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Gobler, C.J., Young, C.S., Goleski, J., Stevens, A., Thickman, J., Wallace, R.B., Curran, P., Koch, F., Kang, Y., Lusty, M.W. and Hattenrath-Lehmann, T.K., Langlois, K. & Collier, J.K. (2019). Accidental ecosystem restoration? Assessing the estuary-wide impacts of...

Waller R.F., Cleves P.A., Rubio-Brotons M., Woods A., Bender S.J., Edgcomb V., Gann, E.R., Jones, A.C., Teytelman, L., von Dassow, P., Wilhelm, S.W., and Collier, J.L. (2018) Strength in numbers: Collaborative science for new experimental model systems. PLoS Biol 16(7): e2006333. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.2006333

Waller R.F., Cleves P.A., Rubio-Brotons M., Woods A., Bender S.J., Edgcomb V., Gann, E.R., Jones, A.C., Teytelman, L., von Dassow, P., Wilhelm, S.W., and Collier, J.L. (2018) Strength in numbers: Collaborative science for new experimental model systems. PLoS Biol...