Technology Assessment


Technology assessment

Sports Psych 1

Assessment of end-user’s IT infrastructure: The platform is mobile. End-users are anyone and they don’t need to know too much since the app will be easy to use. It will be an app running on Android devices.

Assessment of the development tools to build the software prototype: It is an app that collects data and gives feedback. It should be available for all Android users. The app is intended for Stony Brook University athletes and coaches, but it can be used outside Stony Brook University. We use google flutter to create the app because the code can be written once and it runs everywhere. For data security, the data will be stored in the database and we use TLS to communicate to ensure security. The app should be usable any time once released. The users can enter data into the app and get feedback. Also, we use Android Studio as the development environment so that we can debug with the virtual emulator. The admen interface is going to be similar to the students’ interface just to keep the same style of the app. It is going to be an Android only because Android has fewer strict rules than IOS. Furthermore, flutter can reduce code development time through its “hot reload” feature that allows applying the changes instantly. And lastly, flutter allows animated, custom UI which will make our app more attractive to other people.


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