Frisk, M. G., Shipley, O. N., Martinez, C. M., McKown, K. A., Zacharias, J. P., & Dunton, K. J. (2019). First Observations of Long‐Distance Migration in a Large Skate Species, the Winter Skate: Implications for Population Connectivity, Ecosystem Dynamics, and...
McCartin, K., Jordaan, A., Sclafani, M., Cerrato, R., & Frisk, M. G. (2019). A New Paradigm in Alewife Migration: Oscillations between Spawning Grounds and Estuarine Habitats. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
Shipley, O. N., Lee, C. S., Fisher, N. S., Burruss, G., Frisk, M. G., Brooks, E. J., … & Madigan, D. J. (2019). Trophodynamics and mercury bioaccumulation in reef and open-ocean fishes from The Bahamas with a focus on two teleost predators. Marine Ecology...
Shipley, O. N., Olin, J. A., Power, M., Cerrato, R. M., & Frisk, M. G. (2018). Questioning assumptions of trophic behavior in a broadly ranging marine predator guild. Ecography.
Siskey, M. R., Shipley, O. N., & Frisk, M. G. Skating on thin ice: Identifying the need for species‐specific data and defined migration ecology of Rajidae spp. Fish and Fisheries.
Ziegler, C. M., Zacharias, J. P., & Frisk, M. G. (2018). Migration diversity, spawning behavior and habitat utilization of Winter Flounder. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, (ja).
Frisk, M. G., Dolan, T. E., McElroy, A. E., Zacharias, J. P., Xu, H., & Hice, L. A. (2018). Assessing the drivers of the collapse of Winter Flounder: Implications for management and recovery. Journal of Sea Research, 141, 1-13.
Shipley, O. N., Murchie, K. J., Frisk, M. G., O’Shea, O. R., Winchester, M. M., Brooks, E. J., … & Power, M. Trophic niche dynamics of three nearshore benthic predators in The Bahamas. Hydrobiologia, 1-12.
Flanagan, A. M., Flood, R. D., Frisk, M. G., Garza, C. D., Lopez, G. R., Maher, N. P. & Cerrato, R. M. (2018). The relationship between observational scale and explained variance in benthic communities. PLoS ONE, 13(1), e0189313.
Shipley, O. N., Murchie, K. J., Frisk, M. G., Brooks, E. J., Shea, O. R., & Power, M. (2017). Low lipid and urea effects and inter-tissue comparisons of stable isotope signatures in three nearshore elasmobranchs. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 579,...
Melnychuk, M. C., Dunton, K. J., Jordaan, A., McKown, K. A., & Frisk, M. G. (2017). Informing conservation strategies for the endangered Atlantic sturgeon using acoustic telemetry and multi‐state mark–recapture models. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(3),...
Martinez, C. M., Duplisea, D. E., Cerrato, R. M., & Frisk, M. G. (2017). Exploration of Trends in Interspecific Abundance-Occupancy Relationships Using Empirically Derived Simulated Communities. PloS one, 12(1), e0170816.
Duplisea, D. E., Frisk, M. G., & Trenkel, V. M. (2016). Extinction Debt and Colonizer Credit on a Habitat Perturbed Fishing Bank. PloS one, 11(11), e0166409.
Sagarese, S. R., Frisk, M. G., Cerrato, R. M., Sosebee, K. A., Musick, J. A., & Rago, P. J. (2016). Diel Variations in Survey Catch Rates and Survey Catchability of Spiny Dogfish and their Pelagic Prey in the Northeast US Continental Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem....