Doherty, A. C., Lee, C. S., Meng, Q., Sakano, Y., Noble, A. E., Grant, K. A., Esposito, A., Gobler, C.J. & Venkatesan, A. K. (2022). Contribution of household and personal care products to 1, 4-dioxane contamination of drinking water. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 100414.

Doherty, A. C., Lee, C. S., Meng, Q., Sakano, Y., Noble, A. E., Grant, K. A., Esposito, A., Gobler, C.J. & Venkatesan, A. K. (2022). Contribution of household and personal care products to 1, 4-dioxane contamination of drinking water. Current Opinion in...

Venkatesan, A. K., Lee, C. S., & Gobler, C. (2022). Hydroxyl-radical based advanced oxidation processes can increase perfluoroalkyl substances beyond drinking water standards: Results from a pilot study. Science of The Total Environment, 157577.

Venkatesan, A. K., Lee, C. S., & Gobler, C. (2022). Hydroxyl-radical based advanced oxidation processes can increase perfluoroalkyl substances beyond drinking water standards: Results from a pilot study. Science of The Total Environment, 157577.

Young, C. S., Lee, C. S., Sylvers, L. H., Venkatesan, A. K., & Gobler, C. J. (2022). The invasive red seaweed, Dasysiphonia japonica, forms harmful algal blooms: Mortality in early life stage fish and bivalves and identification of putative toxins. Harmful Algae, 118, 102294.

Young, C. S., Lee, C. S., Sylvers, L. H., Venkatesan, A. K., & Gobler, C. J. (2022). The invasive red seaweed, Dasysiphonia japonica, forms harmful algal blooms: Mortality in early life stage fish and bivalves and identification of putative toxins. Harmful Algae,...