joshstollJoshua Stoll, a former Knauss fellow and co-founder of Walking Fish and, visited Stony Brook Marine Conservation and Policy (MCP) students on October 4, 2013. Stoll, a graduate of Duke University’s Coastal and Environmental Management program, shared his experiences and advice on finding a job in the field of marine conservation and being successful with a conservation degree.

“You have to aim high. Go to the best, tell them what you want to do and why they should hire you. You’d be surprised how much of it is just asking for what you want,” says Stoll.

Stoll served as a policy analyst for the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and continues to work with a number of organizations that link consumers to community-supported fisheries.  He is currently enrolled in a PhD program at the University of Maine in the School of Marine Science. 

Stoll was the first of six guest speakers this semester to speak with MCP students about their experiences working in marine conservation and policy and their advice for up-and-coming students.