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Ridley, H.E., Y. Asmerom, J.U.L. Baldini, S.F.M. Breitenbach, V.V. Aquino, K.M. Prufer, Brendan J. Culleton, V. Polyak, F.A. Lechleitner, D.J. Kennett, M. Zhang, N. Marwan, C.G. Macpherson, L.M. Baldini, T. Xiao, J.L. Peterkin, J. Awe, G.H. Haug, 2015: Aerosol forcing...

Zhang, M., 2015. Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models: Physical Processes. P144-152, In: Gerald R.North (editor-in-chief), John Pyle and Fuqing Zhang (editors). Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 4, pp. 144–152. ISBN: 9780123822253, 2998pp, Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd.

Zhang, M., 2015. Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models: Physical Processes. P144-152, In: Gerald R.North (editor-in-chief), John Pyle and Fuqing Zhang (editors). Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 4, pp. 144–152. ISBN: 9780123822253, 2998pp, Copyright ©...

Feng, S., Li, Z., Liu, Y., Lin, W., Zhang, M., Toto, T., … & Endo, S. (2015). Development of fine‐resolution analyses and expanded large‐scale forcing properties: 2. Scale awareness and application to single‐column model experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

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Tang, S., & Zhang, M. (2015). Three‐dimensional constrained variational analysis: Approach and application to analysis of atmospheric diabatic heating and derivative fields during an ARM SGP intensive observational period. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

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Zhang, Minghua (2015). Sea-level rise in New York in the 21st Century: Projection and methodology. New York State Resilience Institute for Storms and Emergencies (NYS RISE), NYS RISE Technical Report TR-0-15-01, 29 pp (available at http://nysrise.org/news/reports/).

Zhang, Minghua (2015). Sea-level rise in New York in the 21st Century: Projection and methodology. New York State Resilience Institute for Storms and Emergencies (NYS RISE), NYS RISE Technical Report TR-0-15-01, 29 pp (available at...

Tang, S., & Zhang, M. (2015). Three‐dimensional constrained variational analysis: Approach and application to analysis of atmospheric diabatic heating and derivative fields during an ARM SGP intensive observational period. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120(15), 7283-7299.

Tang, S., & Zhang, M. (2015). Three‐dimensional constrained variational analysis: Approach and application to analysis of atmospheric diabatic heating and derivative fields during an ARM SGP intensive observational period. Journal of Geophysical Research:...

Li, Z., Feng, S., Liu, Y., Lin, W., Zhang, M., Toto, T., … & Endo, S. (2015). Development of fine‐resolution analyses and expanded large‐scale forcing properties: 1. Methodology and evaluation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Li, Z., Feng, S., Liu, Y., Lin, W., Zhang, M., Toto, T., … & Endo, S. (2015). Development of fine‐resolution analyses and expanded large‐scale forcing properties: 1. Methodology and evaluation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.