Carissimo, A., Comes, V., Heussner, A., Prime, A. H., Price, R. E., ERAUSO, G., … & Pillot, G. Enrichment of electrotrophic microorganisms from contrasting shallow-sea hydrothermal environments in bioelectrochemical reactors. Frontiers in Microbiology, 16, 1539608.

Carissimo, A., Comes, V., Heussner, A., Prime, A. H., Price, R. E., ERAUSO, G., … & Pillot, G. Enrichment of electrotrophic microorganisms from contrasting shallow-sea hydrothermal environments in bioelectrochemical reactors. Frontiers in Microbiology, 16,...

Carman, N. A., Hausrath, E. M., Celestian, A., Chavez, J., Hermis, N., LaRowe, D. E., … Price, R.E., & Barge, L. M. (2024). Fe/Mg-Silicate Chemical Gardens as Analogs to Silicate-Rich Hydrothermal Chimneys on Early Earth and Mars. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry.

Carman, N. A., Hausrath, E. M., Celestian, A., Chavez, J., Hermis, N., LaRowe, D. E., … Price, R.E., & Barge, L. M. (2024). Fe/Mg-Silicate Chemical Gardens as Analogs to Silicate-Rich Hydrothermal Chimneys on Early Earth and Mars. ACS Earth and Space...

Gutiérrez-Ariza, C., Barge, L. M., Ding, Y., Cardoso, S. S., McGlynn, S. E., Nakamura, R., … Price, R. E., … & Cartwright, J. H. (2024). Magnesium silicate chimneys at the Strytan hydrothermal field, Iceland, as analogues for prebiotic chemistry at alkaline submarine hydrothermal vents on the early Earth. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 11(1), 1-15.

Gutiérrez-Ariza, C., Barge, L. M., Ding, Y., Cardoso, S. S., McGlynn, S. E., Nakamura, R., … Price, R. E., … & Cartwright, J. H. (2024). Magnesium silicate chimneys at the Strytan hydrothermal field, Iceland, as analogues for prebiotic chemistry at...