Colle, B. A., Auld, R., Johnson, K., O’Connell, C., Taylor, T. G., & Rice, J. (2021). Improving Communication of Uncertainty and Risk of High-Impact Weather Through Innovative Forecaster Workshops. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1-18.
Leonardo, N. M., & Colle, B. A. (2020). An Investigation of Large Cross-Track Errors in North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones in the GEFS and ECMWF Ensembles. Monthly Weather Review.
Kollias, P., Oue, M., Luke, E. P., Sneddon, A., Puigdomenech, B., Lang, M., Colle, B.A. & Knopf, D. A. (2020, January). The Stony Brook Univ.-Brookhaven National Laboratory Radar Observatory: Facilities, Instrumentation and Applications. In 100th American...
Naeger, A. R., Colle, B. A., Zhou, N., & Molthan, A. (2020). Evaluating Warm and Cold Rain Processes in Cloud Microphysical Schemes Using OLYMPEX Field Measurements. Monthly Weather Review, (2020).
Leonardo, N. M., & Colle, B. A. (2019). An Investigation of Large Along-Track Errors in Extratropical Transitioning North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones in the ECMWF Ensemble. Monthly Weather Review, (2019).
Ge, K., & Colle, B. A. (2019). Multi‐Decadal Historical Trends in Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Evolution Characteristics for Two North Atlantic Sub‐basins. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
Connelly, R., & Colle, B. A. (2019). Validation of Snow Multi-Bands in the Comma Head of an Extratropical Cyclone Using a 40-Member Ensemble. Weather and Forecasting, 34(5), 1343-1363.
Zheng, M., Chang, E. K., & Colle, B. A. (2019). Evaluating US East Coast Winter Storms in a Multimodel Ensemble Using EOF and Clustering Approaches. Monthly Weather Review, 147(6), 1967-1987.
Lin, N., Marsooli, R., & Colle, B. A. (2019). Storm surge return levels induced by mid-to-late-twenty-first-century extratropical cyclones in the Northeastern United States. Climatic Change, 1-16.
Zheng, M., Chang, E. K., & Colle, B. A. (2019). Evaluating US East Coast Winter Storms in a Multi-Model Ensemble Using EOF and Clustering Approaches. Monthly Weather Review, (2019).
Orton, P. , Lin, N. , Gornitz, V. , Colle, B. , Booth, J. , Feng, K. , Buchanan, M. , Oppenheimer, M. and Patrick, L. (2019), New York City Panel on Climate Change 2019 Report Chapter 4: Coastal Flooding. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1439: 95-114. doi:10.1111/nyas.14011...
González, J. E., Ortiz, L. , Smith, B. K., Devineni, N. , Colle, B. , Booth, J. F., Ravindranath, A. , Rivera, L. , Horton, R. , Towey, K. , Kushnir, Y. , Manley, D. , Bader, D. and Rosenzweig, C. (2019), New York City Panel on Climate Change 2019 Report Chapter 2:...
Yang, K., Davidson, R. A., Blanton, B., Colle, B., Dresback, K., Kolar, R., … & Wachtendorf, T. (2019). Hurricane evacuations in the face of uncertainty: Use of integrated models to support robust, adaptive, and repeated decision-making. International...