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Shipley, O. N., Lee, C. S., Fisher, N. S., Sternlicht, J. K., Kattan, S., Staaterman, E. R., … & Gallagher, A. J. Metal concentrations in coastal sharks from The Bahamas with a focus on the Caribbean Reef shark. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-11.

Kang, P., H. Zhang, Z. Yang, Y. Zhu, B. He, Q. Li, C. Lee, T. Tang. 2021. A model of algal organic carbon distributions in the Pearl River estuary using the amino acid carbon isotope values. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 294: 1-12.

Kang, P., H. Zhang, Z. Yang, Y. Zhu, B. He, Q. Li, C. Lee, T. Tang. 2021. A model of algal organic carbon distributions in the Pearl River estuary using the amino acid carbon isotope values. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 294:...