Renfro, A. A., Cochran, J. K., Hirschberg, D. J., Bokuniewicz, H. J., & Goodbred, S. L. (2016). The sediment budget of an urban coastal lagoon (Jamaica Bay, NY) determined using 234Th and 210Pb. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 180, 136-149....
Knoll, K., Landman, N. H., Cochran, J. K., Macleod, K. G., & Sessa, J. A. (2016). Microstructural preservation and the effects of diagenesis on the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of Late Cretaceous aragonitic mollusks from the Gulf Coastal Plain and the...
Rahman, S., Aller, R. C., & Cochran, J. K. (2016). Cosmogenic 32Si reveals biogenic silica burial in deltas rivals the Southern Ocean siliceous ooze. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 7124-7142. PDF Rahman_et_al_Cosmogenic 32Si delta BSi...
Wang, W.-L., Armstrong, R. A., Cochran, J. K., and Heilbrun, C. (2016) 230Th and 234Th as coupled tracers of particle cycling in the ocean: A maximum likelihood approach., Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 111, 61-70.,...
Landman, N. H., Kruta, I., Denton, J. S., & Cochran, J. K. (2016). Getting unhooked: comment on the hypothesis that heteromorph ammonites were attached to kelp branches on the sea floor, as proposed by. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 82(2), 351-355.
Bokuniewicz, H., Cochran, J. K., Garcia-Orellana, J., Rodellas, V., Daniel, J. W., & Heilbrun, C. (2015). Intertidal percolation through beach sands as a source of 224,223 Ra to Long Island Sound, New York, and Connecticut, United States. Journal of Marine...
Sessa, J. A., E. Larina, K. Knoll, M. Garb, J. K. Cochran, B. T. Huber, K. G. MacLeod, and N. H. Landman (2015) Ammonite habitat revealed via isotopic composition and comparisons with co-occurring benthic and planktonic organisms. Proceedings Nat. Acad. Sci. DOI...
Landman, N. H., J. C. Grier, J. W. Grier, J. K. Cochran, and S. M. Klofak (2015) 3-D orientation and distribution of ammonites in a concretion from the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale of Montana. Swiss J Palaeontol. DOI 10.1007/s13358-015-0084-z.
Cochran, J. K., N. H. Landman, N. L. Larson, K. C. Meehan, M. Garb, and J. Brezina (2015) Geochemical evidence (C and Sr isotopes) for methane seeps as ammonite habitats in the Late Cretaceous (Campanian) Western Interior Seaway. Swiss J Palaeontol. DOI...
Lara-Martín, P. A., Renfro, A., Cochran, K., & Brownawell, B. (2015). Geochronologies of pharmaceuticals in a sewage-impacted estuarine urban setting (Jamaica bay, NY). Environmental Science & Technology DOI: 10.1021/es506009v
Tamborski, J. J., Rogers, A. D., Bokuniewicz, H. J., Cochran, J. K., & Young, C. R. (2015). Identification and quantification of diffuse fresh submarine groundwater discharge via airborne thermal infrared remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment, 171,...
Bokuniewicz, H., Cochran, J. K., Garcia-Orellana, J., Rodellas, V., Daniel, J. W., & Heilbrun, C. (2015). Intertidal percolation through beach sands as a source of 224,223 Ra to Long Island Sound, New York, and Connecticut, United States. Journal of Marine...
Rose, P. S., Smith, J. P., Aller, R. C., Cochran, J. K., Swanson, R. L., & Coffin, R. B. (2015). Medically-derived I-131 as a tool for investigating the fate of wastewater nitrogen in aquatic environments.Environmental Science & Technology DOI:...
Landman, N. H., R. H. Mapes, J. K. Cochran, V. Lignier , D. I. Hembree, C. Goiran, E. Folcher, and P. Brunet (2014) An unusual occurrence of Nautilus macromphalus in a cenote in the Loyalty Islands (New Caledonia). PLoS ONE 9(12), e113372....
Cuomo, C., J. K. Cochran, and K. K. Turekian (2014) Geochemistry of the Long Island Sound Estuary in: Long Island Sound, Springer Series on Environmental Management, Springer, New York, pp. 159-201.