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Illingworth, A. J., Battaglia, A., Bradford, J., Forsythe, M., Joe, P., Kollias, P., … & Midthassel, R. (2018). WIVERN: A new satellite concept to provide global in-cloud winds, precipitation and cloud properties. Bulletin of the American Meteorological...

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Armstrong, C. T., Erdner, D. L., McClelland, J. W., Sanderson, M. P., Anderson, D. M., Gobler, C. J., & Smith, J. L. (2018). Impact of nitrogen chemical form on the isotope signature and toxicity of a marine dinoflagellate. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 602,...

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Rudd, J. W., Bodaly, R. A., Fisher, N. S., Kelly, C. A., Kopec, D., & Whipple, C. (2018). Fifty years after its discharge, methylation of legacy mercury trapped in the Penobscot Estuary sustains high mercury in biota. Science of The Total Environment, 642,...