Wang, K., Espinosa, E. P., Tanguy, A., & Allam, B. (2016). Alterations of the immune transcriptome in resistant and susceptible hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) in response to Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX) and temperature. Fish & shellfish immunology, 49,...
Allam, B., & Espinosa, P. E. (2015, April). The multiple, central, roles of mucosal secretions in marine bivalves. In INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY (Vol. 55, pp. E4-E4). JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA: OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC.
Mars Brisbin M, McElroy A, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. 2015. Antimicrobial activity in the cuticle of the American lobster, Homarus americanus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 44: 542-546.
Rosa M, Ward JE, Ouvrard M, Holohan BA, Pales Espinosa E, Shumway SE, Allam B. (2015). Examining the physiological plasticity of particle capture by the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis (L.): Confounding factors and potential artifacts with studies utilizing natural...
Rubin E, Pales Espinosa E, Koller A, Allam B. (2015). Characterization of the secretome of the clam parasite QPX. International Journal for Parasitology 45: 187-196.
Allam B, Pales Espinosa E. (2015). Mucosal immunity in mollusks. In: Mucosal Health in Aquaculture. Benjamin Beck and Eric Peatman (Eds). Academic Press. pp. 325-370. ISBN: 978-0-12-417186-2.
Wang K, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2014). Effect of “heat shock” treatments on QPX disease in the hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria. Journal of Shellfish Research 33(2): 661.
Wang K, Del Castillo C, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2014). Clam focal and systemic immune responses to QPX revealed by RNA-Seq technology. Journal of Shellfish Research 33(2): 661.
Rubin E, Pales Espinosa E, Koller A, Allam B. (2014). Extracellular proteins in quahog parasite unknown (QPX) mucoid secretion. Journal of Shellfish Research 33(2): 648.
Rubin E, Tanguy A, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2014). Differential gene expression in quahog parasite unknown (QPX) in response to clam factors and transcriptomic profiling of five QPX isolates. Journal of Shellfish Research 33(2): 647-648.
Rosa M, Ward E, Shumway S, Wikfors G, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2014). Examining seasonal shifts in retention efficiency and mucosal composition in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Journal of Shellfish Research 33(2): 647.
Allam B., Corre E, Pales Espinosa E. (2014). Pallial mucus of Crassostrea virginica regulates the expression of putative virulence genes of its pathogen Perkinsus marinus. Journal of Shellfish Research 33(2): 586.
Allam, B., Pales Espinosa, E., Tanguy, A., Jeffroy, F., Le Bris, C., Paillard, C. 2014. Transcriptional changes in manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) in response to brown ring disease. Fish and Shellfish immunology. 41, 2-11.
Rubin E, Tanguy A, Perrigault M, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2014). Characterization of the transcriptome and temperature-induced differential gene expression of in quahog parasite unknown QPX, the thraustochytrid parasite of hard clams. BMC Genomics 15: 245.
Pales Espinosa E, Koller T, Allam B. (2014). Shotgun proteomic characterization of the pallial mucus of the oyster Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Shellfish Research 33(2): 640.