Author Archives: Amie Vedral Cohen

Showcase Award Winners!

I am excited to announce the winning posters from last week’s SSO Conference: Online Poster Showcase!
Award for Best Poster: Judges’ Choice goes to…
Award for Best Poster: People’s Choice goes to…

Congratulations to all whose posters were showcased, and thanks to all who participated!

Welcome to SSO’s 2020 Virtual Poster Showcase

For 2020 the SSO Conference has gone virtual!

Please view and comment on the winning work from each SSO101 section for the Socioeconomic Impact of Natural Disasters Electronic Poster project, by scrolling down for previous posts! You can also view select works in our very own virtual reality gallery! This event is asynchronous so students can log in and view posters on their own time from Tuesday December 1 to Thursday December 3.

To earn EXPAND credit for SSO101, please view each of the posters, vote for a winner in our People’s Choice Poll, and submit your reflection on Blackboard.