Heck, S. M., Paparo, C. J., Tinoco, A. I., Vlasak, T. J., Cahill, B. V., Milea, S. V., … & Peterson, B. J. (2024). Nonconsumptive effects of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) on a crustacean mesopredator and the indirect effects on bivalve survival. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 570, 151964.

Heck, S. M., Paparo, C. J., Tinoco, A. I., Vlasak, T. J., Cahill, B. V., Milea, S. V., … & Peterson, B. J. (2024). Nonconsumptive effects of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) on a crustacean mesopredator and the indirect effects on bivalve survival....