Flood, R. D., Violante, R. A., Gorgas, T., Schwarz, E., Grützner, J., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., … & St-Onge, G. (2017). IODP workshop: developing scientific drilling proposals for the Argentina Passive Volcanic Continental Margin (APVCM)–basin evolution, deep biosphere, hydrates, sediment dynamics and ocean evolution. Scientific Drilling, 22, 49.

Flood, R. D., Violante, R. A., Gorgas, T., Schwarz, E., Grützner, J., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., … & St-Onge, G. (2017). IODP workshop: developing scientific drilling proposals for the Argentina Passive Volcanic Continental Margin (APVCM)–basin evolution, deep...