Taylor, D. J., Slovic, S. & Fernandez Soriano, A. (2019) An Island in the Stream – Ecocritical and Literary Responses to Cuban Environmental Culture. Lexington Books. Taylor, D. J., Slovic, S. & Fernandez Soriano, A. (2019) An Island in the Stream...
Taylor, D. (2017) Palm Up, Palm Down. San Antonio, TX: Wings Press. David Taylor’s new book begins with a huge sigh — “I gave up on gods years ago, / taking instead the offerings of sex, woods, and wine. / Now, I’m letting go of those...
Taylor, D., & Wolverton, S. (Eds.). (2015). Sushi in Cortez: Interdisciplinary Essays on Mesa Verde. “SBU’s David Taylor Co-edits Interdisciplinary Book on Mesa Verde” From SBU Happenings, April 28, 2015 Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado contains...
Taylor, D. (2013). The Log from the Sea of Cortez: A Poem Series. San Antonio, TX: Wings Press. Find SoMAS on Social Media!View somas.sbu’s profile on FacebookView somas_sbu’s profile on TwitterView somas.sbu’s profile on InstagramView...
Taylor, D. (2006). Pride of Place: A Contemporary Anthology of Texas Nature Writing. University of North Texas Press. Find SoMAS on Social Media!View somas.sbu’s profile on FacebookView somas_sbu’s profile on TwitterView somas.sbu’s profile on...