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Farhat, S., Bonnivard, E., Pales Espinosa, E., Tanguy, A., Boutet, I., Guiglielmoni, N., … & Allam, B. (2022). Comparative analysis of the Mercenaria mercenaria genome provides insights into the diversity of transposable elements and immune molecules in...Atlas, R. L., Bretherton, C. S., Khairoutdinov, M. F., & Blossey, P. N. (2022). Hallett‐Mossop rime splintering dims cumulus clouds over the Southern Ocean: New insight from nudged global storm‐resolving simulations. AGU Advances, e2021AV000454.
Atlas, R. L., Bretherton, C. S., Khairoutdinov, M. F., & Blossey, P. N. (2022). Hallett‐Mossop rime splintering dims cumulus clouds over the Southern Ocean: New insight from nudged global storm‐resolving simulations. AGU Advances, e2021AV000454.