Anna Friz is a sound and radio artist, and media studies scholar. Since 1998, she has created and presented new audio art and radiophonic works internationally in which radio is often the source, subject, and medium of the work. She also composes atmospheric sound works and sonic installations for theater, dance, film, and solo performance that reflect upon public media culture, media ecologies, political landscapes and infrastructure, time perception, the intimacy of signal space, and speculative fictions. Current projects include We Build Ruins, a large-scale sound-focused media art installation expressively considering mining and industrial corridors in the high-altitude deserts in northern Chile, and ongoing projects concerning radio beacons, air traffic control, and military monitoring vs. citizen listening.
Gabriel Giorgi works on Latin American contemporary literatures, art and cinema, with a focus on the Southern Cone and Brazil. Biopolitics, the non-human, and queerness articulate many of his critical interventions. He has published “Sueños de exterminio. Homosexualidad y representación en la literatura argentina contemporánea” (Rosario, Beatriz Viterbo, 2004), “Formas comunes. Animalidad, biopolítica, cultura” (Buenos Aires, Eterna Cadencia, 2014; translated into Portuguese in 2016) and more recently, in collaboration with Ana Kiffer, “Las vueltas del odio. Gestos, escrituras, políticas” (Buenos Aires, Eterna Cadencia, 2020; published in Brazil in 2019) He has also co-edited with Fermin Rodriguez the anthology “Excesos de vida. Ensayos sobre biopolítica” ( Buenos Aires, Paidós, 2007) Besides NYU he has been visiting professor at universities in Argentina, Brazil and Ecuador. His articles have been published in USA, Spain and Latin America.