. M. Comstock, S. Dunagan, R. A. Ferrare, C. J. Flynn, J. W. Hair., C. A. Hostetler., J. Hubbe., R. Johnson, E. I. Kassianov, C. D. Kluzek, P. Kollias, K. Lamer, F. Mei, M. A. Miller, J....

Archer, C. L., Colle, B. C., Monache, L., Dvorak, M. J., Lundquist, J., Bailey, B. H., … & Zack, J. 2013: Meteorology for coastal/offshore wind energy in the United States: recommendations and research needs for the next 10 years. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

Archer, C. L., Colle, B. C., Monache, L., Dvorak, M. J., Lundquist, J., Bailey, B. H., … & Zack, J. 2013: Meteorology for coastal/offshore wind energy in the United States: recommendations and research needs for the next 10 years. Bulletin of the American...