M. Kanabar, S. Bauer, Z.M. Ezedum, I.P. Dwyer, W.S.. Moore, G. Rodriguez, A. Mall, A.T. Littleton, M. Yudell, J. Kanabar, W.J. Tucker, E.R. Daniels, M. Iqbal, H. Khan, A. Mirza, J. C. Yu, M. O’Neal, N. Volkenborn, S.T. Pochron. (2021). Roundup negatively impacts the behavior and nerve function of the Madagascar hissing cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-12.

M. Kanabar, S. Bauer, Z.M. Ezedum, I.P. Dwyer, W.S.. Moore, G. Rodriguez, A. Mall, A.T. Littleton, M. Yudell, J. Kanabar, W.J. Tucker, E.R. Daniels, M. Iqbal, H. Khan, A. Mirza, J. C. Yu, M. O’Neal, N. Volkenborn, S.T. Pochron. (2021). Roundup negatively impacts the...