Blanton, B., Dresback, K., Colle, B., Kolar, R., Vergara, H., Hong, Y., … & Wachtendorf, T. (2018). An Integrated Scenario Ensemble-Based Framework for Hurricane Evacuation Modeling: Part 2-Hazard Modeling. Risk analysis: an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis.

Blanton, B., Dresback, K., Colle, B., Kolar, R., Vergara, H., Hong, Y., … & Wachtendorf, T. (2018). An Integrated Scenario Ensemble-Based Framework for Hurricane Evacuation Modeling: Part 2-Hazard Modeling. Risk analysis: an official publication of the...

Davidson, R. A., Nozick, L. K., Wachtendorf, T., Blanton, B., Colle, B., Kolar, R. L., … & Leonardo, N. (2018). An Integrated Scenario Ensemble‐Based Framework for Hurricane Evacuation Modeling: Part 1—Decision Support System. Risk analysis.

Davidson, R. A., Nozick, L. K., Wachtendorf, T., Blanton, B., Colle, B., Kolar, R. L., … & Leonardo, N. (2018). An Integrated Scenario Ensemble‐Based Framework for Hurricane Evacuation Modeling: Part 1—Decision Support System. Risk analysis.

Zhang, Z., & Colle, B. A. (2017). Changes in Extratropical Cyclone Precipitation and Associated Processes During the 21st Century over Eastern North America and the Western Atlantic Using a Cyclone-Relative Approach. Journal of Climate, (2017).

Zhang, Z., & Colle, B. A. (2017). Changes in Extratropical Cyclone Precipitation and Associated Processes During the 21st Century over Eastern North America and the Western Atlantic Using a Cyclone-Relative Approach. Journal of Climate, (2017).

Zhang, Z., & Colle, B. A. (2017). Changes in Extratropical Cyclone Precipitation and Associated Processes During the 21st Century over Eastern North America and the Western Atlantic Using a Cyclone-Relative Approach. Journal of Climate, (2017).

Zhang, Z., & Colle, B. A. (2017). Changes in Extratropical Cyclone Precipitation and Associated Processes During the 21st Century over Eastern North America and the Western Atlantic Using a Cyclone-Relative Approach. Journal of Climate, (2017).