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Czaja Jr, R., Holmberg, R., Espinosa, E. P., Hennen, D., Cerrato, R., Lwiza, K., … & Allam, B. (2023). Behavioral and physiological effects of ocean acidification and warming on larvae of a continental shelf bivalve. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 192,...

Czaja Jr, R. E., Hennen, D., Cerrato, R. M., Lwiza, K., Pales-Espinosa, E., O’Dwyer, J., & Allam, B. (2023). Using LASSO regularization to project recruitment under CMIP6 climate scenarios in a coastal fishery with spatial oceanographic gradients. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, (ja).

Czaja Jr, R. E., Hennen, D., Cerrato, R. M., Lwiza, K., Pales-Espinosa, E., O’Dwyer, J., & Allam, B. (2023). Using LASSO regularization to project recruitment under CMIP6 climate scenarios in a coastal fishery with spatial oceanographic gradients. Canadian...

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Hornstein, J., Espinosa, E. P., Cerrato, R. M., Lwiza, K. M., & Allam, B. (2018). The influence of temperature stress on the physiology of the Atlantic surfclam, Spisula solidissima. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative...