Harke, M. J., Steffen, M. M., Gobler, C. J., Otten, T. G., Wilhelm, S. W., Wood, S. A., & Paerl, H. W. (2016). A review of the global ecology, genomics, and biogeography of the toxic cyanobacterium, Microcystis spp. Harmful Algae, 54, 4-20.
Davis, T. W., & Gobler, C. J. (2016). Preface for Special Issue on “Global expansion of harmful cyanobacterial blooms: Diversity, ecology, causes, and controls”. Harmful Algae, 54, 1-3.
Gobler, C. J., Burkholder, J. M., Davis, T. W., Harke, M. J., Johengen, T., Stow, C. A., & Van de Waal, D. B. (2016). The dual role of nitrogen supply in controlling the growth and toxicity of cyanobacterial blooms. Harmful Algae, 54, 87-97.
Gobler, C. J., & Baumann, H. (2016). Hypoxia and acidification in ocean ecosystems: coupled dynamics and effects on marine life. Biology Letters, 12(5), 20150976.
Griffith, A. W., & Gobler, C. J. (2016). Temperature controls the toxicity of the ichthyotoxic dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides. MEPS, 545, 63-76.
Moniruzzaman, M., Gann, E. R., LeCleir, G. R., Kang, Y., Gobler, C. J., & Wilhelm, S. W. (2016). Diversity and dynamics of algal Megaviridae members during a harmful brown tide caused by the pelagophyte, Aureococcus anophagefferens. FEMS Microbiology Ecology,...
Giner, J. L., Ceballos, H., Tang, Y. Z., & Gobler, C. J. (2016). Sterols and Fatty Acids of the Harmful Dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides.Chemistry & biodiversity, 13(2), 249-252.
Hattenrath-Lehmann, T. K., Zhen, Y., Wallace, R. B., Tang, Y. Z., & Gobler, C. J. (2016). Mapping the distribution of cysts from the toxic dinoflagellate, Cochlodinium polykrikoides, in bloom-prone estuaries using a novel fluorescence in situ hybridization assay....
Giner, J. L., Ceballos, H., Tang, Y. Z., & Gobler, C. J. (2016). Sterols and Fatty Acids of the Harmful Dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 13(2), 249-252.
Gledhill, D.K., M.M. White, J. Salisbury, H. Thomas, I. Mlsna, M. Liebman, B. Mook, J. Grear, A.C. Candelmo, R.C. Chambers, C.J. Gobler, C.W. Hunt, A.L. King, N.N. Price, S.R. Signorini, E. Stancioff, C. Stymiest, R.A. Wahle, J.D. Waller, N.D. Rebuck, Z.A. Wang, T.L....
Berry, D. L., J. A. Goleski, F. Koch, C. C. Wall, B. J. Peterson, O. R. Anderson and C. J. Gobler. 2015. Shifts in Cyanobacterial Strain Dominance during Onset of Harmful Algal Blooms in Florida Bay, USA. Molecular Ecology 70: 361-371.
Harke, M. J., Davis, T. W., Watson, S. B., & Gobler, C. J. (2015). Nutrient-controlled niche differentiation of western Lake Erie cyanobacterial populations revealed via metatranscriptomic surveys. Environmental science & technology.
Xu, N., Tang, Y. Z., Qin, J., Duan, S., & Gobler, C. J. (2015). Ability of the marine diatoms Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries and P. pungens to inhibit the growth of co-occurring phytoplankton via allelopathy. Aquat Microb Ecol, 74, 29-41.
Park, B. S., Kim, J. H., Kim, J. H., Gobler, C. J., Baek, S. H., & Han, M. S. (2015). Dynamics of bacterial community structure during blooms of Cochlodinium polykrikoides (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) in Korean coastal waters. Harmful Algae, 48, 44-54.