Ishaq, S. L., Parada, F. J., Wolf, P. G., Bonilla, C. Y., Carney, M. A., Benezra, A., … Collier, J.L., … & Morar, N. (2021). Introducing the Microbes and Social Equity Working Group: Considering the Microbial Components of Social, Environmental, and Health Justice. Msystems, 6(4), e00471-21.

Ishaq, S. L., Parada, F. J., Wolf, P. G., Bonilla, C. Y., Carney, M. A., Benezra, A., … Collier, J.L., … & Morar, N. (2021). Introducing the Microbes and Social Equity Working Group: Considering the Microbial Components of Social, Environmental, and...

Rubino, C. V., Katz, B. G., Langlois, K., Wang, H. H., Carrion, J. A., Walker, S. G., Collier, J. L., Iacono, V. J. and Myneni, S. R., (2021). Evaluation of different materials used for sealing of implant abutment access channel and the peri‐implant sulcus microbiota: A 6‐month, randomized controlled trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research.

Rubino, C. V., Katz, B. G., Langlois, K., Wang, H. H., Carrion, J. A., Walker, S. G., Collier, J. L., Iacono, V. J. and Myneni, S. R., (2021). Evaluation of different materials used for sealing of implant abutment access channel and the peri‐implant sulcus microbiota:...

Rubino, C. V., Katz, B. G., Langlois, K., Wang, H. H., Carrion, J. A., Walker, S. G., … & Myneni, S. R. (2021). Evaluation of Different Materials Used for Sealing of Implant Abutment Access Channel and the Peri‐implant Sulcus Microbiota: A 6 Month, Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research.

Rubino, C. V., Katz, B. G., Langlois, K., Wang, H. H., Carrion, J. A., Walker, S. G., … & Myneni, S. R. (2021). Evaluation of Different Materials Used for Sealing of Implant Abutment Access Channel and the Peri‐implant Sulcus Microbiota: A 6 Month,...

Faktorová, D., Nisbet, R. E. R., Robledo, J. A. F., Casacuberta, E., Sudek, L., Allen, A. E., … & Beardslee, P. (2020). Genetic tool development in marine protists: Emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology. Nature methods, 1-14.

Faktorová, D., Nisbet, R. E. R., Robledo, J. A. F., Casacuberta, E., Sudek, L., Allen, A. E., … & Beardslee, P. (2020). Genetic tool development in marine protists: Emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology. Nature methods, 1-14.