Ganetis, S. A., & Colle, B. A. 2015: The Thermodynamic and Microphysical Evolution of an Intense Snowband during the Northeast US Blizzard of 8–9 February 2013. Monthly Weather Review, 143(10), 4104-4125.
Colle, B.A., J.F. Booth, and E.K.M. Chang, 2015: A review of historical and future changes of extratropical cyclones and associated impacts along the U.S. east coast. Current Climate Change Reports, 1, 125-143.
Bratton, S.D., B.A. Colle, and R.E. Wilson, 2015: Synoptic flow patterns and decadal variations of wind-induced mixing over western Long Island Sound. J. Geophys. Res.,120, DOI: 10.1002/2015JD023080.
Archer, C. L., B. A. Colle, L. Delle Monache, M. J. Dvorak, J. Lundquist, B. H. Bailey, P. Beaucage, M. J. Churchfield, A. C. Fitch, B. Kosovic, S. Lee, P. J. Moriarty, H. Simao, R. J. A. M. Stevens, D. Veron, J. Zackhttp, 2014: Meteorology for coastal/offshore wind...
Maloney, E. D., Colle, B. C. and Coauthors, 2014: North American Climate in CMIP5 Experiments: Part III: Assessment of Twenty-First-Century Projections*. J. Climate, 27, 2230-2270. doi:
Hodrefe, C, P. Doraiswamy, B. Colle, K. Demerjian, W. Hao, M. Erickson, M. Souders, and J-Y Ku, 2014: Meteorology, Emissions, and Grid Resolution: Effects on Discrete and Probabilistic Model Performance. In: D. Steyn, P. Builtjes, R. Timmermans (eds.): Air Pollution...
Wuebbles, D., Meehl, G., Hayhoe, K., Karl, T. R., Kunkel, K., Santer, B., Colle, B. C., … & Sun, L. 2014: CMIP5 climate model analyses: Climate extremes in the United States. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 95(4), 571-583.
Colle, B. A., Stark, D. and Yuter, S.E. 2014: Surface Microphysical Observations within East Coast Winter Storms on Long Island, New York. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142, 3126-3146. doi:
Wilson, R. E., Bratton, S. D., Wang, J., & Colle, B. A. 2014: Evidence for Directional Wind Response in Controlling Inter-annual Variations in Duration and Areal Extent of Summertime Hypoxia in Western Long Island Sound. Estuaries and Coasts, 1-9.
Picca, J.C., D.M. Schultz, B. A. Colle, S. Ganetis, D.R. Novak, and M. Sienkiewicz, 2014: The value of dual-polarization radar in diagnosing the complex microphysical evolution of an intense snowband. Bull. Meteor. Soc., 95, 1825-1834.
Li, H., and B.A. Colle, 2014: Multidecadal changes in the frequency and ambient conditions of warm season convective storms over the northeastern U.S. J. Climate, 27, 7285-7300.
Colle, B.A. 2014: Cold Air Damming. In: Gerald R. North (editor-in-chief), John Pyle and Fuqing Zhang (editors). Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 4, pp. 62–68.
Souders, M. B., Colle, B. A., & Chang, E. K. 2014: The Climatology and Characteristics of Rossby Wave Packets Using a Feature-Based Tracking Technique. Monthly Weather Review, 142(10), 3528-3548.
Souders, M.B., B.A. Colle, and E.K.M. Chang, 2014: A description of an automated approach for feature-based tracking of Rossby wave packets. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142, 3505-3527, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-1300317.1.
Archer, C. L., Colle, B. C., Monache, L., Dvorak, M. J., Lundquist, J., Bailey, B. H., … & Zack, J. 2013: Meteorology for coastal/offshore wind energy in the United States: recommendations and research needs for the next 10 years. Bulletin of the American...