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Sagarese, S.R., M.G. Frisk, R.M. Cerrato, K.A. Sosebee, J.A. Musick, and P.J. Rago. (2015). Spatio-temporal overlap of spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) and commercial fisheries in the northeast US shelf large marine ecosystem. Fish. Bull. 113: 101-120.
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Lopez, G. R., Carey, R., Carlton, J.T., Cerrato, R., Dam, H., DiGiovanni, R., Elphick, C., Frisk, M., Gobler, C., Hice, L., Howell, P., Jordaan, A., Lin, S., Liu, S., Lonsdale, D., McEnroe, M., McKown, K., McManus, G., Orson, R., Peterson, B., Pickerell, C., Rozsa,...
O’Leary, S.J., Dunton, K.J., King, T.L., Frisk, M.G., Chapman, D. D. (2014). Genetic diversity and effective number of breeders of Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrhinchus oxyrhinchus. Conservation Genetics. DOI: 10.1007/s10592-014-0609-9