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Pascal, L., Maire, O., Volkenborn, N., Lecroart, P., Bichon, S., de Montaudouin, X., … & Deflandre, B. (2016). Influence of the mud shrimp Upogebia pusilla (Decapoda: Gebiidea) on solute and porewater exchanges in an intertidal seagrass (Zostera noltei)...

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Moniruzzaman, M., Gann, E. R., LeCleir, G. R., Kang, Y., Gobler, C. J., & Wilhelm, S. W. (2016). Diversity and dynamics of algal Megaviridae members during a harmful brown tide caused by the pelagophyte, Aureococcus anophagefferens. FEMS Microbiology Ecology,...

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O’Leary, S. J., Martinez, C. M., Baumann, H., Abercrombie, D. L., Poulakis, G. R., Murray, C. H., … & Chapman, D. D. (2016). Population genetics and geometric morphometrics of the key silverside, Menidia conchorum, a marine fish in a highly-fragmented,...

Ladino, L.A., Yakobi-Hancock, J.D., Kilthau, W.P., Mason, R.H., Si, M., Li, J., Miller, L.A., Schiller, C.L., Huffman, J.A., Aller, J.Y. and Knopf, D.A., 2016. Addressing the ice nucleating abilities of marine aerosol: A combination of deposition mode laboratory and field measurements. Atmospheric Environment.

Ladino, L.A., Yakobi-Hancock, J.D., Kilthau, W.P., Mason, R.H., Si, M., Li, J., Miller, L.A., Schiller, C.L., Huffman, J.A., Aller, J.Y. and Knopf, D.A., 2016. Addressing the ice nucleating abilities of marine aerosol: A combination of deposition mode laboratory and...