Pochron, S. T., Sasoun, S., Maharjan, S., Pirzada, W. U., Byrne, S., Girgis, M., … & Khan, S. (2024). Toxicity of a Common Glyphosate Metabolite to the Freshwater Planarian (Girardia tigrina). Sustainability, 16(2), 842.
Pochron, S. T., Sasoun, S., Maharjan, S., Pirzada, W. U., Byrne, S., Girgis, M., … & Khan, S. (2024). Toxicity of a Common Glyphosate Metabolite to the Freshwater Planarian (Girardia tigrina). Sustainability, 16(2), 842.Pochron, S. T., Sasoun, S., Maharjan, S., Pirzada, W. U., Byrne, S. H., Girgis, M., … & Khan, S. (2023). Toxicity of AMPA to the Freshwater Planarian (Girardia tigrina).
Pochron, S. T., Sasoun, S., Maharjan, S., Pirzada, W. U., Byrne, S. H., Girgis, M., … & Khan, S. (2023). Toxicity of AMPA to the Freshwater Planarian (Girardia tigrina).
Huelat, B. J. & Pochron, S. (2023). Taming the Chaos of Dementia: A Caregiver’s Guide to Interventions That Make a Difference. Rowman & Littlefield.
Huelat, B. J. & Pochron, S. (2023). Taming the Chaos of Dementia: A Caregiver’s Guide to Interventions That Make a Difference. Rowman & Littlefield. Huelat, B. J. & Pochron, S. (2023). Taming the Chaos of Dementia: A Caregiver’s Guide to...Pochron, S. T., Mezic, M., Byrne, S., Sasoun, S., Casamassima, A., Kilic, M., … & Beaudet, C. E. Exposure to Roundup Increases Movement Speed and Decreases Body Mass in Earthworms. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 1832.
Pochron, S. T., Mezic, M., Byrne, S., Sasoun, S., Casamassima, A., Kilic, M., … & Beaudet, C. E. Exposure to Roundup Increases Movement Speed and Decreases Body Mass in Earthworms. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 1832.M. Kanabar, S. Bauer, Z.M. Ezedum, I.P. Dwyer, W.S.. Moore, G. Rodriguez, A. Mall, A.T. Littleton, M. Yudell, J. Kanabar, W.J. Tucker, E.R. Daniels, M. Iqbal, H. Khan, A. Mirza, J. C. Yu, M. O’Neal, N. Volkenborn, S.T. Pochron. (2021). Roundup negatively impacts the behavior and nerve function of the Madagascar hissing cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-12.
M. Kanabar, S. Bauer, Z.M. Ezedum, I.P. Dwyer, W.S.. Moore, G. Rodriguez, A. Mall, A.T. Littleton, M. Yudell, J. Kanabar, W.J. Tucker, E.R. Daniels, M. Iqbal, H. Khan, A. Mirza, J. C. Yu, M. O’Neal, N. Volkenborn, S.T. Pochron. (2021). Roundup negatively impacts the...Pochron, S. T., Mirza, A., Mezic, M., Chung, E., Ezedum, Z., Geraci, G., … & Tucker, W. J. Earthworms Eisenia fetida recover from Roundup exposure. Applied Soil Ecology, 158, 103793.
Pochron, S. T., Mirza, A., Mezic, M., Chung, E., Ezedum, Z., Geraci, G., … & Tucker, W. J. Earthworms Eisenia fetida recover from Roundup exposure. Applied Soil Ecology, 158, 103793.Huelat, B., & Pochron, S. T. (2020). Stress in the Volunteer Caregiver: Human-Centric Technology Can Support Both Caregivers and People with Dementia. Medicina, 56(6), 257.
Huelat, B., & Pochron, S. T. (2020). Stress in the Volunteer Caregiver: Human-Centric Technology Can Support Both Caregivers and People with Dementia. Medicina, 56(6), 257.Pochron, S., Simon, L., Mirza, A., Littleton, A., Sahebzada, F., & Yudell, M. (2019). Glyphosate but not Roundup® harms earthworms (Eisenia fetida). Chemosphere, 125017.
Pochron, S., Simon, L., Mirza, A., Littleton, A., Sahebzada, F., & Yudell, M. (2019). Glyphosate but not Roundup® harms earthworms (Eisenia fetida). Chemosphere, 125017.Pochron, S., Choudhury, M., Gomez, R., Hussaini, S., Illuzzi, K., Mann, M., Mezic, M., Nikakis, J. & Tucker, C. (2019). Temperature and body mass drive earthworm (Eisenia fetida) sensitivity to a popular glyphosate-based herbicide. Applied Soil Ecology.
Pochron, S., Choudhury, M., Gomez, R., Hussaini, S., Illuzzi, K., Mann, M., Mezic, M., Nikakis, J. & Tucker, C. (2019). Temperature and body mass drive earthworm (Eisenia fetida) sensitivity to a popular glyphosate-based herbicide. Applied Soil Ecology.Pochron, S., Nikakis, J., Illuzzi, K. et al. (2018). Exposure to aged crumb rubber reduces survival time during a stress test in earthworms (Eisenia fetida). Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-1433-4
Pochron S, Nikakis J, Illuzzi K, Baatz A, Demirciyan L, Dhillon A, Gaylor T, Manganaro A, Maritato N, Moawad M, Singh R, Tucker C, Vaughan D. (2018). Exposure to aged crumb rubber reduces survival time during a stress test in earthworms (Eisenia fetida). Environ Sci...Pochron, S., Fiorenza, A., Sperl, C., Ledda, B., Patterson, C., Tucker, C., … & Panico, N. (2017). The response of earthworms (Eisenia fetida) and soil microbes to the crumb rubber material used in artificial turf fields. Chemosphere.
Pochron, S., Fiorenza, A., Sperl, C., Ledda, B., Patterson, C., Tucker, C., … & Panico, N. (2017). The response of earthworms (Eisenia fetida) and soil microbes to the crumb rubber material used in artificial turf fields. Chemosphere.