Lopez, G. R., Carey, R., Carlton, J.T., Cerrato, R., Dam, H., DiGiovanni, R., Elphick, C., Frisk, M., Gobler, C., Hice, L., Howell, P., Jordaan, A., Lin, S., Liu, S., Lonsdale, D., McEnroe, M., McKown, K., McManus, G., Orson, R., Peterson, B., Pickerell, C., Rozsa,...
Suter EA, Lwiza KMM, Rose JM, Gobler C, Taylor GT (2014). Phytoplankton assemblage changes during decadal decreases in nitrogen loadings to the urbanized Long Island Sound estuary, USA. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 497, 51-67
Park, B. S., Wang, P., Kim, J. H., Kim, J. H., Gobler, C.J., & Han, M. S. (2014). Resolving the intra-specific succession within Cochlodinium polykrikoides populations in southern Korean coastal waters via use of quantitative PCR assays. Harmful Algae, 37,...
Tang, Y. Z., Kang, Y., Berry, D., & Gobler, C. J. (2014). The ability of the red macroalga, Porphyra purpurea (Rhodophyceae) to inhibit the proliferation of seven common harmful microalgae. Journal of Applied Phycology, 27(1), 531-544.
Wurch, L. L., Gobler, C.J., & Dyhrman, S. T. (2014). Expression of a xanthine permease and phosphate transporter in cultures and field populations of the harmful alga Aureococcus anophagefferens: tracking nutritional deficiency during brown tides. Environmental...
Keeling PJ, Burki F, Gobler CJ, and 65 others. (2014). The functional diversity of eukaryotic life in the oceans through transcriptome sequencing. PLOS Biology, 12 : e1001889, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001889
Gobler CJ, Depasquale EL, Griffith AW, Baumann H. (2014). Hypoxia and acidification have additive and synergistic negative effects on the growth, survival, and metamorphosis of early life stage bivalves. PLoS ONE 9(1), e83648. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083648
Wallace, R. B., & Gobler, C. J. (2014). Factors Controlling Blooms of Microalgae and Macroalgae (Ulva rigida) in a Eutrophic, Urban Estuary: Jamaica Bay, NY, USA. Estuaries and Coasts, 1-15.
Gobler CJ, Talmage SC. (2014). Physiological response and resilience of early life stage Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) to past, present, and future ocean acidification. Conservation Physiology, 2, 1-15
Rountos, K.J., Tang, Y.Z., Cerrato, R.M., Gobler, C.J., Pikitch, E.K. (2014). Toxicity of the harmful dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides to early life stages of three estuarine forage fish. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 505: 81-94
Koch, F., Burson, A., Tang, Y. Z., Collier, J. L., Fisher, N. S., Sañudo-Wilhelmy, S., & Gobler, C. J. (2014). Alteration of plankton communities and biogeochemical cycles by harmful Cochlodinium polykrikoides (Dinophyceae) blooms. Harmful Algae, 33(0), 41-54....
Wallace, R. B., Baumann, H., Grear, J. S., Aller, R. C., & Gobler, C. J. (2014). Coastal ocean acidification: The other eutrophication problem. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.